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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


''I'm sorry, Mi'lord, but... I've been... I'VE BEEN SERVING ANOTHER SITH! I'm sorry, I was weak, I know; it's just, you were gone and I had nobody to take me to any quest givers. And she even gave me a shiny new rank and more reports to fill out. I know it won't mean much, but I swear, I SWEAR; that she was nothing compared to you. Every time she sent me out to farm nodes, I only thought of how you would of farmed the better ones. Every time we assaulted a base, I only thought how you knew to set me to a healing stance instead of a tank stance. She even let me off her ship! And I didn't have to worry about the Bioware gods stealing my clothes... But... I'd give that all up, just to be your companion again, my Lord!"

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I think Yonlach's just being a dick. As a Jedi, he's just coming to his own conclusion as to why in the galaxy someone would have feelings towards a Sith.


I always looked at it as Jedi have more issues than one can count when it comes to relationships so as far as he was concerned, so best he could rationalize Quinn's feelings for the Warrior as self loathing. The concept of love's just not something Jedi cope well with.

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


Interesting question. Hmm. I think my main Sith warrior would be a bit upset...she was true to him completely.


My secondary ones, enjoyed the joy that is Theron...they might be more inclined to forgive him or be more understanding.

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


My Sith would be so angry she'd be too mad to use the Force and just start laying into him with fists. I know it sounds odd that she's able to forgive a murder attempt but cheating's a OH HELL NO, but like me she can forgive a lot except cheating.

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you

Even longer, since they reunite after KOTET. Personally, I think that's a long time to expect someone to remain celibate and not pursue any other relationship of any kind, especially when the world is insisting that their spouse is dead. Even with a faithful warrior, I can't really compare their situations. Warrior was basically asleep for 5 years -- no physical needs to be met, no temptations around them.


I don't really see Quinn cheating as in pursuing a serious relationship with someone else, because I think he'd be too busy with finding his One True Lord and then spending remaining time doing what ever work he was doing in the meantime, as he strikes me as a bit of a workaholic (could even flop-flip that; dedicated to Empire!Work first and Warrior!Search with the remaining time). One True Lord herself would probably expect that and find any other serious personal pursuits as insulting and a huge waste of time and productivity. And she would probably get a little bit extremely, frighteningly violent.


But a one night stand here or there? So long as he didn't fool around with Jaesa or something, then no big. She's the Warrior. Like he could get it as good from anyone else? Pft. :rolleyes: No one else could ever be as potent.

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


Well, considering my SW has been snogging Lana she can forgive Quinn the same weakness/indiscretion. If she'd been faithful then Quinn would have a lot of explaining to do if he'd cheated. :)

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


My warrior would...not be happy. After all they'd gone through to repair their relationship - he goes and cheats on her. AFTER sending her that letter saying he'd look for her "even if it kills [him]."

It'd be the last straw for her, (speaking from headcanon, she's lost *literally everyone important to her* by the end of KOTET). Her husband cheating on her...gah. She'd be devastated.


Quinn: I...I would never! My lords, please. You must understand how ridiculous the question is. When I sent that letter - knowing it would likely never reach its intended recipient - I meant it. There is very, very little I will not do to save my wife. When I said "even if it kills me," I was not exaggerating.

We'll see in... *checks calendar* Ooh! A day and a half. Ish.

Quinn: ...we shall see, indeed.

Edited by Jagaimee
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I agree with you and SithKoriandr that it makes no sense to go back right to that betrayal, too much time has passed. It would have made more sense that if the SW was antagonistic to Malavai, that he be blamed for betrayal in a new scenario, and then they could harken back to the past and then do that which I don't wish to speak of in this thread cause it makes me sad.


That would work much better imo. Would at least fit in with the previous choices we've been given. Though, neither Quinn nor Elara are part of the Alliance, they're part of the Empire and Republic, so even killing Quinn right off the bat should signal to the Empire side "We can't trust you now."

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Well I got done writing what I was hoping to do. I made a bit on Quinn's thoughts and feelings of what happened during chapter 1 of KotFE. I know it is sad and depressing, but I figured if I am going to get excited about his return...and probably write something about the reunion and probably fade the black moment I hope is there. I need something to start with. How can I attempt to write a touching reunion if I don't have anything on the farewell?


This is my headcannon idea of what he would do being thrust in this situation...

There is no swearing or graphic language in this piece, just lots of Quinn feels



Is a work in progress and will change should Tuesday reveal anything that goes against my narrative. I want their work to be cannon, I just do the filler around and in between.

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Well I got done writing what I was hoping to do. I made a bit on Quinn's thoughts and feelings of what happened during chapter 1 of KotFE. I know it is sad and depressing, but I figured if I am going to get excited about his return...and probably write something about the reunion and probably fade the black moment I hope is there. I need something to start with. How can I attempt to write a touching reunion if I don't have anything on the farewell?


This is my headcannon idea of what he would do being thrust in this situation...

There is no swearing or graphic language in this piece, just lots of Quinn feels



Is a work in progress and will change should Tuesday reveal anything that goes against my narrative. I want their work to be cannon, I just do the filler around and in between.



That was a really lovely and fitting build up to the letter. Very nice! Thanks for sharing it. :)

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Well I got done writing what I was hoping to do. I made a bit on Quinn's thoughts and feelings of what happened during chapter 1 of KotFE. I know it is sad and depressing, but I figured if I am going to get excited about his return...and probably write something about the reunion and probably fade the black moment I hope is there. I need something to start with. How can I attempt to write a touching reunion if I don't have anything on the farewell?


