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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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MALAVAI QUINN vs THERON SHAN celebrity death match incoming! :eek: Quinn gets my vote :D No contest! It's Quinn's voice for me - puts him way way higher than Theron in my personal LI contest. Then Aric Jorgan then Theron. Sorry Theron :p


Sometimes when I'm bored I ship the two of them, so lets just keep this to wrestling rather than a death match. :rak_03:


I came across this and thought it was beautiful.

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Quinn: *trying and mostly failing to hide his proud smile*

Theron: Yeah, mind if I squeeze into this thread here just a little...? *awkward fidgeting* I'm getting torn to shreds everywhere else.

Quinn: *disdainful glance*

Theron: ...wha-at?

Quinn: So people have been persecuting me for my betrayal, yet now you do something...apparently even worse than that, and people are still questioning *me*?

Theron: That's people for you.

Quinn: Well. *sigh* The...Quinnmancers will probably welcome you...

Theron: :)

Quinn: On one condition.

Theron: Name it.

Quinn: *abruptly looming over Theron* Don't. Ever. Forget. This. Is. MY. Thread.

Theron: ........y-you got it... :D *sweat drop*

Quinn: *back to normal* You'll excuse me for brief flashes of jealousy. I did work rather hard to keep this thread...and retain my sanity on top of it.

Theron: Might be part of your...charm.

Quinn: Was that sarcasm?

Theron: You couldn't tell?

Quinn and Theron: *GLARE*


Oh boy.


"Well, Grand Admiral, that went...remarkably well, I think. And perhaps we should assign Theron a colour all his own..."

*stands between them a hand on each one's chest to keep them apart* "I do recommend you gentlemen behave. I do understand Quinn's upset...the whole death

by train

did seem rather creative and could be construed as one-upmanship on Theron's part...however, I don't believe that was the intent. So make nice gentlemen...have some tea and do whatever it is you men do to...I don't know...bond..."


*walks toward quarters* "And should you feel so inclined, you know where I'll be, Major."

Edited by Lunafox
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MALAVAI QUINN vs THERON SHAN celebrity death match incoming! :eek: Quinn gets my vote :D No contest! It's Quinn's voice for me - puts him way way higher than Theron in my personal LI contest. Then Aric Jorgan then Theron. Sorry Theron :p


Same here...except the Aric Jorgan part. I rank him in the bottom two of LIs next to Iresso as far as sheer boredom factor.


EDITED to add in compensation....a little something I just stumbled across: https://68.media.tumblr.com/3da660098d6230339862644dba6f67ab/tumblr_on4swpu17g1thx30ko1_1280.png

Edited by feylyndiira
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Same here...except the Aric Jorgan part. I rank him in the bottom two of LIs next to Iresso as far as sheer boredom factor.

Aric Jorgan romance and sheer boredom factor?? Were you in bizzaroworld? I loved the Aric romance as Aric goes from complete pig lieutenant to devoted husband over the whole class story. But then I like old fashioned romances :o Guess you like a bit of

Quinn or Theron's "must attempt to kill spouse/lover because fatty/the Order made me"

thrown in to liven it up a bit :p I didn't think Iresso was that bad either (he gets the republic version of the LI kiss-on-cheek thing also). The only romance that I think was a bit meh was Koth because he just isn't in the game long enough for them to anything better with. I've not done any of the male character ~ female companion romances. They just don't appeal to me.

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Aric Jorgan romance and sheer boredom factor?? Were you in bizzaroworld? I loved the Aric romance as Aric goes from complete pig lieutenant to devoted husband over the whole class story. But then I like old fashioned romances :o Guess you like a bit of

Quinn or Theron's "must attempt to kill spouse/lover because fatty/the Order made me"

thrown in to liven it up a bit :p I didn't think Iresso was that bad either (he gets the republic version of the LI kiss-on-cheek thing also). The only romance that I think was a bit meh was Koth because he just isn't in the game long enough for them to anything better with. I've not done any of the male character ~ female companion romances. They just don't appeal to me.


To be honest, i don't even remember why I don't like him. I only played the Trooper story once...mainly because it bored me to tears and I just don't remember anything sticking out at all about his romance that made me go "Oh, I want to play this again so I can romance him again!".


