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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Oh I can answer this: I romanced Quinn, and also Theron, and then got back together with Quinn, though I haven't yet been able to break up with Theron. I assume this is an oversight unless they are trying to imply that my warrior is just that irresistible!


Thank you so much for the reply! Quinn is so awesome I can't wait to finish my romance with him, yet after the main story it'd be cool to have someone to romance still (in this case Theron), So it's so good to know that Quinn will still be available to get back with whenever he returns! Once that happens, Theron will have to be put to the side.. :D

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All female sith warriors that romanced him have him so tightly wrapped around their pinky because of the baras fiasco that there is no chance he would try and pull a "how dare you!" when we can retort with "Um, no, how dare YOU". That being said, I chanced nothing and remained loyal to Quinn in case he said "Oh, I see you are with Theron/Lana now. I bow out" with no way of talking back into it. I just feel bad for troopers who lost Dorne with no warning.
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Thank you so much for the reply! Quinn is so awesome I can't wait to finish my romance with him, yet after the main story it'd be cool to have someone to romance still (in this case Theron), So it's so good to know that Quinn will still be available to get back with whenever he returns! Once that happens, Theron will have to be put to the side.. :D


Yes, absolutely :D A lot of time goes by during kotfe and kotet, no reason to be lonely.


All female sith warriors that romanced him have him so tightly wrapped around their pinky because of the baras fiasco that there is no chance he would try and pull a "how dare you!" when we can retort with "Um, no, how dare YOU". That being said, I chanced nothing and remained loyal to Quinn in case he said "Oh, I see you are with Theron/Lana now. I bow out" with no way of talking back into it. I just feel bad for troopers who lost Dorne with no warning.


I am slightly concerned that my warrior's relationship with Theron didn't end, but as long as I get Quinn I don't care. And yes, I feel a bit bad for troopers, they got burned if they didn't read the spoilers beforehand. Makes me wonder what else BW might do with LIs in the future.

Edited by grania
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All female sith warriors that romanced him have him so tightly wrapped around their pinky because of the baras fiasco that there is no chance he would try and pull a "how dare you!" when we can retort with "Um, no, how dare YOU". That being said, I chanced nothing and remained loyal to Quinn in case he said "Oh, I see you are with Theron/Lana now. I bow out" with no way of talking back into it. I just feel bad for troopers who lost Dorne with no warning.


That happening with Quinn would be my biggest fear :( But if it's possible to get away with it, might take it..:o Unless I romance Theron as someone else first.. Only completed Consular class so far and still a lot of expansion to try out.:o


Yes, absolutely :D A lot of time goes by during kotfe and kotet, no reason to be lonely.


I am slightly concerned that my warrior's relationship with Theron didn't end, but as long as I get Quinn I don't care. And yes, I feel a bit bad for troopers, they got burned if they didn't read the spoilers beforehand. Makes me wonder what else BW might do with LIs in the future.


Exacly! :D


And uh oh, Hopefully it still won't end your Quinn romance after all suddenly.. :( (When you couldn't end it with Theron)

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Marr's like that 60 year old uncle who used to be blast to hang around until he found religion for the first time. Now, he's just a preachy, humorless shadow of his former self, which has isolated him from his former friends. Besides, what if anything new, is he really telling my grey SW?


Satele just went off the deep end. She's camped not 10 minutes from the Alliance base and lives off nothing but roots and twigs while constantly mumbling to herself about abandoning her one and only child in order to pursue her dream career that just went completely down the toilet. She still hasn't told her son that she's only 10 minutes away. I mean, she's not ready for that type of responsibility.

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I am slightly concerned that my warrior's relationship with Theron didn't end, but as long as I get Quinn I don't care. And yes, I feel a bit bad for troopers, they got burned if they didn't read the spoilers beforehand. Makes me wonder what else BW might do with LIs in the future.


I ran so many characters through between christmas and now that its all a blur, but I had Theron break up with my BH after I reunited with Torian. It may have been in a separate chapter. Speaking of my other cyarika, I am bracing myself for him leaving my BH for siding with the Pubs. Also if Iresso comes back I'm screwed for siding her with the Empire but that was a meh-mance anyway. I do not care if ever get bug man back on my agent.

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I ran so many characters through between christmas and now that its all a blur, but I had Theron break up with my BH after I reunited with Torian. It may have been in a separate chapter. Speaking of my other cyarika, I am bracing myself for him leaving my BH for siding with the Pubs. Also if Iresso comes back I'm screwed for siding her with the Empire but that was a meh-mance anyway. I do not care if ever get bug man back on my agent.


