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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Darth Andeddu's set with a secondary gray dye & Jori Daragon’s Loincloth.


Ahh, awesome, thank you. Love the way you put those together. Darth Andeddu...urgh...that's gonna cost me lol. :D I have thoughts about pairing the harness with something like Revan's or Revan Reborn lower...gonna have to test that out!

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I think I need to have a lie-down now. Rawwrr! But amazingly, my vote goes to Theron (sorry, my dear Quinn!)...mainly just for the pose. He has the whole "Yes, I'm rocking this sexy look" attitude going on.


Theron: *still modelling poses* :cool:

Quinn: *standing completely at attention*

Theron: ...Quinn.

Quinn: What, Shan. -_-

Theron: You're supposed to pose. It's fun.

Quinn: I am not subjecting myself to humiliation.

Theron: Says the man in the sci-fi equivalent of a gladiator bikini... *flexes biceps*

Quinn: *through gritted teeth* You. Are. An. Embarrassment. To. The. Human. Race.

Theron: And several alien races besides.


Theron: Oh come on, I once fought and killed a Dark Council member while in my underwear. This is nothing compared to that.

Quinn: Be that as it may, I--wait, YOU DID WHAT!?

Theron: Did I mention that the Jedi with me was also in his underwear?

Quinn: *rapidly pales in horror*

Theron: Took the drama right out of the finale, I'll tell you that. I mean, there we were, in all our semi-naked...um, glory...

Quinn: *turning green*

Theron: ...fighting off several Sith apprentices who sadly didn't appreciate all the trouble we'd gone through - torture and all that - to appear as awkwardly attractive as we did...

Quinn: *about to faint*

Theron: ...oh, and the Jedi was a Kel Dor. Did you know they have these neat little ruffles on their--

Quinn: TOO MUCH INFORMA-- *passes out*

Theron: ...on their heads. What'd he think I was going to say? *mischievous grin* So, long story short, I look good. :jawa_cool:

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Theron: *still modelling poses* :cool:

Quinn: *standing completely at attention*

Theron: ...Quinn.

Quinn: What, Shan. -_-

Theron: You're supposed to pose. It's fun.

Quinn: I am not subjecting myself to humiliation.

Theron: Says the man in the sci-fi equivalent of a gladiator bikini... *flexes biceps*

Quinn: *through gritted teeth* You. Are. An. Embarrassment. To. The. Human. Race.

Theron: And several alien races besides.


Theron: Oh come on, I once fought and killed a Dark Council member while in my underwear. This is nothing compared to that.

Quinn: Be that as it may, I--wait, YOU DID WHAT!?

Theron: Did I mention that the Jedi with me was also in his underwear?

Quinn: *rapidly pales in horror*

Theron: Took the drama right out of the finale, I'll tell you that. I mean, there we were, in all our semi-naked...um, glory...

Quinn: *turning green*

Theron: ...fighting off several Sith apprentices who sadly didn't appreciate all the trouble we'd gone through - torture and all that - to appear as awkwardly attractive as we did...

Quinn: *about to faint*

Theron: ...oh, and the Jedi was a Kel Dor. Did you know they have these neat little ruffles on their--

Quinn: TOO MUCH INFORMA-- *passes out*

Theron: ...on their heads. What'd he think I was going to say? *mischievous grin* So, long story short, I look good. :jawa_cool:


Grand Admiral, I do believe I prefer your take on 'Annihilation' better than the actual book lol. Poor Quinn.


*kneels next to Quinn* My poor Major...so dedicated...would you wake, if I said I'm promoting you to Lieutenant Colonel Malavai Quinn? Look smart soldier! *pats cheek* Hmmm. I think that may have been too much for our dear purple Quinn. Oh well, guess I'll have to sit here and admire Silver Theron. Hey, Theron, can you do 'Blue Steel'? :D

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Well now that I can speak again, of course Quinn wore it better, he's my favorite after all and Theron is only like.. 4th on my list. Yes I have them all ranked. Doesn't everyone? They do right? Tell me you all have your LIs ranked so I don't feel like such a freak :D
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I rock that outfit as one of them for my Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor and I saw the challenge and thought that outfit would be perfect lol


Twi'lek can get away with wearing things my humans can't. Before I took my break I managed to collect the concealed bodysuit set and when I got back I couldn't for the life of me remember WHY or who I had bought it for. So naturally, I made a twilek warrior and I'd swear it was made for her.

