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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Sorry. I didn't think KOTET story was unknown to anyone at this point (even if not played by themselves), so didn't think about putting it into spoilers.


All my other ramblings are a mix of this "I'll kill you" clip for haters with my really bad mood since yesterday.:o


Oh - no, I meant spoilers about Quinn, not KOTET. :o I kind of sort of know what happens in KOTET already, so you didn't spoil anything there.

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As someone who's read the 'spoilers', and no I will not spoil actual dialogue and such but I can say how you treat Quinn is up to YOU. You are NOT forced into hatred. If you wish to be angry with him, you can. If you're welcoming him as a friend or 'bro', you can. If you wish to embrace your love, you can. You're not being forced into any anger or resentment by the choices you'll be given and the scenes do not actually pander to haters only. There's lovely options to be had so there's really no need for concern or negativity.
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As someone who's read the 'spoilers', and no I will not spoil actual dialogue and such but I can say how you treat Quinn is up to YOU. You are NOT forced into hatred. If you wish to be angry with him, you can. If you're welcoming him as a friend or 'bro', you can. If you wish to embrace your love, you can. You're not being forced into any anger or resentment by the choices you'll be given and the scenes do not actually pander to haters only. There's lovely options to be had so there's really no need for concern or negativity.


You finally figured out how to smoke the we- Read the data I link? :D

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That's good to hear as my SW wants her hubby back and if she's given the choice to pull him into a hug and kiss him senseless then that's what she's going to do. :) Screw that fact she's being snogging Lana :D


But what I don't understand was something that was mentioned earlier in the thread. Assuming the SW sides the Republic how dose it work getting Quinn to join us? Because we romanced him or what? That has me greatly intrigued.

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That's good to hear as my SW wants her hubby back and if she's given the choice to pull him into a hug and kiss him senseless then that's what she's going to do. :) Screw that fact she's being snogging Lana :D


But what I don't understand was something that was mentioned earlier in the thread. Assuming the SW sides the Republic how dose it work getting Quinn to join us? Because we romanced him or what? That has me greatly intrigued.


Me too. But, I assume it will be a very set sequence of choices that could easily get borked all to hell. For my main, SW, won't take the chance, maybe with numbers 3 or 4 I might take the risk, and then delete them if I lose Quinn at all.

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What I find very interesting, for my own play throughs at least, my SW and my IA were the only characters that never had that extramarital thing going on with Theron, or Lana or even Koth. Both stayed true all the way through SOR and beyond, which leaves something to be said for Quinn and Vector and their impact. Or maybe I am just nuts, :p
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Lurked this thread when they announced Quinn's return. Came back when I heard his voice once again!


April 11th can't come any sooner!


Who else fansquealed when they heard his voice on the newest trailer? Just me? Oh.


Welcome! :D

The squee'ing started when his return was announced, I think. XD And then it just got louder when a) we realized he kept his original voice, yay!, and b) we actually heard that voice. Like so:

Spoiler'd for size alone.





Quinn: *hands clapped to his ears* :eek:

...um...we love you.

Quinn: *slowly peels his hands away from his ears* My hearing is just now returning...although I suppose I have no one but myself to blame for any sustained hearing loss, given how I did not run away when I heard the..."squee"...starting.

Aha! You admit it! You LIKE the fangirling!

Quinn: Actually, I was paralyzed with the sudden fear of being mobbed by fangirls if I ran.


Edited by Jagaimee
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AFAIK, April 11 is Early Access, April 14 for the rest.


And it's gonna suck since my SW is with Lana as well. I mean hell yea I'm going back to Quinn, just the breakup scene with Lana is gonna get me in the feels.


I feel you, the break up scenes are never easy but at least the original romance is back.

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AFAIK, April 11 is Early Access, April 14 for the rest.


And it's gonna suck since my SW is with Lana as well. I mean hell yea I'm going back to Quinn, just the breakup scene with Lana is gonna get me in the feels.


It's ok, Lana and Theron have been boffing everyone, all Quinn has is his SW. :)

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Now that I am back from my road trip I thought I'd put together an Imperial uniform guide, but I'm not really sure how to do it. I have most, if not all of the uniforms collected and screen-shotted, but I'm not sure of the best way to put it together and would like input.


Should I link individual sets here with a description of how to get them? Group them by similar type and make a bigger image and put the description of how to get them here? Should I group larger types together in pretty big images? Or make one gigantic image? Should I just make it as a post here or is there a better host elsewhere?


I have shots of just the chests which show the most detail and shots of complete (or semi-complete) sets. Should they be presented side by side or separately? (Recolored chests often have different hats.)

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Lurked this thread when they announced Quinn's return. Came back when I heard his voice once again!


April 11th can't come any sooner!


Who else fansquealed when they heard his voice on the newest trailer? Just me? Oh.


Welcome! Yes! I totally fansquealed when I heard his voice. P*ssed off my hubby doing it too lol. I can't wait to see and hear Malavai again :D

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LOL mine just shook his head and called me "nerd"


As he's playing Persona 5 yea ok




"Nerd" ibic, gar aruetii ti nayc enar be Quinn kar'taylir darasuum! :p


("'Nerd' this, you outsider with no concept of Quinn love!" in Mando'a. XD)

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LOL mine just shook his head and called me "nerd"


As he's playing Persona 5 yea ok


LOL, nice. Mine was playing Blade and Soul and apparently, my 'squeal' put off his role for the outfit he wanted or some such. I don't play B&S, I just watch him from across the room when I'm in here lol. While I understand the importance of looking beautiful, it would be nice to have my happiness for Malavai's return be treated with the same understanding lol. The grrrr and the glare were totally uncalled for. :p

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Just saw a new trailer featuring Quinn on swtheoldrepublic's Youtube channel, it actually says under the video, "Three days. Will retribution be yours?" They are totally pushing the "Kill Quinn" angle to get people in.


What they have been doing regarding Quinn has become disgusting and revolting. They practically spit in the face of those who like him. They must think it's good for the business to please haters that much. But we are here, too. They obviously know about the opposite site, especially this HUGE thread which has been always on the first page of the forum. :p Yet, they just ignore all of it. Besides, the haters being so loud doesn't necessarily mean they are the majority! Is this their marketing strategy? I have never experienced such behaviour from other video game companies, and I must say, I am very disappointed with Bioware now.


I take Blizzard as an example, more specifically World of Warcraft. The developers have always been NEUTRAL in their advertising. They have never directly attacked a faction or certain characters. They respect their players! And despite they have also messed up a lot of things in the game lately, that doesn't even come close to what happened to SWTOR, and they have never sunk so low.

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Who else fansquealed when they heard his voice on the newest trailer? Just me? Oh.


Nope, not just you. I didn't think they would change VA, because no one else was changed (well, one, but there was no choice), but I did worry about that (lack of his availability, no interest of continuing voicing him, etc). Hearing him was a relief.


What they have been doing regarding Quinn has become disgusting and revolting. They practically spit in the face of those who like him. They must think it's good for the business to please haters that much. But we are here, too.


On a bit positive note, my reply to that one-sided tweet of theirs "Why do you assume *everybody* wants to kill him?" got more likes than "I want to kill him and you should too!" replies.

Edited by Lammia
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