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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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There are nooo spoilers in those spoiler tags, however ->RALEI<- you might want to skip it anyway because I've spoiled a few details for myself, and my opinion is colored by it. It's really pretty safe though.


So here it is, let the schlock commence!


Hehe well thank you for that warning. I'll bookmark it to read in April ;) I'm sure it's lovely, but you get where I'm coming from. I've been peeking around the corner in these threads, ready to run yelling lalalalalalala.

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I finally did it, I finally fanfictioned for the first time! Actually it's the first piece of fiction (or otherwise) that I've written in like, 20 something years. It's short, and I wrote it as if it were my (dark, important distinction) warrior's entry in some sort of journal after reuniting with Quinn.


There are nooo spoilers in those spoiler tags, however ->RALEI<- you might want to skip it anyway because I've spoiled a few details for myself, and my opinion is colored by it. It's really pretty safe though.


So here it is, let the schlock commence!



entry no. 2,017


I have found him, my husband. Or rather, we found each other. The shock of so unexpectedly seeing his face, and of his seeing mine, was overwhelming and sublime.


The details of his absence have stunned me to my core and everything I thought I knew to be true has been turned upside down, including perhaps.. everything that has ever befallen us. Since I was freed on Zakuul, opening my eyes after years of nightmare and lonliness only to see Lana's face and not that of my beloved, I have asked "Why were you not there to save me when I needed you? Where have you been that you could not find me, aid me in my campaign to claim the Eternal Throne and take revenge upon Arcann? When our Emperor invaded my mind, where were you that you could not be there to steady me, to remind me that I am not just a shell, or a marionette.. that I am loved?"


I'm feeling sensations that were almost wholly unknown to me before this day. I know them to be shame, and regret. There is an inarguable truth to my existence, and to Malavai's. It is that I am The Wrath. I am unbreaking and I am undying. My love.. he is a frail thing, vulnerable and weak. It will always be my charge to protect him, never the other way. How was I so blind to this simple truth for so long, as it boldly and repeatedly confronted me? I regarded Malavai as a fly in my web and yet condemned him for falling into Baras's. It is the way of the Sith, and of the Empire. He needed me, more than I ever needed him. And I failed him utterly.


I always understood desire, and yearning, and passion. But perhaps I never understood love. The.. selfless kind. It is hard even to admit to myself. This brings me to Theron, it is over and he must be dealt with quickly. He confessed his feelings to me, feelings I do not share. The timing could not have been more disastrous. He must bear this pain and wield it as he sees fit. I wish him no harm but if he makes only one hostile move against Malavai, I will extinguish him.


Soon, I meet Malavai in my.. in our starship. I sense him now, waiting and anguished. Lana assures me of our privacy there, though I have doubts. I am nervous, fearful even. How has he changed in the passing years? Does he still want me, forgive me for my weakness and my selfish nature? ..Will he still think me beautiful?




That was really sweet and touching, I adored it. And Luna's right, you should join us crazies in the FF section! I posted a one segment short some time last year, revolving around 'the betrayal' and my SW's reaction to it. I love Quinn-fics, they make my heart happy. Unless they hurt him.

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That was really sweet and touching, I adored it. And Luna's right, you should join us crazies in the FF section! I posted a one segment short some time last year, revolving around 'the betrayal' and my SW's reaction to it. I love Quinn-fics, they make my heart happy. Unless they hurt him.


Thank you, I think I will go over there and read some stuff, it'll be like getting more Quinn content! I almost made a bad pun >.>


I did a thing...




I toyed with doodling this for a while. Unfortunately, people not familiar with Star Trek won't understand.


Is that, is that QUINN AS A VULCAN, it's 'dorble :o

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Nice work Grania! Maybe you should expand on it, and post it over at the fanfiction forums. :D


Yesssss, join us. :D The Short Fic Weekly Challenge thread is in dire need of...well, of a lot of people. It used to be so active... :c And now there's so very few people left.

COME TO THE FANFICTION SIDE, WE HAVE COOKIES. And squeals and fangirling and the brotherhood/sisterhood of fellow writers and that wonderful feeling of settling down to read a new short story and getting happily sucked into a new look at characters, companions, events, etc.


