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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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For those not on my Twitter, I found a rather funny bit in the Agent storyline while I was playing my Quinn-clone where he gets asked about his part in Druckenwell. Oh the irony....



That's awesome :D Fits so well, couldn't be more perfect, I love it.

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For those not on my Twitter, I found a rather funny bit in the Agent storyline while I was playing my Quinn-clone where he gets asked about his part in Druckenwell. Oh the irony....



Quinn: *teeth gritted* ... yes, I was at Druckenwell. You'll find all official mentions stricken from record and replaced by "Moff Broysc won the day, end of story, stop asking." *suppressed quiver of anger* No I don't still have a grudge, why do you ask. As for anything further, Kaliyo, shall I explain it in words of less than two syllables so your underdeveloped brain can understand?

...I love it when class stories unexpectedly reference things that just so happen to fit in perfectly with headcanon. For instance, my male agent is an alternate universe version of my consular - a what if? story. What if he'd stayed in the Chiss Ascendancy where he was born, instead of his mother taking him to the Jedi when he was a toddler? Answer: he'd become the Imperial agent...who's still powerfully Force-sensitive, and very good at hiding it. Spoilers for agent's story ensue:

Jadus's interest in him became paranoia-inducing - did Jadus know he was Force-sensitive? Eek! Confronting the SIS throughout it became very personal, as he'd harbored thoughts of defecting, where at least the Jedi wouldn't murder him when they found out he's Force-sensitive...after dealing with Kothe, though, he wasn't so sure. The Prince's line on the Star Cabal station: "...but in the end, you'll never be one of them [the Sith or Jedi]...they'll always rule over you." Ouch. And at the very end, his last line to the Minster of Intelligence: "You still don't know who I am. What I'm capable of." Like the fact that he could casually murder everybody on that ship by flicking his wrist.

...chills. o_o Especially since that line, ordinarily, makes no sense whatsoever - this agent attempted to defect,

but he wasn't light-side enough for the option to trigger. Grr. So he stayed in the Empire, didn't join Jadus,

etc. Perfectly ordinary. But given his hidden Force-sensitivity... O_o



Speaking of Kaliyo, how did you find that helmet she's wearing? D: I have been looking everywhere for that dang helmet. Can't find it, and the RNG in Alliance crates has been terrible to me. *sacrifices another Skadge to appease the Random Number God* HAVE PITY ON A POOR QUINNMANCER, O GREAT RNG! *bows low*


Also - @Nightfrogger, Quinn approves. Very much so. Purple and green look very nice together. :cool:

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Quinn: *teeth gritted* ... yes, I was at Druckenwell. You'll find all official mentions stricken from record and replaced by "Moff Broysc won the day, end of story, stop asking." *suppressed quiver of anger* No I don't still have a grudge, why do you ask. As for anything further, Kaliyo, shall I explain it in words of less than two syllables so your underdeveloped brain can understand?

...I love it when class stories unexpectedly reference things that just so happen to fit in perfectly with headcanon.

Yeah, because this Quinn-clone is kind of my "what if?" version of if he did go to Intelligence instead of the Imperial Navy. In my head-canon for vanilla Quinn, he could have done either, but opted for the Navy since he wanted to be a pilot. (And I just realized that my head-canon actually echoes my own RL because when I enlisted in the Air Force, i wanted to either go Intelligence or pilot....was too short and eyesight was too bad to be a pilot, so I ended up in aircraft maintenance instead. Still wish I'd gone Intelligence.)


Speaking of Kaliyo, how did you find that helmet she's wearing? D: I have been looking everywhere for that dang helmet. Can't find it, and the RNG in Alliance crates has been terrible to me. *sacrifices another Skadge to appease the Random Number God* HAVE PITY ON A POOR QUINNMANCER, O GREAT RNG! *bows low*

It's the Remnant Resurrected Agent's Headgear. I just got lucky with the Alliance Crate RNG for once. :p:D

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So I've read up to chapter 4 Tying Up Loose Ends, enjoying it immensely, I loved the part where he writes to his mother, and the bioscan of course :D


Tomorrow I'm going to start on Crimson and Ebony, I've got it bookmarked and I can hardly wait. Actually I may sneak a peak tonight.. (How lucky am I to get to read so many different perspectives of my favorite story?)


If anyone else has any stories they'd like to share feel free, if they were posted in the last few months I've likely missed them, tyvm~

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So I've read up to chapter 4 Tying Up Loose Ends, enjoying it immensely, I loved the part where he writes to his mother, and the bioscan of course :D


Tomorrow I'm going to start on Crimson and Ebony, I've got it bookmarked and I can hardly wait. Actually I may sneak a peak tonight.. (How lucky am I to get to read so many different perspectives of my favorite story?)