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Well now that I can speak again, of course Quinn wore it better, he's my favorite after all and Theron is only like.. 4th on my list. Yes I have them all ranked. Doesn't everyone? They do right? Tell me you all have your LIs ranked so I don't feel like such a freak :D



#1: Quinn, of course

#2: Andronikos...mainly because he and my psychotic SI are such a fun match. They're like the Star Wars version of Mickey and Mallory Knox. "Let's kill things then f* each other's brains out!" (Yeah, she's kind of like DS Jaesa.)

#3: Corso: making him jealous is so much fun!

#4: Vector: the whole bug thing kind of icks me out, but his wonderful poetic, romantic ways make up for it.

#5: Theron: I've honestly only romanced him on one toon and that was my Smuggler who didn't marry Corso, but I didn't start the romance with him until KotFE, so I know she missed out on a bit. One day I'll make someone to go through the whole romance. (Though one of my married-to-Quinn Hyperia's actually started flirting with him in SoR just for sh*ts and giggles. "Oh Satele....guess what? Your son just fell in love with the Emperor's Wrath!")


The rest just get an "okay" or "meh" from me. Torian's okay, but I get more of a big-sis vibe with him on my BH than lover/wife. Doc's fun if I'm playing a DS Jedi....he's her naughty little secret. Iresso and Grumpy Cat just bore me.

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Ok I figured, that's good :D


Mine is

1. Quinn because obvious

2.Vector because he's so.. you know, <3

3.Aric Jorgan because Tim Omundsen, and how about that swoony kotfe reunion? (Which gave me high hopes for the rest of the reunions, but were ultimately dashed.)

4.Theron. Mostly because he's a date-able, perfectly acceptable non-creep who's great when you didn't like your original romance option.


The rest either didn't click with me or weren't memorable for some reason. I accidentally romanced Vette on my male SW, she's apparently one of those LIs that you have to be super rude to or else they force themselves on you. But other than that I haven't tried any of the female romances. Though I'm working on Kira here and there just for something different to do :)

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When Lord Scourge heard Darth Lunafox was voting on a "who wears it best" contest, he wanted in on the action, but he insisted on choosing the outfit. (Sadly default Scourge is still bugged :mad: )

:eek::eek::eek: The League of Man Slaves is upon us!


Challenge accepted... skimpy outfit incoming... ;)


Who wore it better?

Double :eek::eek::eek: Theron looks a little too comfortable in that :D


Fellow Quinnmancers and lurking Theronites/Theronmancers. Question of the day: Who Did It Better? I can't decide :D

Oh my.. *heart starts racing* I want.. I want both.. they look absolutely yummy ;)

Indeed - I like my men to look "manly" :D

Edited by Sarova
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I almost feel bad for having my Theron - well, one of them... o_e - decked out in a perfectly normal set of armor/clothing. XD He shall not compete in the "who wears it better" contest - because Quinn is absent for my warrior. :( And Quinn wears white anyway.

...getting pictures is difficult. He keeps moving around. And the lighting in the Coruscant stronghold makes him look like he has nearly a full beard at times.

Theron: ...ahahaha what?

Quinn: *facepalm* I too have that predicament.

Theron: What?

Quinn: We have the same complexion. Sort of.

Theron: ...what?

Quinn: To my everlasting shame. But yes, shadows can play tricks on the eye.

Theron: WHAT!?

Quinn: And here we see a baby Shan-bird, repeating its first word over and over. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the only way they learn.

Theron: Going to punch you...

Quinn: Its vocabulary grows rapidly, as you can see. It--AUGH! *flees with Theron chasing after him*


As for ranking love interests--wait, hold on

BOYS! Cut that OUT!

Theron: *stops chasing Quinn* But I didn't get to brain him with this heavy dictionary yet.

