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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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That was fast!


So many times I've seen in the suggestion forum threads asking for this. I started one myself too. Hopefully we'll live to see such vendors. It'd be awesome to have all comps look the same in my "one universe" of all toons, regardless of factions.


I imagine it'd make a lot of players happy.


Trust me, I was shocked he got back to me that fast too :) I'll take it. Hope this helps you hun for your stories, videos and screen shots :)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Trust me, I was shocked he got back to me that fast too :) I'll take it. Hope this helps you hun for your stories and videos :)


And all the wonderful screenshots of two hot cousins rampaging all around the galaxy! :D Sans helmet ;)

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Haha, I actually agree with Nightfrogger, I don't like his original look either and I can't even drink it away, I don't drink lol. I think it's number 2 I run with.


Number two is the one I use too. I just can't stand his vanilla look...he looks so plastic, and those dreads! Now, if they had gone with him as being a Kiffar like I read they had originally planned, I think the look might have worked a little better.

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I don't mind original Corso. I don't like original Andronikos. I gave him dreadlock Corso-like look :D


My Andronikos uses #4, I think it is....the black and white war paint face. I'd give body parts to see a Spike Spiegel look-alike customization for him.

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Number two is the one I use too. I just can't stand his vanilla look...he looks so plastic, and those dreads! Now, if they had gone with him as being a Kiffar like I read they had originally planned, I think the look might have worked a little better.


Yeah, I can see that working out. Even if they'd made him more like Koth style, rugged and shorter locks, that would have worked nicely too. Koth is a handsome character, it's just his personality and way of thinking that drives me bananas to the point where I want to vaporize him.

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My Andronikos uses #4, I think it is....the black and white war paint face. I'd give body parts to see a Spike Spiegel look-alike customization for him.


I used 4 for a long time, I like that one, I called it his 'Kiss' look, like, after the band...sort of. Then I reverted back to 1 for something different. Spike's look would work, I'd probably use that too, if they made it. :D

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Yeah, I can see that working out. Even if they'd made him more like Koth style, rugged and shorter locks, that would have worked nicely too. Koth is a handsome character, it's just his personality and way of thinking that drives me bananas to the point where I want to vaporize him.


Koth does nothing for me...looks- or personality-wise. I had no problem shooing him away, then shoving a lightsaber in his gut when he tried to come back.

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Holy crap he got back to me again. Forwarding now give me a minute. If I missed you let me know.


Got my pm, thanks :) That sounds promising, but I find it bothersome he seemed unaware that players have been asking for cross-faction customization vendors since 4.0 first launched.

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I got a reply from Keith to my various questions about the game. One of my questions was about the relatively disappointing return of Malavai Quinn / Elara Dorne and they do agree that it lacked "ummphh". Charles is working on the returns for future companions and will have some news for everyone after the next update the roadmap. I forgot to mention about replaying Iokath so I will reply to his PM and see if they will consider this. I'll also ask about any extra stuff for Malavai/Dorne to make up for their returns.


Isn't it great that the producer is taking the time to reply to us? :D

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I got a reply from Keith to my various questions about the game. One of my questions was about the relatively disappointing return of Malavai Quinn / Elara Dorne and they do agree that it lacked "ummphh". Charles is working on the returns for future companions and will have some news for everyone after the next update the roadmap. I forgot to mention about replaying Iokath so I will reply to his PM and see if they will consider this. I'll also ask about any extra stuff for Malavai/Dorne to make up for their returns.


Isn't it great that the producer is taking the time to reply to us? :D


Wait when did he do that? He replied on your private message or outside the forums now?

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Isn't it great that the producer is taking the time to reply to us? :D


It is indeed! He takes communication with us, the players, very seriously. :) I'm also impressed how bravely he takes the ************ some players show here on forums.

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It is indeed! He takes communication with us, the players, very seriously. :) I'm also impressed how bravely he takes the ************ some players show here on forums.


