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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I got EXCITED and went to look, but could not find it on CZ-198 vendors. :(


Dang it! :( Wish it was still there...

...wait, didn't they change the vendors around so that you only see gear for your class/discipline? Now I'm curious if those gear pieces are bind on pickup...if not, you could go there with a sniper/gunslinger and mail them/legacy bank them to your warrior, and then to Quinn.

Well, presuming those gear pieces are even still there. :c

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No way..? Ok I'll try. I'll start working on it tonight. Actually, you know what? All my warriors look the same, so I'll just take a screenshot of one of them, and you can just.. fiddle with the hue for each one, and paste her in about 12 times :D


No seriously I'm going to try to do this. Maybe for the 4 most important warriors, with Quinn in the middle. :D


I don't know if you can tell I'm excited. :D




Him in the middle... Do you have a clone toon that can walk there, if you plan to take them in cutscene on Manaan?


Oooohhhh, they look AMAZING :D ...and I am not just saying that because my desperately-in-need-of-a-haircut bushy head happens to resemble your lovely Quinn's haircut at the moment. >_> Nope. Not saying that at aaaaalll ~

...seriously, though, they all look so cool. They look very similar but not like clones of each other - all distinct. I love seeing them all together like that!


Thanks :)

Yeah, they're not 100% identical, Narell probably being the most different. Nayel is 100% copy but Dark Side corruption makes him distinct. He's still my source of silly screenies, if I need Malavai "do" something true comps can't.


Dang it! :( Wish it was still there...

...wait, didn't they change the vendors around so that you only see gear for your class/discipline? Now I'm curious if those gear pieces are bind on pickup...if not, you could go there with a sniper/gunslinger and mail them/legacy bank them to your warrior, and then to Quinn.

Well, presuming those gear pieces are even still there. :c


Even if you can see only for your discipline, it's a setting on top of the window. Needs to be changed to "All" or something like that.


I haven't seen those since they removed vendors with 65s for crystals.

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Even if you can see only for your discipline, it's a setting on top of the window. Needs to be changed to "All" or something like that.


I haven't seen those since they removed vendors with 65s for crystals.


Ugh... dang it. :( I was so hoping they'd still be there... oh well.

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it can be dyed :)Vaikan Spacedock 3 Quinn Sight Seeing


If you want one crafted let me know, won't be a problem ;)


We have the same taste :) That's extremely generous of you but I can't accept, I need a dozen of them anyway :o


The chest is really the most important part, the other bits can be substituted fairly easily, but it's still an epic effort to craft that thing and dye it properly. I'm sorry to get everyone worked up for nothing.


Him in the middle... Do you have a clone toon that can walk there, if you plan to take them in cutscene on Manaan?


Oh rats. Okay. Got it. No, not going to go with a clone, Quinn really should be Quinn in the picture :o



Maybe I should ask in suggestions to be able to buy this stuff again? It's probably been asked for before~

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I'm pretty sure the crafted version is the only one that isn't bop and class specific since they took the lvl 65 crystal sets out. I think the flashpoint drops are from lvl 61-69. It is brutally hard to get a set that way. I was excited when lvl 70 flashpoints were dropping random lvl flashpoint gear in addition to what they were supposed to drop, but as usual, people looked a gift horse in the mouth and the bonus gear was removed 😭
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Oh rats. Okay. Got it. No, not going to go with a clone, Quinn really should be Quinn in the picture :o


Then take the girls in the same spot with the same light as regular screenshots. The more they're all taken in the same spot, the best "natural" result can be achieved, especially with the direction and intensity of light.

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I'm pretty sure the crafted version is the only one that isn't bop and class specific since they took the lvl 65 crystal sets out. I think the flashpoint drops are from lvl 61-69. It is brutally hard to get a set that way. I was excited when lvl 70 flashpoints were dropping random lvl flashpoint gear in addition to what they were supposed to drop, but as usual, people looked a gift horse in the mouth and the bonus gear was removed 😭


Thanks for clarifying that. I don't mind crafting stuff but I do wish the recipe was a smidgen easier.


