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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Hmmm...I could. o.o My first warrior's name is just her first name, so I guess I could make her lookalike's name be her *full* name, first and last, since spaces are allowed in names now, yay...and it would be pretty interesting seeing what she looks like throughout her entire storyline as body type three, since I only changed her to that right before I was about to start KOTFE... *considers*

Haha, yeah, know what you mean about the voices. o_e I play this game with my mom occasionally, and together we made a male knight. I already had a male knight, and it was just plain jarring to hear an acid-tongued twi'lek's voice coming out of this very calm, soft-spoken, compassionate cathar. XD But it worked out in the end. The voice seems to fit both of them now; or I've just gotten used to it.


I do the same as Lammia, though I have different eye and hair colors so I can keep them straight. It was definitely worth playing as different alignments, at the very least. The dark warrior feels so much different than the light one, it even made the romance have different feels.


The only warrior I ended up deleting was the pureblood one I made to unlock the species. She was just too different than the other ones, heh. Oh and of course the one who said the nasty thing to Quinn accidentally :o

Edited by grania
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I have seen a new Facebook post about Quinn and Elara. People who wrote something positive about Quinn or just said they would choose him, were insulted...It is so pathetic and immature to act like this. Especially considering the fact that this is just a game! That is why I did not write any comment on that post, why would I waste my time arguing with complete strangers about a fictional character? :p They wouldn't understand anyway, they only see the world in black and white.

(There are arguments on this forum as well, but that is a different case. I'm up to "philosophical" debates as long as it doesn't mean insulting each other mindlessly)


Sorry to ruin the mood, but I had to get this off my chest, LOL. :o


Now, back to Gucci! :D

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...you can take another companion with you to the Betrayal Scene!? :eek: I never knew. I just went with Quinn alone, as I thought you were supposed to...well dang, now I'll have to go with Vette on my male warrior. I can't make another female warrior to romance Quinn - he's too firmly implanted in my mind as the husband of my first warrior ever. XD



Quinn tells all the other companions that he'll enjoy killing them,

to which they have their own responses.

Which confused me, I understand Pierce and Vette, but what has he got against Jaesa and Broonmark that'd make him enjoy killing them?


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I have seen a new Facebook post about Quinn and Elara. People who wrote something positive about Quinn or just said they would choose him, were insulted...It is so pathetic and immature to act like this. Especially considering the fact that this is just a game! That is why I did not write any comment on that post, why would I waste my time arguing with complete strangers about a fictional character? :p They wouldn't understand anyway, they only see the world in black and white.

(There are arguments on this forum as well, but that is a different case. I'm up to "philosophical" debates as long as it doesn't mean insulting each other mindlessly)

Who insulted them? Other people chiming in about their favorite companion, or the BioWare team themselves? :/



Quinn tells all the other companions that he'll enjoy killing them,

to which they have their own responses.

Which confused me, I understand Pierce and Vette, but what has he got against Jaesa and Broonmark that'd make him enjoy killing them?


I've since seen YouTube videos about it...yikes, Quinn. He can say all the mean things he wants about Jaesa, Pierce, and Broonmark, but NOT VETTE. NOT. VETTE. For that alone my warrior might consider (lightly) choking him. For a second. Just as a warning. While probably saying, "Hey, I know you don't like her, but mind your tone. She's family now. ...literally. She married my brother. He is also a Sith. I love you dearly, but I can't be responsible for the things my incredibly hot-headed brother will do to you if he finds you insulting his beloved wife. Sorry." XD

As for Jaesa... light-side, she's no better than a Jedi. Dark-side, she's probably everything a non-Force-sensitive person would (secretly or openly) despise about the Sith: arrogant, bloodthirsty, a mindless maniac with no vision for the Empire, only for herself.

And Broonmark...ew, filthy alien, what is this furball doing on my crew, anyway? :p

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I've since seen YouTube videos about it...yikes, Quinn. He can say all the mean things he wants about Jaesa, Pierce, and Broonmark, but NOT VETTE. NOT. VETTE.


My warrior was married to Vette when Quinn says that, RIGHT after saying how he respects my character and hated being against me. I remember chuckling out "Quinn, you've got balls... I like it. Oh, uh... Don't insult my character's wife, she still has her shock collar"

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Quinn tells all the other companions that he'll enjoy killing them,

to which they have their own responses.

Which confused me, I understand Pierce and Vette, but what has he got against Jaesa and Broonmark that'd make him enjoy killing them?


