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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: I hate life.

Talos: Oh! Hello, major! :D ...er, did you forget your clothes?

Quinn: You don't sound half as concerned as you should be.

Talos: *conspiratorial whisper* I travel with a Sith who makes reality look like the acid dream of a Hutt, sir.

Quinn: ...thank the Force for small miracles. My wife is not half so insane. Most of the time.

Talos: So, erm... clothes?

Quinn: *face burning bright red* *gets up on table*

Talos: :eek: Uh, Major?

Quinn: *starts dancing* Credits, please.

*everyone turns to stare*


Talos: *eyes burning out of his head* We were...discussing reality warping nightmares earlier, weren't we...?

Quinn: *still dancing* Lieutenant, I hate you.

Priceless! :D:D:D


Though I agree with all of the above, I found it very touching that he is willing to abandon the empire for the wrath - considering how devoted he is to the Empire. They should have made this an option earlier than it actually happened, but I still found it very touching.

Another thing that could justify it:


Written correctly he could have left in order to sabotage Acina and help his love that way instead. It would put him in the perfect position to help. Imagine if he sided with her and then as Acina was in the chair he was the one who sabotaged it and during the missions against the empire you had dysfunctional turrets and stuff, but Lana and Theron couldn't explain why. Or he could have contacted you by holo warning you about Acina's plan.... Damn... there are so many missed opportunities here.

I agree it was good that after decades of service Quinn finally chose his wife/companion over the Empire, but I really hope the person who wrote the lazy and unsatisfactory Quinn return is no longer involved since they got so much wrong. I also hope that they've seen the 100K+ views of this thread and thousands of replies and realised just how wrong they got this (like they did with Torian's lacklustre return) and have something better planned for Quinn in the near future (as they did with Torian). It would have been far better to have left Quinn (and Dorne) out of the Iokath chapter until they had much better return story for them.

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Priceless! :D:D:D



I agree it was good that after decades of service Quinn finally chose his wife/companion over the Empire, but I really hope the person who wrote the lazy and unsatisfactory Quinn return is no longer involved since they got so much wrong. I also hope that they've seen the 100K+ views of this thread and thousands of replies and realised just how wrong they got this (like they did with Torian's lacklustre return) and have something better planned for Quinn in the near future (as they did with Torian). It would have been far better to have left Quinn (and Dorne) out of the Iokath chapter until they had much better return story for them.


See, the thing that annoys me with this chapter or patch or whatever is I had an option to kill him on my Sith Warrior.


What I mean is, during the betrayal, I chose everything light side. Told him, he tried his best, told him I forgave him and even told him he's still my husband (because this was when you could be married before the betrayal unlike now). I understood taking him back as my husband, I understood telling him it's over, especially since it's been almost 2 years from my perspective and almost 7 from his. But why would I still get the option to kill him?


I chose Empire because that's where he is and I go for the side my original companions I had would be happier with. SW empire, Agent empire, BH empire, Inq empire, Trooper republic, etc.


So if I forgave Quinn originally, told him we're still a couple, and everything else to let him know I was angry but it wouldn't bust up our marriage, WHY on Earth would I even get the option TO kill him in the first place? Neither I nor my character are vengeful (unless you hurt my companions, then I am) so why would I go on my word of forgiving him to have the option to kill him? It makes ZERO sense.


If I'd have gone dark side, threw him around the room force choking him and told him to get out of my quarters our marriage was over, then I could MAYBE understand wanting or having the ability to kill him. But getting it after I went full on light and said he's still my husband?


I didn't cheat on him while he was gone, I didn't flirt or begin a romance with Theron, Lana or Koth or anyone else in the story from chapter 1 of the original until now, so I'm not going to abandon him. And even if I went to the Republic instead of Imperial, I still wouldn't throw him in prison or kill him. Why? Because I know how my companions are.


Now I didn't know Dorne would tell the romance/non-romanced Trooper would did dark side things, that they were done being married or friends, but I CAN see it. I mean Dorne originally DEFECTED from the Imperial side to join the Republic side. I did her conversations, I know how she is. She prefers how the Republic is to the Empire.