Quinn: Oh, such a missed opportunity. What a shame. *dodges punch from Theron*

I'm trying to write here, quit interrupting me! *death glare*


1) Corso Riggs. My first character in SWTOR was a female smuggler. She fell for Corso at the exact same time he fell for her - which is to say, the second they first saw each other. :p

2) Probably Kira. I love her personality.


4) Vector. It should be noted that 1 - 4 are more or less tied, separated only by veeeeeeeeeeeeery small degrees.

5) Everybody else. Theron, Torian, Jorgan, Vette, Scourge, Arcann--wait, what do you mean, the last two aren't love interests (yet)? Hmph.

......99999) Lana. That's *after* the resident gungan, Hutt, gamorrean, and sarlacc. :D

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I almost feel bad for having my Theron - well, one of them... o_e - decked out in a perfectly normal set of armor/clothing. XD He shall not compete in the "who wears it better" contest - because Quinn is absent for my warrior. :( And Quinn wears white anyway.

...getting pictures is difficult. He keeps moving around. And the lighting in the Coruscant stronghold makes him look like he has nearly a full beard at times.

Theron: ...ahahaha what?

Quinn: *facepalm* I too have that predicament.

Theron: What?

Quinn: We have the same complexion. Sort of.

Theron: ...what?

Quinn: To my everlasting shame. But yes, shadows can play tricks on the eye.

Theron: WHAT!?

Quinn: And here we see a baby Shan-bird, repeating its first word over and over. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the only way they learn.

Theron: Going to punch you...

Quinn: Its vocabulary grows rapidly, as you can see. It--AUGH! *flees with Theron chasing after him*


As for ranking love interests--wait, hold on

BOYS! Cut that OUT!

Theron: *stops chasing Quinn* But I didn't get to brain him with this heavy dictionary yet.

Quinn: Oh, such a missed opportunity. What a shame. *dodges punch from Theron*

I'm trying to write here, quit interrupting me! *death glare*


1) Corso Riggs. My first character in SWTOR was a female smuggler. She fell for Corso at the exact same time he fell for her - which is to say, the second they first saw each other. :p

2) Probably Kira. I love her personality.


4) Vector. It should be noted that 1 - 4 are more or less tied, separated only by veeeeeeeeeeeeery small degrees.

5) Everybody else. Theron, Torian, Jorgan, Vette, Scourge, Arcann--wait, what do you mean, the last two aren't love interests (yet)? Hmph.

......99999) Lana. That's *after* the resident gungan, Hutt, gamorrean, and sarlacc. :D


Don't feel bad, I have very little in the way of skimpy stuff, mine are all dressed quite thoroughly too. But for fun, when I get time, I'll try and do a 'who wore it better' for you guys to pick from :D


Two-Vee, clean this up! It would appear that I've spewed my tea all over these controls and my monitor. Baby Shan-bird indeed. *giggle* The Grand Admiral got me again! I'm just glad I wasn't inhaling at the same time, or that would've hurt lol.

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Ranking LIs is so hard. I've only ever romanced the male LIs and they all have their good points, however my first place is a three-way tie:

  1. Malavai Quinn <3 Aric Jorgan <3 Theron Shan <3
  2. Vector Hyllus
  3. Felix Iresso
  4. Andronikos Revel
  5. Torian Cadera
  6. Doc
  7. Koth Vortena
  8. Corso Riggs


I thought Skavak would have made a much better LI for the Smuggler and Zenith should have been an option for the Consular. Pity the devs didn't think to add two choices of male LI companions like they did for the female ones.

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This idea made me laugh... We really do need to look into the help we get on Odesson sometime...


Wardrobe Malfuction


Role reversal, so into that :D


I wish I could take part in "who wore it better" but I also don't have a lot of outfits to show off. Mostly I make outfits with boring old vanilla stuff. The cm stuff I have is girly and wouldn't look good on Quinn or Vector or anyone. I mean except for clandestine officer which only Quinn ever wears. I'm intrigued by the last handmaiden set and working on that right now but it wouldn't work on them either :p


Feel free to keep posting all of yours though, I love seeing them wear things they don't usually wear, hehe.

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