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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Thank you... :) That really means a lot to me.


Gah, everything is making me want to clone my lady warrior on another server and go through her story again. But then...what happens afterward? o_O It'll be...awkward...if I just leave her at level 50 or so after she's done with her story, and I am *so* not going through KOTFE/KOTET all over again. XD Sigh...I don't know...indecision...help me... :p

Points against it: it's just strange to have an identical copy of my character. That and I'm already (sloooooowly) going through the warrior's story, albeit with a guy that time through (incidentally, he's my lady warrior's little brother).

Points for it: . . . does this need to be said? QUINN!!


I made several clones of mine. Up to Ziost. Sometimes only up to end of class story. I kept them all except for one (played her light side, it was boring and stupid, I couldn't stand her, so I deleted her).


So.... DO IT! :D


*sits here in her corner with 6 clones of one character (Sith Warrior <3 ), 3 of another and doubles of at least 3 more*


What? with the way the story's going I take my clones through the new stuff , my story mains haven't even hit KotFE yet. It's a great thing, and so easy.

I also record a ton of cutscenes, with my clones, trying out different dialogue branches and end results. took a few tries through the class stories to get ones I'm happy with. OBS and FRAPS are commonly used programs for recording and screenshots.


I have clones of several of mine too. The main reason is simple: I'd rather replay a beloved character again than make a new one I am not attached to and play them.


I can't suggest recording software, unfortunately. When playing STO, I use Bandicam, but I can't play SWTOR on Windows. It crashes after 10 minutes. So I play on Linux with Linux software that is not available on Windows.


It's the same with Theron tbh. Telling him I love him while being with Quinn??? You don't get a breakup for either like you did with the other romances returning. I hope they remedy that.


I know so many people who were angry about that. They're like "why would I tell him I love him right after finding my hubby?!" and I'm like "lesson for the future: don't cheat!:rak_01:"


For years, meeting Quinn on Balmorra has been one of my favourite parts of the class story <3

Yes I just got there, again. <3


Warrior was my second character in game, and first JK didn't get to any flirts yet, so it was my first [Flirt] I ever saw. Of course I clicked it! What I got -- his blushing, stummering -- was delicious. I loved him from that moment. After I customised him to something a lot cuter to my own tastes, my heart belonged to him 100% since! :D


I'll have to take Quinn through here sometime, the flash point is quite pretty...


Make sure you take screenshots of the last cutscene. I missed it on my warrior, but caught it with my agent: very very angry Quinn brothers :D




Since I was not able to find it anywhere I went and got it myself. If anyone was curious here is the letter that a romanced Elara Dorne sends you after Umbara


Elara Dorne Umbara Letter


Wow, what a contrast after the ******y welcome she gives you on Iokath.

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Dark side Jaesa. But she is gone now. I have no time for foolish romance. I have an empire to control, and enemies to slaughter.


Oh, so you like a psychopath, and it's all fine and dandy, but we can't like our dutiful officer, so you absolutely MUST come here and poop on our parade?:rolleyes:

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Dark side Jaesa. But she is gone now. I have no time for foolish romance. I have an empire to control, and enemies to slaughter.


That's fair. It was fun to corrupt her. In general, I find her less annoying than light side Jaesa. But I think she was complicit, she had this power that she could root out the true nature of people...so either she was in on it with Quinn or she didn't sense any duplicity from him because his true nature was that he loved the SW. Can't tell me that she wouldn't turn her ability on others aboard the ship, given that she was fairly loyal to SW, even if she was batsh*t crazy.

Edited by Lunafox
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That's fair. It was fun to corrupt her. In general, I find her less annoying than light side Jaesa. But I think she was complicit, she had this power that she could root out the true nature of people...so either she was in on it with Quinn or she didn't sense any duplicity from him because his true nature was that he loved the SW. Can't tell me that she wouldn't turn her ability on others aboard the ship, given that she was fairly loyal to SW, even if she was batsh*t crazy.


