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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Well I guess it isn't that new, posted on the 24th, but I only saw it today:


I didn't see Quinn, but I'm about 90% certain I heard Andronikus' voice towards the end. Of course, his VA does a lot of characters in SWTOR, so it may be him doing another character.

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Other classes can keep their happy fancy fairy romances, femwarriors get a romance that's more like a nine inch nails song :p


Anyone see the trailer for the new stuff, starring the femwarrior because she's awesome? :)


What trailer? I don't recall seeing anything yet I think.


EDIT: Oh that trailer, lol somehow thought there was a new one featuring F:SW and Quinnnn. Although it's nice for once to see a different class rather than the typical male JK.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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I didn't see Quinn, but I'm about 90% certain I heard Andronikus' voice towards the end. Of course, his VA does a lot of characters in SWTOR, so it may be him doing another character.


Yeah Quinn isn't in it, geez I wish, but I wonder if that's who she's talking to when she says something about power? Well, let's hope our reunion is a little mushier than that :o

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I didn't see Quinn, but I'm about 90% certain I heard Andronikus' voice towards the end. Of course, his VA does a lot of characters in SWTOR, so it may be him doing another character.


Probably Bey'wan Aygo, then? Steve Blum also does his voice...


Also, that was an awesome trailer. Purely because of the female warrior. Now if we squint, tilt our heads, and go cross-eyed, we can see Quinn somewhere in the background, screeching righteous indignation about being left out of the trailer. :p

Edited by Jagaimee
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Probably Bey'wan Aygo, then? Steve Blum also does his voice...


Also, that was an awesome trailer. Purely because of the female warrior. Now if we squint, tilt our heads, and go cross-eyed, we can see Quinn somewhere in the background, screeching righteous indignation about being left out of the trailer. :p

XD And Vette rubbing it into his face. Y'know, if she's actually alive.


It could be Aygo, but I really want my pirate back. Maybe after Malavai we'll get him. Or, y'know, not long after.

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EDIT: Oh that trailer, lol somehow thought there was a new one featuring F:SW and Quinnnn. Although it's nice for once to see a different class rather than the typical male JK.


Sorry to get your hopes up, I was just happy to see her there, this is important content coming up for her~


It could be Aygo, but I really want my pirate back. Maybe after Malavai we'll get him. Or, y'know, not long after.


Good luck to you, Quinn is the big one for me but I'm still hoping to see Vector again too :)

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Oh you don't have to be sorry I'm just in full on "QUINN GIMME" mode right now. ;) The next 2'ish months are gonna feel like they take forever.

This is why I'm levelling another Warrior though this time I am making her super-dark-side as my first warrior on the same server is sort of in-the-middle. I also decorated a Quinn room in my stronghold (this is in addition to my Theron room, Aric room & hologram Vector room) - is that going too far? :D:D

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Well hello!


This had me back to the forum again :p


Wow, I have been playing Sims 4 for a while but it looks like it is time to start patching my SWTOR-game again. My Sith Warrior hasen't even started any of the new post-lvl-50 content so I have some playing to do.


Just hope I don't end up with any horrible bug that stands in the way of their romance, that would make me ugly-cry in front of the computer. Really fun to have a happy-thread to hang in.

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Well hello!


This had me back to the forum again :p


Wow, I have been playing Sims 4 for a while but it looks like it is time to start patching my SWTOR-game again. My Sith Warrior hasen't even started any of the new post-lvl-50 content so I have some playing to do.


Just hope I don't end up with any horrible bug that stands in the way of their romance, that would make me ugly-cry in front of the computer. Really fun to have a happy-thread to hang in.


It's time to get to work, gotta lose Quinn so you can have the pleasure of getting him back :D

Edited by grania
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I prefer knowing what we have to look forward to as well. These vague hinty things they did sucked the life out of me.


I admit more than a few times wondering if it would be possible to skip story content completely when another expansion came out kinda like how with WoW, I can go straight from the Vanilla content to the Lich King stuff as long as I'm level enough and not bother with the stuff in original Outlands simply because I was so exasperated with the vague answers bs they were giving us.


I do totally understand the devs feeling like they've got to walk on eggshells with how the community here can be when it comes to jumping to conclusions. Really, if it was an Olympics level event, the community would be sweeping the golds regularly and opening up discussion about introducing a platinum medal. But the stringing us along with non-answers wasn't helping any either.