What? :eek: I already knew you can take companions with you, even did so to see their reactions. (but in the end I decided to go alone)

I don't remember him saying anything like that to them. :confused: Actually, he didn't even react to their comments, like they were not even there. And this was not the beta version. I have watched a video about it now, and he does say these nasty things...I'm confused and shocked. :eek: He is really evil here, Baras made him nuts. And to me, he seems out of character too.

I really didn't get any response from him concerning my companions, that is sure. Maybe my game was bugged or my installation left out some files? LOL, this is creepy. :confused:

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He tries recruiting my Jaesa and Broonmark, maybe it's something to do with how he's been treated beforehand. At least, that was the theory earlier in thread, that he can react differently. Edited by grania
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He tries recruiting my Jaesa and Broonmark, maybe it's something to do with how he's been treated beforehand. At least, that was the theory earlier in thread, that he can react differently.


The video I watched is from 2012 and it was a romanced Quinn, and he tried to recruit them too. But if he was romanced he couldn't have been treated badly. :confused: If you were very rude to him, it would make sense, but this...

I have watched it several times now, and he IS very out-of-character, the things he says and the way he says them. He is malicious and is full of hatred, which is not aimed at the Warrior, but still...:( That's almost painful to see.

Quinn is not like that. For starters, I think he is neutral alignment, and he follows his head instead of his heart. Even when he was complaining about Vette before, he didn't sound this awful at all, despite being angry.

And from what he says to Dark Jaesa, it sounds like he was to betray you from the very beginning (at least I got it this way), which I don't agree with, as I stated before, I think Baras only made him to turn against you as a last resort, not long before the incident.


None of my Warriors got these comments from him, and I am more curious about my new Warrior now. I must have did some magic not getting these things. :)

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And from what he says to Dark Jaesa, it sounds like he was to betray you from the very beginning (at least I got it this way), which I don't agree with, as I stated before, I think Baras only made him to turn against you as a last resort, not long before the incident.


He wasn't planning to betray you from the beginning, bu he was prepared to. I doubt Baras didn't specifically use Quinn because Quinn was already in his pocket. Only, at the start Quinn's only task was probably only to give information to Baras on your progress and any signs of you becoming a threat.

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He tries recruiting my Jaesa and Broonmark, maybe it's something to do with how he's been treated beforehand. At least, that was the theory earlier in thread, that he can react differently.


Yeah. He only ever insults Vette and Pierce, which makes sense considering the story. I've never seen any videos where he doesn't try to recruit Jaesa and Broonmark.


And I don't think it's surprising in the least the way he acts.Totally in character. The very first time we meet him, he's right up in someone's face, threatening to murder them. He's not some noble romantic hero, despite the accent :)

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He wasn't planning to betray you from the beginning, bu he was prepared to. I doubt Baras didn't specifically use Quinn because Quinn was already in his pocket. Only, at the start Quinn's only task was probably only to give information to Baras on your progress and any signs of you becoming a threat.


I agree. And I think he wouldn't have romanced you either, if the opposite was true.


The very first time we meet him, he's right up in someone's face, threatening to murder them. He's not some noble romantic hero, despite the accent :)

Haha, yes, but he was only trying to scare that poor soldier. :D And it worked. A way to boost morale. :D


I don't consider him a romantic hero, I'm not into romantic heroes anyway. :D (ok, maybe Doc is an exception...if he can be called that haha) He tends to like my dark side points pretty much, when they are not too evil or illogical. But he's definitely not evil, that's why I said he is neutral. :)

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He wasn't planning to betray you from the beginning, bu he was prepared to. I doubt Baras didn't specifically use Quinn because Quinn was already in his pocket. Only, at the start Quinn's only task was probably only to give information to Baras on your progress and any signs of you becoming a threat.


He explicitly says "Baras and I have been planning this for quite some time". It seems to me it was always a possibility, just a matter of if and when. "You have no idea how long I've held my breath hoping you wouldn't use your power on me". Yeah. And way to go Jaesa, your power sucks

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I agree. And I think he wouldn't have romanced you either, if the opposite was true


He would have either not romanced you, or wouldn't have been so resistant to doing so.