And I can see Quinn defecting from the Empire side to be with you either his bromance friend or his wife. He even tells you, he never stopped looking for you, hell he got thrown in prison because he never stopped looking for you. He didn't come see you on DK in chapter 2 or 3 of KOTET cause he wasn't sure if you still loved him or if you were still his friend. It's been 7 years to him, he doesn't know how you changed or didn't. So it made sense he'd defect to join you, you were his obsession whether you were his wife or just a friend.


But I still got the ability to kill him. I didn't of course, he's my sith warrior's husband, but still. I really wish Bioware would read these threads if they even do and understand that while some players don't give a **** about their companions, a lot more do.

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I don't have much left to add now that the reunion is done. I hope like hell there will be more to Quinn and warrior's story but I won't be holding my breath. I guess I just have one, probably not last, little thing I'd like to remark on.


I think I have a bit of a different opinion about loyalty than people generally do. I consider it a negative trait rather than a positive one. From my perspective, (and I say this as someone who's cursed with a very loyal personality) loyalty can be very detrimental to the person who's given it, and potentially very useful and abusable (is that a word?) to the person who's received it.


I suppose this opinion sets me up to feel more empathy for Quinn's character than I might otherwise. It horrifies me, just a little bit, the things Quinn is willing to do out of loyalty - to Baras and to the pc, despite the obvious danger to himself, and despite his personal sense of right and wrong. I hope when Quinn betrays the empire and follows the warrior to the republic, it's because of love for her, and not because he feels compelled to out of loyalty. And I hope the same for the warrior, she deserves love just like every other class got, not just a devoted boot lick. One that we were never supposed to forgive.

Edited by grania
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I don't have much left to add now that the reunion is done. I hope like hell there will be more to Quinn and warrior's story but I won't be holding my breath. I guess I just have one, probably not last, little thing I'd like to remark on.


I think I have a bit of a different opinion about loyalty than people generally do. I consider it a negative trait rather than a positive one. From my perspective, (and I say this as someone who's cursed with a very loyal personality) loyalty can be very detrimental to the person who's given it, and potentially very useful and abusable (is that a word?) of the person who's received it.


I suppose this opinion sets me up to feel more empathy for Quinn's character than I might otherwise. It horrifies me, just a little bit, the things Quinn is willing to do out of loyalty - to Baras and to the pc, despite the obvious danger to himself, and despite his personal sense of right and wrong. I hope when Quinn betrays the empire and follows the warrior to the republic, it's because of love for her, and not because he feels compelled to out of loyalty. And I hope the same for the warrior, she deserves love just like every other class got, not just a devoted boot lick. One that we were never supposed to forgive.


I would say that in Quinn's case his loyalty is both his strength and his weakness. If he is loyalty is truly to you you could ask for no one who is more devoted. But it ALWAYS causes him the most trouble. He was loyal to the Empire, so Moff B had him court-martialed. He was loyal to Baras, and betrayed you. He was loyal to you and ended up in prison.

Imagine the advancement he could have had in his carrier if not for his loyalty.

That being said, his devotion is what I love most about him - that and his intellect.

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Aw, drat - it wasn't you; this character was on the Republic side. But anytime I'm on my Imperial characters on Ebon Hawk, I'll look for that character! :D

[edit: time to spend the next ten minutes worrying "uh, did that sound creepy? I hope that didn't sound creepy." XD *foot in mouth*]

Haha, no, it's not creepy. :) Most of my characters and my mains are on the Red Eclipse, but I have been quite active on the Ebon Hawk as well. :)


The Quinn surname on the Republic side sounds strange. O.o

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The Quinn surname on the Republic side sounds strange. O.o


Which is instantly why I thought it might be one of the Eternal Quinnmancers making a rare appearance over on the 'Pub side. XD Why else would they have that surname over there?

