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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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All I want to know is what the mushy stuff they're gonna say is!!!


Alright I've got that out of my system


Ohh, the mush, the innuendo, the possibilities! <3


I really want to see a dramatic entrance at some point in the... chapter-mission-whatever-we're-calling-it. I love his dramatic, Walks In At The Perfect Moment To Tell The Republic What's Up And Lay On The Snark entrances. Sigh.


I have finished the Quinn LG video. :D:D



Hahahaha the ending! Ahh, I love it!

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The rank that was revealed in this thread (major) if true does not make sense unless BW actually paid attention to Quinn's last letter to his warrior and made something happen to his career based on how he says he feels in that letter (the loss made him ill). If he had to take time out from the military it would make perfect sense that he was not progress above Pierce in rank.



Why would it make no sense for Quinn not to advance that far? Are you forgetting that he held his old position for 10 years until Baras helped him out? And that without you he was left in a pretty bad position


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Haha, no doubt about it! :D


Thank you all, I'm glad you like it. ;)


Loved it, thank you. And omg that phantom of the opera thing you posted - I forgot all about that! I saw that on actual tv, as it aired. 1990, I was, lessee, 13? 14? Wow.

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Why would it make no sense for Quinn not to advance that far? Are you forgetting that he held his old position for 10 years until Baras helped him out? And that without you he was left in a pretty bad position


In answer nope, not forgetting. I had hoped

he would be higher than a major, unless the wife-disappearing incident made him leave the military for a while and as a result he couldn't progress past major, ending up the same rank as pierce on his return


I was afraid to look at your spoiler in case it was a 5.2 spoiler!!


I really enjoyed your earlier Pierce insights, especially the bit about humbling:

One thing I find funny is I these two seem like that type of character rivals that would be perfect when working together.


Pierce doesn't only crave action, he just enjoys action. He also craves results and accomplishments and does his own thing to improve the crew. And you act like him focusing on capturing the Bastion, which until the Trooper came along was a major victory for the Empire, as a knock against him.


Both can do well in charge, it's just depending on what they're in charge of. Plus, Pierce provides Quinn some much needed humbling for those that aren't Sith Lords or officers.

when you're Quinn-blind you tend to let this go, however I was doing Taris again just now and it really stood out after reading your piece. I'm not sure whether this is because of

their military status or that they're both potential rivals for the warrior's affection and each trying to one-up the other.


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In answer nope, not forgetting. I had hoped

he would be higher than a major, unless the wife-disappearing incident made him leave the military for a while and as a result he couldn't progress past major, ending up the same rank as pierce on his return


I was afraid to look at your spoiler in case it was a 5.2 spoiler!!


It's just you put your stuff in spoilers, so I responded in kind. :D



I only say so because you made it sound like Quinn not being higher would be some sort of plot hole, when as the story has already shown, it's highly possible for him to never get higher without the recommendation of a powerful sith lord like the warrior/Baras.



when you're Quinn-blind you tend to let this go, however I was doing Taris again just now and it really stood out after reading your piece. I'm not sure whether this is because of

their military status or that they're both potential rivals for the warrior's affection and each trying to one-up the other.

I think it's simply because of their general roles in missions. Pierce is the guy on the front lines deep in the mud, always a bullet away from death, always with others putting their lives on the line for the sake of the mission (An the Taris missions even flat out state he takes on 200 REPUBLIC SOLDIERS just to give your warrior time). Quinn is more the type of person who is near the back, giving out vital tactical advice and generally not getting into the thick of the action, but he is prepared to go in behind and deliver healing to those in need. As well as being a complete and utter kiss arse.


It's easy to see why these two would always be on the wrong foot, as their positions give them different views of each other. Both are extremely loyal to the Empire, but neither try to see how needed the other is. To Quinn, Pierce is just some bone headed, blood hungry savage who simply exists to be the muscle. In his view (At the start at least), Pierce is some dirty gruff brute who carries a gun and thinks about nothing more, which is something any other soldier can do. And with Quinn's history of dealing with incompetence, he is immediately at odds with a soldier with an attitude.


For Pierce? Well, you know in those usual war movies where you have the big bad bureaucrat/general who only see's his soldiers as numbers, who's probably had a silver spoon up his backside and never experienced 'real' war? That's the kind of character Pierce see's Quinn as. A 'Pencil Pusher' who would faint at the sight of blood, a weasel who would stab the Empire in the back the moment things go south. A pathetic boot licker. Quinn is that guy who before you even get to know him, looks like a prat to a soldier like Pierce.


