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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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My warrior also didn't send another woman to sexual slavery. She's DS, but she's not Jaesa psycho. I see her as a master of the DS, but she's a patriotic Sith with honour. He *made* her this way ("I want to be a Sith my captain thinks I am" ).


That makes me think of my neutral warrior. Actually, calling her neutral is an inadequate way of describing her. She's more chaotic neutral in that she doesn't care much about anything, except for the people she loves. Her ls/ds decisions don't have meaning beyond how they affect Quinn, Vette, and to a lesser degree Jaesa.

Edited by grania
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That makes me think of my neutral warrior. Actually, calling her neutral is an inadequate way of describing her. She's more chaotic neutral in that she doesn't care much about anything, except for the people she loves. Her ls/ds decisions don't have meaning beyond how they affect Quinn, Vette, and to a lesser degree Jaesa.


Mine was "stuck" on DSIV due to many LS choices she'd made and kept making. I had to repeat H2s and FPs to get her to DSV to become "Master of the Dark Side". I see it more as philosophy and dedication the that side of the Force than simply "bad to the bone". "Bad to the bone" effect is secondary, so to speak. ;)

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There's two shot glasses on his table too! Believe me I looked at all the things in that room, lol.



I'm not sure we need spoiler tags for these things, but eh, why not? :)

Because earlier in the thread new Quinn fanciers joined who have not yet done the Warrior Class storyline or romanced Quinn yet. I don't want to spoil their experience because I would be pissed off if mine was. Sometimes even minor spoilers can ruin game play.

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This always annoys me. Like how when you're beginning the Rishi arc and on your ship as a Sith War, Quinn's all like 'omg I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry I overheard this boring conversation, but I'm a geek and I wanted to give you my two cents!' With MY girl, she'd be telling Quinn and Vette what she saw in her vision, not Vette and Broonmark. *smacks not being able to truly RP in the game*...


On a related note, at the beginning of KOTFE Chapter 1, I found it dumb as hell that my Wrath had all of her dialogue with Vette like Vette''s the one taking care of everything while the Wrath is gone. Then, when the crew is told to flee, Vette's the one actually piloting the ship while Pierce is pacing the bridge like he's the one running things.


Quinn isn't seen or heard from in the whole attack by Zakuul. :confused: Being the companion you have for the second longest amount of time, plus being the one who actually runs the ship and the crew, and being the female SW's only love interest, this makes no sense. :rolleyes:

Edited by Edyn
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Quinn isn't seen or heard from in the whole attack by Zakuul. :confused: Being the companion you have for the second longest amount of time, plus being the one who actually runs the ship and the crew, and being the female SW's only love interest, this makes no sense. :rolleyes:

Thank you! This made no sense at all. As far as my Warriors are concerned Vette is banned from my ship's bridge and I would never let her fly it. I've never understood the devs decision to do this. Malavai's place is on the bridge and he should have been there. I know in the one of the livestreams one of the three who sits there (I forget which) said he hates Malavai so maybe that's the reason? Whatever the reason they failed to realise that so many people (love or hate) feel really strongly about him as a companion, so they really need to make his return epic for both kinds of players. I worry that it might be a let down, though I'm hoping for those of us who have him as a LI his return outdoes Aric's.

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On a related note, at the beginning of KOTFE Chapter 1, I found it dumb as hell that my Wrath had all of her dialogue with Vette like Vette''s the one taking care of everything while the Wrath is gone. Then, when the crew is told to flee, Vette's the one actually piloting the ship while Pierce is pacing the bridge like he's the one running things.


Quinn isn't seen or heard from in the whole attack by Zakuul. :confused: Being the companion you have for the second longest amount of time, plus being the one who actually runs the ship and the crew, and being the female SW's only love interest, this makes no sense. :rolleyes:


Which companion did the other classes get their dialog with? Were they all wit the "main" companion? (the ones who have quests on Nar Shadaa).

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Thank you! This made no sense at all. As far as my Warriors are concerned Vette is banned from my ship's bridge and I would never let her fly it. I've never understood the devs decision to do this. Malavai's place is on the bridge and he should have been there. I know in the one of the livestreams one of the three who sits there (I forget which) said he hates Malavai so maybe that's the reason? Whatever the reason they failed to realise that so many people (love or hate) feel really strongly about him as a companion, so they really need to make his return epic for both kinds of players. I worry that it might be a let down, though I'm hoping for those of us who have him as a LI his return outdoes Aric's.


I feel it's more likely that whoever scripted that scene actually didn't know anything about the Sith Warrior story, and so they didn't the original roles of each Companion on the crew. It's made clear in SW story dialogue that as soon as Quinn is on board, he is in charge of the ship and the crew. Pierce's is pretty much all combat as he said that Quinn told him that he's in charge of heavy firepower and demolitions right before he expresses his problem with Quinn ordering him around. While Vette's role isn't as clear as Quinn's and Pierce's, I got the impression that she's the one with the underworld knowledge and contacts that the rest of the crew may not know about. Jaesa has her own agenda, both light or dark, and Broonmark really just wants to murder things, specifically Republic Talz.