My first warrior corrupted Jaesa, and realized approximately .5 seconds later why that was a very, very bad idea.

Problem = warrior is extremely sympathetic to light-side Sith. She's not quite light-side herself - she's solidly neutral/pragmatic - but that hardly matters.

You can see the issues piling up from there.


Jaesa: Oh hey master, I found all these light-side Sith!

Warrior: Excellent. I--


Warrior: ...what!? No! Absolutely not, I forbid you to--

Jaesa: You're no fun. *flounces off*

Warrior: Get back here, young lady! .......oh for the love of... *rushes off to send quite a few messages going "WARNING: MANIACAL KILLER APPROACHING, GET OUT OF DODGE NOW"*

*Jaesa comes back*

Warrior: ...well.

Jaesa: I killed 'em all! Are you proud!? :D :D

Warrior: AFTER I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU TO DO SO!? [Thinking: oh force my entire family and several of my friends are dead now aren't they)

Jaesa: You're NO FUN! WAAAAH!


...I swear she could be worse than Ashara sometimes! D: What I hated was that no matter what, you absolutely could not talk her out of it. There was an option to go "No, I forbid you to do this," but Jaesa would do it anyway, and there's no way to punish her afterward. *sigh* (Same thing with Ashara...with Temple ["No, don't kill your father! We can keep him safe here--aaaand you did it anyway, where's the option to point out how incredibly hypocritical this is?"]...heck, with preeeeetty much everybody.)

My next warrior is going to keep Jaesa light-side, as *he's* a very light-side Sith (...well...up until a point...), so I wonder how that's going to go. Undoubtedly she'll be just as annoying, but hopefully not in a...a creepy way...



Out of curiosity, why are guys attracted to people like Jaesa, Kaliyo, Vaylin, etc.? That has never made sense to me. "But it's fun and they're crazy!" ...yeah, try living with them. After the first few months of emotional manipulation, constant cheating, belittling, threatening, physical pain and mutilation (at least for Vaylin - add the constant threat of painful death on a whim because you don't actually matter to her), is it so much "fun" anymore?


Make sure you take screenshots of the last cutscene. I missed it on my warrior, but caught it with my agent: very very angry Quinn brothers :D




Oohhh! O_O Companions react, too? :D AWESOME. I'll be sure to take my warrior through with Quinn. ...when I eventually get there! Uuuuuuurgh. XD

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Out of curiosity, why are guys attracted to people like Jaesa, Kaliyo, Vaylin, etc.? That has never made sense to me. "But it's fun and they're crazy!" ...yeah, try living with them. After the first few months of emotional manipulation, constant cheating, belittling, threatening, physical pain and mutilation (at least for Vaylin - add the constant threat of painful death on a whim because you don't actually matter to her), is it so much "fun" anymore


DS Jaesa, Kaliyo and Vaylin do nothing for me AT ALL. That's why I'll never corrupt Jaesa, I like her LS even if my male warrior can't romance her (dumb move on Bio's part) he has Vette to keep him warm. :) And I'll never play a male agent ether. And I can't see what anyone sees in Vaylin, it's not like Arcann where he has a chance to be redeemed if you go that way.

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My first warrior corrupted Jaesa, and realized approximately .5 seconds later why that was a very, very bad idea.

Problem = warrior is extremely sympathetic to light-side Sith. She's not quite light-side herself - she's solidly neutral/pragmatic - but that hardly matters.

You can see the issues piling up from there.


Jaesa: Oh hey master, I found all these light-side Sith!

Warrior: Excellent. I--


Warrior: ...what!? No! Absolutely not, I forbid you to--

Jaesa: You're no fun. *flounces off*

Warrior: Get back here, young lady! .......oh for the love of... *rushes off to send quite a few messages going "WARNING: MANIACAL KILLER APPROACHING, GET OUT OF DODGE NOW"*

*Jaesa comes back*

Warrior: ...well.

Jaesa: I killed 'em all! Are you proud!? :D :D

Warrior: AFTER I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU TO DO SO!? [Thinking: oh force my entire family and several of my friends are dead now aren't they)

Jaesa: You're NO FUN! WAAAAH!