I'm not really into Theron either. My top male LIs are Quinn (of course), Andronikos, Vector and Corso....maybe Torian in there as well. Heck, I even liked Doc, as much of a sleazy sort of guy that he was...at least his romance was fun in a "forbidden fling" sort of way. I guess you could say I like a little spice with my sugar. ;)

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Okay....since I'm playing through again and taking notes for my fanfic, I have a question that's been bugging me for awhile concerning the Transponder Ship incident...why, when it is all over, does the SW stay behind after sending Quinn back to their ship? She says, "The ship is that way. I will join you shortly." Any theories?


In my head canon,

she would actually leave first to disable all the cameras Baras had installed around the ship so that he would not realize that she had actually let Quinn live after choking him.



EDITED to add that I just decided to run around the ship after the Quinncident and there's a computer in the main room that you can hover over as though it might have been clickable, but it isn't. Very interesting....:rak_02:

Edited by feylyndiira
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Aric Jorgan romance and sheer boredom factor?? Were you in bizzaroworld? I loved the Aric romance as Aric goes from complete pig lieutenant to devoted husband over the whole class story. But then I like old fashioned romances :o Guess you like a bit of

Quinn or Theron's "must attempt to kill spouse/lover because fatty/the Order made me"

thrown in to liven it up a bit :p I didn't think Iresso was that bad either (he gets the republic version of the LI kiss-on-cheek thing also). The only romance that I think was a bit meh was Koth because he just isn't in the game long enough for them to anything better with. I've not done any of the male character ~ female companion romances. They just don't appeal to me.


I liked Iresso romance too. Seemed to be a perfect fit for a LS consular (mine was DS until she met him).


Jorgan? Grumpy cat didn't hold any interest for me. I started to like him in KOTFE.


Koth? Love him and his romance in KOTET. If/When Doc returns, my JK will dump him officially for Koth.


Okay....since I'm playing through again and taking notes for my fanfic, I have a question that's been bugging me for awhile concerning the Transponder Ship incident...why, when it is all over, does the SW stay behind after sending Quinn back to their ship? She says, "The ship is that way. I will join you shortly." Any theories?


That's a good question. I noticed that dialogue, but never really needed to figure out the reasons, so didn't stop to ponder them.


Maybe mine just wanted to compose herself after all that mess, before showing her face to the rest of the crew (mine promised not to reveal it, so she shouldn't look like something happened).

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That's a good question. I noticed that dialogue, but never really needed to figure out the reasons, so didn't stop to ponder them.


Maybe mine just wanted to compose herself after all that mess, before showing her face to the rest of the crew (mine promised not to reveal it, so she shouldn't look like something happened).


Good point.


And gads, I don't know which romance timeline was more messed up...the "betrayal after marriage" one or the "come to my quarters and I'll show you how I feel" conversation immediately after the betrayal. I feel like channeling Ash from Army of Darkness here, "First you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me...blow."

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Same here...except the Aric Jorgan part. I rank him in the bottom two of LIs next to Iresso as far as sheer boredom factor.


EDITED to add in compensation....a little something I just stumbled across: https://68.media.tumblr.com/3da660098d6230339862644dba6f67ab/tumblr_on4swpu17g1thx30ko1_1280.png




Quinn ages quite nicely, I must say. :D

(i really wish we had the option of gray hairs for our characters D: )


And gads, I don't know which romance timeline was more messed up...the "betrayal after marriage" one or the "come to my quarters and I'll show you how I feel" conversation immediately after the betrayal. I feel like channeling Ash from Army of Darkness here, "First you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me...blow."


I kind of like the former option better than the latter. I have it so that the Quinn and the SW got married, Quinn's thinking "there's nothing in the galaxy that can stop us now"........only to have Baras contact him out of the blue, say things like (spoiler'd for length, this post was already way too long XD)

"Oh, congratulations on your wedding. So sorry I wasn't able to be there, at [exact date and time], but do give my regards to [whoever married the two of you]" and reveal he knows everything. "So, Quinn, you have a choice: kill your wife, or I will torture the both of you until the event horizon of the universe. I'll probably start on her, first. Just so you can watch helplessly. You can kill her now, or watch me inflict so much pain on your wife that you'll wish you had given her a mercy kill when you had the chance. Clock's ticking, captain, make your choice. :)"


Or something like that. *shrug* Doesn't...quite...explain that whole "Baras is my true master" crap...*sigh* more headcanon...