I agree, I could only imagine all of the negative and ragefilled messages he deals with every day. Just glad he has taken time to get back to us, and put up with my never ending questions.

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I got a reply from Keith to my various questions about the game. One of my questions was about the relatively disappointing return of Malavai Quinn / Elara Dorne and they do agree that it lacked "ummphh". Charles is working on the returns for future companions and will have some news for everyone after the next update the roadmap. I forgot to mention about replaying Iokath so I will reply to his PM and see if they will consider this. I'll also ask about any extra stuff for Malavai/Dorne to make up for their returns.


Isn't it great that the producer is taking the time to reply to us? :D


That's nice to know at least that they know it was lackluster and that many of us were disappointed. It's nice that Keith is taking the time to talk to the players, that's really good of him. I haven't written him about anything, but I've heard from a few who have and I appreciate the answers. Getting ignored is a lot worse.


Now, I wonder if Keith knows anything about when/if we're getting a romanceable Force using male companion...

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I got a reply from Keith to my various questions about the game. One of my questions was about the relatively disappointing return of Malavai Quinn / Elara Dorne and they do agree that it lacked "ummphh". Charles is working on the returns for future companions and will have some news for everyone after the next update the roadmap. I forgot to mention about replaying Iokath so I will reply to his PM and see if they will consider this. I'll also ask about any extra stuff for Malavai/Dorne to make up for their returns.


Isn't it great that the producer is taking the time to reply to us? :D


Glad to hear that it was addressed about how honestly disappointing the Quinn/Elara return was, if this helps make returning companions in the future to be so much better than that's a plus. More Quinn (and Elara) in upcoming story content to make this up? :i_angel:


Quinn is one of my favourite romances and I still have 2 of my favourites yet to return (Vector/Iresso), if this means that upcoming LI's will avoid such lacklustre returns then I'm happy.

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A pity they don't have the strength to publicly admit that the Iokath companion returns weren't up to par, and can only do it in pm to a couple of people, there is a ton of players I know who don't attend the forums and will never hear a word the devs have told a couple of you about this, and they've left the game because of the return and the silence of the devs about it. This is incredibly disappointing. They won't take my word for it that the devs mentioned something I don't know to a couple of forum-goers via pm, that might even actually drive them further away from returning to the game, since they are waiting for a response to it still. Edited by Asmodesu
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I got a reply from Keith to my various questions about the game. One of my questions was about the relatively disappointing return of Malavai Quinn / Elara Dorne and they do agree that it lacked "ummphh". Charles is working on the returns for future companions and will have some news for everyone after the next update the roadmap. I forgot to mention about replaying Iokath so I will reply to his PM and see if they will consider this. I'll also ask about any extra stuff for Malavai/Dorne to make up for their returns.


Isn't it great that the producer is taking the time to reply to us? :D


Now you have me curious if you do not mind, could you forward this to me? :cool:

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If any of you does GSI missions, do those on Makeb. One of them takes you to a lovely oasis like place :) I discovered it today and took a gazillion of screenies. They could explain why vacations on Makeb are above captain's salary :D
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I'm loving all of the screenshots with Malavai as you take him exploring various worlds, keep it up!


I really should do this myself... I just haven't found the perfect customization armor set for Quinn yet :confused:


Got a few more for you to look at if you hun :)

Balmorra lake by the First

Corellia Government District

Darvannis Sand Strom-a-brewing

Ilum That moon...

Korriban...I hope you are not acrophobic...

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Such beautiful screenshots :p What armor set is Malavai wearing in your Ilum screenshot? It looks a little like Thermal Retention armor set but with the hood somewhat down :eek:

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Such beautiful screenshots :p What armor set is Malavai wearing in your Ilum screenshot? It looks a little like Thermal Retention armor set but with the hood somewhat down :eek:


Glad you liked :) That is the Polar Exploration Set that has been dyed Deep Gray/Pale Brown. I was not dragging him out in that cold without being bundled up first.

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