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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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So, we got 300+ pages in a little over three months.

The hate thread got six pages in one month.


...wonder who wins? :p


Going by that logic there can't be that many players who hate Quinn. Therefore all these mythical Quinn haters must be all in the Devs tortured minds ;)

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So, we got 300+ pages in a little over three months.

The hate thread got six pages in one month.


...wonder who wins? :p


This thread even recommended others to look at the hate thread and they only got to six pages. :D:p


And still, no acknowledgment from the dev team. We should get extra Quinn! content for proving them wrong with every post, poll, Twitter following...

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*high fives* :D


*high five!* :D

Quinn: *beams* I owe my life to you, my lords. Officers. *salute*

On that note, the Imperial salute is weird.

Quinn: ...no it isn't.

You clap your hands to your sides and go rigid as a board. How's that a salute? Meanwhile, the Republic's salute is...a salute. Raise your right hand to your forehead, snap it back to your side.

Quinn: *suspiciously* You think our salute is "weird."

...Grand Admiral, Quinn. You doubt my loyalty?

Quinn: Truth be told, after Quinn-bots, Lana's conspiracy, lackluster writing, anti-fangirls, and the mystery ongoing on Iokath... I do not know who to believe.

Good point. But you can trust us. *spreads arms* The Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing! *trumpet fanfare*

Quinn: Now THAT is taking the "Knights of ---" moniker too far.

No, it isn't... :(

Quinn: *smirk* It's weird.

It's--...oh you.

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*high five!* :D

Quinn: *beams* I owe my life to you, my lords. Officers. *salute*

On that note, the Imperial salute is weird.

Quinn: ...no it isn't.

You clap your hands to your sides and go rigid as a board. How's that a salute? Meanwhile, the Republic's salute is...a salute. Raise your right hand to your forehead, snap it back to your side.

Quinn: *suspiciously* You think our salute is "weird."

...Grand Admiral, Quinn. You doubt my loyalty?

Quinn: Truth be told, after Quinn-bots, Lana's conspiracy, lackluster writing, anti-fangirls, and the mystery ongoing on Iokath... I do not know who to believe.

Good point. But you can trust us. *spreads arms* The Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing! *trumpet fanfare*

Quinn: Now THAT is taking the "Knights of ---" moniker too far.

No, it isn't... :(

Quinn: *smirk* It's weird.

It's--...oh you.


Purple Quinn, I'm dying to know, what is your opinion about the Iokath mystery betrayer? How do you feel about someone thinking it's okay to betray your Empress!Wrath!Love? Are you going to go all "I WILL SHOOT YOU UP, JILLINS" on their traitorous butt? That is, provided Lana stays out of the scene long enough for you to momentarily steal the spotlight.

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Purple Quinn, I'm dying to know, what is your opinion about the Iokath mystery betrayer? How do you feel about someone thinking it's okay to betray your Empress!Wrath!Love? Are you going to go all "I WILL SHOOT YOU UP, JILLINS" on their traitorous butt? That is, provided Lana stays out of the scene long enough for you to momentarily steal the spotlight.


Purple Quinn has no idea what to think, because Jagaimee has only the foggiest idea of what even happens on Iokath and is just now (within the past few days) starting to realize "Ooooh, there's a mysterious traitor!? AHAHAHAAAA THAT'S SO AWESOME, MUST GET WARRIOR TO IOKATH!!" (She's at the end of Chapter Thirteen of KOTFE. Kaliyo's about to bite the dust. And truthfully I'm hesitant to venture into KOTET/Iokath at all, given the number of bugs...) Nevertheless...


Quinn: Betrayal is...a sore subject for me, as you can imagine. If someone is threatening my wife, I will protect her.

Warrior: ...I can protect myself, you know.. I am a Sith...

Quinn: You are also my wife. I mean no offense, my lov--*cough* my lord... *blushes* ...but I would be remiss if I did not atone for my earlier error.

Warrior: You "atoned" for the whole incident years ago, Malavai. :)

*mushy romance ensues*

Edited by Jagaimee
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I do think he's probably one of the most understanding companions that way! Ultimately, he would probably mind very little if his agent!love pursued someone else in the meantime, what ever the reasons.