@other romances: I didn't romance Iresso... my female sage was too heartbroken over Tharan Cedrax rather cruelly using her. She obliviously flirted with Iresso, however - she's the kind of person who genuinely isn't aware she's leading someone on until it becomes so obvious you'd have to be blind not to notice - and then Iresso was hesitantly asking to be with her... She turned him down as gently as she knew how. His response? "Okay. You have a good point. We still make a great team, anyway; let's move on and put this behind us, yeah?" . . . my respect for him skyrocketed. O_O (And my female sage went on to romance Theron Shan. The female consular's voice has improved drastically since vanilla, I have to say, especially when flirting. *'Awwwwww*, so cute!)

As for Jorgan...heh. I'm doing another playthrough of the trooper's story right now just to see his romance, mostly because I hate the trooper's story, but I adore Jorgan. He's one of my favorite companions. (Is it just me, or did anybody else wish that somebody somewhere would call Jorgan "Lassie" at some point? XD I finally gave up and had Jonas Balkar do that in fanfiction.)


@Lunafox: Purple Quinn response incoming...sometime soon. :o The death match/wrestling match/fanservice match of QUINN VS. SHAN (*trumpet fanfare*) will resume! Gah this post was long, sorry for my rambling. XD

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Jorgan? Grumpy cat didn't hold any interest for me. I started to like him in KOTFE.


Jorgan changes drastically in chapter 2-3. I nearly gave up on him but kept playing and was no longer being chafed by his gruff. He reminds me a lot of Garrus Vakarian after he warms up.


I have a bit of love-hate with Quinn. Like Jorgan, it takes so very long for him to warm up but once he does it's great. I try to keep in mind that he's 37 and Imperial, so most likely very set in his ways and that's why I'm an old lady sith by the time he accepts my advances.


I wish they gave him a jealous streak or two like Jorgan and Theron! Would have been nice to see a little sass out of him :p

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As for Jorgan...heh. I'm doing another playthrough of the trooper's story right now just to see his romance, mostly because I hate the trooper's story, but I adore Jorgan

I really like the trooper story - it gives an idea of the story behind the star wars "grunts" who are less glamorous than the lightsaber wielding force users, smugglers and bounty hunters. Aric can be hilarious in some responses as he starts out completely clueless when it comes to the Trooper; for the republic side his is my favourite romance story. Assault cannons are so unlady-like but I can live with them.


@Lunafox: Purple Quinn response incoming...sometime soon. :o The death match/wrestling match/fanservice match of QUINN VS. SHAN (*trumpet fanfare*) will resume! Gah this post was long, sorry for my rambling. XD

Contrary to my initial death match post, I have a feeling that neither Malavai or Theron would resort to a fist fight with each other to settle anything. It would be a match of minds [in the blue corner] Republic-Alliance Spy & Umbara star Theron vs [in the red corner] Imperial semi-spy and master strategist-and most devoted husband in the game Malavai. They are going to have to settle this with Chess! Or Trivial Pursuit. Either that or together they will hatch a plan to keep the hordes of fangirls under control.

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"Well, Grand Admiral, that went...remarkably well, I think. And perhaps we should assign Theron a colour all his own..."

*stands between them a hand on each one's chest to keep them apart* "I do recommend you gentlemen behave. I do understand Quinn's upset...the whole death *COUGH* did seem rather creative and could be construed as one-upmanship on Theron's part...however, I don't believe that was the intent. So make nice gentlemen...have some tea and do whatever it is you men do to...I don't know...bond..."


*walks toward quarters* "And should you feel so inclined, you know where I'll be, Major."


Theron: I get a color all my own? Thanks! Better than anything the SIS di--

Quinn: NO. And stop saying that! It gets old quickly.

Theron: How about this one?

Quinn: Purple Quinn and Brown Theron. *conspicuous silence*

Theron: Eh. All right, this is good. Like my jacket.

Quinn: That you've been wearing for five years straight.

Theron: *stiffly* Not. The same. Jacket.

Quinn: Do you have a wardrobe full of identical jackets?

Theron: No! ........maybe.

Quinn: Whatever color you choose, I still win this little battle of wits. Also, that color hurts the eyes. Stop it.

Theron: I'm younger, available to more people, and have a much larger role in the overall story. Don't seem to remember you having this large a role.

Quinn: Age is irrelevant. Despite being "available" to more people, I see your fan-thread is still lagging behind my own by two hundred pages - oh, and it was made earlier. Over one year earlier. As for the role in the story? A matter of perspective. You're only just now becoming a focus, whereas I am one of the more important companions of the Sith Warrior's story--

Theron: *cough* "matter of perspective" *cough*

Quinn: Right, did any other love interest in any other story attempt to betray the player? ...no? Oh, how shocking. I thought, from your lackluster reaction, it was commonplace. Perhaps that would explain the outrage, however... you see, I seem to be relatively safe now from haters, but you are getting the brunt of it. *significant pause* Oh, and given how the story just loves to be able to kill off companions, your head is on the chopping block.

