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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Before I found the encyclopedia I had pegged Quinn for age 35. The big tip is somewhere it gets mentioned that when you meet him it had been 10 years since Drunkenwell (I believe. Or maybe 10 years that he'd been on Balmorra? I swear the number 10 fits in there somewhere.) So 37 for him sounded about right. Edited by CloudCastle
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But it's also been established that humans in star wars can live to like, 150, which would make a 50 year old still pretty young.


Talos is right out though, he is not 27. Maybe that was the intent for the character originally but that's not how he ended up.

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no. stop it. If the book's wrong about Talos, it's wrong about Quinn.


What does he tell you that makes you think he's that old?


He graduated the academy somewhere in early 20s. Add a few years for him to be an officer in position (so of a sufficiently high rank) to be able to change Broysc's orders at Drukenwell. You get late 20s. Add 10 years stuck on Balmorra. You get late 30s.


By my own calculations, before I bought the encyclopedia, I knew he was in late 30s. I just picked up randomly 37, which turned out to be a lucky guess.


My own Quinn is Asian, they don't age, so he's still delicious and stunning at 50... with a few grey hairs that add him distinction :D


And yet he looks young and delicious, especially for someone in his 'hundreds'. :D


I love the encyclopedia for many things but I have noticed dates and ages are sometimes different to in-game or wookieepedia.


Vowraun is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. :D


But it's also been established that humans in star wars can live to like, 150, which would make a 50 year old still pretty young.


Talos is right out though, he is not 27. Maybe that was the intent for the character originally but that's not how he ended up.


Yeah, Talos definitely isn't 27. He was at some point years ago, but certainly not when you meet him on Hoth. ;)

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My own Quinn is Asian, they don't age, so he's still delicious and stunning at 50... with a few grey hairs that add him distinction


You know what might be fun, and pass at least a little time - try to find rl actors that look like how we think our companions would look.


For me, Quinn is easy - he looks like this:



Which is funny because I only know this actor because he was on a show I was watching just to see Richard Teverson. But how would a rl asian Quinn look? I'm curious x)

Edited by grania
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You know what might be fun, and pass at least a little time - try to find rl actors that look like how we think our companions would look.


For me, Quinn is easy - he looks like this:



Which is funny because I only know this actor because he was on a show I was watching just to see Richard Teverson. But how would a rl asian Quinn look? I'm curious x)


Oh, that ship has sailed a long time ago :D

Andy Lau is the closest I can think of to customisation 5: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=andy+lau&t=lm&atb=v45-4&iax=1&ia=images

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Oh, that ship has sailed a long time ago :D

Andy Lau is the closest I can think of to customisation 5: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=andy+lau&t=lm&atb=v45-4&iax=1&ia=images


/giggle He's cute :D


I always think Theron looks a little like Misha Collins, or at least a sort of tall version of him:


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He graduated the academy somewhere in early 20s. Add a few years for him to be an officer in position (so of a sufficiently high rank) to be able to change Broysc's orders at Drukenwell. You get late 20s. Add 10 years stuck on Balmorra. You get late 30s.


meh, I figured Quinn was such a prodigy that he'd graduate earlier than that. I guess my upper limit on him returning would be 45 (since I just googled to see how old Ewan McGregor is, wow he's still so hot :D)


And my irl Quinn is Matt Bomer, who happens to be 39, so not too bad. ;)

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/giggle He's cute :D


I always think Theron looks a little like Misha Collins, or at least a sort of tall version of him:



I always had a thing for that smiley swimmer Nathan Adrian during the Olympics. He reminds me of Theron. I was all "omg who cares about michael phelps"


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These are from the official SWTOR Encyclopedia just so everyone can see where people are getting the skinny on characters' official ages.


Quinn's Bio

Talos' Bio


These aren't my scans, but I do own the Encyclopedia - it's pretty amazing for info and lore.


...well shoot, there goes my theory that Quinn's father is Grand Moff Kilran. (Evidence: ...they look ridiculously alike.) But I still have headcanon, dang it! :p


There is no way Talos is 27. Just...no. Uh-uh. *shakes head* Quinn being 37 I can believe, but...Talos is AT LEAST in his forties.

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...There is no way Talos is 27. Just...no. Uh-uh. *shakes head* Quinn being 37 I can believe, but...Talos is AT LEAST in his forties.


Seriously - both the husb and I figured forties or fifties, for sure.


Relaxation : "checking imperial census data for errors"


dear lord lol


Lol... yeah. I think it's amazing and perfectly represents his personality. His specialties also kind of reflect his support role as a healer when the game first came out. In my head, I always figured my Wrath typically takes one of the other crew on missions, such as Pierce to kill Pubs, Jeasa to kill Jedi, Vette for Underworld stuff, and Broonmark... uh, to kill Talz? and Quinn handles the ship, crew and mission planning, tactics, breifing, etc. and would maybe go on low-key missions, like Czerka, etc. if he got antsy. :p [Edit] This is actually how I play my Wrath now that everyone is 50 except for Broonmark lol.

