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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I so wish they would make Quinn a romance option for other chars as well but since that most likely won't happen I'm levelling another warrior just for him. :o


He only loves the warrior :p


I can't tell you what a relief it is to have finished that knight I was leveling. Had enough of Quoc, back to real thing :)

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He only loves the warrior :p


I can't tell you what a relief it is to have finished that knight I was leveling. Had enough of Quoc, back to real thing :)


My knight tried to woo Lord Scourge but alas to no avail. :( So she ended up being forever alone.

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My knight tried to woo Lord Scourge but alas to no avail. :( So she ended up being forever alone.


Tell me about it :( I tried to do the Doc romance, had the intention of marrying him (if only to break it off later, I dunno, my knight was dark and unpredictable) but I was so mad about this one thing he kept doing. He's sleazy and it can be funny, I expected that, that was ok. But two times, he told my character to go away. "Now scoot! Old Doc is busy!" Twice!


Something about that rubbed me the wrong way. I'd force choke him for that if it let me. *grumbles* Tell me to go away on my own ship, I do what I want!

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I don't think we need worry, the Republic has done enough douchy stuff to Theron, that i can see him jumping ship. I think they'd find a way to accommodate that in story, they won't take Theron away. (I hope)


Hopefully. Shan is top tier husbando I'd hate to lose him over to republic :p

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*claps* That is the best episode yet. :D Your 'puppy' sounds adorable. <3


We had a rottie and he thought like a lap dog...a hundred and thirty-pound lap dog. Yikes. Poor Quinn, maybe a Manka kitten would have been less painful. *imagines* Mmmm, maybe not, it would poke Quinn full of holes doing happy feet lol.


One hundred and thirty pounds!? O_O My dog is a rottweiler-Shepherd mix...despite that, she's not a large dog. It just feels like it when she sits on my lap. :p But I can't imagine ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY POUNDS flattening someone's lap. Fifty pounds (going on sixty; she's a little pudgy) is bad enough! XD


Quinn: A kitten? Er, well--

Kitten: Purrrrrrrr.

Quinn: *achoo*

Kitten: Prrrrr?

Quinn: I'm - *achoo* - allergic to cats - *cough* - if you'll recall, my lord - *achoo*

Kitten: Prrrrrr! *curls up in his lap*

Quinn: ... *achoo* ...what am I supposed to do with...?

Kitten: Purrrrrr....

Quinn: *achoo* ................ *slowly starts petting it* :)

Kitten: *gets so happy that it starts unsheathing its claws and promptly climbs up Quinn's chest*

Quinn: Ow - ow - *achoo* - ow - *achoo* - ow ow - *achoo*

Kitten: *falls asleep on top of his head* Prrrrr...

Quinn: ... *facepalm*

Akk dog: *triumphantly holds up Quinn's slipper* WOOF! :D

Quinn: Oh for the love of... *ACHOO!*


Because I don't often put the headphones on when playing, I tend to imagine a voice for the characters in my head. Doc's been voiced by Bruce Campbell.


Doc's voice actor was in a live-action TV show I love - it's called Leverage - and...eerily enough, he looks like Doc in real life. o_O He is also one HECK of a fantastic actor. Considering all his character went through (severe anxiety slowly devolving into panic attacks and eventually a nervous breakdown, where he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't), he portrayed it masterfully.

...it made me like Doc just a little bit better. XD But who's Bruce Campbell?

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Doc's voice actor was in a live-action TV show I love - it's called Leverage - and...eerily enough, he looks like Doc in real life. o_O He is also one HECK of a fantastic actor. Considering all his character went through (severe anxiety slowly devolving into panic attacks and eventually a nervous breakdown, where he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't), he portrayed it masterfully.

...it made me like Doc just a little bit better. XD But who's Bruce Campbell?


This might be why I like Jorgan and forgive some of his foibles where someone else might not.


