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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Coge is the strong and silent type lol. He's been around a couple of times that I remember. ^^ Waves!


... i have a very bad memory :o My bad!


My dear Major, it would seem that it's official you have a partner in crime, and the rest of us are assured plenty of adventures. Which reminds me, has anyone seen Gertrude...and *snaps fingers* Benjamin, the other lightsaber, Orangenee uses to enforce with? Maybe Sarova took them out for sharpening or...recharging or what ever it is you do to lightsabers. :p


Theron: Haven't seen.....them............ :jawa_cool:

Quinn: *muttering* I hate that look.

Theron: Is this another job for the Quinn and Shan detective agency?

Quinn: NO!


Theron: What? Why not?

Let me finish writing THIS one first, 'kay!? ...and editing a friend's short story.

Theron: When's that story due?

Thursday, so I'm getting it done either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Theron: Weeeeeell, hurry up!

Quinn: Let us get one thing straight, Shan: You are not in charge. This is still my thread. You may be reinstated as a...slightly...more permanent member...*grumble grumble*...but this is still, first and foremost, my thread.

Theron: Fine.

Quinn: Very good.

Theron: But I'm the POV character for the Quinn and Shan Detective Agency stories, so there.


Theron: ...that...was a noise like nothing I've ever heard before. Like a dying bull moose.

Quinn: It takes more than that to kill a bull moose, Shan.

Theron: *sarcastic applause*


Theron's only the POV character because it's hard to come up with tortured similes and metaphors while keeping loosely to Quinn's character...or the rather warped version that is Purple Quinn, that is. XD

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Coge is the strong and silent type lol. He's been around a couple of times that I remember. ^^ Waves!


My dear Major, it would seem that it's official you have a partner in crime, and the rest of us are assured plenty of adventures. Which reminds me, has anyone seen Gertrude...and *snaps fingers* Benjamin, the other lightsaber, Orangenee uses to enforce with? Maybe Sarova took them out for sharpening or...recharging or what ever it is you do to lightsabers. :p


S'up :rak_01: Maybe strong in smell but silent is true.


Whoo! Scared another lurker out of hiding! :jawa_evil:


... I mean, ah, thank you. Eh heheheheheh...


Theron: ...does this mean I get to stay?

Quinn: NO--

It's looking pretty likely. I believe we're in a majority vote of "stay" vs. "go." :D

Quinn: *fuming*


Quinn: Now I'm the one being betrayed.

Theron: I thought that was standard behaviour around here?

Quinn: ...you insulted yourself with that one, you know.

Theron: [grumble] Touche.


Lurker is true too. I lurk there fore I am. :rak_03:

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Erm, hey guys and gals.


I know I kind of made a big dramatic Batman thing back there but......I lost my lightsabers.


Their names are Gertrude and Benjamin, kinda can't do the enforcing thing without them. It could be nothing, likely Vette put them in the washing machine again (I told her hand wash only but what can you do) but if you see them could you get in touch.




Did you take her shock collar off? If no, shock her; if her, make Malavai punish her according to military regulations. Won't teach her a lesson but should be fun to watch. :rak_03:

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OK, so a little bit of good news. I found Gertrude in Quintastics sizeable codpiece. I didn't ask why she was in there but I guess Quinn can turn anything into a lustful beast.


Benjamin has yet to found, I force choked the entire population of Alderaan as that has many, many Quinfidels on it anyway, to see if he was there. Bupkis.


The mystery continues but I have a source in Imperial Intelligence that may indicate an inside job within my own alliance. Yet another traitor, don't know why I haven't dissolved it yet.

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OK, so a little bit of good news. I found Gertrude in Quintastics sizeable codpiece. I didn't ask why she was in there but I guess Quinn can turn anything into a lustful beast.


Benjamin has yet to found, I force choked the entire population of Alderaan as that has many, many Quinfidels on it anyway, to see if he was there. Bupkis.


The mystery continues but I have a source in Imperial Intelligence that may indicate an inside job within my own alliance. Yet another traitor, don't know why I haven't dissolved it yet.


You announced it, so I'm sure Theron already added it to his quadruple-agent list, and will find it for you in no time. The culprit too!

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Suddenly I've got a certain King Missile song stuck in my head, but never mind.


Jagaimee since you asked, maybe Quinn could have guest star visitors? That might be fun, that might keep Quinn happy and.. I was going to say exercised, like as if he's our pet hamster or something. But I stopped myself. :o


And I hope someday they'll do some more investigating together even if they never find the culprit. I suspect Toovee personally, there was this one time I was on holo with Darth Marr and Toovee accidentally blasted the soundtrack from Cats through the ship. /sigh Good times.. not so much for for the droid sadly..