Lol "meh-mance" I'm stealing that


Same, bh broke it off with Theron and it happened in the same chapter. Er, at least it happened right after Torian's chapter..? I think that was what happened


And uh oh, Hopefully it still won't end your Quinn romance after all suddenly.. :( (When you couldn't end it with Theron)


I guess the truth is, now that I'm forced to admit it, is that I really don't know what's going on with that. I think things will work out alright but on the other hand - who knows? BW hasn't said one way or another if it's a bug, an oversight or on purpose that my character is technically in a relationship with two companions.


And I've really only heard one other person say they are in the same boat. Whether that's because it only happened to the two of us, or because everyone else just didn't notice or care - I don't know that either.


So, I think that's everything I know on the subject, you'll have to decide if it's worth the risk. I think it is, myself. Then again, the warrior I romanced both Quinn and Theron on is one of only several warriors that I have, and not even close to the most important one, so I could afford to be daring in that regard.

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Quinn: *walks into home* I'm home, my love-- :eek: ...wh...statues? ...of me? :o:eek::rak_02::tran_eek::i_embarrassed::t_rolleyes::mon_eek:


Quinn: ......................:jawa_eek:

One last emoticon before you're all out, huh?

Quinn: *faints*

I take issue with all this Quinn fainting :p A man who wrote this letter, spent years searching for his warrior love, went to jail rather than give her up for dead and then wrote this letter (if you side with imps - assume spoilers) is not a man who faints. Ever. Though I would like some floor cushions for my stronghold....for other [imaginary] business ;)

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I take issue with all this Quinn fainting :p A man who wrote this letter, spent years searching for his warrior love, went to jail rather than give her up for dead and then wrote this letter (if you side with imps - assume spoilers) is not a man who faints. Ever. Though I would like some floor cushions for my stronghold....for other [imaginary] business ;)


Quinn: I agree. Fainting is entirely below me. *faints*




Quinn: I. Hate. You. *stays awake* ...ha! *falls over* ...NO.

Am I bad? Oh, yes.

Quinn: *from the floor* Cushions would be lovely, my lord. .-.

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I guess the truth is, now that I'm forced to admit it, is that I really don't know what's going on with that. I think things will work out alright but on the other hand - who knows? BW hasn't said one way or another if it's a bug, an oversight or on purpose that my character is technically in a relationship with two companions.


And I've really only heard one other person say they are in the same boat. Whether that's because it only happened to the two of us, or because everyone else just didn't notice or care - I don't know that either.


So, I think that's everything I know on the subject, you'll have to decide if it's worth the risk. I think it is, myself. Then again, the warrior I romanced both Quinn and Theron on is one of only several warriors that I have, and not even close to the most important one, so I could afford to be daring in that regard.


Well I hope they're letting you have both :o teehee I'd have to reroll another warrior if Theron's a Quinnmancer, too. :D

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They borked something with this patch. Malavai isn't "Main Characters" any longer. He's in his own categoty "Characters". Alone there. Also the note "he decided to join your alliance" is gone. :eek:




Quinn's so special he transcends normal categorization as a companion, apparently. That is...weird. o.O

Edit: Hey! I got ninja'd by two seconds. :p

Edited by Jagaimee
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Well I hope they're letting you have both :o teehee I'd have to reroll another warrior if Theron's a Quinnmancer, too. :D


*snort* I see how it is, Theron didn't stay to be with me :D


They borked something with this patch. Malavai isn't "Main Characters" any longer. He's in his own categoty "Characters". Alone there. Also the note "he decided to join your alliance" is gone. :eek:




Do'h I better check on things


Ok, yeah first warrior I checked he's in his own "companions" section, though I still have my interactions (joined alliance, reunited). And other warrior, the one in the threesome, lessee - same. Inq - just like yours, moved and no interactions. o.o


I'm not going to sweat it too much, my warrior's Quinns are intact despite being moved around. They might just be trying to fix the problems they had with him and Dorne not showing up and stuff

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Do'h I better check on things


Ok, yeah first warrior I checked he's in his own "companions" section, though I still have my interactions (joined alliance, reunited). And other warrior, the one in the threesome, lessee - same. Inq - just like yours, moved and no interactions. o.o


I'm not going to sweat it too much, my warrior's Quinns are intact despite being moved around. They might just be trying to fix the problems they had with him and Dorne not showing up and stuff


Agent and Inquisitor: the comment gone. Didn't check Smuggler, but expect the same.


Warrior... I was close to a heart attack, worried it would be gone including the romance flag, but it's still there: both the joining the alliance and me loving him more than ever.


Still, this is not good. I hope it's a bug and reported it as such in the bug section.


