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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I was thinking about it while working last night, we should give him a birthday :). If anyone buys into that horoscope stuff I say he's got Virgo written all over him...which would mean his birthday is soon :D


Well unless he has one documented somewhere and I missed it that is.

Based on what he was prepared to do/endure for his wife between the time she goes missing at the start of KotFE and when they are reunited in Iokath I think he would be a Capricorn. She was his only focus - he couldn't even return to work even though he previously was very strict about his working life as an Imperial. Even Aric Jorgan managed to return to Havoc Squad. So imo Quinn's birthday is between 21 December – 19 January.

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Based on what he was prepared to do/endure for his wife between the time she goes missing at the start of KotFE and when they are reunited in Iokath I think he would be a Capricorn. She was his only focus - he couldn't even return to work even though he previously was very strict about his working life as an Imperial. Even Aric Jorgan managed to return to Havoc Squad. So imo Quinn's birthday is between 21 December – 19 January.


Normally am not one to put stock into the celestial movements when you were born having any impact on a persons behavior, but sometimes it is a fun activity :)


Was thinking Virgo myself because I thought I recognized several of the same traits they are known for. Usually we are raving perfectionists about something, are very dedicated and like to feel helpful to others. Also are considered emotionally cold and distant at first, but if given the chance to be comfortable we become loyal and loving. I know silly speculations on stuff, but was something to keep my mind busy while working yesterday ;)

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Based on what he was prepared to do/endure for his wife between the time she goes missing at the start of KotFE and when they are reunited in Iokath I think he would be a Capricorn. She was his only focus - he couldn't even return to work even though he previously was very strict about his working life as an Imperial. Even Aric Jorgan managed to return to Havoc Squad. So imo Quinn's birthday is between 21 December – 19 January.


20th January. 20th.


... said this Capricorn. ;)


TBH... I have no idea what each zodiak is supposed to be. I also never pondered when to put his birthday. Do they even have months like us?

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Do they even have months like us?


If you're talking about months/years/days/weeks in the Star Wars universe... My sister attempted to explain it to me. I promptly got lost in the overly complicated system they have going on. *headdesk* Very long story short - as far as I can tell, at least - they *do* have months, but they also have days and weeks in between those months for...some purpose I forget.

Time to get lost in wookiepedia again...

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I tried very hard to create Quinn Trevelyan (AKA our dear Quinn in Dragon Age Inquisition. Quinnquisition? Inquinnsition?). Well, default Quinn, anyways. I could try other Quinns, if I had some close-up pictures of his face from different angles? :D


...the result: either the character creation system in DA:I is severely borked, or I'm TERRIBLE at creating faces. Knowing me, and the other messes I've created - it's the latter. :p DEFINITELY the latter. That, and there is no complexion option to give him his distinctive mole. Or his hair, for that matter. e_e Sheesh but the default hair options are terrible, thank heavens for mods. (Looking at you, female qunari. *glare*)

So, er, without further ado - or adon't - I present... Dragon Age: Quinnquisition. *eye twitch* Gah. Hope this doesn't hit the Uncanny Valley and shatter through the floor. :o (Before you ask, those were the best eyebrows available without using mods. Yes, they are terrible. Aaaaargh.)


Edit: ...wait, is that link actually working? It's not working for me. >_< Sigh.

Edited by Jagaimee
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^ link not working for me. takes me to the site front page.


I haven't tried to recreate any characters in other games, except for the sims 3. Where for the past 2 weeks, been too disheartened to play swtor recently, I've had sim-Quinn and sim-Theron farmer-sims and cat raisers.

Due to boredom mostly.

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^ link not working for me. takes me to the site front page.


Hmm, that's what it's doing for me. A'right, time to try again, possibly with a different website (anyone know a free image-uploading site?). *fiddle fiddle* ...might be a while. e_e

Edit: haHA I figured it out :rolleyes: I swear I grew up in this tech-drenched world. Really. I know how to internet. (Not.) Quinnquisition. Hopefully.


I haven't tried to recreate any characters in other games, except for the sims 3. Where for the past 2 weeks, been too disheartened to play swtor recently, I've had sim-Quinn and sim-Theron farmer-sims and cat raisers.

Due to boredom mostly.


My sister managed to recreate an entire household of our roleplay characters in the Sims. They even followed the behaviour of said roleplay characters.

Until they discovered beds, and then it got very strange. :eek: Hope your sim-Quinn and sim-Theron fare a bit better. XD


I tried to recreate my beloved smuggler gal in DA:I. Note to self: Inquisition level of realism + SWTOR proportions = *banshee scream* GET THE ABOMINATION AWAYYYYY

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Hmm, that's what it's doing for me. A'right, time to try again, possibly with a different website (anyone know a free image-uploading site?). *fiddle fiddle* ...might be a while. e_e

Edit: haHA I figured it out :rolleyes: I swear I grew up in this tech-drenched world. Really. I know how to internet. (Not.) Quinnquisition. Hopefully.