This is my headcannon idea of what he would do being thrust in this situation...

There is no swearing or graphic language in this piece, just lots of Quinn feels



Is a work in progress and will change should Tuesday reveal anything that goes against my narrative. I want their work to be cannon, I just do the filler around and in between.


Hnnrrggghhh *heart quietly breaks*

That was beautiful. Quinn's despair was almost palpable, the poor man...

Also, interesting take on the betrayal!


Mind-control/brainawshing by Baras? ...okay, now I am REALLY glad my warrior impaled him repeatedly when she'd defeated him. Jerk deserved it...



Quinn: A...another poster? ... *sigh*

Do it. *holds Red Pen of Editorial Doom threateningly*

Quinn: I thought you were a fangirl, not a...anti-fangirl...hater...whatever you call them. Sir.

Oh, I am a fangirl. My particular brand of fangirling just comes with "make the characters you love suffer...a lot."

Quinn: That is not reassuring.

Hey, I'm taking classes to be a freelance editor! What good is the Red Pen of Editorial Doom if I don't get to exercise it frequently? Defeats the whole purpose. Takes all the fun out of it! :( ...now sign that poster.

Quinn: *autographs extra glossy poster* Darth Nightfrogger, my lord. *bows while presenting it*

Good Quinn.

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Quinn: A...another poster? ... *sigh*

Do it. *holds Red Pen of Editorial Doom threateningly*

Quinn: I thought you were a fangirl, not a...anti-fangirl...hater...whatever you call them. Sir.

Oh, I am a fangirl. My particular brand of fangirling just comes with "make the characters you love suffer...a lot."

Quinn: That is not reassuring.

Hey, I'm taking classes to be a freelance editor! What good is the Red Pen of Editorial Doom if I don't get to exercise it frequently? Defeats the whole purpose. Takes all the fun out of it! :( ...now sign that poster.

Quinn: *autographs extra glossy poster* Darth Nightfrogger, my lord. *bows while presenting it*

Good Quinn.


SQQQQUUEEE! *runs up and hugs him giving him a kiss on the cheek* Thank you :)

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SQQQQUUEEE! *runs up and hugs him giving him a kiss on the cheek* Thank you :)


Quinn: !? ....... *stands there awkwardly for a while, before very stiffly and uncertainly hugging you back* ...you're welcome, my lord. *pause...and then a little smile*

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Yay I got the Darth Lunafox seal of approval, do I get an extra glossy autographed Quinn picture now? lol


Looks like we have another happy customer :D And Jagaimee was busy convincing him to get signing too :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Well I got done writing what I was hoping to do. I made a bit on Quinn's thoughts and feelings of what happened during chapter 1 of KotFE. I know it is sad and depressing, but I figured if I am going to get excited about his return...and probably write something about the reunion and probably fade the black moment I hope is there. I need something to start with. How can I attempt to write a touching reunion if I don't have anything on the farewell?


This is my headcannon idea of what he would do being thrust in this situation...

There is no swearing or graphic language in this piece, just lots of Quinn feels



Is a work in progress and will change should Tuesday reveal anything that goes against my narrative. I want their work to be cannon, I just do the filler around and in between.


Nicely done. You can feel his despair and hopelessness and it is a nice segue into his letter. Five years, or six or even more is a long time to be looking for a loved one. Let us know when you have it finished after Tuesday's reunion. :)

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


"Who are you and where is my Malavai, you nasty imposter!" :mad:


She'd have a hard time forgiving him. Maybe even wouldn't. Baras forced him to turn against her, but this would be Malavai's choice, and that would make a difference. She was faithful to him, she kept looking for him, pestering Theron if he found him yet each week. After his full of devotion letter to find out he gave up on her, just like Vette did? That'd break her heart. She never forgave Vette for same (and other "transgressions"). I don't think she'd forgive him. I don't know. I hope she doesn't have to find out. Ever.


I also don't think it would be in character for him to do that. He's blindly devoted to her by this point (his last letter), so hopping into someone else's bed? When it took me years to drag him into mine? I think it'd take years for him to first abandon memory of me, and then some more, if someone wanted him in hers.


I don't see that happening. Not if he's written in-character.

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She never forgave Vette for same


It's pretty reasonable to think you're dead for five years unless the companion is force sensitive. You were in the center of an explosion that wiped out fleet ships, where they presumably crashed into the nearest planet for Arcann to have any chance of taking them alive SOMEHOW. Especially considering that the rest of the crew on that ship died if they don't get off the ship before the explosion.

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It's pretty reasonable to think you're dead for five years unless the companion is force sensitive. You were in the center of an explosion that wiped out fleet ships, where they presumably crashed into the nearest planet for Arcann to have any chance of taking them alive SOMEHOW. Especially considering that the rest of the crew on that ship died if they don't get off the ship before the explosion.


Why do you assume my warrior is reasonable? :p


The problem here is that Vette and Malavai were the closest people she ever had. One sent a letter "I'll keep looking for you until I find you or it kills me" (he's not Force-sensitive either), while the other bailed out as the first one from the whole crew. Not Pierce, not even Broonmark, but her "little sister". Plus compared to that letter... Vette had no chances.


For someone who's driven by emotions (my warrior), reason has nothing to do with it. She felt abandoned and...yes... even a little betrayed.


And my warrior has serious abandonment issues after what her own parents did to her.

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