...I swear she could be worse than Ashara sometimes! D: What I hated was that no matter what, you absolutely could not talk her out of it. There was an option to go "No, I forbid you to do this," but Jaesa would do it anyway, and there's no way to punish her afterward. *sigh* (Same thing with Ashara...with Temple ["No, don't kill your father! We can keep him safe here--aaaand you did it anyway, where's the option to point out how incredibly hypocritical this is?"]...heck, with preeeeetty much everybody.)

My next warrior is going to keep Jaesa light-side, as *he's* a very light-side Sith (...well...up until a point...), so I wonder how that's going to go. Undoubtedly she'll be just as annoying, but hopefully not in a...a creepy way...



Out of curiosity, why are guys attracted to people like Jaesa, Kaliyo, Vaylin, etc.? That has never made sense to me. "But it's fun and they're crazy!" ...yeah, try living with them. After the first few months of emotional manipulation, constant cheating, belittling, threatening, physical pain and mutilation (at least for Vaylin - add the constant threat of painful death on a whim because you don't actually matter to her), is it so much "fun" anymore?




Oohhh! O_O Companions react, too? :D AWESOME. I'll be sure to take my warrior through with Quinn. ...when I eventually get there! Uuuuuuurgh. XD


The thing that creeped me out the most about DS Jaesa was that one conversation where she was saying she'd met this Imperial soldier and she had sex with him and then killed him or maybe it was the other way around, she couldn't remember. And I was like ... why did I make her dark side again?! ... oh, right, achievement (which they have since removed). So now one of my characters is stuck with psycho witch from the 9th level of hell. Well, not anymore, I took that char through KotFE. If they bring back the Jaesa the warriors chose then I'm going to have to put down my one DS Jaesa like a rabid dog.


I agree that DS Jaesa would likely have known what Quinn was up to - unless she was too busy having sex with corpses to pay attention.


Also, I never found light side Jaesa to be particularly annoying. Ashara was always more annoying to me.

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My first warrior corrupted Jaesa, and realized approximately .5 seconds later why that was a very, very bad idea.

Problem = warrior is extremely sympathetic to light-side Sith. She's not quite light-side herself - she's solidly neutral/pragmatic - but that hardly matters.

You can see the issues piling up from there.


Jaesa: Oh hey master, I found all these light-side Sith!

Warrior: Excellent. I--


Warrior: ...what!? No! Absolutely not, I forbid you to--

Jaesa: You're no fun. *flounces off*

Warrior: Get back here, young lady! .......oh for the love of... *rushes off to send quite a few messages going "WARNING: MANIACAL KILLER APPROACHING, GET OUT OF DODGE NOW"*

*Jaesa comes back*

Warrior: ...well.

Jaesa: I killed 'em all! Are you proud!? :D :D

Warrior: AFTER I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU TO DO SO!? [Thinking: oh force my entire family and several of my friends are dead now aren't they)

Jaesa: You're NO FUN! WAAAAH!


...I swear she could be worse than Ashara sometimes! D: What I hated was that no matter what, you absolutely could not talk her out of it. There was an option to go "No, I forbid you to do this," but Jaesa would do it anyway, and there's no way to punish her afterward. *sigh* (Same thing with Ashara...with Temple ["No, don't kill your father! We can keep him safe here--aaaand you did it anyway, where's the option to point out how incredibly hypocritical this is?"]...heck, with preeeeetty much everybody.)

My next warrior is going to keep Jaesa light-side, as *he's* a very light-side Sith (...well...up until a point...), so I wonder how that's going to go. Undoubtedly she'll be just as annoying, but hopefully not in a...a creepy way...



Out of curiosity, why are guys attracted to people like Jaesa, Kaliyo, Vaylin, etc.? That has never made sense to me. "But it's fun and they're crazy!" ...yeah, try living with them. After the first few months of emotional manipulation, constant cheating, belittling, threatening, physical pain and mutilation (at least for Vaylin - add the constant threat of painful death on a whim because you don't actually matter to her), is it so much "fun" anymore?