But now the Theron romance is kind of intense, I don't think I could put any agent through it! Vector would come back and be all Vector-like and /swoon. Theron would be standing there like "Uhm, I chose you over everything." and /swoon. Maybe she could have Vector, Monday - Wednesday, and Theron, Thursday - Saturday. On Sunday they would all eat breakfast together and chill.


Intense is putting it lightly. I don't think we realized what we were signing up for that day in the cantina lol. [Flirt] "I need to speak with Theron." So innocuous.


Breaking up with Theron after choosing Imperial on Iokath would be the most dark side decision in the whole game's history. Vector would probably be all.... "nahh.. I'm actually good. You can stay with him..."


Oh I found this drawing of Vector :o SO CUTE. http://makeramidying.tumblr.com/post/153183280030/this-was-sort-of-like-the-artistic-equivalent-of


Probably need to get the Vector thread ready for when they announce his return :D

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Oh I found this drawing of Vector :o SO CUTE. http://makeramidying.tumblr.com/post/153183280030/this-was-sort-of-like-the-artistic-equivalent-of


Probably need to get the Vector thread ready for when they announce his return :D



...aaaaaaaaaaand now my agent desperately needs Vector to actually do that. Show up for work one morning in a comfy sweater and jeans, with a cup of coffee.

"Beloved," he greets her, giving her the coffee. "It is...well, as you call it - liquid energy?"

Cipher Nine can't help but giggle. "I love you," she says as she takes the cup - and then she sees what's written on it.

#1 Bug

Her lips twitch. "I'm resisting the urge to make a truly hideous pun."

Vector sits down beside her, one eyebrow raised curiously. "You can tell us. We won't mind," he promises with a smile.

Cipher Nine closes her eyes. "...you're my love bug."

Vector is silent. Cipher Nine opens her eyes and looks at him to see him twitching wildly with barely-suppressed laughter. "We--we love you too, cipher," he finally manages.



...apparently, when it's late at niiiiight oh look it's past midnight, oops... ahem, when it's late at night, I get weird. Story ideas! "Time for bed." DARN IT.


Oh yes, we need a Vector thread. And a Kira thread, and a Corso thread, and a Mako and Ashara (gack) and Nadia and Temple (eek!) and Iresso thread aaaaaaaand who am I missing? ...Risha and Akaavi. And...Jaesa! Think I got everybody...?

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Intense is putting it lightly. I don't think we realized what we were signing up for that day in the cantina lol. [Flirt] "I need to speak with Theron." So innocuous.


Breaking up with Theron after choosing Imperial on Iokath would be the most dark side decision in the whole game's history. Vector would probably be all.... "nahh.. I'm actually good. You can stay with him..."


Oh I found this drawing of Vector :o SO CUTE. http://makeramidying.tumblr.com/post/153183280030/this-was-sort-of-like-the-artistic-equivalent-of


Probably need to get the Vector thread ready for when they announce his return :D


Right, how many people signed up for the Theron romance thinking "Oh, Vector won't be gone too long, this fling won't get far"? xD Now they can never leave him.


That drawing :o:o:o


LOL poor JILLINS. Wonder how he's been doing? Bet he turned his life around that day on Balmorra.


I imagine he had a promotion or two, transferred to Dromund Kaas, met a nice Imperial woman and settled down. He trains new military recruits now. At first, they all find him to be hard and cruel, but eventually they feel a great respect for him, regard him as their inspiration -- even though they're terrified whenever they disappoint him, because he threatens to put a blaster to their heads with a clear conscience if they don't bring their best to the table.


He opens up to one of these recruits, a particularly unruly and somewhat pathetic excuse for an Imp, about a lieutenant he knew on Balmorra, his personal hero; a man who did not settle for less than perfection and put everything he had into fighting the Resistance scum, and damn anyone who got in his way.


The recruit asks what ever happened to this lieutenant, and Jillins says he doesn't know; he went in one night to turn in a report (one he'd rewritten ten times, just to make sure it was flawless), and there he was, Malavai Quinn, at his desk looking over census data. Then in the morning, he reported for duty only to find that Quinn's office was empty, and all of his things were gone.