Point is, each Companions' role as part of the crew was pretty much explained in the SW story dialogue at some point, and none of that was taken into account in these types of cut scenes. I mean, why in the galaxy would my SW talk to Broonmark, of all people, about a disturbing Force vision of death and destruction? Just so he can tell her how this may be a new opportunity to bloody his claws? :rolleyes:

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Which companion did the other classes get their dialog with? Were they all wit the "main" companion? (the ones who have quests on Nar Shadaa).


I've only taken my Knight through this part (I can't stand to take my others KOTFE) and it was Kira in Vette's spot, and I forget who the second one was.

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Lol I find that hard to picture.. no wait, I see it now :D


I hope the warrior wasn't the first and only woman Quinn was ever with. Maybe we stole him from her! :eek: Or maybe it was for when Darth Lachris went to visit, she's practically a tradition for gentleman imperials.


Jagaimee, little help here? Please? :D




Quinn: I-- *draws himself up stiffly with all the dignity he can muster* What--*ahem* What sort of a question is that? Would I admit to my lover/wife that I was with another woman before her!?

Some people were pretty open about it. *cough Tharan Cedrax my lady consular's still heartbroken cough*

Quinn: ...calling Tharan Cedrax "delinquent" would be an insult to the morally debauched*. In ANY case... Darth Lachris and I had a purely professional relationship. She was only attracted to those who were bloodthirsty psychopaths. I shall not name names, nor question the sensibilities of a Darth. That is...her business. But she and I never... *cough* I'm sorry, I cannot continue and keep a straight face.


Quinn: What!? No!

WAS the warrior your first and only love!?

Quinn: I... *blush*

...that is not an answer, either way.

Quinn: How do you expect me to answer? All due respect - but if I answer "yes," the fanfiction writers walk away disappointed because their headcanons are disproved. If I answer "no"... I will likely be disemboweled by a legion of jealous Sith Warriors.

Well...that makes sense...but then, explain the bunk beds.

Quinn: A holdover from my predecessor.

You were on Balmorra for TEN YEARS, Quinn. I'm PRETTY SURE you'd be able to do a *leeeeetle* redecorating in a decade.

Quinn: The...I... I have work to do. *rapidly marches away*

Hey. HEY! Get back here! You didn't answer anything!! :eek:


*I actually like Tharan. XD He and my male consular are SCIENCE BUDDIES. He and my female consular, however...ouch.


Which companion did the other classes get their dialog with? Were they all wit the "main" companion? (the ones who have quests on Nar Shadaa).


No, not all. Consular got... Iresso. So, first companion who speaks Basic and is a love interest.


Agent - Kaliyo

Hunter - Mako

Inquisitor - ...Andronikos? I think? Pretty sure it was Andronikos.

Knight - Kira

Consular - Iresso

Warrior - Vette

Trooper - Jorgan

Smuggler - Corso


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Sad. I've started KotFE with four characters and remember next to nothing of their intros :( The latest one was an agent and all I remember was having the wretched Kaliyo forced on him yet again. I was thinking it was probably first companions since people can start it without doing class content. I just did SoR with a DvL companion who only progressed his story through Dromund Kaas. His SoR intro was brief and had Khem piloting his ship. :eek:
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I think I've taken 5 or 6 different classes into KOTFE now and all of them had the first companion ever acquired for the 'refueling/whatever' dialog and piloting, to the best of my recollection. Though I agree it should have been Quinn, my SW's ship is his to command for most part, my girl's always given him free reign.
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Lol I find that hard to picture.. no wait, I see it now :D


I hope the warrior wasn't the first and only woman Quinn was ever with.



Lol no way. With a face like that, I bet he got lots of action in his school years at least.


Maybe we stole him from her! :eek: Or maybe it was for when Darth Lachris went to visit, she's practically a tradition for gentleman imperials.


Judging by his insane stammering when hit on by the warrior during their mission, he doesn't normally have anything but professional relationships with his superiors or coworkers. I'd say that rich, Imperial socialites with family connections are more his speed.


I feel like a giant creep thinking about a fictional character's sex life when I should be working. :D:D:D

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On a related note, at the beginning of KOTFE Chapter 1, I found it dumb as hell that my Wrath had all of her dialogue with Vette like Vette''s the one taking care of everything while the Wrath is gone. Then, when the crew is told to flee, Vette's the one actually piloting the ship while Pierce is pacing the bridge like he's the one running things.


Quinn isn't seen or heard from in the whole attack by Zakuul. :confused: Being the companion you have for the second longest amount of time, plus being the one who actually runs the ship and the crew, and being the female SW's only love interest, this makes no sense. :rolleyes:



I agree 100%. A missed opportunity for more LI interactions early on in KOTFE.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I think I've taken 5 or 6 different classes into KOTFE now and all of them had the first companion ever acquired for the 'refueling/whatever' dialog and piloting, to the best of my recollection. Though I agree it should have been Quinn, my SW's ship is his to command for most part, my girl's always given him free reign.


Knight's first companion is actually T7, but his conversation is with Kira.