Oohhh! O_O Companions react, too? :D AWESOME. I'll be sure to take my warrior through with Quinn. ...when I eventually get there! Uuuuuuurgh. XD


I think the difference is, that I play mostly dark V characters, and for me turning Jaesa and watching this former goody two shoes Jedi doing all this appalling stuff was 'for the lulz'. My SW was like *shrug* Glad you had fun. :D Now it's time to work...so they'd get on well enough. I can see how the conversations would go though if you were more light to neutral. I'd have these issues with Ashara and I can't freaking stand her. She and Kaliyo are probably my most hated female comps and I'd kill them both given the chance on most of my toons.


I think guys are guilty of loving the 'bad girl' just as some women are into 'the bad boy.' There is a certain thrill to it, an unpredictability that makes things exciting at least at first. I don't know if men have the same 'quirk' because, I'm not a man, perhaps some of our resident male Quinn fans could shed light...but as a woman, I think there is a certain high that comes with, 'he's a rotten *****hole to everyone else, but gentle and kind to me,' like it makes you more special somehow that because you're so awesome that they've changed just for you, that sort of thing.


Like you say, it gets hard to live with after a while, when you have to start hiding bodies and burning your underwear on a regular basis and walking in on someone with the UPS delivery person...and you might wonder what they're putting in your food too, when they cook for you... :D I personally don't mind 'bad boy' to a degree, but I draw the line at megalomaniacal murdering sorts for the most part. ;)




Also, I never found light side Jaesa to be particularly annoying. Ashara was always more annoying to me.

LS Jaesa is less annoying...even though she annoyed me and my characters, I never caught myself wanting to kill her, whereas with Ashara, it's all that would go through my characters and my mind...male, female, didn't matter, they all wanted Ashara dead. Shame we couldn't corrupt her properly, watching her spiral into a right proper lunatic would be amusing before I killed her. :D

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I think guys are guilty of loving the 'bad girl' just as some women are into 'the bad boy.' There is a certain thrill to it, an unpredictability that makes things exciting at least at first. I don't know if men have the same 'quirk' because, I'm not a man, perhaps some of our resident male Quinn fans could shed light...but as a woman, I think there is a certain high that comes with, 'he's a rotten *****hole to everyone else, but gentle and kind to me,' like it makes you more special somehow that because you're so awesome that they've changed just for you, that sort of thing.


Like you say, it gets hard to live with after a while, when you have to start hiding bodies and burning your underwear on a regular basis and walking in on someone with the UPS delivery person...and you might wonder what they're putting in your food too, when they cook for you... :D I personally don't mind 'bad boy' to a degree, but I draw the line at megalomaniacal murdering sorts for the most part. ;)


That makes sense. But I suppose the key is "he's a rotten jerk to everyone ELSE, but gentle and kind to me." People like Thana Vesh and Vaylin are just rotten jerks to everybody, and we STILL have "bring back Thana Vesh" threads. o_o That part I don't understand. As for Kaliyo...I've never done her romance, but it seems to me that the only reason she keeps the male agent around is because he's exciting - not because she actually cares. Or, perhaps, in her own way, she does. That way just happens to include cheating on him and STILL betraying the agent - and the entire Empire - despite no one forcing her to do it (unlike Quinn??? :confused: ). She just does it for the lulz and gets mad at the agent when he objects.


When someone says "I love you" but cheats on you, belittles you, manipulates you, betrays you and all that you stand for, makes it clear that they're only using you because you're what's most "exciting" right then and there... yeah, that's not love. That's not even attraction. That's just flat-out abuse. If a man did that to a woman, people would be screaming bloody murder 24/7. How sexist!!1! But a woman does that to a man, and suddenly that's "sexy" and desirable? Bleck.

