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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I dueled my husband once and lets just say he had a hard time with my Quinn.. He sure doesn't like losing duels, *chuckle*


Yeah, I roll with my 50 influence Quinn out to deliberately piss off my hubby. Hubs HATES Quinn, hates people like Quinn, and hates betrayal. But passion doesn't always lead to victory, apparently. Go figure. I know it's a dirty tactic. But since hubs wins whenever we go outside and play lightsabers (we're huge dorks and each have sabers with sound), I consider it comeuppance.


I'm debating finding some relaxed jumpsuit tops to stick Quinn in for the added lols. Wrecked by pecs. Ha.




I've gone against type, and have a mostly LS warrior who is practically Jedi in all but name (Aric Jorgan even comments on it, saying something along the lines of her being "what he expected. Mostly.") + didn't romance Theron. I already plan to have her roll Republic because it makes sense for the char, as is forgiveness, compromise, having nice hair, and all that shiny wholesome stuff. I'll try and record the reaction.

Edited by virama
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I admit I sometimes emote at other people's Quinns as well but only because I'm happy to see him so I /hug. :p


That's allowed. In fact, that's encouraged. (Can you imagine Quinn's reaction to having strange women running up, hugging him and then running off? Priceless)

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You guys ever have people emoting at your Quinn/companion? So annoying. Emote at your own companions, weirdos :mad:


Never had someone emote but on Odesson when I originally finished chapter 1-9 I used the terminal a few weeks later to get Quinn back as he was my highest/fav companion on my main SW and someone whispered to me why i bothered to get Quinn back from the terminal because...."insert Quinn hate here." I have nothing against people who dislike Quinn at all, there are companions I don't like either but I never go around being rude to those on the forum or in game because they're using a companion I don't like.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I really really do NOT get why the Quinn hate is so strong. Yes, he betrayed the Sith Warrior, boo hoo but there's other companions who aren't flawless, who've done worse namely Kaliyo in my eyes but I'd never harass or berate another player for enjoying her. Why do people, and mostly guys, feel so extremely compelled to give us crap for enjoying Quinn? 'Hating' him is one thing but whispering others for using Quinn as a companion or /spit emoting at another person's Quinn seems like a whole new level of pathetic. :rolleyes:


Maybe they really are jealous, I can't see any other logic reason for going that far in your hatred of a fictional character.

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I've never had anyone be weird with my Quinn O.o I don't think I'd care, though. It would make me laugh.


It would suck to be out somewhere and run into the man who pretended to be your friend and tried to kill you. I'd probably make a scene. :D

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That's allowed. In fact, that's encouraged. (Can you imagine Quinn's reaction to having strange women running up, hugging him and then running off? Priceless)


Female Warrior: So, Quinn, what shall we do today?

Quinn: I believe we--

*random woman runs up, hugs Quinn, then runs off giggling*

Quinn: ............................exCUSE me!?

Female Warrior: ...is there something I should know about...?

Quinn: I have no idea who that was.

*another woman runs up and blows a kiss at Quinn*

Female Warrior: o_O

Quinn: Is the Force itself devising a plot to torment me? Who are these...miscreants? That conduct is highly unbecoming of Imperial citizens--

*two more women run past and blow kisses*

Quinn: *turning a fine shade of dark red* What. Is going. On.

Female Warrior: *shifty-eyed*

*horde of squealing fangirls descend on Quinn*

Quinn: AUGH-- *disappeares beneath said horde of fangirls*

Female Warrior: HEY-- *is shoved off to the side and drowned out by the squealing*

Quinn: *surfaces for air* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *pulled back down*--help me please--*surfaces*--HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED--*pulled back down*--excuse me that tickles--*surfaces*--COMMENCE ORBITAL STRIKE--*pulled back down*

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Female Warrior: So, Quinn, what shall we do today?

Quinn: I believe we--

*random woman runs up, hugs Quinn, then runs off giggling*

Quinn: ............................exCUSE me!?

Female Warrior: ...is there something I should know about...?

Quinn: I have no idea who that was.

*another woman runs up and blows a kiss at Quinn*

Female Warrior: o_O

Quinn: Is the Force itself devising a plot to torment me? Who are these...miscreants? That conduct is highly unbecoming of Imperial citizens--

*two more women run past and blow kisses*

Quinn: *turning a fine shade of dark red* What. Is going. On.