My sister managed to recreate an entire household of our roleplay characters in the Sims. They even followed the behaviour of said roleplay characters.

Until they discovered beds, and then it got very strange. :eek: Hope your sim-Quinn and sim-Theron fare a bit better. XD


I tried to recreate my beloved smuggler gal in DA:I. Note to self: Inquisition level of realism + SWTOR proportions = *banshee scream* GET THE ABOMINATION AWAYYYYY


haha yeah that one works! I use imgur for all my sharable screenshots now.

and O.o no, sim-Quinn and sim-Theron have their own locked bedrooms (because Quinn kept stealing Theron's laptop) and set beds, nothing weird has happened there :lol:


Actually I now remember that I created one of my first consulars in Dragon's Dogma cc once. That didn't go too badly. Years ago however. I tend to find it near impossible to create one game's characters in another because I play all mine differently, so never make one character in a different game because it doesn't belong there, or some weird mindset like that. Can't really explain that frame of mind but I just have trouble (not for cc options but for actually playing).

Edited by Asmodesu
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I tried very hard to create Quinn Trevelyan (AKA our dear Quinn in Dragon Age Inquisition. Quinnquisition? Inquinnsition?). Well, default Quinn, anyways. I could try other Quinns, if I had some close-up pictures of his face from different angles? :D


...the result: either the character creation system in DA:I is severely borked, or I'm TERRIBLE at creating faces. Knowing me, and the other messes I've created - it's the latter. :p DEFINITELY the latter. That, and there is no complexion option to give him his distinctive mole. Or his hair, for that matter. e_e Sheesh but the default hair options are terrible, thank heavens for mods. (Looking at you, female qunari. *glare*)

So, er, without further ado - or adon't - I present... Dragon Age: Quinnquisition. *eye twitch* Gah. Hope this doesn't hit the Uncanny Valley and shatter through the floor. :o (Before you ask, those were the best eyebrows available without using mods. Yes, they are terrible. Aaaaargh.)


Edit: ...wait, is that link actually working? It's not working for me. >_< Sigh.


Challenge accepted! (Disclaimer: I do have mods....but I think the only one that is used in this is the eyebrows. Most of my mods are for female characters...since I never play males.)


The Quinnquisitor!

Quinnquisitor 2.0

Edited by feylyndiira
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Challenge accepted! (Disclaimer: I do have mods....but I think the only one that is used in this is the eyebrows. Most of my mods are for female characters...since I never play males.)


The Quinnquisitor!

Quinnquisitor 2.0


If I get off work in the morning when I am supposed too.. (assuming nothing goes horribly wrong again...) I will see if I can take up that challenge. But for now coffee time :)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Why are you so obsessed with a guy that is not even real, just some pixels.


We should ask the same of you...since you took the time to make artwork yourself...


Oh and by the way thank you for contributing to making this thread that bothers you so even longer.

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Why are you so obsessed with a guy that is not even real, just some pixels. You need to stop posting now.jpg


Here is some artwork I made, his grimace as he died.




Why are you so negatively obsessed with a guy that is not even real, just some pixels, that you need to come here and poop on our party. You need to stop posting now in this thread.


Here is some picture I found just for you.



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Why are you so negatively obsessed with a guy that is not even real, just some pixels, that you need to come here and poop on our party. You need to stop posting now in this thread.


Here is some picture I found just for you.




I like your sig, please let me play Iokath again so I can have the pleasure of butchering Quinn once more.


my face when



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These people keep forgetting they have their own hate thread... that must be buried in the forums by now ... to post all their glee for killing pixels in.


But it's no fun to rage among other ragers. They find pleasure in coming here trying to upset us. Once we ignore the trolls full of hate, they leave. We don't give them what they come here for.



Now, to return to the main topic, which is our adorkable Malavai Quinn:


My agent with his big brother Malavai (who keeps a watchful eye on his baby brother) and his best friend Vector (who poetically ponders wonders of the Universe):



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Why are you so obsessed with a guy that is not even real, just some pixels. You need to stop posting now.jpg <snip>

You posted in here therefore you are equally obsessed, otherwise you would just ignore us and our associated Quinnisms/Quinnmancing/Quinnfiction/Quinnuniverse! It's a bit of fun. Every good thing (be it a film, game or series) has it's followers and shippers who love a particular character (have you even seen the Lara Croft or Jon Snow universes)? I think BW should be pleased they've managed to create a persona that we all still love regardless of the amount of hate & killing targeted at him. Even in game I saw another couple of [insert player name] Quinns running about so his fans are not going anywhere. And we're not alone - clearly you've missed the Theron and Vector threads!


And do I really need to point out that you quoted something from 10 pages ago??? You're so disinterested that you've been following our posts :p Ha!

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