Then take the girls in the same spot with the same light as regular screenshots. The more they're all taken in the same spot, the best "natural" result can be achieved, especially with the direction and intensity of light.


And you say the Manaan flashpoint? The beginning when you talk to Lana and Theron?

Edited by grania
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Hope we can kill him for good this time, he he he :jawa_evil:


[referral link spam]


Hey guys, now we have an actual reason to report Quinn-hater posts! :p Referral links are not allowed in posts. Delete it and put it in your signature.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Hope we can kill him for good this time, he he he :jawa_evil:



I like your Quinnmancer symbol there, that angry jawa face, the symbol Quinnmancers use to show how much they adore Quinn, he he he


Btw did you get lost in wormhole or something? You belong at the beginning of this thread, not the end of it :p

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I like your Quinnmancer symbol there, that angry jawa face, the symbol Quinnmancers use to show how much they adore Quinn, he he he


Btw did you get lost in wormhole or something? You belong at the beginning of this thread, not the end of it :p


Psssst... edit out his link.


And this is far, far from the end of this thread!

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Psssst... edit out his link.


And this is far, far from the end of this thread!


(We're almost at 600 pages...:D)


Last time I'm posting tonight I swear, I keep telling myself to go get a life and I never do. Oo plus I have the project of trying to make my warriors who are all the same person look like different people, oy.

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Hope we can kill him for good this time, he he he :jawa_evil:



I generally don't respond to attempted trolling but ... you can already? In the Iokath storyline? If you didn't do it then, you only have yourself to blame. I mean, it's not like he magically comes back to life for your story if you kill him then, he's dead-dead. Unless you choose to reclaim him from the companion terminal and if you did that then, again you only have yourself to blame.

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Re: What is my Quinn wearing?


Formal Tuxedo Jacket [no stamped dye]

Drengineer Collacord Handgear

Corsair Pummeler's Mk-2 Belt

Formal Militant's Pants

Cademimu Sharpshooter's Boots


*Colours are unified

....he's also wearing a Formal Militant's Hat, but I tend to prefer the look of it when it's hidden.

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My husband just reminded me that after the server merges we will have two Guild Flagships imp side. One could be a Quinnmancer guild ship. This sector is controlled by Quinnmancers! :p Just need to get a guild rename if we go through with it. :)


Gosh our thread is moving fast!


This sounds great! (I can't remember which server you are going to be on.) Which encryptions should I save? According to Dulfy's live stream notes "They are looking to reduce the cost of server transfer, legacy name, character name, and guild name renames." which would be good. Guild renames are 3k cc from the CM and the cheapest I could find was 40 million on the GTN.

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Gosh our thread is moving fast!


This sounds great! (I can't remember which server you are going to be on.) Which encryptions should I save? According to Dulfy's live stream notes "They are looking to reduce the cost of server transfer, legacy name, character name, and guild name renames." which would be good. Guild renames are 3k cc from the CM and the cheapest I could find was 40 million on the GTN.


As crazy as this sounds, I do have a spare one....

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I need to go through both guild ships and figure out what still needs to be unlocked. I know we were close to having all the logistical done on one. The other we have most of the engineering done.


One ship, and a couple of characters are on Pot5, and the other ship and most of my characters are on Shadowlands. Both will merge to Star Forge.

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I just realized... I never showed you guys what my warrior looks like. Whoops?

This is Virne, in her full battle armor. Hence the use of a black/black dye (thank you again Nightfrogger!!). Without the dye, the chest looks...okay (well, it changes to a weird dark gray with lighter gray trim)...but the pants color-match to a secondary dark red color. There is a little circle of said color right...um, between the legs.


This is Virne in more casual clothing.