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Jagaimee since you asked, maybe Quinn could have guest star visitors? That might be fun, that might keep Quinn happy and.. I was going to say exercised, like as if he's our pet hamster or something. But I stopped myself. :o

^^This is a great idea! This means we could get guest appearances by Silver Shan and any other companion lovelies we choose :D Also, maybe keeping Quinn "on his toes" might be a good expression to use rather than exercised :p

Edit: who else wants to see Quinn and Vector (when he's back)?


As the new Shan thread has been made to look almost exactly like our Empress/Emperor Consort Malavai Quinn's original and best thread, I clicked it by mistake and got the shock of my life when I saw only 8 pages :eek: Then I realised it was not for Quinn. Phew!

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^^This is a great idea! This means we could get guest appearances by Silver Shan and any other companion lovelies we choose :D Also, maybe keeping Quinn "on his toes" might be a good expression to use rather than exercised :p

Edit: who else wants to see Quinn and Vector (when he's back)?


First, thank you, much better wording :D Second, I do I do I do! I want them to meet so badly :o

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Jagaimee since you asked, maybe Quinn could have guest star visitors? That might be fun, that might keep Quinn happy and.. I was going to say exercised, like as if he's our pet hamster or something. But I stopped myself. :o


And I hope someday they'll do some more investigating together even if they never find the culprit. I suspect Toovee personally, there was this one time I was on holo with Darth Marr and Toovee accidentally blasted the soundtrack from Cats through the ship. /sigh Good times.. not so much for for the droid sadly..



Quinn: GUEST STAR VISITORS!? Wha--whose thread IS this!? :mad: My lord, I must protest!

I don't. :D Who do you guys want to see? Vector? Someone else?

Quinn: *mouthing No, no, no, no, no and doing the throat-slashing motion - cut it out!*

Oh hush, it'll be fun!

Quinn: And for the record, my lord Darth Grania, I am not a pet hamster. *deadpan expression* I am a pet Quinnster.

I always knew you had it in you to make a joke.

Quinn: *facepalm*


That...sounds like something Toovee would do, all right. o.O

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Quinn: GUEST STAR VISITORS!? Wha--whose thread IS this!? :mad: My lord, I must protest!

I don't. :D Who do you guys want to see? Vector? Someone else?

Quinn: *mouthing No, no, no, no, no and doing the throat-slashing motion - cut it out!*

Oh hush, it'll be fun!

Quinn: And for the record, my lord Darth Grania, I am not a pet hamster. *deadpan expression* I am a pet Quinnster.

I always knew you had it in you to make a joke.

Quinn: *facepalm*


That...sounds like something Toovee would do, all right. o.O


Brilliant idea! Love it. And Major, just think of it like this, you could be the host of your very talk show even. In fact, I wonder, who it is, that you, my dear Malavai would enjoy having as a guest. You could be our very own Graham Norton, or John Oliver :D If it were up to me, I would request Vector, Lord Scourge, Doc, or Jonas Balkar. Or ask the Grand Admiral for suggestions. Wonderful idea, I very much approve. :D

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Quinn: And for the record, my lord Darth Grania, I am not a pet hamster. *deadpan expression* I am a pet Quinnster.

I always knew you had it in you to make a joke.

Quinn: *facepalm*


Of course darling, whatever you prefer (;

/scratches behind purple Quinn's ear


I hope you're not too overwhelmed with the idea, I don't expect you to like, just be able to write any character and anything just because I asked, I mean I don't want you to feel pressured, just write whatever you want whenever you want :o

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I hope you're not too overwhelmed with the idea, I don't expect you to like, just be able to write any character and anything just because I asked, I mean I don't want you to feel pressured, just write whatever you want whenever you want :o


No no no, it's fun! :D Seriously, I like doing this. I love to write, but often find myself short on inspiration when it comes to actual stories - stuff like Purple Quinn/Silver Theron/Misty-Green Vector or whoever is fun and honestly refreshing to write. Gives me a bit of motivation to go work on those actual stories. So no, I'm not overwhelmed or pressured or anything. I'm looking forward to it! :jawa_evil:


Brilliant idea! Love it. And Major, just think of it like this, you could be the host of your very talk show even. In fact, I wonder, who it is, that you, my dear Malavai would enjoy having as a guest. You could be our very own Graham Norton, or John Oliver :D If it were up to me, I would request Vector, Lord Scourge, Doc, or Jonas Balkar. Or ask the Grand Admiral for suggestions. Wonderful idea, I very much approve. :D


Quinn: Well, let's see now. I already punched out Doc, so I doubt he'd want to show up again.

