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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Poor purple Quinn, I don't see him walking away from his lovely wife either. And my SW would have insisted he stay with us to discuss and do missions. Lana can stay back and guard the base with some droid or something. Theron and Malavai...would be with me. :D


And I do have to give props to Baras' voice actor, he really was superb and you know, if Baras hadn't betrayed me and screwed around with my love life, I'd have been content going about killing people for him. My Sith was doing exactly what she liked to do and then he had to be all like...'zomg, what if she comes for me next' and betray me...


Oh I love Baras and Zash. I find it ironic that you actually get more time with and get closer to your sith masters than you do your jedi masters, when you play knight and consular. Even though they both betray you, there seems to be more affection for you as well. I honestly think Baras didn't want to kill you as much as he just believed he had to. Doesn't make him a nice guy by any means, but still.


Btw. Are we going to get any payoff on what happened on Rishi with Vowrawn (another sith that I will never tire of) and the Hand? There was something fishy going on... Maybe they took control of the Scions?

Or Maybe Vowrawn will become emperor if Acina died?



So many possibilities.... Quinn we should have talked more! I need reliable information damn it... we know by now Theron and Lana wont give us any useful intel :p

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Oh I love Baras and Zash. I find it ironic that you actually get more time with and get closer to your sith masters than you do your jedi masters, when you play knight and consular. Even though they both betray you, there seems to be more affection for you as well. I honestly think Baras didn't want to kill you as much as he just believed he had to. Doesn't make him a nice guy by any means, but still.


I just played through the conversation right before Baras sends the SW off to be betrayed, and they have a little chat about poignancy and he calls the warrior "friend." It's so sweet, ignoring the fact that he's about to stick the knife in. :o


I tend to choose the middle of the road teasing options, and it gives me the feeling like Baras is genuinely amused by and fond of the SW. Probably made it harder for Quinn. "Uhh, my lord, are you sure you want to kill her? But she's so capable and pretty and potent and makes you laugh. :("

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Hm, I agree about Darth Baras. I actually quite like him, as a character. Not only did it give me a great sense of satisfaction to see a Sith Lord who isn't particularly "fit", he's got an interesting personality and a quirky sense of humour. He's serious but not so much that you can't toss a joke in now and again and not get an amused response, and I think that was also pretty intrinsic to my Warrior's relationship with him.


He actually felt more like a real person than most other Sith Lords I came to know- it's a shame he was so devoted to his own quest for power, he could have been a good, ongoing contact to have.. And being the former master of the Emperor's Wrath would surely have its own perks- and if nothing else, bragging rights.

With his extensive network, I'm sure he'd have been be a great resource for the Warrior too, should they ever need to call in a few favours. But I suppose it wasn't meant to be- Sith aren't really known for their ability to keep close friends anyway, are they?

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Oh I love Baras and Zash. I find it ironic that you actually get more time with and get closer to your sith masters than you do your jedi masters, when you play knight and consular. Even though they both betray you, there seems to be more affection for you as well. I honestly think Baras didn't want to kill you as much as he just believed he had to. Doesn't make him a nice guy by any means, but still.


Btw. Are we going to get any payoff on what happened on Rishi with Vowrawn (another sith that I will never tire of) and the Hand? There was something fishy going on... Maybe they took control of the Scions?

Or Maybe Vowrawn will become emperor if Acina died?



So many possibilities.... Quinn we should have talked more! I need reliable information damn it... we know by now Theron and Lana wont give us any useful intel :p


Vowrawn might take over the Empire if Acina is dead. If you ally with Acina in Ch. 2 of KotET then you get an email from him - he's some minister or other.

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I wondered why Acina was empress, not Vowraun. He probably didn't want to bother. I still have little respect for her. She took the throne taking advantage of chaos, and it being empty. Didn't have to do it the Sith way: prove she's more powerful than the previous occupant, as Sith usually take over their predecessors. My Sith have absolutely not respect for her. A glorified archivist, nothing more (and it's beside the point that Stih Inquisitor is a glorified librarian! ;)).


I was talking about Captain Ilun with someone recently, and I thought he and Quinn would make a good professional team. Both brilliant, polite, soft-spoken, dutiful. It got me drawin'.



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Huh... weird. Raptus is Vowrawn, at least temporarily? Cool! I mistook that one for Baras's voice... gah, it's been far too long since I played the warrior's story. :( I didn't have the heart to go through it again during the exp. bonus event. I just...can't do another Quinn romance, even if it's a perfect clone of my first warrior. It just feels wrong. *dramatic sigh*

Quinn: *sigh of relief*


Quinn: *cough* I, er, I mean... uh... that's...too bad, sir?

