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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I feel silly for admitting this - but hey, this IS the Quinn fangirl thread, so...'tis not silly... but Quinn's the only companion that made me do a double-take and go "...uh, okay, for a bunch of pixels, he's...rather nice to look at. Huh." (Vector was a distant second. XD)

Quinn: I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned.

Flattered would be the appropriate conclusion. Concerned would be the logical conclusion. And both would be the only sane conclusion.

Quinn: *muttering* Being bombarded with fangirls...why is the Force tormenting me like this...


Haha, well you probably shouldn't tell him this, but I don't think the warrior was ever going to settle for anything less than the most attractive male LI.


Oof I'm trying to get through the Corso romance right now, never did it before and.. he's nice I guess.. but it's like smooching George W. Bush *there's no smiley for this*


Am I the only one who finds his default look meh? LOL


I can only speak for myself, and I love his regular look. That hair is to die for. I like the white haired one too, so sci fi :)

Edited by grania
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Haha, well you probably shouldn't tell him this, but I don't think the warrior was ever going to settle for anything less than the most attractive male LI.


Oof I'm trying to get through the Corso romance right now, never did it before and.. he's nice I guess.. but it's like smooching George W. Bush *there's no smiley for this*


Quinn: ...

You heard that anyway, didn't you.

Quinn: Yes...

Well? Thoughts? Feelings? Spill.

Quinn: *disdainful glare*

That's not much of a "spill," Quinn.

Quinn: I do not "spill." I articulate.

I'm feeling the urge to launch into song here.

Quinn: DON'T.

Oh, you know what I sound like when I sing, do you?

Quinn: A bullfrog with laryngitis.

...that's accurate. Okay, no singing. But yes, you are indeed the most handsome male LI. :) ...for a warrior, anyway.

Quinn: *once again debating if he should be flattered, deeply concerned, insulted, or just roll with it*


Aw, I loved the Corso romance. (A female smuggler was my first ever character in SWTOR. She - and I - fell so hard for Corso there was a crater in the floor.) Some people say Corso is sexist... but you can actually call him out on that, and he gives what has to be the best line ever in response [this is slightly paraphrased; can't recall it from memory]:

Smuggler: Lady? Heh... I'm no lady.

Corso: Being a lady doesn't mean you can't have grease on your elbows or a blaster on your hip. All it means, is that people should know to respect you.

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Quinn: ...

You heard that anyway, didn't you.

Quinn: Yes...

Well? Thoughts? Feelings? Spill.

Quinn: *disdainful glare*

That's not much of a "spill," Quinn.

Quinn: I do not "spill." I articulate.

I'm feeling the urge to launch into song here.

Quinn: DON'T.

Oh, you know what I sound like when I sing, do you?

Quinn: A bullfrog with laryngitis.

...that's accurate. Okay, no singing. But yes, you are indeed the most handsome male LI. :) ...for a warrior, anyway.

Quinn: *once again debating if he should be flattered, deeply concerned, insulted, or just roll with it*


Aw, I loved the Corso romance. (A female smuggler was my first ever character in SWTOR. She - and I - fell so hard for Corso there was a crater in the floor.) Some people say Corso is sexist... but you can actually call him out on that, and he gives what has to be the best line ever in response [this is slightly paraphrased; can't recall it from memory]:

Smuggler: Lady? Heh... I'm no lady.

Corso: Being a lady doesn't mean you can't have grease on your elbows or a blaster on your hip. All it means, is that people should know to respect you.


Quinn may as well learn to roll with it, some things are unavoidable. As for Corso, he does have his moments and only he, Quinn and Andronikos have that grab woman and pull her in for the kiss action going. He is a little too 'white knight' for some, but I never minded him. I think my favorite line of his was on Quesh when the smuggler says to Capt. Orris (sp) something about swooning and Corso quips, "Swoon? I can swoon, nobody ever said any thing about swooning." Or something like that anyway, it still makes me giggle.

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Quinn: ...

You heard that anyway, didn't you.

Quinn: Yes...

Well? Thoughts? Feelings? Spill.

Quinn: *disdainful glare*

That's not much of a "spill," Quinn.

Quinn: I do not "spill." I articulate.

I'm feeling the urge to launch into song here.