You could go for Round Two.

Quinn: ... true. I wouldn't mind Vector. I think. Lord Scourge... *eye twitch* ...traitor. And Jonas--who?

Jonas Balkar. :D ...that guy who keeps flirting with my female trooper even though she's completely and utterly confused by flirting. And only has (reluctant) eyes for Jorgan, anyways.

Quinn: So, Republic, then.

SIS agent, in fact.

Quinn: There already is an SIS agent here...

Jonas is...hm...think Theron mixed with a less sleazy Doc.

Quinn: :eek:

You're going to have to be at your purple-est to keep your fangirls with that combination.

Quinn: *righteously indignant* :mad:

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Benjamin has been found. Turns out it was the alliance janitor who betrayed me this time. Something involving a pay dispute. He gets the same pay as everybody else, he doesn't get force choked. More than adequate remuneration for his services.


A sect of Kaliyonites has been located on Hutta, so if anybody needs me they can contact me via the Hutts.

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No no no, it's fun! :D Seriously, I like doing this. I love to write, but often find myself short on inspiration when it comes to actual stories - stuff like Purple Quinn/Silver Theron/Misty-Green Vector or whoever is fun and honestly refreshing to write. Gives me a bit of motivation to go work on those actual stories. So no, I'm not overwhelmed or pressured or anything. I'm looking forward to it! :jawa_evil:




Quinn: Well, let's see now. I already punched out Doc, so I doubt he'd want to show up again.

You could go for Round Two.

Quinn: ... true. I wouldn't mind Vector. I think. Lord Scourge... *eye twitch* ...traitor. And Jonas--who?

Jonas Balkar. :D ...that guy who keeps flirting with my female trooper even though she's completely and utterly confused by flirting. And only has (reluctant) eyes for Jorgan, anyways.

Quinn: So, Republic, then.

SIS agent, in fact.

Quinn: There already is an SIS agent here...

Jonas is...hm...think Theron mixed with a less sleazy Doc.

Quinn: :eek:

You're going to have to be at your purple-est to keep your fangirls with that combination.

Quinn: *righteously indignant* :mad:


My dear Quinn, I only thought to challenge you, not to give you ocular spasms. Again. You could always interview a Darth...Ghost Marr, Ravage...that might be fun.



Benjamin has been found. Turns out it was the alliance janitor who betrayed me this time. Something involving a pay dispute. He gets the same pay as everybody else, he doesn't get force choked. More than adequate remuneration for his services.


A sect of Kaliyonites has been located on Hutta, so if anybody needs me they can contact me via the Hutts.



Ah good, mystery solved then. Ah, Kaliyonites...I can see why the weapons needed to be found ASAP. :cool:

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Quinn: Well, let's see now. I already punched out Doc, so I doubt he'd want to show up again.

You could go for Round Two.

Quinn: ... true. I wouldn't mind Vector. I think. Lord Scourge... *eye twitch* ...traitor. And Jonas--who?

Jonas Balkar. :D ...that guy who keeps flirting with my female trooper even though she's completely and utterly confused by flirting. And only has (reluctant) eyes for Jorgan, anyways.

Quinn: So, Republic, then.

SIS agent, in fact.

Quinn: There already is an SIS agent here...

Jonas is...hm...think Theron mixed with a less sleazy Doc.

Quinn: :eek:

You're going to have to be at your purple-est to keep your fangirls with that combination.

Quinn: *righteously indignant* :mad:


The return of Doc - that has the potential to be hilarious. Quinn meeting Zenith? That could be interesting, depending on where Zenith has been all this time. Quinn meets Khem Val? Recipe for disaster! Has Quinn met Koth yet? They have a lot in common! And then there are the alliance specialists - Dr Oggurrob might want to study Quinn's brain to understand why he was prepared to go to prison for years rather than deny the existence of his wife :D

I, personally, can't wait for my suggestion of Quinn meeting Vector (well, Vector is a forum rival, after all).

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Quinn: Interviewing a Darth would be my highest honor--

*door opens*

Quinn: *whirls around* !?

???: Hello.

Quinn: ...oh. *sigh* Greetings, Vector.

Vector: Major. *bows his head to Quinn* Are you well?

Quinn: Relatively.

Vector: That is...an unexpected relief.

Quinn: Really? I think I'm the one who's relieved... *mutters* compared to most people, you're downright sane. And that's with the bugs. *out loud* Anyway, what were you saying?

Vector: We sensed discordant harmonies from within the thread. We were concerned.

Quinn: "Discordant harmonies."

Vector: The Song spoke of intense jealousy.