He heard a rumor once that the lieutenant disappeared into the night with a smokin' hot Sith, but he could never know for sure. He could only dedicate his entire life to carrying on the legacy of Malavai Quinn.


Or something like that.

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*high five!* :D

Quinn: *beams* I owe my life to you, my lords. Officers. *salute*

On that note, the Imperial salute is weird.

Quinn: ...no it isn't.

You clap your hands to your sides and go rigid as a board. How's that a salute? Meanwhile, the Republic's salute is...a salute. Raise your right hand to your forehead, snap it back to your side.

Quinn: *suspiciously* You think our salute is "weird."

...Grand Admiral, Quinn. You doubt my loyalty?

Quinn: Truth be told, after Quinn-bots, Lana's conspiracy, lackluster writing, anti-fangirls, and the mystery ongoing on Iokath... I do not know who to believe.

Good point. But you can trust us. *spreads arms* The Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing! *trumpet fanfare*

Quinn: Now THAT is taking the "Knights of ---" moniker too far.

No, it isn't... :(

Quinn: *smirk* It's weird.

It's--...oh you.




There is just so much awesomeness and love here. I absolutely adore you guys! *high fives all around* And now there is a sequel to our love too! *loves the Vector the LoveBug thread*


So many awesome quotes here, my post would be a mile long, but I'm loving it! <3 Quinnmancers and Lovebugs!


The Eternal Knights of Quinnmancers and Lovebugs! :eek::D



This thread even recommended others to look at the hate thread and they only got to six pages. :D:p


And still, no acknowledgment from the dev team. We should get extra Quinn! content for proving them wrong with every post, poll, Twitter following...


I wish they'd (the devs) say something to us. We've earned notice, just from the sheer amount of positivity going on here. :cool:

Edited by Lunafox
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...aaaaaaaaaaand now my agent desperately needs Vector to actually do that. Show up for work one morning in a comfy sweater and jeans, with a cup of coffee.

"Beloved," he greets her, giving her the coffee. "It is...well, as you call it - liquid energy?"

Cipher Nine can't help but giggle. "I love you," she says as she takes the cup - and then she sees what's written on it.

#1 Bug

Her lips twitch. "I'm resisting the urge to make a truly hideous pun."

Vector sits down beside her, one eyebrow raised curiously. "You can tell us. We won't mind," he promises with a smile.

Cipher Nine closes her eyes. "...you're my love bug."

Vector is silent. Cipher Nine opens her eyes and looks at him to see him twitching wildly with barely-suppressed laughter. "We--we love you too, cipher," he finally manages.



...apparently, when it's late at niiiiight oh look it's past midnight, oops... ahem, when it's late at night, I get weird. Story ideas! "Time for bed." DARN IT.


Oh yes, we need a Vector thread. And a Kira thread, and a Corso thread, and a Mako and Ashara (gack) and Nadia and Temple (eek!) and Iresso thread aaaaaaaand who am I missing? ...Risha and Akaavi. And...Jaesa! Think I got everybody...?


Anyone for a Scourge thread? He hee.

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I just tweeted at SWTOR's Twitter page and Facebook page for a shout out to us, owing to our 100K views here and Twitter victory.


I hope they'll throw us a bone, or a nice wallpaper of Major Malavai Quinn! :D:cool:


It's deserved. The devs really should say something here or on Twitch.

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LOL poor JILLINS. Wonder how he's been doing? Bet he turned his life around that day on Balmorra.


Haha, I guess. :D Quinn really scared him, he didn't realize that 1) Quinn was basically grumpy being stationed on Balmorra (I can sympathize, I hate that planet too) 2) This was Quinn's way to boost morale and made him toughen up.

It was funny, and I would ask Quinn to pay a visit to Jillins again. :D Let's invite him for tea or whatever. :D


He opens up to one of these recruits, a particularly unruly and somewhat pathetic excuse for an Imp, about a lieutenant he knew on Balmorra, his personal hero; a man who did not settle for less than perfection and put everything he had into fighting the Resistance scum, and damn anyone who got in his way.