Quinn: DON'T.

Oh, you know what I sound like when I sing, do you?

Quinn: A bullfrog with laryngitis.

...that's accurate. Okay, no singing. But yes, you are indeed the most handsome male LI. :) ...for a warrior, anyway.

Quinn: *once again debating if he should be flattered, deeply concerned, insulted, or just roll with it*


Aw, I loved the Corso romance. (A female smuggler was my first ever character in SWTOR. She - and I - fell so hard for Corso there was a crater in the floor.) Some people say Corso is sexist... but you can actually call him out on that, and he gives what has to be the best line ever in response [this is slightly paraphrased; can't recall it from memory]:

Smuggler: Lady? Heh... I'm no lady.

Corso: Being a lady doesn't mean you can't have grease on your elbows or a blaster on your hip. All it means, is that people should know to respect you.


Quinn was my first (YOU HEAR THAT QUINN? YOU WERE MY FIRST :p I feel like he's eavesdropping, it's so funny and weird) Just naturally inclined toward that style of gameplay, I had no idea who my companions would be or where the story would go.


I'm not at all bothered by Corso's personality. I don't get huffy about doors being held open for me and stuff like that, I like being treated respectfully. It's just that accent makes me terribly uncomfortable and his original look.. reminds me too much of my brother in his hippie days, blech. That said, his romance has a unique feel about it and I don't think it was written poorly at all.

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Corso makes me uncomfortable. I don't mind having doors held open, but don't people do that for men, too? I do. I just don't like being treated differently than the men in the room. Makes me feel self-conscious.


And yes, the George W Bush thing is just too much lol.


Really, the only LI's I've been into are Quinn, Vector (so weird, your mind goes all kinds of places :o ), and Theron. The rest are forgettable or too much of a turnoff (Corso, Doc, and Jorgan = blrrrrghh).


I would be highly into Scourge, though. ^.^ HIGHLY.

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Really, the only LI's I've been into are Quinn, Vector (so weird, your mind goes all kinds of places ), and Theron. The rest are forgettable or too much of a turnoff (Corso, Doc, and Jorgan = blrrrrghh).


I'm very fond of Vector, I just don't talk about him much because there isn't anything to complain about. And I've never really had to defend my fondness of him like I've had to do so often for Quinn. When/if he returns, I'll gladly take my agent through fe/et. That scene, with the eyes, was unforgettable.

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Quinn was my first (YOU HEAR THAT QUINN? YOU WERE MY FIRST :p I feel like he's eavesdropping, it's so funny and weird) Just naturally inclined toward that style of gameplay, I had no idea who my companions would be or where the story would go.


Quinn: *spits out tea* WHAT--*sputtering*

I guess he IS eavesdropping!

Quinn: What--I--but--th--wha--did--what--the--

You're supposed to say, "I ain't dropping no eaves, sir, honest!"

Quinn: *still sputtering and turning purple to match the color this text is in*

I...am not sure how to interpret that...

Quinn: ...hang it all. *flees*



Ahem. I dunno, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I thought Corso's white-knight chivalry (or fumbling lack of it at times) was utterly adorable. :p I refuse to take my smuggler through KOTFE/KOTET until I know Corso's coming back.

And Vector is beautiful. Just...yes. He's pretty much the only thing grounding my agent in sanity at the moment. Back before companion conversations were tied to story progression, I had this happen late in Act III of the agent's story:


The "marriage" with the Voss guy happened. My agent was NOT happy about it at all, and the "marriage" was totally chaste. That night (right before they headed out to the Nightmare Lands), Vector showed up and revealed his true eyes, and he and my agent affirmed their love for each other.

A little while later, Intelligence is disbanded by the Sith. My agent was utterly devastated by it. Once she got back to her ship after leaving Dromund Kaas... cue Vector with a marriage proposal.

She said yes so fast he barely had time to ask the question. :D


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Aw, I loved the Corso romance. (A female smuggler was my first ever character in SWTOR. She - and I - fell so hard for Corso there was a crater in the floor.) Some people say Corso is sexist... but you can actually call him out on that, and he gives what has to be the best line ever in response [this is slightly paraphrased; can't recall it from memory]:

Smuggler: Lady? Heh... I'm no lady.