They're two people who instantly upon meeting introduce a certain pride in their work, work that the other looks down upon, giving them both a need to prove themselves to each other. Because doing otherwise would be like spitting in the faces of the people that helped them get there. Hell, even their accents and tone get this across. Quinn is the high and sophisticated imperial accent, while Pierce has the down and dirty cockney edge to him. This also brings up the one night stand Pierce has with the Warrior, no, Pierce doesn't have any love for the Warrior as far as we know. He respects the Warrior and in the fem!Warrior's case knows that they're attractive, so them offering sex is just a ''Sure'' type of thing. Both Pierce and the warrior know that this is a one time thing, no strings attached. The deal is sweetened when Pierce realises that this is something he can brag to Quinn about, no matter if Quinn is romanced or not.


Which makes it disappointing that the writers never went anywhere with their rivalry against each other. I would of loved to see them end up developing a begrudging respect for one another, maybe even helping each other out. "I hate everything about you, everything you stand for, and your face. Seriously, I hate that face. But I'll give my life to protect it. Because I know you'll do the same for me... I STILL HATE YOU, OKAY!"


Like in the case of the Bastion, have Quinn help make a strategy that avoid a lot of casualties that would of happened. Or have Pierce help capture that Moff Quinn hated. Just a small involvement to sweeten their rivalry.

Edited by Codedrago
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There are two problems I have with Pierce being the same rank as Quinn.


1. Pierce was insubordinate to Quinn since the very beginning and faced no consequences for his behavior. He would likely only escalate his bullying behaviors if Quinn didn't retain a higher rank. Pierce should not have been promotable given his attitude, behavior and disregard for the chain of command.


2. Pierce being promoted to major would mean his career is on track. Quinn not being promoted to Lt. Colonel would mean he got passed over for a promotion, meaning his career is not on track and likely stalled. Quinn's career has already suffered from his act of heroic self-sacrifice. He has suffered enough 😕

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1. Pierce was insubordinate to Quinn since the very beginning and faced no consequences for his behavior. He would likely only escalate his bullying behaviors if Quinn didn't retain a higher rank. Pierce should not have been promotable given his attitude, behavior and disregard for the chain of command.


Pierce didn't really 'bully' Quinn, and I doubt things would really change between them if Pierce was a higher rank. Plus, an attitude problem doesn't erase all of his other accomplishments. The fact that he receives little consequence for harmless jabs proves this. Maybe in the real life army, but in SWTOR, being able to take on 200 soldiers on your own and being the only survivor overshadows you snapping back at one particular guy.


Also, let's not forget that Pierce was recommended for a promotion because the person recommending wanted to spite Pierce.

Edited by Codedrago
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Because most of us root for Quinn over Pierce. Pierce is disrespectful to and about Quinn, even when you get him back in kotfe. Quinn is just as capable or more so than Pierce and deserves a higher rank. Quinn is a higher rank than Pierce throughout the class story and it's natural to feel resentful that Pierce advanced while Quinn stagnated for spoilery story reasons. It's like watching the obnoxious shmuck at work get promoted over the quieter, harder worker.


Yes! This exactly.

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Agreed. This is something I did not need/want to know before 5.2 and I can't help thinking it was done deliberately to annoy those of us who said "no spoilers".

Incoming tags for possible class story spoilers

The rank that was revealed in this thread (major) if true does not make sense unless BW actually paid attention to Quinn's last letter to his warrior and made something happen to his career based on how he says he feels in that letter (the loss made him ill). If he had to take time out from the military it would make perfect sense that he was not progress above Pierce in rank.


If something along those lines has happens, then my pitchfork can stay in the shed.

It has been interesting to read all the Pierce vs Quinn career theories though.


I can say this much, it wasn't meant to annoy anyone and wasn't done on purpose. It was just a slip, I promise that much, complete accident, because I think it was me that did it. I blame painkillers for part of it...wisdom tooth out... :(


I do try to spoiler tag stuff as much as possible. I promise you it wasn't on purpose at all. I'm not mean like that. But the funny thing is, about the rank, I had already written him as having that rank in my Spy Vs. Spy story, and that was done months before the spoiler became known. So...I was thinking of him as that rank already before it came down the pipeline. Anyways, I am sorry and it wasn't done purposely.