Theron: Says the man who might be dead many times over on Iokath.

Quinn: ... *facepalm* Touche.

Theron: Did we tie?

Quinn: We might have, much as I hate to admit it. *sigh* Tea?

Theron: I'd love some, thanks. Well, that was over quickly.

Quinn: *going to get the tea* It would appear so. ....... *makes sure he's out of earshot* Who said it was over? :rak_04:

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Quinn ages quite nicely, I must say. :D

(i really wish we had the option of gray hairs for our characters D: )

I actually had my first SW go totally white-haired after she got out of carbonite.


I kind of like the former option better than the latter. I have it so that the Quinn and the SW got married, Quinn's thinking "there's nothing in the galaxy that can stop us now"........only to have Baras contact him out of the blue, say things like (spoiler'd for length, this post was already way too long XD)

"Oh, congratulations on your wedding. So sorry I wasn't able to be there, at [exact date and time], but do give my regards to [whoever married the two of you]" and reveal he knows everything. "So, Quinn, you have a choice: kill your wife, or I will torture the both of you until the event horizon of the universe. I'll probably start on her, first. Just so you can watch helplessly. You can kill her now, or watch me inflict so much pain on your wife that you'll wish you had given her a mercy kill when you had the chance. Clock's ticking, captain, make your choice. :)"


Or something like that. *shrug* Doesn't...quite...explain that whole "Baras is my true master" crap...*sigh* more headcanon...

That's actually very similar to my headcanon...just minus the marriage part. Of course, I can also kind of get the other option too....especially with my head-canon that Baras forced him to do it. He's like "Thank you so much for seeing that I didn't really want to do that. Now I know that we are truly invincible together! C'mere...." :cool::D

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I really like the trooper story - it gives an idea of the story behind the star wars "grunts" who are less glamorous than the lightsaber wielding force users, smugglers and bounty hunters. Aric can be hilarious in some responses as he starts out completely clueless when it comes to the Trooper; for the republic side his is my favourite romance story. Assault cannons are so unlady-like but I can live with them.l.


And that's probably why it bored me...because when I played it, I was still in the military myself. So, it's just like Star Wars version of work to me. Even though I'm a vet, I'm not all gung-ho military....so the trooper story just did not do anything for me at all.

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And that's probably why it bored me...because when I played it, I was still in the military myself. So, it's just like Star Wars version of work to me. Even though I'm a vet, I'm not all gung-ho military....so the trooper story just did not do anything for me at all.


Trooper was fun when you played as a relentless flirt, watching him get jealous was priceless.


Also this insane cxp from daily planets is awesome. Finally got someone to 300 :)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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I actually had my first SW go totally white-haired after she got out of carbonite.


Do Sith Purebloods even have the option of having white hair? I can't remember if they do, or if their hair colors are solely varying shades of red/pink-ish and jet black.

But I'm thinking of doing the same with my consular. He's in his mid-forties by now, which is solidly in middle age for a chiss. That plus the strain of using the Force so heavily and being in carbonite = white hair...except chiss only have the option of this dingy gray hair color. :( Sigh... And no crows'-feet around the eyes or laugh lines around the mouth. I asked my sister how old she thought my consular was, and she said "Eighteen." O_O ...I can see that. But yeesh, still.



Quinn: I suggest a game of chess.

Theron: …really? Didn’t know you played.

Quinn: I wasn’t aware you played chess, either.

Theron: I’m game.

Quinn: *white* Pawn to E4.

Theron: *black* Pawn to E5. Kind of expected you to be Black.

Quinn: Which is part of the reason why I chose white. According to some Quinnmancers, I look dashing in it. Pawn to F4, King’s Gambit.

Theron: Accepted. *smirk* Pawn takes pawn at F4.

Quinn: Inquisitor [bishop] to C4.

Theron: Aggressive move for y—wait…you call your consulars, inquisitors?

Quinn: Typical Republic short-sightedness.

Theron: [grumble] …Grandmaster [queen] to H4. Check.

Quinn: And you call me “aggressive.” I—hold on, “Grandmaster”!?

Theron: What do you call it?

Quinn: Darth. Of course.