Corso: Being a lady doesn't mean you can't have grease on your elbows or a blaster on your hip. All it means, is that people should know to respect you.


I liked Corso too and after a year of waiting, my poor lonely smuggler finally grabbed him back from the terminal. So good to hear his voice again. He was my first romance in game as well. Anyway, I remember the line you are talking about, and I liked that too. I never felt like Corso was boxing me in and trying to make me into something I wasn't. I also was nice to him at every turn and accepted the romance with him early on. I understand that if you don't do these things then he comes across differently. And for looks? I use customization 2. The best. :D


My favorite romances:


Scourge (Ok ok, it's only in my head, but STILL.)

Quinn - love his default look and that mole, ha!

Vector - his voice gives me chills

Corso - my partner in crime


I actually thought the Iresso romance was pretty sweet. More could have been done with him though, especially given his interesting...condition...and it's a shame that you get him so late. Romance companions should always be gotten early on.


Andronikos fit my sorc very well, and I found a customization I liked. Same face with a big load of hair. I was snarky with him and I swear he liked it, and gave back as good as he got. :D


The other male romances were ok, but didn't grab me, if you know what I mean. I actually liked Torian better when he returned in KOTFE. He came across more mature, more experienced, and I found myself giving him an extra look and taking more notice of him....Too bad he wasn't romanceable in the expansion for non-bounty hunters.


My goal is to do every romance in the game. :D I'm only missing Risha and Jaesa now. I only did half of Kaliyo's before my agent dumped her for Temple, but close enough. So far I think my fave female romance might be Elara. She's basically a female Quinn. :D She fit very well with my Pureblood trooper.

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Am I the only one who finds his default look meh? :o LOL


Really? It's my favorite look for him, I never use customization on him. I am absolutely in love with his default look... EXCEPT FOR THE BROWS BECAUSE APPARENTLY EVERYONE HAS BROWN EYEBROWS NO MATTER THEIR HAIR COLOR BECAUSE BAD DESIGN DEPARTMENT IS BAD AND LAZY. Sorry... *walks off*

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Lord Scourge was the first companion I actually WANTED as an LI (up until then I'd only played a JK, and only took the Doc flirts to see what would happen), and of course I couldn't actually have Scourge as an LI (I'm still mad about that BW, hurry it up already!). Then I rolled a SW and... Quinn. ♥ I liked it when he kneeled to me before leaving Balmorra, like... while you're down there... :o So then I really wanted Quinn, but he was all stick-up-his-as.s for several of the flirts and I'm like "crud this is going nowhere, stupid game"... but then, yay! So yeah. <insert dreamy heart eyes>


Corso... oh hey look, someone just fell out of the airlock.


My favorite existing LI's are definitely Quinn, Vector and Theron. Although I enjoyed Aric too, surprisingly enough. I definitely swooned when my Trooper reunited with him.

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Really? It's my favorite look for him, I never use customization on him. I am absolutely in love with his default look... EXCEPT FOR THE BROWS BECAUSE APPARENTLY EVERYONE HAS BROWN EYEBROWS NO MATTER THEIR HAIR COLOR BECAUSE BAD DESIGN DEPARTMENT IS BAD AND LAZY. Sorry... *walks off*


I never noticed this until now...






Ah well, it guess it will be a cohesive match my blonde Wrath's brown eyebrows. She likes to channel Britney circa 2002.

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Really? It's my favorite look for him, I never use customization on him. I am absolutely in love with his default look... EXCEPT FOR THE BROWS BECAUSE APPARENTLY EVERYONE HAS BROWN EYEBROWS NO MATTER THEIR HAIR COLOR BECAUSE BAD DESIGN DEPARTMENT IS BAD AND LAZY. Sorry... *walks off*


It annoys me... the eyebrows colour, I mean. My warrior's and her son's hair is white. Their eyebrows... not so much :cool:


My Fav LIs are Malavai, Vector and Theron. Corso is close by, he's too funny not to love him. My Theron dates my Inquisitor, who was available (he dumped Ashara long ago and laughed in her face when she proposed to him :D) and had a fling with him in SoR too. I never took my femAgent to KOTFE, I don't want her to lose Vector. Same with my femSmuggie.