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...Which makes it disappointing that the writers never went anywhere with their rivalry against each other. I would of loved to see them end up developing a begrudging respect for one another, maybe even helping each other out. "I hate everything about you, everything you stand for, and your face. Seriously, I hate that face. But I'll give my life to protect it. Because I know you'll do the same for me... I STILL HATE YOU, OKAY!"


Like in the case of the Bastion, have Quinn help make a strategy that avoid a lot of casualties that would of happened. Or have Pierce help capture that Moff Quinn hated. Just a small involvement to sweeten their rivalry.


I would have loved to see something like this. While I love the animosity they have towards each other on a personal level, I fully believe that their unique skill sets compliment each other so well that the SW would, out of all the Imperials the SW came across, choose to take them onto his/her personal crew.

Edited by Edyn
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I can say this much, it wasn't meant to annoy anyone and wasn't done on purpose. It was just a slip, I promise that much, complete accident, because I think it was me that did it. I blame painkillers for part of it...wisdom tooth out... :(


I do try to spoiler tag stuff as much as possible. I promise you it wasn't on purpose at all. I'm not mean like that. But the funny thing is, about the rank, I had already written him as having that rank in my Spy Vs. Spy story, and that was done months before the spoiler became known. So...I was thinking of him as that rank already before it came down the pipeline. Anyways, I am sorry and it wasn't done purposely.


I'm 99% sure it wasn't you that let that slip in the first place... even if it was, I think we all know that you'd never do anything like that on purpose. :) (Also, if you're still not feeling well... feel better soon? *sends virtual flowers across the internet...and a Quinn to deliver them*)

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I'm 99% sure it wasn't you that let that slip in the first place... even if it was, I think we all know that you'd never do anything like that on purpose. :) (Also, if you're still not feeling well... feel better soon? *sends virtual flowers across the internet...and a Quinn to deliver them*)


Well, I wasn't sure, but I think it might have been. You're sweet, I loved the virtual flowers and I love Quinn even more. Thank you! *huggles* :o

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Which makes it disappointing that the writers never went anywhere with their rivalry against each other. I would of loved to see them end up developing a begrudging respect for one another, maybe even helping each other out. "I hate everything about you, everything you stand for, and your face. Seriously, I hate that face. But I'll give my life to protect it. Because I know you'll do the same for me... I STILL HATE YOU, OKAY!".


I do admit to often wondering had the devs and writers had more time to work on things, how much might've been different. I've often said that quite a bit feels like they had more planned but were caught in a rush to release. Ashara not really having a go dark side option like Jaesa does, or the femTrooper getting the same level of fling with Jonas that the guyTrooper gets with Jaxo, Quinn having more dialog acknowledging the relationship if he's being romanced during the betrayal, romance options varying widely on gender such as guySmuggler has 2 choices in vanilla while femSmuggler's got one are just some of the examples off the top of my head.


Granted, if SWTOR was a standard single player RPG, stuff like this would be readily addressed by the modding community but unfortunately we're stuck with what we've got. As there's game bugs that have existed since beta that still haven't been fixed, I really don't ever see them deciding to add additional content to the vanilla game even though it would jack up the replayability factor.

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Quinn's problem with Moff Broysc was how to remove him legally, it has nothing to do with him being useless pencil pusher and complete and utter kiss arse. When he understood he wouldn't get any help from officials, he easily kidnapped the Moff without any help. He didn't have any troubles with keeping Vowrawn safe from Baras' assassins, and that involved direct combat. He's your ship pilot, and a good one - though I may be violating TOS here.


Pierce is ok with threatening his subordinates too, he makes nasty remarks about Broonmark, he finds an idea of using slaves for target practice amusing, he even forces his female team member to sleep with some Moff in order to get more troops for his Bastion assault. But I guess it's ok since he's loyal to the Warrior. Though he blackmailed his previous Moff to receive a transfer to the Warrior's crew, who knows what could happen if your character ended up in disgrace at some point.


Anyway, I'm so upset people brought their hate and murder fantasies in this thread again, and now with "my opinion on the character is the only right one" flavour, that I even broke my own rule to never post on forums. I won't be doing it anywhere again save for bug reports:)


There is a MURDER thread here

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There are two problems I have with Pierce being the same rank as Quinn.


1. Pierce was insubordinate to Quinn since the very beginning and faced no consequences for his behavior. He would likely only escalate his bullying behaviors if Quinn didn't retain a higher rank. Pierce should not have been promotable given his attitude, behavior and disregard for the chain of command.