Female Warrior: *shifty-eyed*

*horde of squealing fangirls descend on Quinn*

Quinn: AUGH-- *disappeares beneath said horde of fangirls*

Female Warrior: HEY-- *is shoved off to the side and drowned out by the squealing*

Quinn: *surfaces for air* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *pulled back down*--help me please--*surfaces*--HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED--*pulled back down*--excuse me that tickles--*surfaces*--COMMENCE ORBITAL STRIKE--*pulled back down*


*snorts* Brilliant. That's basically what I do to every Quinn I see. Run up, /hug /kiss or /flirt and then take off again before his 'owner' *****es me out for hitting on her man. :p I do it with my Jedi Knight as well in places that allow both Republic and Imperial players... but she also hits on every Pureblood male she finds even if they're actual players...:o

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*snorts* Brilliant. That's basically what I do to every Quinn I see. Run up, /hug /kiss or /flirt and then take off again before his 'owner' *****es me out for hitting on her man. :p I do it with my Jedi Knight as well in places that allow both Republic and Imperial players... but she also hits on every Pureblood male she finds even if they're actual players...:o


::backs away slowly::


Okay... :p

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Female Warrior: So, Quinn, what shall we do today?

Quinn: I believe we--

*random woman runs up, hugs Quinn, then runs off giggling*

Quinn: ............................exCUSE me!?

Female Warrior: ...is there something I should know about...?

Quinn: I have no idea who that was.

*another woman runs up and blows a kiss at Quinn*

Female Warrior: o_O

Quinn: Is the Force itself devising a plot to torment me? Who are these...miscreants? That conduct is highly unbecoming of Imperial citizens--

*two more women run past and blow kisses*

Quinn: *turning a fine shade of dark red* What. Is going. On.

Female Warrior: *shifty-eyed*

*horde of squealing fangirls descend on Quinn*

Quinn: AUGH-- *disappeares beneath said horde of fangirls*

Female Warrior: HEY-- *is shoved off to the side and drowned out by the squealing*

Quinn: *surfaces for air* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *pulled back down*--help me please--*surfaces*--HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED--*pulled back down*--excuse me that tickles--*surfaces*--COMMENCE ORBITAL STRIKE--*pulled back down*


I'm DYING can't breath :D

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Female Warrior: So, Quinn, what shall we do today?

Quinn: I believe we--

*random woman runs up, hugs Quinn, then runs off giggling*

Quinn: ............................exCUSE me!?

Female Warrior: ...is there something I should know about...?

Quinn: I have no idea who that was.

*another woman runs up and blows a kiss at Quinn*

Female Warrior: o_O

Quinn: Is the Force itself devising a plot to torment me? Who are these...miscreants? That conduct is highly unbecoming of Imperial citizens--

*two more women run past and blow kisses*

Quinn: *turning a fine shade of dark red* What. Is going. On.

Female Warrior: *shifty-eyed*

*horde of squealing fangirls descend on Quinn*

Quinn: AUGH-- *disappeares beneath said horde of fangirls*

Female Warrior: HEY-- *is shoved off to the side and drowned out by the squealing*

Quinn: *surfaces for air* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *pulled back down*--help me please--*surfaces*--HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED--*pulled back down*--excuse me that tickles--*surfaces*--COMMENCE ORBITAL STRIKE--*pulled back down*


This quite made my day. Thanks for the giggles. :D

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I must have been really lucky or simply never noticed it. I don't keep an eye on general chat at all I tend to ignore it.

It makes you wonder how old some of the Quinn haters are given their behavior.


Some of the stuff on the hate thread is quite horrendous, most likely for shock value, or a closet serial killer. I don't know if age is a factor, but most adults would simply walk away from that whole betrayal situation, maybe ruin his career, which I think would hurt him more than dismemberment.


I personally love the guy, can't wait to get him back.

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I'm not that scary! I just sometimes catch one on the fleet and /hug them before running away. I can't help it they're like a drug. :o


Meh, not to worry Jenny. Everyone is always kvetching about, 'but this is supposed to be an MMO', well you're just doing the MM stuff as you see it. /hug away, girl. ;)

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Female Warrior: So, Quinn, what shall we do today?

Quinn: I believe we--

*random woman runs up, hugs Quinn, then runs off giggling*

Quinn: ............................exCUSE me!?