LOL, this story is great! :D

Edited by Dylinrae
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I just tweeted at SWTOR's Twitter page and Facebook page for a shout out to us, owing to our 100K views here and Twitter victory.


I hope they'll throw us a bone, or a nice wallpaper of Major Malavai Quinn! :D:cool:


Me too! I really hope they will react. Give us a damned Quinn statue - with an interactive kiss option :p

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Probably need to get the Vector thread ready for when they announce his return :D

Count me in! :D


Haha, I guess. :D Quinn really scared him, he didn't realize that 1) Quinn was basically grumpy being stationed on Balmorra (I can sympathize, I hate that planet too) 2) This was Quinn's way to boost morale and made him toughen up.

It was funny, and I would ask Quinn to pay a visit to Jillins again. :D Let's invite him for tea or whatever. :D


Up until now I wondered who that "Jillins" was. Now I know why I didn't remember him. This guy's name was JillinGs.

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I know I'm waiting for the devs to stop by. You know they've seen this thread and stopped by it, or at least the moderators have to make sure we keep somewhat on topic. lol


I think the devs are sitting there, scrambling to do minor rewrites to part 2, 3, 4, 5, 20 of the Iokath storyline to make sure we get more Quinn interaction. Especially since they see that there's more love than hate for him. Maybe some in the game say 'bwahahaha I smited thee!' but they're probably lying just to look cool and are snuggling their Quinns like we are.


I still love how our Warrior tells Quinn that we love him, always have and always will. I swooned in true girly fashion. *sigh* Now, I'm waiting for the mandatory ftb scene. :p

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I still love how our Warrior tells Quinn that we love him, always have and always will. I swooned in true girly fashion. *sigh* Now, I'm waiting for the mandatory ftb scene. :p


That and in the comp notes "you love him more than ever". Absolutely! I do!:D

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I have been questing on Tatooine with Quinn and was thinking my Warrior would need a lot of sunscreen lotion there.

I imagined the Warrior smearing Quinn's face with it every few hours, and he is "My lord, enough with that lotion already!". I must protect him against all kinds of dangers, after all. :D Imagine an Imperial patrol group going by and seeing this act. :D

Edited by Dylinrae
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I have been questing on Tatooine with Quinn and was thinking my Warrior would need a lot of sunscreen lotion there.

I imagined the Warrior smearing Quinn's face with it every few hours, and he is "My lord, enough with that lotion already!". I must protect him against all kinds of dangers, after all. :D Imagine an Imperial patrol group going by and seeing this act. :D


A bit opposite with mine. My SW is almost an albino, fair skin (she used to have red "burns" until she married him, which I later removed, and changed her complexion to healthier one), white hair, and only her eyes are green not red. But my Malavai is "Asian", so has darker complexion, and is safer from the sun a bit. And he makes sure she applies her creams before going out to sun not to have those red cheeks again.


Old "burned" skin: http://imgur.com/LTKOTRO

Taken care of healthy cheeks: http://imgur.com/fPz64oD

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I have been questing on Tatooine with Quinn and was thinking my Warrior would need a lot of sunscreen lotion there.

I imagined the Warrior smearing Quinn's face with it every few hours, and he is "My lord, enough with that lotion already!". I must protect him against all kinds of dangers, after all. :D Imagine an Imperial patrol group going by and seeing this act. :D


My girlie had it bad on Tatooine. She's a red head, with fair skin, and freckles. Just imagine how bad it is for HER, compared to HIM. Heck, he's darker than her in comparison. lol

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A bit opposite with mine. My SW is almost an albino, fair skin (she used to have red "burns" until she married him, which I later removed, and changed her complexion to healthier one), white hair, and only her eyes are green not red. But my Malavai is "Asian", so has darker complexion, and is safer from the sun a bit. And he makes sure she applies her creams before going out to sun not to have those red cheeks again.


Old "burned" skin: http://imgur.com/LTKOTRO

Taken care of healthy cheeks: http://imgur.com/fPz64oD


I use their default looks. I sort of like how Quinn looks normally, I had no reason to change him. I did use the grey haired cyborg one for a bit, but preferred his default look after a while.

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