He explicitly says "Baras and I have been planning this for quite some time". It seems to me it was always a possibility, just a matter of if and when. "You have no idea how long I've held my breath hoping you wouldn't use your power on me". Yeah. And way to go Jaesa, your power sucks


The Warrior's story takes place in the span of three-four years, quite some time probably refers to around act 2 or the beginning of act 3

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Watched the 'other companion' vids and Quinn does have a mean streak when he thinks it is needed. Dk. Jaesa and Broonmark would add to Baras' power base, Vette and Pierce would bring nothing.


He does say that 'he owes his career to Baras' and also says that 'Baras will unite the Empire', almost making him sound like he drank too deeply of the Kool-Ade.


That whole betrayal thing was just so poorly written that it leaves too much to ponder. Although, the new sequence of events makes more sense that he does the whole Quinncident before expressing his undying love, although the dialogue no longer matches up quite right.


Either way, I still want him back for my SW, and just hope the reunion makes more sense than the whole betrayal scenario.

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I agree. And I think he wouldn't have romanced you either, if the opposite was true.



PPfffttttt If I were planning to betray someone, I'd romance the **** out them to distract them and gain their trust. It's sort of Chapter 1 in the spy handbook. :p


Haha, yes, but he was only trying to scare that poor soldier. :D And it worked. A way to boost morale. :D


I don't consider him a romantic hero, I'm not into romantic heroes anyway. :D (ok, maybe Doc is an exception...if he can be called that haha) He tends to like my dark side points pretty much, when they are not too evil or illogical. But he's definitely not evil, that's why I said he is neutral. :)


Heh, totally disagree. I feel like the writer googled "Lawful Evil" and then used it as Quinn's biography.

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He does say that 'he owes his career to Baras' and also says that 'Baras will unite the Empire', almost making him sound like he drank too deeply of the Kool-Ade.


That whole betrayal thing was just so poorly written that it leaves too much to ponder. .


LOL, yes.


PPfffttttt If I were planning to betray someone, I'd romance the **** out them to distract them and gain their trust. It's sort of Chapter 1 in the spy handbook. :p

For the Imperial Agent, yes. :D I wouldn't call Quinn a spy, I mean in the traditional way. And he is too scared of flirting (he's not pretending that) anyway to use this against you.



Heh, totally disagree. I feel like the writer googled "Lawful Evil" and then used it as Quinn's biography.

Lawful? Definitely! :) Evil? Well, it depends on what alignment system we are talking about. I was thinking of the Forgotten Realms one (e.g. Baldur's Gate games). That kind of lawful evil wouldn't betray a loved one. And he loves you, even if he tries to resist first. :) By the way, lawful evil is my favorite alignment. But it is usually not easy to determine an alignment, it also depends on individual differences.

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That whole betrayal thing was just so poorly written that it leaves too much to ponder. Although, the new sequence of events makes more sense that he does the whole Quinncident before expressing his undying love, although the dialogue no longer matches up quite right.


I wonder if the person who wrote the warrior's story, and the person who wrote the warrior's companions, were two different people, if Quinn seems so vastly out of character.


...or does he? Are we seeing him in a better light because we really like his character, or who he seems to be? All throughout the warrior's story, he's seemed nothing but calm and professional, the model Imperial soldier - and then suddenly with the Quinncident (I forget who first coined that phrase, but I saw it pop up a lot in the Short Fic Weekly Challenge thread :p), he's all but furiously ranting at you and whatever companion you bring, not even saying "I'm so sorry... I love you/I respect you a great deal, but...I have to do this." Nope. It's just "You're a fool, Baras is my true master, hahaha you never noticed, I've been waiting for this a long time, YOU DIE NOW, QUINN NO LIKE YOU!" ("Not yet!" "The vorcha Councillor will kindly refrain from further interruptions... [facepalm]")

If you'd been a jerk to him, then yeah, his rantings would be justified and then some. But if you were really nice to him, befriended him, or MARRIED THE GUY...he seems like he has a personality transplant, or as a complete and utter sociopath.

So, is he? And we, looking through our rose-colored glasses, just never noticed??

I'm so confused now. XD

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If Quinn is supposed to be a sociopath,the writers completely and utterly failed at that. Personally, I think this is just an eyesore spot of poor writing. Kinda like Chapter 12 in KOTFE when Valakorian said I should have let you go then and everyone was thinking...maybe they should let the writers go.
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I wonder if the person who wrote the warrior's story, and the person who wrote the warrior's companions, were two different people, if Quinn seems so vastly out of character.