Theron: My grandmaster can whoop all your darths' arses.

Quinn: When she's not too busy pretending her son doesn't exist, that is.

Theron: . . . a mom joke. Really? Seriously? Oh, you. Are. Going. DOWN.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Do Sith Purebloods even have the option of having white hair? I can't remember if they do, or if their hair colors are solely varying shades of red/pink-ish and jet black.

No idea....my SW was human.


Quinn: I suggest a game of chess.

Theron: …really? Didn’t know you played.

Quinn: I wasn’t aware you played chess, either.

Theron: I’m game.

Quinn: *white* Pawn to E4.

Theron: *black* Pawn to E5. Kind of expected you to be Black.

Quinn: Which is part of the reason why I chose white. According to some Quinnmancers, I look dashing in it. Pawn to F4, King’s Gambit.

Theron: Accepted. *smirk* Pawn takes pawn at F4.

Quinn: Inquisitor [bishop] to C4.

Theron: Aggressive move for y—wait…you call your consulars, inquisitors?

Quinn: Typical Republic short-sightedness.

Theron: [grumble] …Grandmaster [queen] to H4.

Quinn: And you call me “aggressive.” I—hold on, “Grandmaster”!?

Theron: What do you call it?

Quinn: Darth. Of course.

Theron: My grandmaster can whoop all your darths' arses.

Quinn: When she's not too busy pretending her son doesn't exist, that is.

Theron: . . . a mom joke. Really? Seriously? Oh, you. Are. Going. DOWN.


Love it! I can definitely see the both of them being avid chess players....especially Quinn. I mean all those years stuck on Balmorra...and he's not a drinker or a womanizer, so the man's got to have a hobby. And I can definitely see him as playing chess to keep his mind sharp.

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Quinn: *wicked smile* Emperor [king] to F1.

Theron: *death glare* Pawn to B5. Seriously, “Emperor?” Right, if this was real life, every piece on the board would be turning on that one.

Quinn: I’m aware…*grumble* smart-aleck. Inquisitor takes pawn at B5.

Theron: Guardian [knight] to F6.

Quinn: …“guardian.” Really?

Theron: You call yours “Sith Lords That Rain Down Uber-Destructive Doomy Dooms of Doom,” right?

Quinn: Warrior. On that note, warrior to F3.

Theron: Grandmaster to H6.

Quinn: Pawn to D3.

Theron: Guardian to H5. Got. You. *leans back in his chair* Go ahead, rack that fabled brilliant military strategist mind. When you come back in a year, let me know what you thought of—

Quinn: Warrior to H4.

Theron: --oh that was quick. Grandmaster to G5. Want me to take your inquisitor at B5, or your warrior at H4?

Quinn: Neither. Warrior to F5.

Theron: Pawn to C6. Oh hey, there’s your inquisitor, all alone and vulnerable…

Quinn: And there’s your warrior – oh, excuse me, guardian – all alone and vulnerable, too. Pawn to G4.

Theron: *glare* Guardian to F6.

Quinn: …

Theron: *smirk*



(...I know nothing about chess. XD I'm just copying the moves of an actual chess game. :D)

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Theron: I get a color all my own? Thanks! Better than anything the SIS di--

Quinn: NO. And stop saying that! It gets old quickly.

Theron: How about this one?

Quinn: Purple Quinn and Brown Theron. *conspicuous silence*

Theron: Eh. All right, this is good. Like my jacket.

Quinn: That you've been wearing for five years straight.

Theron: *stiffly* Not. The same. Jacket.

Quinn: Do you have a wardrobe full of identical jackets?

Theron: No! ........maybe.

Quinn: Whatever color you choose, I still win this little battle of wits. Also, that color hurts the eyes. Stop it.

Theron: I'm younger, available to more people, and have a much larger role in the overall story. Don't seem to remember you having this large a role.

Quinn: Age is irrelevant. Despite being "available" to more people, I see your fan-thread is still lagging behind my own by two hundred pages - oh, and it was made earlier. Over one year earlier. As for the role in the story? A matter of perspective. You're only just now becoming a focus, whereas I am one of the more important companions of the Sith Warrior's story--

Theron: *cough* "matter of perspective" *cough*

Quinn: Right, did any other love interest in any other story attempt to betray the player? ...no? Oh, how shocking. I thought, from your lackluster reaction, it was commonplace. Perhaps that would explain the outrage, however... you see, I seem to be relatively safe now from haters, but you are getting the brunt of it. *significant pause* Oh, and given how the story just loves to be able to kill off companions, your head is on the chopping block.