*nod nod* :(

Quinn: *facepalm*


I think when Raptus was done by Vowrawn's VA, he sounded the best. It's a shame they weren't consistant, they probably figured people wouldn't notice or care. But I do.


I'm a bit like you, most of my SW ladies are just variations of the first one, but with different hair or some other little detail to differentiate them. It just doesn't feel 'right' otherwise lol.



Oh I love Baras and Zash. I find it ironic that you actually get more time with and get closer to your sith masters than you do your jedi masters, when you play knight and consular. Even though they both betray you, there seems to be more affection for you as well. I honestly think Baras didn't want to kill you as much as he just believed he had to. Doesn't make him a nice guy by any means, but still.


Btw. Are we going to get any payoff on what happened on Rishi with Vowrawn (another sith that I will never tire of) and the Hand? There was something fishy going on... Maybe they took control of the Scions?

Or Maybe Vowrawn will become emperor if Acina died?



So many possibilities.... Quinn we should have talked more! I need reliable information damn it... we know by now Theron and Lana wont give us any useful intel :p


I liked them both, but I preferred Baras to Zash. I was always looking at her with a cynical eye, because she was 'too nice' and when they're too nice, the knife they stick in, tends to hurt more.


I don't know if we'll ever get the 'payoffs' of the little class quests from Rishi. It's a shame, I actually thought having one or two class specific quests helped a lot to personalize the generic story and help replayability.


I would love it if Vowrawn became Emperor, I adore Vowrawn...but I have a theory too, that he's too smart to want to make a grab for the very top job, it usually means that you're closest to being on your way out, one way or the other. :D


Yep, Raptus is who I thought was Baras. I actually would have never thought Vowrawn, as his tone is very sing-songy. Nice diversity.


I liked it best when Vowrawn's VA did Raptus. But again, it depends on when you listen to him, because after Belsavis, they change him up and it sounds like the guy who plays Revan.

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Yes, Vowrawn for the Emperor! He's the best! :cool:


Zash is awesome, she is among my top 5 favorite characters. I wish she got more story after the vanilla content but seeing what they are doing to our companions, maybe it's better this way...


I liked Baras first, I was polite to him and I didn't want to betray him. However, when he turned Quinn against me, he crossed the line. Besides, he basically treats everyone (aside from his sister) as disposable tools. He probably would have killed Quinn as well after a certain time.

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I wondered why Acina was empress, not Vowraun...]

Vowrawn's one of my favorite characters that I feel the writers just ghosted out of existence. I mean, what happened after he was kneeling before Arcann and before Acina named herself the Sith Empress because all of the other Dark Council members were MIA? :confused:


I found Vowrawn's charismatic, yet scheming personality to be a very agreeable contrast to my snarky, sarcastic, but straight-to-the-point Wrath, and I think he'd make an amazing political advisor for her as she leads the Alliance. However, I'd definitely rather have Vowrawn by my Wrath's side rather than as the Sith Emperor, as he's so clever that I'm not sure she would have the political prowess to counter his scheming - a talent that he's honed over seven decades. Besides, it takes someone as duplicitous as Baras to take Baras down, and Vowrawn was that person with my Wrath as his tool. "Keep your enemies closer," as they say. :D

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Vowrawn's one of my favorite characters that I feel the writers just ghosted out of existence. I mean, what happened after he was kneeling before Arcann and before Acina named herself the Sith Empress because all of the other Dark Council members were MIA? :confused:


I found Vowrawn's charismatic, yet scheming personality to be a very agreeable contrast to my snarky, sarcastic, but straight-to-the-point Wrath, and I think he'd make an amazing political advisor for her as she leads the Alliance. However, I'd definitely rather have Vowrawn by my Wrath's side rather than as the Sith Emperor, as he's so clever that I'm not sure she would have the political prowess to counter his scheming - a talent that he's honed over seven decades. Besides, it takes someone as duplicitous as Baras to take Baras down, and Vowrawn was that person with my Wrath as his tool. "Keep your enemies closer," as they say. :D


Oh yes, Emperor Vowrawn would be good fun to have. I would love interacting with him far more than Acina. I never liked her and fail to understand why they elevated her over others. There were more senior members of the dark council for certain. Vowrawn, Ravage...I loved both and I hope we haven't heard the last of them.


I do hope for Jadus to come back as a big bad, maybe even someone we could 'get to know better' cause I always did enjoy him as well.

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... I would love interacting with him far more than Acina. I never liked her and fail to understand why they elevated her over others...