Quinn: ...I wouldn't know anything about that.

Vector: And of mildly homicidal tendencies. Mostly involving anvils, and a certain SIS agent. Hence our concern.

Quinn: No idea what you're talking about.

Vector: Ah. Indeed. *small smile* And then anvil hanging over the door?

Quinn: ......a precautionary measure against rampaging Jaesas. *cough*

Vector: Hopefully against Kaliyo, as well. Although we are not sure even an anvil falling on her head would actually kill her. Perhaps it is best not to try...again.

Quinn: Hmph. Kaliyo's head is so thick it would take several anvils. Plus a few Star Destroyers.

Vector: The nest cautions against overt violence. In truth, we attempted to take out Kaliyo once at the behest of the Agent. *wince* The fingerlings became too excited. Kaliyo caught on to our plan. In retaliation, she forced us to watch holovids of exterminators clearing ant nests.

Quinn: ...

Vector: It was horrifying.

Quinn: ...I take back what I said about your sanity.


(THEY GET ALONG WELL. ...mostly. XD)

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Quinn: Interviewing a Darth would be my highest honor--

*door opens*

Quinn: *whirls around* !?

???: Hello.

Quinn: ...oh. *sigh* Greetings, Vector.

Vector: Major. *bows his head to Quinn* Are you well?

Quinn: Relatively.

Vector: That is...an unexpected relief.

Quinn: Really? I think I'm the one who's relieved... *mutters* compared to most people, you're downright sane. And that's with the bugs. *out loud* Anyway, what were you saying?

Vector: We sensed discordant harmonies from within the thread. We were concerned.

Quinn: "Discordant harmonies."

Vector: The Song spoke of intense jealousy.

Quinn: ...I wouldn't know anything about that.

Vector: And of mildly homicidal tendencies. Mostly involving anvils, and a certain SIS agent. Hence our concern.

Quinn: No idea what you're talking about.

Vector: Ah. Indeed. *small smile* And then anvil hanging over the door?

Quinn: ......a precautionary measure against rampaging Jaesas. *cough*

Vector: Hopefully against Kaliyo, as well. Although we are not sure even an anvil falling on her head would actually kill her. Perhaps it is best not to try...again.

Quinn: Hmph. Kaliyo's head is so thick it would take several anvils. Plus a few Star Destroyers.

Vector: The nest cautions against overt violence. In truth, we attempted to take out Kaliyo once at the behest of the Agent. *wince* The fingerlings became too excited. Kaliyo caught on to our plan. In retaliation, she forced us to watch holovids of exterminators clearing ant nests.

Quinn: ...

Vector: It was horrifying.

Quinn: ...I take back what I said about your sanity.


(THEY GET ALONG WELL. ...mostly. XD)

/thumbs up

This makes me hate Kaliyo so much more! Don't let her into the thread - you know she will instantly come up with an unpleasant plan for our Prince & Consort :rolleyes:

In my fantasy world, I imagine Quinn being very tolerant of Killiks and Imperial Joiners as he would understand the strategic advantage. The fact Vector is joined to an insectoid species would not phase Quinn or cross his mind to point out. I imagine he'd be fascinated to know from Vector how being joined has improved him. In fact, I reckon Quinn, Vector and Dr Lokin (resident rakghoul) would be good friends.

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/thumbs up

This makes me hate Kaliyo so much more! Don't let her into the thread - you know she will instantly come up with an unpleasant plan for our Prince & Consort :rolleyes:

In my fantasy world, I imagine Quinn being very tolerant of Killiks and Imperial Joiners as he would understand the strategic advantage. The fact Vector is joined to an insectoid species would not phase Quinn or cross his mind to point out. I imagine he'd be fascinated to know from Vector how being joined has improved him. In fact, I reckon Quinn, Vector and Dr Lokin (resident rakghoul) would be good friends.


And Talos! Don't forget adorable little Talos! He'd fit right in with the acedemically inclined Imperials.

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Kaliyo will not enter this thread. I will unleash a purge so fearsome it will make post-beer and vindaloo morning after look like the Garden of Eden.


Consider yourselves warned. 10 billion souls were vacated to the next plane btw, kaliyonites grow fast if left unchecked.


I had to employ a third lightsaber Jeremy to get that done.

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I had to employ a third lightsaber Jeremy to get that done.


.. okay never mind the all the absurd ways I tried to imagine you accomplishing this, now I really wish we had a mordenkainen's sword type ability in this game. I can't be bothered to carry my vibrosword in my hand anymore.

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And Talos! Don't forget adorable little Talos! He'd fit right in with the acedemically inclined Imperials.