Bruce Campbell, just google image "Evil Dead" :D


Wait! Maybe I should warn you that googling Evil Dead or Bruce Campbell might bring up some gory/scary pictures, so avoid it if you're sensitive about those things :) He's an actor known for his role in campy horror movies.

Edited by grania
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This might be why I like Jorgan and forgive some of his foibles where someone else might not.


Bruce Campbell, just google image "Evil Dead" :D


Wait! Maybe I should warn you that googling Evil Dead or Bruce Campbell might bring up some gory/scary pictures, so avoid it if you're sensitive about those things :) He's an actor known for his role in campy horror movies.


Now if only somebody in-game could call Jorgan "Lassie." :D


Ohhh, okay. Thanks for explaining. XD (And for the warning.)

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Now if only somebody in-game could call Jorgan "Lassie." :D


uh huh :D *knowing nod*


Ohhh, okay. Thanks for explaining. XD (And for the warning.)


I forgot to mention that Doc looks and acts a lot like the character Bruce Campbell is known for playing, he's getting older now, but still. He's Doc in a horror setting :)


Wait what's Doc's voice actor's name? Or the name of his character on the show you mentioned?

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Wait what's Doc's voice actor's name? Or the name of his character on the show you mentioned?


His name is... aw man. Um... Andrew Bowen? I think? Yeah, Andrew Bowen. In Leverage he played a character named Charles Dodgson - he was only in one episode, "The White Rabbit Job," in season five.

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His name is... aw man. Um... Andrew Bowen? I think? Yeah, Andrew Bowen. In Leverage he played a character named Charles Dodgson - he was only in one episode, "The White Rabbit Job," in season five.


Oh dear, he's cute, and I turned him down o.o

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Yep, he would qualify for babedom. But in game Doc really does resemble Bruce Campbell so much especially when he played Autolycus in Xena, Warrior Princess.


I forgot he was in Xena, heh, that's right. I should watch that again someday.


Hey, Doc, is it too late to change my answer?! Wait Doc doesn't respond in his thread :o


Anyway, back to the topic: Quinn. *clears throat* Quinnnnn <3 Ok I'm out of material. Til Tuesday, if I get to play.

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I forgot he was in Xena, heh, that's right. I should watch that again someday.


Hey, Doc, is it too late to change my answer?! Wait Doc doesn't respond in his thread :o


Anyway, back to the topic: Quinn. *clears throat* Quinnnnn <3 Ok I'm out of material. Til Tuesday, if I get to play.


Doc: Well now, Doc certainly can respond if you'd want him to, doll. I can-- *FLYING FIST TO THE FACE*

Quinn: *steps out of the shadows, dusting his hands off* Enough of that.

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Doc: Well now, Doc certainly can respond if you'd want him to, doll. I can-- *FLYING FIST TO THE FACE*

Quinn: *steps out of the shadows, dusting his hands off* Enough of that.


*DIES* I think that was the best thing that was ever posted :D I'm going to be glowing for the rest of the day :D


It's like 5 minutes later, I'm still beaming

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Yep, he would qualify for babedom. But in game Doc really does resemble Bruce Campbell so much especially when he played Autolycus in Xena, Warrior Princess.

I've always said the same. Yes, he's like Ash too (Evil Dead) but I actually think him most alike Autolycus in appearance as well as behavior and mannerisms. I'm still inclined to believe Doc's somehow written/modeled after Bruce, or at least largely inspired by.


Doc: Well now, Doc certainly can respond if you'd want him to, doll. I can-- *FLYING FIST TO THE FACE*

Quinn: *steps out of the shadows, dusting his hands off* Enough of that.

*snorts and chokes on her iced tea* That was absolutely brilliant! Ahh I think my heart just started beating for Quinn a little faster.

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*DIES* I think that was the best thing that was ever posted :D I'm going to be glowing for the rest of the day :D


It's like 5 minutes later, I'm still beaming

*snorts and chokes on her iced tea* That was absolutely brilliant! Ahh I think my heart just started beating for Quinn a little faster.