My Tyth mission also got reset to "talk to scion". (I actually did the Op on 3 toons, none got it registered, all have now that same "talk to Scion"). I wonder if it's somehow connected.

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I'm not going to sweat it too much, my warrior's Quinns are intact despite being moved around. They might just be trying to fix the problems they had with him and Dorne not showing up and stuff


This is what I'd guess. Rearranging the companions in this new way (since we're now obtaining them in a slightly different way than in KOTFE/KOTET) may somehow be the solution to the issue where some people did not obtain either at all. The game recognizes them differently orrr something.



Also, on a random note, I've been taking my time playing through my newest warrior and choosing options I don't normally go with. Usually, on Belsavis I spare that Jedi, Timmns. This time I didn't, and a letter came~ woo mail~

One part of the letter says:


"Timmns and I had history. He captured my wife -- wickedest Sith you've ever seen. She was one of Darth Baras's Sith infiltrators. She started naming names, and Baras made me silence her. All because of Master Timmns."


And all I can think is, wow, Baras really likes ordering husbands to off their wives. First this Jorem Yange guy, then later Quinn... Ohh, Baras, why are you so impressive and sadistic all at the same time?

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This is what I'd guess. Rearranging the companions in this new way (since we're now obtaining them in a slightly different way than in KOTFE/KOTET) may somehow be the solution to the issue where some people did not obtain either at all. The game recognizes them differently orrr something.


They both were Main Character until the patch. People didn't get them, because they had open chapters. That's suppose to be fixed now. Those who hadn't get them, still didn't. It didn't fix anything, but broke more for those, for whom it worked fine.


If it's not a bug, to me it looks like we will not get any more Malavai in future story. And I will sweat much about it. He's the only companion I really care about, and right now his return is getting more and more borked. I already visited my SH and his holo/deco isn't customised at all, even if he's not physically by your side. They broke even that today.


I know that 99% of you kept him in default look, but I didn't, and it bothers me that they broke him and only him from everyone who returned, and now even the deco shows me a stranger, not my companion.

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I don't find it funny. That could be an indication we can forget to see even a cameo of him in future content!

I think you're right and if that's the case then I'm out because not only are the developers saying that they hate Quinn, they are also saying that they hate his fangirls too. He should be in main characters but has been completely moved. Dorne however is still disgusted at the thought of joining the alliance.


He's the only companion I really care about, and right now his return is getting more and more borked. I already visited my SH and his holo/deco isn't customised at all, even if he's not physically by your side. They broke even that today.


I know that 99% of you kept him in default look, but I didn't, and it bothers me that they broke him and only him from everyone who returned, and now even the deco shows me a stranger, not my companion.

I also have some Quinns with the Ilum customisation and that's gone from them and it's annoying that they haven't even acknowledged this let alone fixed it.


KEITH: we need some answers please. Or at lease some indication of what's happening

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I think you're right and if that's the case then I'm out because not only are the developers saying that they hate Quinn, they are also saying that they hate his fangirls too. He should be in main characters but has been completely moved. Dorne however is still disgusted at the thought of joining the alliance.


Though Elara also has her own "Companions" tab (or at least does for me; she and Quinn both have their own private tabs xD), and we know the developers like her. :)

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*snort* I see how it is, Theron didn't stay to be with me


Theron's been lurking in this thread since January.



And no, whatever they changed did not give me Quinn. He's still missing.

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Yeah, on my Sith Assassin (sided Republic) Elara is in her own Companions section right below Main Characters and the interaction is there saying she joined and Malavai is in HIS own separate Companions section (right below Alliance Specialists but above Unavailable Companions) saying he declined to join because of his contempt for the Republic.


On my SW who sided Empire, Elara and Malavai have switched places and the interactions are intact.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bug, although I'm not sure if it matters if they're in "Main Characters" or not as most of the main characters will never be heard from again due to the possibility of their being dead or people not even having them (HK-55 and Z0-0M).

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bug, although I'm not sure if it matters if they're in "Main Characters" or not as most of the main characters will never be heard from again due to the possibility of their being dead or people not even having them (HK-55 and Z0-0M).

I (for RP reasons) killed Aric Jorgan back in KOTFE on my very dark sith inq however if you keep him (as I have on all other classes), he appears in later chapters/stories, more so if he's a romanced companion. Same with Kaliyo. I'm hoping the Quinn thing is a bug fix that failed spectacularly & will hopefully be fixed next patch. Both he and Dorne are romanced so there could be some options for future stories - either to team up with either of them (you get to do this twice with Torian) or if there is an option to see their partner off before a dangerous mission.

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