If anyone else has any stories they'd like to share feel free, if they were posted in the last few months I've likely missed them, tyvm~


Yay! Please let me know what you think! I'm always happy to rope in more suck---errr, gain more readers! :D:cool::p;)

I am desperately trying to finish up my latest chapter...hoping to get it done tomorrow.

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Yay! Please let me know what you think! I'm always happy to rope in more suck---errr, gain more readers! :D:cool::p;)

I am desperately trying to finish up my latest chapter...hoping to get it done tomorrow.


Well I lied, I started it already and got to the part where Vette tells Hyperia she needs a lesson on subtlety, haha! That she does :D I'm going to save her reaction til after dinner though, I like to leave off where I'm dying to learn what happens next :)

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Speaking of Kaliyo, how did you find that helmet she's wearing?

I find the only way I can tolerate Kaliyo is if her face is completely covered :D I must look out for that helmet to create a new outfit for her. Despite hating her, on my first agent when I KotFE I let her live because I felt sorry for her based on the agent's and Kaliyo's reunion where Kaliyo comes across as broken rather than psycho. But that was the only time; once I banished her (just to see what happened) however every other time she is executed.


Sitting here leveling my Quinn and am not kicking myself for not taking one of these before. I love the agent ship :) Captain Quinn indeed :)


Quinn Thinking

Quinn Nap Time

Quinn Planning

I agree with Grania - Quinn alone in bed should never be a thing. He looks so sad & lonely there :(

I've yet to level my Quinn clone agent, however your giving me some good ideas for screenshots :D

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Seems we have competition people. Our glorious leader Malavai Quinn's main rival Theron Shan now has a heretical topic devoted to him.


My output in this topic will be lowered as I get drowned out by "chick talk" and that's bad for my ego.:p


Theron: :eek:

Quinn: ...

Theron: ...that was not the reaction I was expecting from you. Seriously though, I have my own thread? *checks forums* Oh hey, there it is! :D Whoo! *fist pump*

Quinn: ...

Theron: You're starting to scare me.

Quinn: *death glare to rival the ones Valkorion's capable of*

Theron: *starts to sweat nervously* Uhh...hi...

Quinn: So. It's not enough that you've hijacked my thread.

Theron: TEMPORARILY! Temporarily! I was never going to stay permanently!

Quinn: You've gone and gotten your own thread.

Theron: That was unexpected, I'll admit, but I actually had one several months before Fallen Empire even started, so now I have...two? Oh. Okay, that--

Quinn: Then. Get. Out.

Theron: ...so soon?

Quinn: You have your own thread. You'll so kindly forgive me if I'm just the slightest bit jealous of my own fangirl army. For all their insanity I've come to embrace them.

Theron: *cough* literally *cough*

Quinn: Out.

Theron: But--

Quinn: OUT.

Theron: *beseeching gaze at the Quinnmancers*

Quinn: OUT! Don't you try to charm them! Not with those...puppy-dog eyes you're doing oh for the love of the Force that's unsettling...

Theron: ...but it's relatively spoiler-free in here. And I won't be persecuted. As much.

Quinn: *more death glares*

Edited by Jagaimee
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Seems we have competition people. Our glorious leader Malavai Quinn's main rival Theron Shan now has a heretical topic devoted to him.


My output in this topic will be lowered as I get drowned out by "chick talk" and that's bad for my ego.:p


Betrayed again! Well I reckon the warriors in this thread are used to that sort of thing by now, I hope you and your funny posts and that other thread will be very happy together! harumph


Quinn: Out.

Theron: But--

Quinn: OUT.

Theron: *beseeching gaze at the Quinnmancers*

Quinn: OUT! Don't you try to charm them! Not with those...puppy-dog eyes you're doing oh for the love of the Force that's unsettling...

Theron: ...but it's relatively spoiler-free in here. And I won't be persecuted. As much.

Quinn: *more death glares*


dun dun DUN

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Theron: :eek:

Quinn: ...

Theron: ...that was not the reaction I was expecting from you. Seriously though, I have my own thread? *checks forums* Oh hey, there it is! :D Whoo! *fist pump*

Quinn: ...

Theron: You're starting to scare me.

Quinn: *death glare to rival the ones Valkorion's capable of*

Theron: *starts to sweat nervously* Uhh...hi...

Quinn: So. It's not enough that you've hijacked my thread.

Theron: TEMPORARILY! Temporarily! I was never going to stay permanently!

Quinn: You've gone and gotten your own thread.