Theron: Says the man who might be dead many times over on Iokath.

Quinn: ... *facepalm* Touche.

Theron: Did we tie?

Quinn: We might have, much as I hate to admit it. *sigh* Tea?

Theron: I'd love some, thanks. Well, that was over quickly.

Quinn: *going to get the tea* It would appear so. ....... *makes sure he's out of earshot* Who said it was over? :rak_04:


"That's the spirit Quinn! And I do see you took my suggestion at finding an activity the two of you could bond over. I must say it's working! And it would appear our resident SIS agent gives as good as he gets." *claps hands together and grins wickedly*



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"That's the spirit Quinn! And I do see you took my suggestion at finding an activity the two of you could bond over. I must say it's working! And it would appear our resident SIS agent gives as good as he gets." *claps hands together and grins wickedly*




Quinn: :D




Quinn: Lord [rook] to G1.

Theron: Haha! Pawn takes inquisitor at B5. Typical Imperials: sacrificing people you no longer have use of. Or…just for any arbitrary reason.

Quinn: We’ll see about that. Pawn to H4.

Theron: Grandmaster to G6.

Quinn: Pawn to H5. Watch out.

Theron: Says the man who lost that cons—inqui—whatever the heck you call it. Grandmaster to G5.

Quinn: Darth [queen] to F3.

Theron: Oh, nice try, attempting to trap that Grandmaster…buuuut not quite. Guardian to G8.

Quinn: And inquisitor takes pawn at F4. It’s threatening your Grandmaster. Do be careful, I’d so hate to see you lose to a brief moment of stupidity…*mutter*…that’s so commonplace to you ‘Pubs.

Theron: Heard that. *glare* Grandmaster to F6.

Quinn: Warrior to C3. You know, you’re mostly only moving your…”Grandmaster”…around.

Theron: Game’s not over yet. We should’ve called those pawns that got knocked on their heads “Major.” It’d be appropriate.

Quinn: Those were your pawns. But the point is taken. *death glare*

Theron: Consular to C5.

Quinn: …well then.

Theron: *grins*

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"That's the spirit Quinn! And I do see you took my suggestion at finding an activity the two of you could bond over. I must say it's working! And it would appear our resident SIS agent gives as good as he gets." *claps hands together and grins wickedly*




My suggestion of chess was brought to life purple & blue style! Yay!! :D Absolutely brilliant.

I love Quinn however I think Theron may have the upper hand when it comes to strategy. Malavai was on occasion surprised by some of the things the warrior did, whereas Theron would most likely have seen them coming. Having said that, Malavai almost always kept a cool head. Theron is frequently seen panicking (especially in KOTET). Can't wait to see who wins. Maybe it will end in a stalemate...

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My suggestion of chess was brought to life purple & blue style! Yay!! :D Absolutely brilliant.

I love Quinn however I think Theron may have the upper hand when it comes to strategy. Malavai was on occasion surprised by some of the things the warrior did, whereas Theron would most likely have seen them coming. Having said that, Malavai almost always kept a cool head. Theron is frequently seen panicking (especially in KOTET). Can't wait to see who wins. Maybe it will end in a stalemate...


My reaction to the suggestion of chess:

Me: Oh, chess! Brilliant!

Me: ...I know nothing about chess!

Me: *RESEARCH* ...I still know nothing about chess! o__o

That just about broke my brain in half. XD When I was a little girl, the one time my dad tried to teach me chess, it ended...poorly. I can't remember if we managed to play a full game, or if we called it off and played checkers instead. Probably the latter...think we settled frustrations over a truce of ice cream, though.

Still...it was fun researching the game Quinn and Theron are playing. Even if I still have no idea what the rules are. :p


Quinn: *sigh* Warrior to D5.

Theron: Aaaand Grandmaster takes pawn at B2.

Quinn: Inquisitor to D6.

Theron: Grandmaster takes Master at—wait, you’re calling them “lord.” Right. Grandmaster takes lord at A1. Check. *blink blink* …uh, that was easier than I thought. What—

Quinn: Emperor to E2.

Theron: O…kay. Consular takes lord at G1. That...was your last lord. It can’t be that easy to win against you.

Quinn: Pawn to E5.

Theron: ………..my entire side of the board is about to choke the living banana peels out of your Emperor – history repeats – and that's your move? A pawn? Really?

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

Theron: o_O

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