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I'm under the impression that BW wants to keep Quinn as the character that players both love and love to hate, which is cool - I'm totally down with that, but why on earth would they execute it in such a manner that it makes absolutely no sense? I mean, is there no one at BW's office doing simple logic and reason checks on these stories before implementation? Are there really no QA/QC testers or private testers seeing these issues and petitioning for a change? Nonsensical writing has been an annoyance for me really since the transition from SoR to KOTFE and they just seem to keep doubling down on this insanity.


I'd like to cut them some slack, but there are tons of great writers out there who write more sensical fiction for free; however, the behemoth of an IP that is STAR WARS has but one MMO, which they advertise as story-driven, and the team can't just can't seem to crank out stories that don't cause my brain to short circuit as I try to reconcile all of the nonsensical inconsistencies? :confused:


Don't get me wrong... I'm really happy they decided to return Quinn to the story and his short-lived return works for the most part if the SW sides with the Empire. I'm glad they didn't force another unavoidable betrayal and I'm ecstatic they were able to bring back the original voice actor. Aside from that... all I can say is, "The hell is going on in the logic and reason department, at BW?"

Edited by Edyn
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I don't have much left to add now that the reunion is done. I hope like hell there will be more to Quinn and warrior's story but I won't be holding my breath. I guess I just have one, probably not last, little thing I'd like to remark on.


I think I have a bit of a different opinion about loyalty than people generally do. I consider it a negative trait rather than a positive one. From my perspective, (and I say this as someone who's cursed with a very loyal personality) loyalty can be very detrimental to the person who's given it, and potentially very useful and abusable (is that a word?) to the person who's received it.


I suppose this opinion sets me up to feel more empathy for Quinn's character than I might otherwise. It horrifies me, just a little bit, the things Quinn is willing to do out of loyalty - to Baras and to the pc, despite the obvious danger to himself, and despite his personal sense of right and wrong. I hope when Quinn betrays the empire and follows the warrior to the republic, it's because of love for her, and not because he feels compelled to out of loyalty. And I hope the same for the warrior, she deserves love just like every other class got, not just a devoted boot lick. One that we were never supposed to forgive.

I don't see it as Quinn betraying the Empire. The Warrior/Commander is no longer part of the Empire - they ditched her once she disappeared. As much as we have the Lana show (and many of us dislike it), it was Lana's hard work that found the "Outlander" and helped her lead a new faction against the former Sith/Zakuulan Emperor, Vaylin and Arcann and now against other threats in the Galaxy. Quinn tells the warrior that he is through with them so I thought Quinn followed the warrior into her Alliance rather than betraying the Empire & switching sides to the Republic? I saw it as him choosing her and everything she currently stands for, especially as he had not given up on finding her & is still very much in love with her. I think he felt obliged to carry out Acina's orders since she had him released from prison and reinstated on a higher rank and if you take the Republic's side he carries out his orders but is sorry for doing so.


Something else that wasn't addressed in the story - Quinn knew about you being alive for a while & is probably wondering why, with your new found power-base, you didn't seek him out and break him out of jail if you loved him. Also, Theron sliced Acina's info - the link between Quinn & the Warrior would have been in there as that is something a Sith could manipulate to their advantage. They really should have quality checked that return story - it's almost as if the people who wrote it never played through the original class story to understand why so many people would have issues now. It's a bit like when the romanced Trooper meets Aric in the Disavowed chapter. Theron accompanies you, yet you would have thought being a spy he would have known that the new Trooper commander and the leader of Havoc squad were married and mentioned something about reuniting the two of you. Terrible spy that Theron!

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Something else that wasn't addressed in the story - Quinn knew about you being alive for a while & is probably wondering why, with your new found power-base, you didn't seek him out and break him out of jail if you loved him. Also, Theron sliced Acina's info - the link between Quinn & the Warrior would have been in there as that is something a Sith could manipulate to their advantage. They really should have quality checked that return story - it's almost as if the people who wrote it never played through the original class story to understand why so many people would have issues now. It's a bit like when the romanced Trooper meets Aric in the Disavowed chapter. Theron accompanies you, yet you would have thought being a spy he would have known that the new Trooper commander and the leader of Havoc squad were married and mentioned something about reuniting the two of you. Terrible spy that Theron!