Even if they return, I won't take the girls anyway. Doing the same chapters on 4 characters (in total) is already enough for me, and I see no point in doing it all over again.

Edited by Lammia
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Am I the only one who finds his default look meh? :o LOL

...*unlocks torch and pitchfork shed* :p



I actually thought the Iresso romance was pretty sweet. More could have been done with him though, especially given his interesting...condition...and it's a shame that you get him so late. Romance companions should always be gotten early on.

I completely agree with this! We should have gotten Felix on Taris, it would have made the same amount of sense as Hoth (crap posting because COs are nervous around him and keep tossing him around like a hot potato) and we would have been able to actually spend a significant amount of time with him and get to know him better (also our physical quest companion should have been him or Nadia rather than Qyzen :/ ). I thought his romance dialogue was extremely sweet, especially that line (and the delivery of it) "what we have, I've never felt this way before. I can't stop thinking about you your scent, your smile I want you to be mine." Despite the holocron thing, his romance is also refreshingly drama free <3 (I mean I like drama sometimes but sometimes you just need a break and want some feel-good sweetness).

Edited by Nefla
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I use customisations on almost all companions. I like them different than everybody else's. Once I discovered "Korean" customisation, it was not only a pleasure to have him but also to look at him :p


I have a little tradition of drawing my fanfic or game couples for Valentine's Day, and this year in a poll my warrior with Malavai won over my inquisitor with Theron. You may want to use your pitchforkes, since it's not your dull white guy ;), but I'm going to share it anyway :p


Unfortunately, due to serious internet problems I can't upload it to dA, so a regular link only



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Does it make anyone else feel kinda sad that all the LIs we meet on the wrong classes are widows/widowers? When I go to meet Quinn on my inq, he'll be a version of Quinn whose wife died.


Not in my case. My Inquisitor (Malavai's counsin) and my Agent (Malavai's brother) worked with my Warrior (Wife, Outlander) on Odessen, so they get reunited with their family member who gets reunited with his wife. And they all lived happily ever after ;)


I took only 5 toons through KOTFE and 4 through KOTET (and only one married to vanilla comp, my warrior), so no sad stories there for me.


So I guess I never thought of it that way. Didn't have a reason to. :)

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Not in my case. My Inquisitor (Malavai's counsin) and my Agent (Malavai's brother) worked with my Warrior (Wife, Outlander) on Odessen, so they get reunited with their family member who gets reunited with his wife. And they all lived happily ever after ;)


I took only 5 toons through KOTFE and 4 through KOTET (and only one married to vanilla comp, my warrior), so no sad stories there for me.


So I guess I never thought of it that way. Didn't have a reason to. :)


That makes my head spin, but maybe I need to think of it like that too, so it doesn't seem so sad.



By the way, this is sweet, I love how unsad they look! (Exactly what I needed)

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That makes my head spin, but maybe I need to think of it like that too, so it doesn't seem so sad.


*Your* head is spinning?! Can you imagine what happens to mine when all those pixel people take charge of my imagination and start living their lives? :D



By the way, this is sweet, I love how unsad they look! (Exactly what I needed)


Thanks. :) And glad to be of cheering up service ;)

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Does it make anyone else feel kinda sad that all the LIs we meet on the wrong classes are widows/widowers? When I go to meet Quinn on my inq, he'll be a version of Quinn whose wife died.


I've only ever taken my Warrior through Kotet. There can be only one Emperor. He dgaf.


Almost made it through Kotfe as a knight.. just.. couldn't.. quite.... hang in there.. to..finish it.... *deleted*

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I use customisations on almost all companions. I like them different than everybody else's. Once I discovered "Korean" customisation, it was not only a pleasure to have him but also to look at him :p


I have a little tradition of drawing my fanfic or game couples for Valentine's Day, and this year in a poll my warrior with Malavai won over my inquisitor with Theron. You may want to use your pitchforkes, since it's not your dull white guy ;), but I'm going to share it anyway :p


Unfortunately, due to serious internet problems I can't upload it to dA, so a regular link only




Malavai is lovely no matter what skin he's in.


I usually pick a different customization for each alt if there are enough decent looking ones to use, otherwise I have to repeat.

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