Female Warrior: ...is there something I should know about...?

Quinn: I have no idea who that was.

*another woman runs up and blows a kiss at Quinn*

Female Warrior: o_O

Quinn: Is the Force itself devising a plot to torment me? Who are these...miscreants? That conduct is highly unbecoming of Imperial citizens--

*two more women run past and blow kisses*

Quinn: *turning a fine shade of dark red* What. Is going. On.

Female Warrior: *shifty-eyed*

*horde of squealing fangirls descend on Quinn*

Quinn: AUGH-- *disappeares beneath said horde of fangirls*

Female Warrior: HEY-- *is shoved off to the side and drowned out by the squealing*

Quinn: *surfaces for air* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *pulled back down*--help me please--*surfaces*--HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED--*pulled back down*--excuse me that tickles--*surfaces*--COMMENCE ORBITAL STRIKE--*pulled back down*


Congrats! *pins medal on you* You win the internetz today! THAT was AWESOME!!!! :D

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Some of the stuff on the hate thread is quite horrendous, most likely for shock value, or a closet serial killer. I don't know if age is a factor, but most adults would simply walk away from that whole betrayal situation, maybe ruin his career, which I think would hurt him more than dismemberment.


I personally love the guy, can't wait to get him back.


I don't think they are meant to be taken seriously. Millions of people watch the Walking Dead for entertainment and its exactly 12 times worse than anything in that thread.


Adults? pfft. Sith revel in letting their hate flow through them, you better believe most Sith would have done some rearranging of Quinn's parts in the heat of that moment. (otherwise, why play sith? :p ) The fact that Bioware didn't give them that release means the hate just got pent up even further.


Having to fight next to someone who is better looking than you AND betrayed you must be hard for a lot of people :cool:

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::backs away slowly::


Okay... :p


Now now, ODNZ, she's not at all scary. She's actually quite lovely and cute, and has the best taste in everything...a bit of a younger...me :D:eek::eek:


I've been known to blow kisses and hug random Quinns, Vectors and Scourges. I used to do that to various Docs too, but he tended to be the sort to want to...erm...continue...privately. ;)

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Some of the stuff on the hate thread is quite horrendous, most likely for shock value, or a closet serial killer. I don't know if age is a factor, but most adults would simply walk away from that whole betrayal situation, maybe ruin his career, which I think would hurt him more than dismemberment.


I personally love the guy, can't wait to get him back.


I've stayed away, no interest whatsoever to see what sort of sadistic delights they've come up with. Since my last thread, I think to either Immo or Andryah there, I haven't been back lol. I like it right here, just fine, in my lovely Malavai friendly zone. <3

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Now now, ODNZ, she's not at all scary. She's actually quite lovely and cute, and has the best taste in everything...a bit of a younger...me :D:eek::eek:

Tis true. :D Not entirely sure on the cute part. And Luna's like, I think sometimes we share a brain in the best way possible. :D


I've been known to blow kisses and hug random Quinns, Vectors and Scourges. I used to do that to various Docs too, but he tended to be the sort to want to...erm...continue...privately. ;)

Lol Scourge... you know how on Tython players tend to be lined up at the door to the Jedi Council's chambers with their companions lingering next to them? Yeah I abuse every Scourge I spot. It's ok he likes it. :D


I've stayed away, no interest whatsoever to see what sort of sadistic delights they've come up with. Since my last thread, I think to either Immo or Andryah there, I haven't been back lol. I like it right here, just fine, in my lovely Malavai friendly zone. <3

I was very nice to the haters. I offered to welcome all the Quinns they hate into my arms, free of charge, if they felt killing would go too far. ;)

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Lol Scourge... you know how on Tython players tend to be lined up at the door to the Jedi Council's chambers with their companions lingering next to them? Yeah I abuse every Scourge I spot. It's ok he likes it. :D



I was very nice to the haters. I offered to welcome all the Quinns they hate into my arms, free of charge, if they felt killing would go too far. ;)


Don't be shocked, but yah I glomp onto any Scourge I see outside the Jedi Council chambers too lol.


You're nice to everyone really. Some of the haters are cute or funny about it, and that doesn't bug me much, but then you get your right proper weirdos, and I worry that when they're not playing Swtor that they're maiming hamsters or something. :eek:

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