As much as I love Theron (and I do) my IA can't help but face palm at everything he does wrong when it comes to basic spy/intelligence stuff. :p I like to think Theron knew about Jorgan if you were a Trooper married to him so it could be a nice surprise, yeah I know lame excuse but I'll go with it. ;)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Something strange... We all know how Malavai turned into "Quinn" after Iokath.


I just ran it on my Smuggler, and he allied with the Imps. Quinn is on his list of Main Characters as... Malavai Quinn. Full name. :confused: What's going on? Pubs have it better than Imps? I don't get it.:confused:

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Something strange... We all know how Malavai turned into "Quinn" after Iokath.


I just ran it on my Smuggler, and he allied with the Imps. Quinn is on his list of Main Characters as... Malavai Quinn. Full name. :confused: What's going on? Pubs have it better than Imps? I don't get it.:confused:


I'll double check but I think he's still Malavai Quinn in the contact list for imps/warriors too. I don't know why his name there is different than his actual nameplate.


Gosh I would give anything for them to just fix the mouth. I've grown fond of having two Quinns in the stronghold but I just can't get used to the telepathy.


Yup, on my inq he's Malavai Quinn, the Staunch Imperial. Just Quinn over his head though. *shrug*

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I'll double check but I think he's still Malavai Quinn in the contact list for imps/warriors too. I don't know why his name there is different than his actual nameplate.


Gosh I would give anything for them to just fix the mouth. I've grown fond of having two Quinns in the stronghold but I just can't get used to the telepathy.


Yup, on my inq he's Malavai Quinn, the Staunch Imperial. Just Quinn over his head though. *shrug*


Oh, I know what I was thinking. He's just "Quinn" in the crafting window. I open that one often, so it bothers me there, not the comp window.

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I'll double check but I think he's still Malavai Quinn in the contact list for imps/warriors too. I don't know why his name there is different than his actual nameplate.


While I was filling in gaps for TorFashion's "Companion Starter Gear" section I noticed several of the returned companions have discrepancies between their companion list names and their actual in game names. My impression is that the people responsible for returning companions simply don't have the same level of appreciation for consistency as I do. (And they don't seem to understand that the little details like being able to use covert belts on companions is important to some people :( )

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Something else that wasn't addressed in the story - Quinn knew about you being alive for a while & is probably wondering why, with your new found power-base, you didn't seek him out and break him out of jail if you loved him. Also, Theron sliced Acina's info - the link between Quinn & the Warrior would have been in there as that is something a Sith could manipulate to their advantage. They really should have quality checked that return story - it's almost as if the people who wrote it never played through the original class story to understand why so many people would have issues now. It's a bit like when the romanced Trooper meets Aric in the Disavowed chapter. Theron accompanies you, yet you would have thought being a spy he would have known that the new Trooper commander and the leader of Havoc squad were married and mentioned something about reuniting the two of you. Terrible spy that Theron!


That's the problem with KotFE/KotET in general. Almost none of the people working on SWTOR now had nothing to do with the original 1-50 game and it really shows. We saw the rot start in RotHC and SoR and the writing/story quality has gone one way and that's down. Hell the devs admit they don't play the game and it really shows.


I've said it before but I'll say it again. To the devs SWTOR is a job and they don't really have the passion or drive to make SWTOR what it could be. I don't even think the change in producer will save SWTOR. I'm dreading the rest of the companion returns for many reasons but if they're anything like Quinn's they'll be lackluster at best.

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I resubscribed for Quinn's return to support the direction in which the game was going and with the hope it would be a positive experience that would leave me begging for more. Not just more of Quinn, but also more of the remaining Vanilla Companions who've yet to return - each with their own stories to tell as to where they've been the past several years and each with their own reunion with the character Classes. With the constant nonsensical writing compiled with the rest of the game's ongoing and unaddressed issues... basically, how clunky and outright lazy the game feels, I've realized that I'm finally on the same page as the developers: I just don't care, anymore.