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Knight's first companion is actually T7, but his conversation is with Kira.


All of them seem to be either the first companion or the first companion that speaks, i.e. Kira instead of T7. But, yeah, I would have loved Quinn, he is the captain of my ship, so to speak.

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All of them seem to be either the first companion or the first companion that speaks, i.e. Kira instead of T7. But, yeah, I would have loved Quinn, he is the captain of my ship, so to speak.


My Sith Warrior would love to space Quinn...he would holo-record his death so he could watch it over and over.....see its all about love.

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On a related note, at the beginning of KOTFE Chapter 1, I found it dumb as hell that my Wrath had all of her dialogue with Vette like Vette''s the one taking care of everything while the Wrath is gone. Then, when the crew is told to flee, Vette's the one actually piloting the ship while Pierce is pacing the bridge like he's the one running things.


Quinn isn't seen or heard from in the whole attack by Zakuul. :confused: Being the companion you have for the second longest amount of time, plus being the one who actually runs the ship and the crew, and being the female SW's only love interest, this makes no sense. :rolleyes:



Quinn is there, he's in the other seat by Vette and Pierce is pacing. Last time we ever see him, and he says nothing :(


Quinn: I-- *draws himself up stiffly with all the dignity he can muster*


Lol I'm so sorry to have subjected you to such scrutiny Quinn, please forgive me. :o


All of them seem to be either the first companion or the first companion that speaks, i.e. Kira instead of T7. But, yeah, I would have loved Quinn, he is the captain of my ship, so to speak.


I find this interesting, that some companions spoke at the beginning of kotfe and haven't returned yet. Did I read that right? So Kira spoke to the knight, Mako spoke to the BH, etc? I know Andronikos speaks to the inquisitor but I never romanced him and didn't think much about it.


Just imagining the voice actors walking in to do 3 lines, I dunno, seems unlikely, maybe they really had this all planned out better than I gave them credit for.

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Quinn is there, he's in the other seat by Vette and Pierce is pacing. Last time we ever see him, and he says nothing :(...


Oh wow, I didn't even see him, and I was looking, too. Looks like the ability to replay KOTFE chapters is actually good for something. ;)

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Oh wow, I didn't even see him, and I was looking, too. Looks like the ability to replay KOTFE chapters is actually good for something. ;)


Yes, you'll see him :) I'm glad he was there. I find kotfe so sad though, you know? The whole thing is really very tragic when I think about it. Would have been nice if all the classes got to speak to their LI, assuming they had one, as a sort of goodbye.

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I find this interesting, that some companions spoke at the beginning of kotfe and haven't returned yet. Did I read that right? So Kira spoke to the knight, Mako spoke to the BH, etc? I know Andronikos speaks to the inquisitor but I never romanced him and didn't think much about it.


Just imagining the voice actors walking in to do 3 lines, I dunno, seems unlikely, maybe they really had this all planned out better than I gave them credit for.


For the JK it's Kira, who made no further appearance beyond CH 1.

For the JC it's Iresso, who made no further appearance beyond CH 1.

For the Smuggler it's Corso, who made no further appearance beyond CH 1.

For the Trooper it's Aric, who re-appeared in CH11 I believe.

For the SW it's Vette, who re-appeared in CH 13?

For the SI it's Andronikos, who made no further appearance beyond CH 1.

For the BH it's Mako, who made no further appearance beyond CH 1.

For the IA it's Kaliyo, who reappeared in CH 10?


I don't remember where in the story the JC meets Iresso, I thought it was pretty late which makes me wonder why they skipped over Zenith, unless they just went for a toss-up between LI's which coincidentally in some cases happen to also be the first companion obtained during the class arcs, and Quinn lost out to Vette because out of the two, Vette came first. Iresso is a later companion but I do believe he precedes Nadia? Same with Aric vs. Elara, Andy vs. Ashara and so on.

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Someone else mentioned it a page or two ago but the companion that appears/talks in Chapter 1 is the first love interest/romanceable companion to become a companion, which is why it's Iresso rather than Nadia, since she shows up first but isn't an actual companion until after Iresso has joined your crew on Hoth. Who you're actually romancing doesn't matter, nor do any other choices that might affect things (i.e. your XO as a trooper).


And yeah, it was definitely lazy and a red flag for me (especially as it became clear they had actors voice those lines even if their characters weren't going to be in KOTFE/KOTET. Why wouldn't the other husbands/wives/lovers/whatever get that chance too, then?

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*grumble grumble humans' skin color isn't all messed up like cathar grumble grumble*

Adorable picture. :D


Quinn: Wait. "Another" Quinn?

Yes. We've been meaning to tell you - you're a clone.

Quinn: ...

See, there's this factory that produces Quinn clones, and they're all the very model of a modern Imperial captain (drat, can't make that work in tune with the song), and you're one of them.

Quinn: ...aha.

You took that well.

Quinn: No, I've merely figured it out. You're teasing me. Mercilessly.


Quinn: There is no Quinn clone factory.

...well, that, I'm not sure about. How else do you account for all the Quinns running about with their respective Sith Warriors?

Quinn: WHAT.


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