I did think of Talos but left him out because iirc didn't a certain Purple Quinn have to dance for money and try to explain it away to Mr Drellik :D (or did I dream that...). Not sure Talos would take him seriously after that. But then, I'm sure Talos would understand the needs of the fan girls!

Malavai Quinn, Dr Eckard Lokin, Vector Hyllus and Lt Talos Drellik for tea, strategy and philosophy then :D Are their any more intellectual companions? Yuun is clever, however imagine having to explain Quinnmancing (or any mancing) to Yuun. He might explode. Scourge maybe? He's a little jaded by being immortal though.

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If Kaliyo gets it in her head to try and wriggle her way into this thread... I swear I'm resurrecting the Eradicators and firing all of them straight at her. :jawa_evil:

Quinn: *slowly takes hand away from activation switch* :jawa_angel:

???: What was that?

Quinn: *jumps* I wish you wouldn't keep--Talos!?

Talos: *peering at the activation switch* Oh. It's something modern...out of my area of expertise, then.

Quinn: *yelling at the unseen Quinnmancers* Am I to have a parade of people bothering me at all hours!?

Talos: *delighted gasp* Ohhh, are you talking to the Force Ghost of...

*lights dramatically darken*

Talos: Figwit??

Quinn: .........whatever I was expecting, it wasn't that.

Talos: The Force Ghost of Figwit. It's a local rumor, nothing serious, but for a moment I thought you'd found a way to actually contact him! Ha, imagine that! :D

Quinn: A Force-ghost. Here. In this thread.

Talos; Oh, yes. They say he can be called up by immense amounts of fangirling!

Quinn: :eek:

Talos: Well, I must be off. If you see that ghost, kindly let me know. I'd love to ask him a few questions - but at a later time. I unearthed a pre-Rakatan device that's currently calling my name...I think it's a toaster. With blonde hair. Hm. The lost technology of some ancient age... well, ta-ta! *happily leaves, whistling a jaunty tune*

Quinn: . . . STOP FANGIRLING!!

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I did think of Talos but left him out because iirc didn't a certain Purple Quinn have to dance for money and try to explain it away to Mr Drellik :D (or did I dream that...). Not sure Talos would take him seriously after that. But then, I'm sure Talos would understand the needs of the fan girls!


Nope, you didn't dream that. :p Purple Quinn was replaced on Iokath by a malfunctioning QuinnBot that Talos, Lokin, Tharan Cedrax, and I forget one other person (?) worked on. It went...catastrophically wrong, hence the very lackluster reunion.

The dancing for money part was a bit later. I think. ...gah, wish I could find that again! D:



no i absolutely did NOT look for the better part of an hour for that post.......

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Quinn: Interviewing a Darth would be my highest honor--

*door opens*

Quinn: *whirls around* !?

???: Hello.

Quinn: ...oh. *sigh* Greetings, Vector.

Vector: Major. *bows his head to Quinn* Are you well?

Quinn: Relatively.

Vector: That is...an unexpected relief.

Quinn: Really? I think I'm the one who's relieved... *mutters* compared to most people, you're downright sane. And that's with the bugs. *out loud* Anyway, what were you saying?

Vector: We sensed discordant harmonies from within the thread. We were concerned.

Quinn: "Discordant harmonies."

Vector: The Song spoke of intense jealousy.

Quinn: ...I wouldn't know anything about that.

Vector: And of mildly homicidal tendencies. Mostly involving anvils, and a certain SIS agent. Hence our concern.

Quinn: No idea what you're talking about.

Vector: Ah. Indeed. *small smile* And then anvil hanging over the door?

Quinn: ......a precautionary measure against rampaging Jaesas. *cough*

Vector: Hopefully against Kaliyo, as well. Although we are not sure even an anvil falling on her head would actually kill her. Perhaps it is best not to try...again.

Quinn: Hmph. Kaliyo's head is so thick it would take several anvils. Plus a few Star Destroyers.

Vector: The nest cautions against overt violence. In truth, we attempted to take out Kaliyo once at the behest of the Agent. *wince* The fingerlings became too excited. Kaliyo caught on to our plan. In retaliation, she forced us to watch holovids of exterminators clearing ant nests.

Quinn: ...

Vector: It was horrifying.

Quinn: ...I take back what I said about your sanity.


(THEY GET ALONG WELL. ...mostly. XD)


*squees* Vector, so adorable. <3


I think we should definitely exterminate this thing called Kaliyo, it offends my sensibilities and that anyone could be so vile toward our revered guest, Vector, is beyond my Sithly comprehension. I loved seeing our dear Major with Master Hyllus. Thank you Grand Admiral!

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