Oh, I agree on Vowrawn over Acina for Emperor - I just meant, character and story wise, he could be a difficult Sith to deal with when he's not on your side. ;) I also don't know why Acina's the one they chose for Emperor. The cynic in me speculates it's because she's the one with the least amount of back story they'd have to take into account when BW decided it was time to write in a Sith Emperor. There'd have to be a lot of explaining to do if any of the Vanilla council members were named Emperor, as so many of them were integrated into one Class Story or another. I mean, they very well might have picked Acina because she had very little personality and back story - it was just a neutral body to fill the role to go along with the one-size-fits-all story they've wrote for every Class.


Also, Jadus was very enigmatic and intriguing to me. Too bad there was no more to be seen from him. So many characters with so much potential just cast aside for... what? Acina? Vaylin? Senya? Veeroa/[insert Star Fortress nobody]? Just ugh... I'm gonna have drink and go make some chicken tacos. :D

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He even sounds like as if he was close to crying at the end. :(

The voice actor is so convincing, I think they probably gave him a tissue at the end of the recording. XD


I will say this about Bioware, when they choose their voice actors, whoever they may be, they choose some GOOD ones. Even the side quests had some damn good actors. There's one npc on Tatooine that you can free or leave imprisoned, and if you choose leave imprisoned, he PLEADS in this voice like the voice actor is actually begging you to help him.


They're awesome.


I don't know if I could bring myself to hear Quinn begging and crying. It was bad enough seeing the Murder of him and just .... I know some people don't care enough about some companions to kill them or kick them out, but I just can't do it. Even to companions that are annoying (I'm looking at you Skadge), I still can't bring myself to be mean, kill them, or hate them. I've been here, literally, for almost 6 years, come December, I've had these companions with me since 2011, I just can't be cruel to them.


Sure, they're just game pixels, but when I'm playing the game, I imagine they're real (game real) people and deserve respect and some niceties just like a real life, in the real world, person.

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Ok, so which one of you lost their Malavai on Iokath, mmm?




:D The poor thing was standing there alone, no player nearby, no player loading. I did some dailies around, so spent there quite a while, and he just stood there naked all that time...


LOL. I think you were the one who undressed him, right? :p Found a Quinn and took advantage of him LOL. XD

But anyway, this is crazy. :D I guess I don't want to know what happened there before. :o

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I don't know if I could bring myself to hear Quinn begging and crying...

It was actually pretty good and I thought the voice actor did a great job. We all know Quinn regretted his betrayal from years ago, but in that scene, I got the impression he wanted to prove that he'd do anything in order to faithfully serve the Wrath once more. Even if that meant shaming and embarrassing himself by begging for mercy, even if it was just to humor the Wrath.

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Ok, so which one of you lost their Malavai on Iokath, mmm?




:D The poor thing was standing there alone, no player nearby, no player loading. I did some dailies around, so spent there quite a while, and he just stood there naked all that time...


Quinn: ...I do not wish to discuss it.

Why not?

Quinn: I suffered...indignities.


Quinn: ...YOU try standing in the middle of a mechanized death world in nothing but underwear! For one thing, it was VERY, VERY COLD! For another thing, I had droids passing by who took the time to point and laugh! Pointing with the laser sights on their sniper rifles! And then I had Sith warriors either slapping me across the face, or kissing those slapped places. Or taking pictures. And wanting to undress me further. It was...distressing.

Thought you didn't want to discuss it?

Quinn: I needed to rant, as it turns out.

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LOL. I think you were the one who undressed him, right? :p Found a Quinn and took advantage of him LOL. XD


Nope nope nope nope. 😇


If he looked like my Korean Quinn, he'd be doomed, but this guy doesn't work on me 😇

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Quinn: ...I do not wish to discuss it.

Why not?

Quinn: I suffered...indignities.


Quinn: ...YOU try standing in the middle of a mechanized death world in nothing but underwear! For one thing, it was VERY, VERY COLD! For another thing, I had droids passing by who took the time to point and laugh! Pointing with the laser sights on their sniper rifles! And then I had Sith warriors either slapping me across the face, or kissing those slapped places. Or taking pictures. And wanting to undress me further. It was...distressing.

Thought you didn't want to discuss it?

Quinn: I needed to rant, as it turns out.


LOL! :D I swear I could hear Teverson reading this out loud! :D

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I don't know if I could bring myself to hear Quinn begging and crying. It was bad enough seeing the Murder of him and just .... I know some people don't care enough about some companions to kill them or kick them out, but I just can't do it. Even to companions that are annoying (I'm looking at you Skadge), I still can't bring myself to be mean, kill them, or hate them. I've been here, literally, for almost 6 years, come December, I've had these companions with me since 2011, I just can't be cruel to them.


Sure, they're just game pixels, but when I'm playing the game, I imagine they're real (game real) people and deserve respect and some niceties just like a real life, in the real world, person.