...aaaand now you can see why the circle of dark red was such a problem. XD

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WoW, the Chief takes a few days off the internet (I was binge watching Lucifer :D ) and so much discussion/news/stuff happens. Finally caught up with the roadmap and this thread :D


Why does Purple Quinn sometimes appear to be so (dare I say it) wimpy at times? Granted, he is in awe of his Warrior's power, but in my fantasy, Quinn with those abs and shoulders and a 5 year term in jail is even more of a man than he was before. And he has a prison tattoo (private business for my fan-ficton ;)


Pretty pleased actually. There are some things they need to make clear, such as the character slot numbers if you have under 52 but more than 12 standard slots (are the remainder going to be locked until you pay for the additional unlocks for instance). The rest is very good - they know they need to change the game and make it more like the original. In my opinion the updates/changes between now and November 28th are the initial groundwork. The server merges are a really good thing since the majority have asked and they have delivered. They sorted out the stronghold problem really quickly which I think is brilliant.

My hope is that once they have concluded the Iokath/Umbara/Traitor story-line their will be a whole new chapter, more akin to the original class stories or even Makeb/SoR story-lines with side quests for classes and their companions. As for the Chiss related story-line they have mentions, I really hope we aren't being sent to Hoth! Though it does give my Quinn(s) excused to be dressed like this again :)


I don't think they confirmed that a force user companion is coming this year. I think they were getting ideas for a future new companion storyline and I think that force user companion will be male. Something for the new year & new story line I think (and don't discount it being Lord Scourge).


As for Raina Temple, I think she's being brought back because she is the least important of all the missing companions and probably the least used. They've indicated they've listened to people views on companions and I expect their will be more companion story in the future to make up for the lacklustre returns (Malavai/Dorne), companions forced on us and other companion crap (not being part of the story any more for one). My only hope is that Raina Temple is only given to her class & she can be killed off or let go. My Inqs and Warriors certainly don't need her.


I play primarily on TRE being from Britain, however I do have characters on U.S. Servers, so I would be happy to make another warrior to join a <Quinnmancers> guild, since that is an awesome title :D. Also, a server called “The Hot Prospect”? Surely that is made for the fan girls???



Hey, you're a Lucifer fan too eh? :D Great show, so happy it's back in its new season. ^^ I've been binge watching Poldark with Aiden Turner :D Love it!


It's funny Quinn sometimes seems a bit prissy, but when push comes to shove, I see him as being quite tough and competent, especially given what's happened to him of late.


I suppose now that I've had a day to mull over the revelations, most of them aren't terrible. I'm grateful that I won't be losing my stuff in the forced merge, so that was something. I do wish they'd have been more precise about story expectations and what we could look forward to. I really would like to get the rest of the Theron stuff sorted. I live in fear of them jerking people along for months like they did, when KotFE was first announced and there was no mention or sight of Theron anywhere.


I do hope they make Scourge romanceable. I think it would even bring many back to the game. So many that l know love him, don't play atm and aren't into space Hitler. I for one, killed him, so that means I'd have no male force using romance.


Temple isn't important to me, I have no use for her, so I hope we don't get stuck with her. For those that want her, groovy, but I really don't have any need of her.


I just realized... I never showed you guys what my warrior looks like. Whoops?

This is Virne, in her full battle armor. Hence the use of a black/black dye (thank you again Nightfrogger!!). Without the dye, the chest looks...okay (well, it changes to a weird dark gray with lighter gray trim)...but the pants color-match to a secondary dark red color. There is a little circle of said color right...um, between the legs.


This is Virne in more casual clothing.


...aaaand now you can see why the circle of dark red was such a problem. XD


Looks great! Love the look, very sithy! :D



Ack, this thread has moved quite fast. I wasn't so active on the forums today and got really behind. But wow, 600 pages. Let's shoot for 600 more, at least! To infinity and beyond! :D Edit: Also noticed we're almost to 6000 replies too (5994) at last look.

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And you say the Manaan flashpoint? The beginning when you talk to Lana and Theron?


Um, sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant the introductory cutscene to the SH. It's bugged, so played every single time your get there, so many chances of recording/taking screenshots in different outfits, and what not.


It would work best in a place with good light. The worse light, the more pixels are visible, the less contrast between edges, masks are hard/impossible to make.


Tattooine, then, perhaps? Good light, bright background, just avoid dusty places.


I just realized... I never showed you guys what my warrior looks like. Whoops?