2. Pierce being promoted to major would mean his career is on track. Quinn not being promoted to Lt. Colonel would mean he got passed over for a promotion, meaning his career is not on track and likely stalled. Quinn's career has already suffered from his act of heroic self-sacrifice. He has suffered enough 😕




But the funny thing is, about the rank, I had already written him as having that rank in my Spy Vs. Spy story, and that was done months before the spoiler became known. So...I was thinking of him as that rank already before it came down the pipeline. Anyways, I am sorry and it wasn't done purposely.


When I was writing my fanfic about his return (when I had no faith in the devs to bring anyone back after KOTET), I made him a Colonel. That sounded a lot more appropriate for a brilliant officer he is.


Which makes it disappointing that the writers never went anywhere with their rivalry against each other. I would of loved to see them end up developing a begrudging respect for one another, maybe even helping each other out. "I hate everything about you, everything you stand for, and your face. Seriously, I hate that face. But I'll give my life to protect it. Because I know you'll do the same for me... I STILL HATE YOU, OKAY!"


I don't see that happening ever!


Quinn would protect Pierce only if the good of the mission required it. Sacrifice him if the good of the mission required it. He'd put the good of duty over his feelings.


Pierce would not. I'm sure he'd murder Quinn if he could get away with it.


The story doesn't really allow it, but Quinn's attempt at warrior's life would be the perfect excuse for Pierce to kill him.


I don't think Pierce joked when he tells you in KOTFE Alert that he'll put two in his superior's chest, if that superior doesn't allow him go with you.


I used to like Pierce. But KOTFE destroyed him completely. He doesn't respect anyone at all, not even warrior. I picked him up in KOTFE on my Inquisitor, and he says something like "I never met a Sith so powerful like you".




My first thought was my Inqusitor's reply: "Sure, I'll tell her (my warrior) that, you ****".


In Pierce's eyes, if you are above him in the chain of command, you are automatically judged by him as useless and incompetent.


With them being the same rank now, it'll be impossible to work together. Pierce will never take orders from Quinn who doesn't outrank him. And will probably make a humiliating show of pointing it out.

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I do admit to often wondering had the devs and writers had more time to work on things, how much might've been different. I've often said that quite a bit feels like they had more planned but were caught in a rush to release. Ashara not really having a go dark side option like Jaesa does, or the femTrooper getting the same level of fling with Jonas that the guyTrooper gets with Jaxo, Quinn having more dialog acknowledging the relationship if he's being romanced during the betrayal, romance options varying widely on gender such as guySmuggler has 2 choices in vanilla while femSmuggler's got one are just some of the examples off the top of my head.


We do have data available of what WAS going to be the continuation of class stories in the original plan, and this was the direction they went with.

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Quinn's problem with Moff Broysc was how to remove him legally, it has nothing to do with him being useless pencil pusher and complete and utter kiss arse. When he understood he wouldn't get any help from officials, he easily kidnapped the Moff without any help. He didn't have any troubles with keeping Vowrawn safe from Baras' assassins, and that involved direct combat. He's your ship pilot, and a good one - though I may be violating TOS here.


Pierce is ok with threatening his subordinates too, he makes nasty remarks about Broonmark, he finds an idea of using slaves for target practice amusing, he even forces his female team member to sleep with some Moff in order to get more troops for his Bastion assault. But I guess it's ok since he's loyal to the Warrior. Though he blackmailed his previous Moff to receive a transfer to the Warrior's crew, who knows what could happen if your character ended up in disgrace at some point.


Anyway, I'm so upset people brought their hate and murder fantasies in this thread again, and now with "my opinion on the character is the only right one" flavour, that I even broke my own rule to never post on forums. I won't be doing it anywhere again save for bug reports:)


There is a MURDER thread here


Great post, thank you, I love hearing from the quiet forum dwellers. I wish I could contain myself a bit more honestly, I think I was -silent- for all of 3 minutes~

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I don't think it's ever reasonable to have assumed that pierce and Quinn would ever respect each other


Quinn for him represents everything he hates with authority figures in human form and people don't just go through this "perfect character" arc always of "I hate you and everything you represent but I respect you" becuase that not how it works, humans are flawed and stubborn


As for the whole SIN is more powerful than SW, that's pretty reasonable, the sw is a pretty strong in the force yes, but their not running on the power of multi force ghosts and other arcane rituals, and a dark council member with a large power base



So yes it's no stretch of the imagination to assume the SIN is more powerful than the SW just like the JC is probably more powerful than the JK

Edited by Udoroththefinal
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