The one I wanted rid of the most was Skadge - I was so glad we were given the kill option on him. Next up for me is Kaliyo - given the choice she would never have been in my agent's crew but I was stuck with her even though it was so obvious from the start that she was nothing more than a backstabber. I've also chosen Torian over Vette every time because Torian is such a nice character - I can't bring myself to make a choice that leads to his death (but I do zombie res her from the thing since she has so much companion influence). On my sith inq who is super dark I decided to kill Aric and keep Kaliyo because it goes with the darksideness of the character (and my head story). Aric says something to the character if you make the right choices that makes you want to kill him! I'm glad we get the option to see Acina finished off since she turned out to be the same old power-hungry-blood-thirsty lying sith, though I have no idea why such a historic character like Jace Malcolm should be killed off in such a pathetic way. I've also killed Broonmark a few times but I can take him or leave him and I've killed Koth but that was so underwhelming after what he did - better to take the punch-him option. I'm an in-game serial killer :eek: Malavai Quinn (like Torian), however will never be killed by me; I won't watch any videos of it or look at any posts describing it. It's bad enough in the story lines where he gets force-mugged (Master Yonlach on Tatooine, Lord Draagh before the cheek kiss, the Betrayal where you can go red-eyed ballistic on him, Acina force smashing him into a wall) he has no defence against force users!

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Ok, so which one of you lost their Malavai on Iokath, mmm?




:D The poor thing was standing there alone, no player nearby, no player loading. I did some dailies around, so spent there quite a while, and he just stood there naked all that time...

I really hope this isn't BW solution to us wanting more Malavai in the story :D

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I really hope this isn't BW solution to us wanting more Malavai in the story :D


Keith, if you're reading this: Quinns randomly standing around in their underwear is a great start, but maybe you could throw Nearly!Naked!Quinn in some cutscenes, too. ;)

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Keith, if you're reading this: Quinns randomly standing around in their underwear is a great start, but maybe you could throw Nearly!Naked!Quinn in some cutscenes, too. ;)


Quinn: ExCUSE me!? :eek:

Ummmmm...how about an *option* for that? :D For those of us who don't want to see...anything?

Quinn: I need a blanket.

You're dressed.

Quinn: ... *looks down*


Quinn: I need a blanket.

Here! Here! *throws heavy wool blanket at him*

Quinn: *huddles in corner with blanket wrapped around him* Fangirls... *twitch* Why did it have to be fangirls...

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Oh, I agree on Vowrawn over Acina for Emperor - I just meant, character and story wise, he could be a difficult Sith to deal with when he's not on your side. ;) I also don't know why Acina's the one they chose for Emperor. The cynic in me speculates it's because she's the one with the least amount of back story they'd have to take into account when BW decided it was time to write in a Sith Emperor. There'd have to be a lot of explaining to do if any of the Vanilla council members were named Emperor, as so many of them were integrated into one Class Story or another. I mean, they very well might have picked Acina because she had very little personality and back story - it was just a neutral body to fill the role to go along with the one-size-fits-all story they've wrote for every Class.


Also, Jadus was very enigmatic and intriguing to me. Too bad there was no more to be seen from him. So many characters with so much potential just cast aside for... what? Acina? Vaylin? Senya? Veeroa/[insert Star Fortress nobody]? Just ugh... I'm gonna have drink and go make some chicken tacos. :D


Well, I guess considering that Acina has

ended up dead

it's just as well they chose her. I would be inconsolable if they did that to Vowrawn or Ravage.


Jadus would be a lot of fun, he's so...dark and twisted. He's a more suave and elegant answer to Vaylin lol.

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I don't see Ravage surviving the attack of the Eternal Empire. He seems to be one of those that would probably fight to the death. And without Marr to keep everyone in line (as he seemed to especially if Imperious/Oculus/Nox were allied with him) the council might have splintered rather than agree on a course of action. At this point also, Vowrawn might not have returned from wherever he decided to hide until after Acina declared herself Empress.


Also, I'm pretty sure that during the Dread Palace operation, Raptus again has the same VA as Vowrawn.

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Quinn: ExCUSE me!? :eek:

Ummmmm...how about an *option* for that? :D For those of us who don't want to see...anything?

Quinn: I need a blanket.

You're dressed.

Quinn: ... *looks down*


Quinn: I need a blanket.

Here! Here! *throws heavy wool blanket at him*

Quinn: *huddles in corner with blanket wrapped around him* Fangirls... *twitch* Why did it have to be fangirls...


Hey, I didn't make the bug causing Quinns to randomly appear around Iokath in their underthings (which is especially odd, considering lack of FTB). But okay, okay...


Keith, please give us more Clothed!Quinn as well. :rolleyes:

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