This is Virne, in her full battle armor. Hence the use of a black/black dye (thank you again Nightfrogger!!). Without the dye, the chest looks...okay (well, it changes to a weird dark gray with lighter gray trim)...but the pants color-match to a secondary dark red color. There is a little circle of said color right...um, between the legs.


This is Virne in more casual clothing.


...aaaand now you can see why the circle of dark red was such a problem. XD


I like Purebloods. :D

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Temple isn't important to me, I have no use for her, so I hope we don't get stuck with her. For those that want her, groovy, but I really don't have any need of her.


Ack, this thread has moved quite fast. I wasn't so active on the forums today and got really behind. But wow, 600 pages. Let's shoot for 600 more, at least! To infinity and beyond! :D Edit: Also noticed we're almost to 6000 replies too (5994) at last look.


As far as story goes Temple is the only companion who has anything to do with the Chiss, so it makes sense that is where she has been this whole time, since she was scared of being found out by the Sith, I would not be surprised that they would take her in. I wonder if that deep voiced male Chiss leader from Hoth will be there...


Well my main raider will be happy to get his Wife back, but will have to break poor Lana's heart... but Temple knew when they got married that he loved every second of that seduction part of his job title lol. Played him the "I'd tap that" play style. As I like to joke with my guildies, as long as it has pulse, he'll work something out ;)


So close to 6000 :D

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I just realized... I never showed you guys what my warrior looks like. Whoops?

This is Virne, in her full battle armor.

She looks great, I love it. That's my favorite armor, corellian bulwark something something, all my warriors get it. (I switch the pants with something else though :o) I usually try to dye it slightly differently on all of them, but it's getting harder to do because there aren't enough good or affordable dyes. Gonna be wearing the expensive black/purple one in the family portrait Lammia is going to make for me :)


Um, sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant the introductory cutscene to the SH. It's bugged, so played every single time your get there, so many chances of recording/taking screenshots in different outfits, and what not.


It would work best in a place with good light. The worse light, the more pixels are visible, the less contrast between edges, masks are hard/impossible to make.


Tattooine, then, perhaps? Good light, bright background, just avoid dusty places.


I'll see what I can do, I don't have the Manaan stronghold, don't know what it takes to get one o: I'll figure something out. :)


I do hope they make Scourge romanceable. I think it would even bring many back to the game. So many that l know love him, don't play atm and aren't into space Hitler. I for one, killed him, so that means I'd have no male force using romance.


I'm happy for them, I really am, I just think someone like Scourge (I'd take him up on that offer) should have come first.. I guess we don't really need the Zenith romance as much, with Theron being available? (Huh, that brings up an interesting question. Is the character more important, or the voice? *ponders*)


So close to 6000

Not going to be me, oh well!

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I'll see what I can do, I don't have the Manaan stronghold, don't know what it takes to get one o: I'll figure something out. :)




No cutscene, but you can visit someone else's Manaan SH for good light conditions, if you can't find another place you'd like as background.


I'm happy for them, I really am, I just think someone like Scourge (I'd take him up on that offer) should have come first.. I guess we don't really need the Zenith romance as much, with Theron being available? (Huh, that brings up an interesting question. Is the character more important, or the voice? *ponders*)


For me definitely a character. I like Theron to bits, especially with my Inq. Never cared for Zenith.

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There's a defiant mender jacket in my inventory! :eek::eek::eek: DISANTIA it was you wasn't it~!:D I'm overwhelmed. Actually, "I am overwhelmed, my Lord!" lolol:D


Thank you, thank you. Ijsje's Quinn is going to look so slick. :):):cool::cool:

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I'm bored of the whole class story schtick I have 4 outstanding and know it's the same old, same old with different dialogue.


I hate pugging, so that's out for group stuff. Guild is mostly full of mutes who don't know what keyboards are. Only the GM and a couple of others are interested in yackity yack yack.


Hoping the merge gets some more sociable people in then we can do that stuff that I haven't touched yet.


Short version; I need to mix it up a little.


Anyhoo enough about that, can't be stealing the limelight from our man Quinston T. God.


Ah poo, missed 6000 by one.

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