LS Jaesa is less annoying...even though she annoyed me and my characters, I never caught myself wanting to kill her, whereas with Ashara, it's all that would go through my characters and my mind...male, female, didn't matter, they all wanted Ashara dead. Shame we couldn't corrupt her properly, watching her spiral into a right proper lunatic would be amusing before I killed her. :D


My dark side female inquisitor h-a-t-e-s Ashara. (She's still Dark V, but working her way to a gradual redemption...and she STILL hates Ashara!) My light side male inquisitor, on the other hand, just adores the heck out of her. XD ...then again, he's

a) sixteen

b) quite prone to puppy love crushes

c) just that desperate for a true friend

d) a total sweetheart whose normal behaviour is "meet someone, immediately shower them with affection because YAY NEW PEOPLE! :D"

d) still not used to seeing a woman who's the same race as he is and isn't a slave.

...he and Ashara get along well. But for *me*, she's still quite annoying. It's just less obvious with a light-side inquisitor, because your goals and her goals actually align for the most part. Dark-side inquisitors, however...ugh, yes, there should've been an option to corrupt her. >_<

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That makes sense. But I suppose the key is "he's a rotten jerk to everyone ELSE, but gentle and kind to me." People like Thana Vesh and Vaylin are just rotten jerks to everybody, and we STILL have "bring back Thana Vesh" threads. o_o That part I don't understand. As for Kaliyo...I've never done her romance, but it seems to me that the only reason she keeps the male agent around is because he's exciting - not because she actually cares. Or, perhaps, in her own way, she does. That way just happens to include cheating on him and STILL betraying the agent - and the entire Empire - despite no one forcing her to do it (unlike Quinn??? :confused: ). She just does it for the lulz and gets mad at the agent when he objects.


When someone says "I love you" but cheats on you, belittles you, manipulates you, betrays you and all that you stand for, makes it clear that they're only using you because you're what's most "exciting" right then and there... yeah, that's not love. That's not even attraction. That's just flat-out abuse. If a man did that to a woman, people would be screaming bloody murder 24/7. How sexist!!1! But a woman does that to a man, and suddenly that's "sexy" and desirable? Bleck.



My dark side female inquisitor h-a-t-e-s Ashara. (She's still Dark V, but working her way to a gradual redemption...and she STILL hates Ashara!) My light side male inquisitor, on the other hand, just adores the heck out of her. XD ...then again, he's

a) sixteen

b) quite prone to puppy love crushes

c) just that desperate for a true friend

d) a total sweetheart whose normal behaviour is "meet someone, immediately shower them with affection because YAY NEW PEOPLE! :D"

d) still not used to seeing a woman who's the same race as he is and isn't a slave.

...he and Ashara get along well. But for *me*, she's still quite annoying. It's just less obvious with a light-side inquisitor, because your goals and her goals actually align for the most part. Dark-side inquisitors, however...ugh, yes, there should've been an option to corrupt her. >_<


I never understood that appeal of Thana Vesh and by extension Vaylin. Both of them are shrill, harsh voiced creatures and Thana is annoying with just about everything she says. I don't get it. Sometimes I think it's all just about the T & A.


Kaliyo is a psychopath, she has a history of using and abusing people and ditching them when she's done. It's her MO and eventually, the agent would get the same treatment even if he's nuts and keeps her around. You're absolutely right, non of that stuff would be appealing in real life, but I guess this being a game, people take a walk on the wild side.


My female DS Sorc hates Ashara too. My LS male Sorc hates Ashara as well. He has done everything contrary to what she wants and lives to make her unhappy. And thus far, has been living like a monk, because he has no use for Lana either.

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I never understood that appeal of Thana Vesh and by extension Vaylin. Both of them are shrill, harsh voiced creatures and Thana is annoying with just about everything she says. I don't get it. Sometimes I think it's all just about the T & A.


Kaliyo is a psychopath, she has a history of using and abusing people and ditching them when she's done. It's her MO and eventually, the agent would get the same treatment even if he's nuts and keeps her around. You're absolutely right, non of that stuff would be appealing in real life, but I guess this being a game, people take a walk on the wild side.