...or does he? Are we seeing him in a better light because we really like his character, or who he seems to be? All throughout the warrior's story, he's seemed nothing but calm and professional, the model Imperial soldier - and then suddenly with the Quinncident (I forget who first coined that phrase, but I saw it pop up a lot in the Short Fic Weekly Challenge thread :p), he's all but furiously ranting at you and whatever companion you bring, not even saying "I'm so sorry... I love you/I respect you a great deal, but...I have to do this." Nope. It's just "You're a fool, Baras is my true master, hahaha you never noticed, I've been waiting for this a long time, YOU DIE NOW, QUINN NO LIKE YOU!" ("Not yet!" "The vorcha Councillor will kindly refrain from further interruptions... [facepalm]")

If you'd been a jerk to him, then yeah, his rantings would be justified and then some. But if you were really nice to him, befriended him, or MARRIED THE GUY...he seems like he has a personality transplant, or as a complete and utter sociopath.

So, is he? And we, looking through our rose-colored glasses, just never noticed??

I'm so confused now. XD


Well, he says sorry. In his own way. :D

"My lord, I regret that our paths must diverge"

"You have helped me immensely. I act today with a heavy heart."

"I know it's meaningless to express my deep regret. I don't expect your mercy."


Especially the last one. He knows most Sith would kill him and he is too proud to beg.


But to sum things up, something is definitely not right with the whole Quinncident. XD

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He doesn't rant at me, and he does say things like he's sorry and he had no choice yadda yadda. He can apparently react in different ways. But still, I'm in the boat that Quinn is not such a nice guy and really, honestly, truly, that's the way I like him!


Which is just one of the reasons I vastly prefer my neutral or dark warriors. Yeah Quinn is sometimes light and sometimes dark, but overall, he's an imp! An IMP! :D Romancing him on a ls warrior is awkward, I didn't realize how awkward it was the first time I played through the story 5 years ago. I just did it again to remember what it was like, and I couldn't really see what they would like about each other :o


To go even farther, I feel weird when I see non-human and non-purebloods romancing him. Because Quinn is the impiest!

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Oh, I have just remembered something. I don't know if you are familiar with this Imperial song. I don't know this show, but the song is great. I love it, and I think the lyrics match Quinn's personality. :D:D:D


(the shouting part is annoying though! XD)



"When the other kids were slouching I would stand at attention." :D I can totally imagine Quinn's childhood was something like this. ;)

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If you'd been a jerk to him, then yeah, his rantings would be justified and then some. But if you were really nice to him, befriended him, or MARRIED THE GUY...he seems like he has a personality transplant, or as a complete and utter sociopath.

So, is he? And we, looking through our rose-colored glasses, just never noticed??

I'm so confused now. XD


There's no easy answer. That's like asking everyone who the sith warrior is. They're all someone different depending on the choices you make. Did they mean to write Quinn that way when most other companions are very static? I'd say it was just poor writing and the bias toward the male as default. If it were always meant for the female sith's love interest to betray her, it would have been better addressed in the story, events would have lined up better. Much of navigating the world as a woman is learning to adjust to these sorts of things, this being a less consequential example. Women not being included in drug trials and studies --a more concerning example :(


One of my Quinns is definitely a sociopath. My woman sith loves her little sociopathic pet. :D His betrayal amused and delighted her, kinda like Jaesa's reaction to it made me giggle irl "OOO INTRIGUE!!! DRAMA!!". That's the way I make sense of the writing. I don't like to think of her as *too* heartbroken, because she is a powerful Sith, betrayal is what she knows. She crazy. She got mad about it and she liked that she did. It adds a little extra layer to their relationship. He'll have to be more cunning about it if there's a next time :rak_03:

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He doesn't rant at me, and he does say things like he's sorry and he had no choice yadda yadda. He can apparently react in different ways. But still, I'm in the boat that Quinn is not such a nice guy and really, honestly, truly, that's the way I like him!


Which is just one of the reasons I vastly prefer my neutral or dark warriors. Yeah Quinn is sometimes light and sometimes dark, but overall, he's an imp! An IMP! :D Romancing him on a ls warrior is awkward, I didn't realize how awkward it was the first time I played through the story 5 years ago. I just did it again to remember what it was like, and I couldn't really see what they would like about each other :o


To go even farther, I feel weird when I see non-human and non-purebloods romancing him. Because Quinn is the impiest!


Same. I imagine it's pretty boring to romance Quinn as ls. I can't see a ls person harassing him the way she does on Balmorra, and if you can't laugh at how awkward Quinn is around you, then what's the point? :D

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