And we could always use more Quinn. If nothing else, we could always use more Quinn.

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Thanks, everyone! :o


There's a fanfic section here?:eek:


A while ago I wrote a "Malavai return" story (among plenty of other stuff with my toons). THAT's how little faith I had in the devs bringing him back. It also became a "Vector return" story at the same time. ;) Because, dammit, these guys could become friends, methinks!

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Thanks, everyone! :o


There's a fanfic section here?:eek:


A while ago I wrote a "Malavai return" story (among plenty of other stuff with my toons). THAT's how little faith I had in the devs bringing him back. It also became a "Vector return" story at the same time. ;) Because, dammit, these guys could become friends, methinks!


Le' fanfiction section. :Dhttp://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=98

It's over in the "Community Content" section.


Quinn and Vector... yeah, I could see them becoming friends. Or, at the very least, Vector being friends with Quinn, and perhaps Quinn being a little leery of Vector the Joiner. Whatever happened, it would be adorable. Because...Quinn. And Vector. How can you go wrong with that? XD

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That's an excellent idea Luna! :)
*bows* Thank you, thank you. I have them from time to time lol.


Haha, NO. Thanks tho :D I've never even been to that forum, I'll swing by later~


Well, think about it, but even if you just like keeping them short, there is room for that in the fanfic forum as well. I hope you and Lammia both come by and check it out. I think you'll enjoy yourselves there, lots of variety and lots to read. :)

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Le' fanfiction section. :Dhttp://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=98

It's over in the "Community Content" section.


Quinn and Vector... yeah, I could see them becoming friends. Or, at the very least, Vector being friends with Quinn, and perhaps Quinn being a little leery of Vector the Joiner. Whatever happened, it would be adorable. Because...Quinn. And Vector. How can you go wrong with that? XD


Since Vector's Joiner abilities were put to... um... military use, sort of, Malavai doesn't mind it at all ;) You don't reject such an awesome asset, after all :D


Thanks for the link. I'll take a look there, and perhaps share something.


ETA: I posted 2 stories. This is Malavai's return that was (fortunately ;)) turned irrelevant by the devs.

Edited by Lammia
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Solo a Star Fortress. you won't have to let that happen. It will happen whether you want it or not ;) Clear conscience :D


Brilliant! I'll just turn down all the pewpewpewpew whoom, whrrroooom and turn up all the "Ahh!" :jawa_angel:

Edited by grania
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Am I the only one who wants my SW to slap him, then kiss him? I dunno why she's so violent. :eek::cool: somehow, I think she won't be able to resist him. Poor Theron.


Lol that's pretty hot :D My light warrior wouldn't do this but my neutral and dark warriors use sacrifice on him for kinks. Don't worry, it's consensual! (It's like the steamy romance novel about the gnome warlock.. you know what, never mind)

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Too bad you can't see blushes in game! Our poor Quinn's would be red half the time, probably. :p


Truer words were never spoken :D


Am I the only one who wants my SW to slap him, then kiss him? I dunno why she's so violent. :eek::cool: somehow, I think she won't be able to resist him. Poor Theron.


Mine would never do that. She's a deadly, growling Dark Side V Sith but with him she's gentle and sweet. The "worst" she does is tease him mercilessly for her own amusement, to which he usually facepalms, but any true (or even playful) violence is out of the question. He's like a prize she had to work very hard to win, and she's not going to jeopardise that now ;)

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Why did they have to make Quinn so ridiculously sexy, it's distracting :p


I feel silly for admitting this - but hey, this IS the Quinn fangirl thread, so...'tis not silly... but Quinn's the only companion that made me do a double-take and go "...uh, okay, for a bunch of pixels, he's...rather nice to look at. Huh." (Vector was a distant second. XD)

Quinn: I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned.

Flattered would be the appropriate conclusion. Concerned would be the logical conclusion. And both would be the only sane conclusion.

Quinn: *muttering* Being bombarded with fangirls...why is the Force tormenting me like this...

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