Now if only we can bribe somebody over in the Fan Art section to draw an unconscious Doc with little chibi birds and stars flying around his head, and Quinn standing nearby with a smug little smirk on his face... :D

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Okay as promised new chapter done. This one is way longer that my other two pieces, 16 pages of glorious Quinn stutters and adventures last I checked.


Granted I did pull A LOT of dialog directly from gameplay. I wanted to keep all quotes I did use intact, I love this story and had no desire to change the original writing. Though I did expand and embellish several of those conversations. All major story plots are intact, just added in my touch of flavor, personal thoughts of characters involved and my characters backstory. Thanks to all of those lovely Quinnmancers who posted the many dialog choices on youtube, they were a great help getting exactly the choices I wanted made. :)


With out further ado here is a new chapter First Glances:


I hope you enjoy. :)

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I have been doing quests on Korriban and remembered that Lord Abaron has a great voice too. It's so soothing. But I don't remember hearing him in other places, does anyone who the voice actor is or what other characters he voiced? Edited by Dylinrae
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Doc: Well now, Doc certainly can respond if you'd want him to, doll. I can-- *FLYING FIST TO THE FACE*

Quinn: *steps out of the shadows, dusting his hands off* Enough of that.


Doc: Why did ya hit me? I swear you're not one of my exes...

Quinn: Apologies, I'm not usually territorial. But I do believe this is MY thread

Doc: Ah, fangirls. I completely understand; the public gets pretty demanding *Is kicked while he's down* This is so not groovy...

Quinn: Again, sorry about that.

Doc: Now that you got me thinking, when am I coming back? I know I have plenty of bleeding hearts waiting for my entrance!

Bioware: SoonTM

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Doc: Why did ya hit me? I swear you're not one of my exes...

Quinn: Apologies, I'm not usually territorial. But I do believe this is MY thread

Doc: Ah, fangirls. I completely understand; the public gets pretty demanding *Is kicked while he's down* This is so not groovy...

Quinn: Again, sorry about that.

Doc: Now that you got me thinking, when am I coming back? I know I have plenty of bleeding hearts waiting for my entrance!

Bioware: SoonTM


Now that was hilarious. :D My male knight, who has a bit of a grudge over the many MANY times Doc flirted with Kira (whom my knight married), would beg to differ, however. "You're coming back when Hoth is the same temperature as Tatooine."


@Nightfrogger: Well done! :D I loved Quinn's perspective on things. XD His panicked, flustered reaction when Disantia kept flirting with him. "Calm...stay calm..." even as he's on the verge of either kissing her, or fleeing in terror. XD

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@Nightfrogger: Well done! :D I loved Quinn's perspective on things. XD His panicked, flustered reaction when Disantia kept flirting with him. "Calm...stay calm..." even as he's on the verge of either kissing her, or fleeing in terror. XD


Poor Quinn probably does not want to know of the unscripted additional flirting I have in store for him in my head....*devious smile*

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Now that was hilarious. :D My male knight, who has a bit of a grudge over the many MANY times Doc flirted with Kira (whom my knight married), would beg to differ, however. "You're coming back when Hoth is the same temperature as Tatooine."


Doc: Harmless flirting! I'd never step on another guy's toes, especially another who has a magic laser sword. Even us scum bag heart breakers have our rules! I me- *Kicked by Quinn*

Quinn: I already know the joke you were going to make about me

Doc: Ack, I've become predictable!

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Oh dear, he's cute, and I turned him down o.o


Well, damn, he is pretty hot lol. I guess it's a credit to his acting that I've never wanted to look him up.


Doc's comments about the mission or the situation at hand are always funny and make me laugh. But as soon as he starts talking to or about a female in the story, my patience for him evaporates. That kind of thing in my entertainment isn't funny to me anymore - it's so very 90's - and I can't imagine a *********** jedi (of all classes) tolerating something like that on their ship.


He's got to be my least fav character in SWTOR and I take it as a PERSONAL INSULT that he was added as a love interest for a JEDI when Scourge was not. A SLAP IN THE FACE I SAY! :D

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