I was debating just taking a vacation from SWTOR to go knock around in TSW until whatever the next expansion would be but now, I've got plenty to work on here to be ready for when Quinn/Elara return.

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Illicit information is up on Reddit. The links aren't working for me, so I could only read second hand information. Not that I'm any good at deciphering the original stuff... There is a Theron tidbit too.


Unlike KOTET, this time around I do not want to know ANYTHING that might spoil the Malavai return story.

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My lips are sealed. 😘


Whisper it then~! I'm trying but I can't glean anything juicy, I just may not know how to reddit very well.


But, I swear if I hear the line "Empress Acina is my true master!" well, ya'll can forget all that stuff I said about forgiveness, I already know what I'd post on the Quinn hate thread but I'll spare you all of hearing it :p

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Whisper it then~! I'm trying but I can't glean anything juicy, I just may not know how to reddit very well.


But, I swear if I hear the line "Empress Acina is my true master!" well, ya'll can forget all that stuff I said about forgiveness, I already know what I'd post on the Quinn hate thread but I'll spare you all of hearing it :p


But that would be writer derp! fail and not in Quinn's character (The Darth Baras situation was different and him standing against anyone allying with the Republic makes sense) and I would actively flame the devs and writers till the game shut down about it because that would just be catering to the people who want to kill him.

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But that would be writer derp! fail and not in Quinn's character (The Darth Baras situation was different and him standing against anyone allying with the Republic makes sense) and I would actively flame the devs and writers till the game shut down about it because that would just be catering to the people who want to kill him.


I only hope we've made enough of a mark on the forums all these years that the devs know that not everyone wants to kill him. I feel I've done my part in this, lol. Now the waiting..

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I only hope we've made enough of a mark on the forums all these years that the devs know that not everyone wants to kill him. I feel I've done my part in this, lol. Now the waiting..


I've got a feeling that they will give players the option to off Quinn like the other original Companions, so I'm not worried about him killed off without a choice; however, I am worried that when they do write Quinn back in, he will be out of character: for example, he's no longer loyal the SW (or faithful to the romanced SW especially after his KOTFE letter), makes nonsensical decisions, he's dishonest, a liar, malicious, etc.


It's going to be a long couple of months. :D

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Jealousy. They want some of the attention that Quinn gets.


Not quite. This is why we can't have nice things. When BW was thinking of where to take the game, virtual dryhumps like this is why they thought pure story was the way to go. Thanks, ladies.

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I've got a feeling that they will give players the option to off Quinn like the other original Companions, so I'm not worried about him killed off without a choice;


Yes you're right I believe this too, I should have said I hope they know we don't all dislike him.


That said, my last worry (aw who am I kidding there's always more worries) is about a certain sis agent one of my warriors decided to entertain herself with in Quinn's absence. I hope we still get to do that break up scene even though this new content will technically be, like, "apart" from fe/et.


I think I'm probably worried for nothing, but you know how it is with this game, I can't help myself being paranoid about things. :o

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Not quite. This is why we can't have nice things. When BW was thinking of where to take the game, virtual dryhumps like this is why they thought pure story was the way to go. Thanks, ladies.


Sorry your nice things are different than our nice things, but coming into a thread to be rude gets you nice things how? There have been significantly more threads about operations than companions, yet I haven't seen people blaming ops lovers for the 4 year drought companion lovers had.

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That said, my last worry (aw who am I kidding there's always more worries) is about a certain sis agent one of my warriors decided to entertain herself with in Quinn's absence. I hope we still get to do that break up scene even though this new content will technically be, like, "apart" from fe/et.


My theory is that KOTET was supposed to be on a similar schedule to KOTFE, with ~16 chapters, but that it was significantly pared down when the chapter-a-month thing didn't do well. So, my bet is that this new Quinn/Elara content was originally intended to be one of those "missing" chapters. Perhaps it was supposed to be snuggled in somewhere around the Iokath chapters originally.


Anyway, that is my long way of saying that I think the break up scenes with Lana and Theron will still trigger. I'm thinking of this Iokath chapter as sort of an "extended" edition of KOTET.

Edited by CloudCastle
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