My female DS Sorc hates Ashara too. My LS male Sorc hates Ashara as well. He has done everything contrary to what she wants and lives to make her unhappy. And thus far, has been living like a monk, because he has no use for Lana either.


I think you mean to say your LS male Quizzie is really a Jedi then Luna :D:p

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Because I hate this thread, I hate it! I hate Quinn, I killed them all, all your Quinns.


*150 darkside points*

Lies. You're here because of your Quinn remorse. Admit it, you killed him and now you wish you hadn't so you're here to wallow in the glory of as much Quinn worship as you can get :p The ghost of your Quinn points and laughs at you!


For years, meeting Quinn on Balmorra has been one of my favourite parts of the class story <3

Yes I just got there, again. <3

Me too! :D I created a Sarova Warrior and I'm recording every single Quinn moment. For reasons. And research.

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As for Kaliyo...I've never done her romance, but it seems to me that the only reason she keeps the male agent around is because he's exciting - not because she actually cares. Or, perhaps, in her own way, she does. That way just happens to include cheating on him and STILL betraying the agent - and the entire Empire - despite no one forcing her to do it (unlike Quinn??? :confused: ). She just does it for the lulz and gets mad at the agent when he objects.


When someone says "I love you" but cheats on you, belittles you, manipulates you, betrays you and all that you stand for, makes it clear that they're only using you because you're what's most "exciting" right then and there... yeah, that's not love. That's not even attraction. That's just flat-out abuse. If a man did that to a woman, people would be screaming bloody murder 24/7. How sexist!!1! But a woman does that to a man, and suddenly that's "sexy" and desirable? Bleck.



My dark side female inquisitor h-a-t-e-s Ashara. (She's still Dark V, but working her way to a gradual redemption...and she STILL hates Ashara!) My light side male inquisitor, on the other hand, just adores the heck out of her. XD

...he and Ashara get along well. But for *me*, she's still quite annoying. It's just less obvious with a light-side inquisitor, because your goals and her goals actually align for the most part. Dark-side inquisitors, however...ugh, yes, there should've been an option to corrupt her. >_<


I'm pretty sure they only reason Kaliyo is with the Agent is to make money off of him. He's her goose that lays the golden eggs and she's smart enough not to kill that goose.


I think a lot of guys are drawn to the psycho *****es because they believe that crazy translates into crazy in bed. :rolleyes: From there it breaks into three camps. 1. The "I can redeem them with my love" camp. 2. The "we will be partners in mayhem" camp. 3. The "I will break their will and dominate them" camp. (Which sounds very abusive to me.)


The only way I could stand the Ashara romance was to play it with my dark 5 Inquisitor with him laughing about how stupid she is.

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Lies. You're here because of your Quinn remorse. Admit it, you killed him and now you wish you hadn't so you're here to wallow in the glory of as much Quinn worship as you can get :p The ghost of your Quinn points and laughs at you!


Quinn: I have a ghost?

Quinn: Of course you do.

Quinn: GAH! ...er...hello there. You are...nearly transparent. And...pale. Are you a Force-ghost? ...how is that even possible?

Quinn: Kept alive by the unending hatred of some people. -_- It gets tiresome. However, I am able to exact some small amount of revenge by turning invisible, rearranging furniture, inputting false coordinates into the hyperdrive, occasionally manipulating dreams--

Quinn: Grand Admiral, Darth Sarova, if you're trying to reassure me that even after death my influence lingers on, this is not helping.

Quinn: --and hiding ghost!Baras's snack supply.

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I think you mean to say your LS male Quizzie is really a Jedi then Luna :D:p


He may as well be lol. I've played light side for all the classes, but I prefer the dark, so most of them are dark siders.





The only way I could stand the Ashara romance was to play it with my dark 5 Inquisitor with him laughing about how stupid she is.


I wish we had that choice to voice that after we had our way. It's sadistic, but as our Quinn says, 'no less than she deserves.'

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Quinn: I have a ghost?