Theron: That was unexpected, I'll admit, but I actually had one several months before Fallen Empire even started, so now I have...two? Oh. Okay, that--

Quinn: Then. Get. Out.

Theron: ...so soon?

Quinn: You have your own thread. You'll so kindly forgive me if I'm just the slightest bit jealous of my own fangirl army. For all their insanity I've come to embrace them.

Theron: *cough* literally *cough*

Quinn: Out.

Theron: But--

Quinn: OUT.

Theron: *beseeching gaze at the Quinnmancers*

Quinn: OUT! Don't you try to charm them! Not with those...puppy-dog eyes you're doing oh for the love of the Force that's unsettling...

Theron: ...but it's relatively spoiler-free in here. And I won't be persecuted. As much.

Quinn: *more death glares*


Well, I hope this doesn't mean we'll lose our Silver Theron...I've grown rather fond of his presence here in Quinnmancing heaven, but I suppose I'm capable of sharing lol. :p

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Oh I'll be watching this topic. I will become the silent enforcer, the one that exemplifies the devious menace of our prince, Malavai Quinn.








That...that is awesome. *thumbs up* :D


Well, I hope this doesn't mean we'll lose our Silver Theron...I've grown rather fond of his presence here in Quinnmancing heaven, but I suppose I'm capable of sharing lol. :p


Theron: *hopeful puppy-dog eyes*

Quinn: Whatever happened to "I was only going to stay temporarily"?

Theron: You guys happened.

Quinn: *in the flattest, dryest voice possible* I'm flattered.

Theron: No, not you, the fangirls. I like you guys!

Quinn: :mad:


(Confession: I'm rather fond of Silver Theron, too. XD 'Tis up to everyone here if he stays or not, though!)

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That...that is awesome. *thumbs up* :D




Theron: *hopeful puppy-dog eyes*

Quinn: Whatever happened to "I was only going to stay temporarily"?

Theron: You guys happened.

Quinn: *in the flattest, dryest voice possible* I'm flattered.

Theron: No, not you, the fangirls. I like you guys!

Quinn: :mad:


(Confession: I'm rather fond of Silver Theron, too. XD 'Tis up to everyone here if he stays or not, though!)


If I get a vote, stay ;D

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That...that is awesome. *thumbs up* :D




Theron: *hopeful puppy-dog eyes*

Quinn: Whatever happened to "I was only going to stay temporarily"?

Theron: You guys happened.

Quinn: *in the flattest, dryest voice possible* I'm flattered.

Theron: No, not you, the fangirls. I like you guys!

Quinn: :mad:


(Confession: I'm rather fond of Silver Theron, too. XD 'Tis up to everyone here if he stays or not, though!)


I'd say, stay, too. If nothing else, to rile up Malavai's passions for... ummm... later use...:o:D

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Erm, hey guys and gals.


I know I kind of made a big dramatic Batman thing back there but......I lost my lightsabers.


Their names are Gertrude and Benjamin, kinda can't do the enforcing thing without them. It could be nothing, likely Vette put them in the washing machine again (I told her hand wash only but what can you do) but if you see them could you get in touch.



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I vote stay too. They're hilarious. I keep inhaling my soda.:rak_03:


Whoo! Scared another lurker out of hiding! :jawa_evil:


... I mean, ah, thank you. Eh heheheheheh...


Theron: ...does this mean I get to stay?

Quinn: NO--

It's looking pretty likely. I believe we're in a majority vote of "stay" vs. "go." :D

Quinn: *fuming*


Quinn: Now I'm the one being betrayed.

Theron: I thought that was standard behaviour around here?

Quinn: ...you insulted yourself with that one, you know.

Theron: [grumble] Touche.

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Whoo! Scared another lurker out of hiding! :jawa_evil:


... I mean, ah, thank you. Eh heheheheheh...


Theron: ...does this mean I get to stay?

Quinn: NO--

It's looking pretty likely. I believe we're in a majority vote of "stay" vs. "go." :D

Quinn: *fuming*


Quinn: Now I'm the one being betrayed.

Theron: I thought that was standard behaviour around here?

Quinn: ...you insulted yourself with that one, you know.

Theron: [grumble] Touche.


Coge is the strong and silent type lol. He's been around a couple of times that I remember. ^^ Waves!


My dear Major, it would seem that it's official you have a partner in crime, and the rest of us are assured plenty of adventures. Which reminds me, has anyone seen Gertrude...and *snaps fingers* Benjamin, the other lightsaber, Orangenee uses to enforce with? Maybe Sarova took them out for sharpening or...recharging or what ever it is you do to lightsabers. :p

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