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I resubscribed for Quinn's return to support the direction in which the game was going and with the hopes it would be a positive experience that would leave me begging for more. Not just more of Quinn, but also more of the remaining Vanilla Companions who've yet to return - each with their own stories to tell as to where they've the past several years and each with their own reunion with the character Classes. With the constant nonsensical writing compiled with the rest of the game's ongoing and unaddressed issues... basically, how clunky and outright lazy the game feels, I've realized that I'm finally on the same page as the developers: I just don't care, anymore.




I'm with you. If they keep bringing back companions in the same lazy way... I'm done. :( And I don't want to be. I love this game; been playing it for two and a half years now. I've grown so attached to these characters, both my own and the companions. I don't want to see them brought back in shoddy, nonsensical, "oh hey how ya doin', here's a mission, go fetch!" ways.

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poor Quinn scene dialog makes purple Quinn sad....we cannot have that :(


Quinn: I explained--

No, you actually kept it pretty vague. Either you're a clone, a Quinn-bot, Lana and Theron were kidnapping you, or...????

Quinn: --or I have the mysterious omnipotent "writers" to blame. If my wife weren't a Sith, I would say - forget the Force, these "writers" hold the power in the universe.

Don't say that.

Quinn: ...because there are Sith here. *sigh* Forgive me, my lords. ...again.

No, because it's too true. :(

Quinn: Oh. ...is it too late to petition the Force for deliverance from these mad writers?

Nah. Marr says the Force has a plan. I say it just has a temper.

Quinn: Which means I shall meet gruesome demise in three...two...one... *tries to bravely meet whatever end comes* ....... nothing happened?

...it's not that vindictive! Besides, d'you really think the Eternal Quinnmancers would let anything happen to you?

Quinn: YOU hold the true power in the universe!?

When it comes to you, yes. We the fangirl army are the masters of your universe.

Quinn: I...am not sure whether to be relieved or absolutely terrified.

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Awww poor purple Quinn.


I do have to say that I agree with you, over Marr. I'm not sure 'the writers' have a plan, except to look busy enough to deserve the pay cheque that finds it's way into the office manager's filing cabinet from accounting every two weeks. (Note, I didn't say direct deposit because that would be efficient).


I wish they would say something to us so that we know if there is more story coming our way especially with Malavai.


I'd also really like it if they fixed Malavai's nameplate and allowed him to speak with his mouth rather than through the weird telepathy that's going on right now.



Do not fret, Malavai, you have my every assurance, that we, the collective lords of the Sith present here, as well as the loyal officers present, will do all in our power to protect and preserve you.


Now, do put on this soft robe and allow Darth Lunafox to see to your comfort. I even dismissed the monkeylizard. :p

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I'm actually frustrated.. I took my beloved Malavai back with open arms.. and he is no where to be found on my companions list.. *sigh*


I'm afraid to do Iokath again because of this. I want to see the reunion again, but it's not replayable, and I risk losing Quinn altogether, and even if he doesn't drop off the face of the galaxy, he turns into Charles Xavier.


Quick question, did you have a kotfe or kotet chapter open when you started Iokath?

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I finished all the chapters offically, worried something like this would happen. When I took the throne, the quest didn't pop to do iokath.. So i panicked, logged out and in, restarted , cleared my cashe etc to try to fix it ( it was on the ship fyi..) I even restarted the final chapter to see if I could get it to pop.. So yes I had a replay chapter active when I started iokath. Think its a trend?
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I ran Iokath on 5 toons so far.


2 with KOTFE/ET fully completed, no open chapters.

1 with KOTFE skipped, KOTET completed, no open chapters.

1 with KOTFE completed, KOTET skipped, no open chapters.

1 that didn't do KOTFE or KOTET at all.


They all got their proper comps. Either I'm extremely lucky (less with the Ops bug, which didn't register as completed on 2 toons out of 2 that did Tyth), or it could have something to do with open chapters.

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