Quinn: Of course you do.

Quinn: GAH! ...er...hello there. You are...nearly transparent. And...pale. Are you a Force-ghost? ...how is that even possible?

Quinn: Kept alive by the unending hatred of some people. -_- It gets tiresome. However, I am able to exact some small amount of revenge by turning invisible, rearranging furniture, inputting false coordinates into the hyperdrive, occasionally manipulating dreams--

Quinn: Grand Admiral, Darth Sarova, if you're trying to reassure me that even after death my influence lingers on, this is not helping.

Quinn: --and hiding ghost!Baras's snack supply.


Just be careful, my dear Malavai, that ghost!Baras doesn't find out. I imagine he has quite a spy network even in the afterlife. ;)

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Quinn: I have a ghost?

Quinn: Of course you do.

Quinn: GAH! ...er...hello there. You are...nearly transparent. And...pale. Are you a Force-ghost? ...how is that even possible?

Quinn: Kept alive by the unending hatred of some people. -_- It gets tiresome. However, I am able to exact some small amount of revenge by turning invisible, rearranging furniture, inputting false coordinates into the hyperdrive, occasionally manipulating dreams--

Quinn: Grand Admiral, Darth Sarova, if you're trying to reassure me that even after death my influence lingers on, this is not helping.

Quinn: --and hiding ghost!Baras's snack supply.

:D:D:D:D Love it


Ghost Baras has no power in the after life - we made sure of that. In the afterlife Baras is Malavai's

...with an afterlife shock collar!
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He may as well be lol. I've played light side for all the classes, but I prefer the dark, so most of them are dark siders.


And mine are all light siders :D so I guess we even each other out. Hehe I just can't play dark or evil in games. That's not to say that Nat don't make dark choices she just don't do it all the time.

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And mine are all light siders :D so I guess we even each other out. Hehe I just can't play dark or evil in games. That's not to say that Nat don't make dark choices she just don't do it all the time.


most of mine are light or neutral, I have a very hard time playing truly dark characters. So I am with you there.

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most of mine are light or neutral, I have a very hard time playing truly dark characters. So I am with you there.

I have 2 very dark charcters one sith inq and one sith warrior just to see what way the story goes if you take the darkest choices. Some dark choices are very hard to make - I did not think I would be able to kill off Aric Jorgan & keep psycho Kaliyo however if you go the dark way Aric says something really arsey during the mission so I found it a lot easier to introduce him to my lightsaber! My superdark warrior obviously romanced Quinn so I was able to continue the romance, however I can't even consider the kill option for Quinn on my very dark-sided inq. It will never happen!


I've just made another warrior who is very light-sided. This means I'm going to have to be super nice to Vette (boo) for light side reasons. This also means that I may have to choose Vette over Torian. I don't think I can do it! Neutral characters are so much easier to play. My main (a sith inq) romanced Theron even though she is full dark but I can reason that Theron has turned her a little light-sided so she makes nicer choices (mostly - Saresh was never going to live & neither was Vette on that character).

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most of mine are light or neutral, I have a very hard time playing truly dark characters. So I am with you there.


Same here. I have one dark side character - an inquisitor - and even she's on a slow but sure path to redemption. Everybody else is either light or neutral. Including several that I didn't think would be light/neutral, but wound up that way anyways.


My main warrior, however, very nearly hit Dark II at one point on Makeb, following purely pragmatic options - what's best for the Empire/the current mission? After that, all of the pragmatic options were light-side. So I've been constantly switching that ridiculous dark/light toggle back and forth to keep her solidly neutral, as that's what she evened out as.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Disantia is technically Dark 5, but she has made several light side choices along the way. I still have not made up my mind on how I will deal with her in Umbara so have not done that on her yet. I have a few characters that are made to be never make a light side choice ever toons (I have one inquisitor and one warrior who are that way). And my first Bounty hunter is also one of my more evil characters. But goes with the profession, job is a job and she doesn't handle double crosses well... So she did a lot of bad things and will continue to do so.
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