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I always had him out back then because he was a healer, but it was easy to justify anyway. He pretty much tells you there's nothing he can't do when you first meet him, including killing your enemies. I think a quick shot combat medic would be the perfect backup for a sith who likes to dive face first into people with guns. And might provide just a little bit of caution when needed, not that a sith would listen.


My new warrior uses him almost exclusively for those reasons and only brought out Jaesa to kill other sith and jedi. She loves killing force users so cant deny her that. :D And also wouldn't want Quinny to get an accidental Project to the face or anything. We all know he's terribad at fighting force users.

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meh, I figured Quinn was such a prodigy that he'd graduate earlier than that. I guess my upper limit on him returning would be 45 (since I just googled to see how old Ewan McGregor is, wow he's still so hot :D)


And my irl Quinn is Matt Bomer, who happens to be 39, so not too bad. ;)


My irl Quinn is Benedict Cumberbatch :D Can you just imagine him in an Imperial uniform? *swoooons* I think Benedict is going to be 41 this July. :)

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my irl quinn is benedict cumberbatch :D can you just imagine him in an imperial uniform? *swoooons* i think benedict is going to be 41 this july. :)

Good. God. No!

That would really spoil Quinn for me if the two were ever linked for anything ever.


[insert disturbing picture links of Talos here]

Damask_Rose - those links were exactly what I meant!

As for the age discussion, if you use Talos's original look he definitely looks 40+ however some of his other customisations give him a younger. His voice always sounds quite old though. And a bit out-of-place.


I had a horrible thought: WHAT IF THE PROMISED RETURN OF QUINN IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CRUEL APRIL FOOLS JOKE? :eek::mad: They wouldn't dare. Would they? :confused:

Edited by Sarova
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As for the age discussion, if you use Talos's original look he definitely looks 40+ however some of his other customisations give him a younger. His voice always sounds quite old though.


I always pictured him as the Marcus Brody of TOR, but with Indiana Jones' expertise. :D

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I had a horrible thought: WHAT IF THE PROMISED RETURN OF QUINN IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CRUEL APRIL FOOLS JOKE? :eek::mad: They wouldn't dare. Would they? :confused:


I doubt that for these reasons:


1) The Devs caught some high intensity flack over the lousy handling of the companions with KotFE/ET. Lord knows I threw plenty of shade around here on the forums about it, and honestly, I would've cut them slack if they were also cranking out stuff for Ops and PvP because one can only do so much with yea many people. But they didn't so there was no explanation about the lousy handling beyond they were thinking bigger than what they could deliver.


2) For all the massive commentary here on the forums about the devs are catering to the casual/solo/story only crowd at the expense of the players here who are more into Ops/PvP, they really can't afford to tick off too many of each playerstyle. Going from how here and elsewhere people were losing thier minds at finally hearing something about companions to the point I've seen people resub and actively play to get ready for April, to not deliver on the promise would be catastrophic.


3) Despite how many unsubbing forever threads we see here with people stating how long they've stayed with the game despite not being happy with the state of things does show that on average, a SWTOR player will put up with a lot because we do genuinely like the franchise/concept but even we can hit a 'stick a fork in me I'm done' point. To make a promise like this, get loads of assorted feedback/excitement over it, only to withdraw at the end, makes absolutely zero sense even thinking from a raise the sub numbers for the fiscal reports angle.


So, I don't see this done as any joke/prank/gimmick. As it is, they're really going to have to knock the writing out of the park on this just because of how long it's been with the companions gone and how much expectation we've built up over this. If it goes over well, I expect to see the rest returning in good time. If not, well, I'll make sure to bring the Frontier Sweet Rolls on the bandwagon to go complain on the Austin HQ.

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I had a horrible thought: WHAT IF THE PROMISED RETURN OF QUINN IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CRUEL APRIL FOOLS JOKE? :eek::mad: They wouldn't dare. Would they? :confused:


Limariko makes very good points.


Still, the thought is scary! :eek:


I also think it would peeve off those who hate him and look forward to killing him finally. Since pretty much all comps but Beniko and Theron are killable, so this option is pretty certain.


This "joke" would not end well for the devs. And if Dorne was truly back, and Malavai not... geez... that'd mean WAR :D

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Going from how here and elsewhere people were losing thier minds at finally hearing something about companions to the point I've seen people resub and actively play to get ready for April, to not deliver on the promise would be catastrophic


I'm leveling new characters just to get to the part where you choose Elara/Quinn. I've never enjoyed playing republic but they've given me great motivation to finally do it. This will keep me busy for the foreseeable future and gosh, there's nothing for me in any other online games right now.

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