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January 26 - Producer Livestream


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I feel sorry for them on this.. because no matter what they do or say, or don't do or don't say, they are going to get crucified by some players in this forum.


Retribution seems to be the order of the day for those who do not like the game.


You feel sorry for them for everything. EAware can do no wrong in your eyes. 5.0 and beyond so far is garbage.

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ONE boss Operation lol...they used to call those "World bosses".


After a full year of development, they'll have added ONE Op...


That's not entirely true. It's the first boss of a 5-boss ops. They had the choice of bringing out one boss at a time starting in April or waiting till later this year to bring them out in one go.


I'm ok with this choice.

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Why are you waiting 4 more weeks to increase the CXP from ops? You admitted weeks ago the CXP from ops is too low. We know its terrible, you know its terrible - What are you waiting for? You can't say you are watching the impact of the 10% CXP perk. Ops CXP needs to be DOULBED, 10% wont make a difference. You can't 'gather feedback' for weeks and weeks and weeks, you are far too slow reacting to what the community obviously wants. Edited by DarthZaul
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That's not entirely true. It's the first boss of a 5-boss ops. They had the choice of bringing out one boss at a time starting in April or waiting till later this year to bring them out in one go.


I'm ok with this choice.


It's the KOTFE model applied to an operation. Take that as you will.


What grand HK-themed sub rewards are they going to offer to string along subs this time?


OTOH, an op in pieces might be just the thing for someone like me to get into raiding. One set of mechanics to learn and memorize at a time. There's potential here.

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That's not entirely true. It's the first boss of a 5-boss ops. They had the choice of bringing out one boss at a time starting in April or waiting till later this year to bring them out in one go.


I'm ok with this choice.

Yep. I'll take one boss now with gradual release of more rather than wait until Fall for everything. If you'd rather wait until Fall for everything, feel free to ignore it until then.


I know that we'd of course prefer to have e.g. two new five boss ops right NOW, but I think if you read between the lines, they are giving us the best that they can with the budget / staff that they have. Keeping your sub cancelled because it's only one boss is not going to incentivize them to dial up the operation development. It's going to make them say "yep, not a whole lot of interest in operations." This is probably a way for them to dip their toes into testing to see what sort of interest in ops is going to come back.

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Honestly, I expected way less.


CXP gain and RNG being looked at & double event + story moving forward, open world daily area...


Everything bar the 5 operation bosses being spread out over the full year is actually quite good.


Ops being broken up is kinda like WoW's raid releases during the life of an expansion (in a super super mega light edition) in a way. Obviously would have preferred 5 raids but hey it's something. Which again is more than I expected after operations vanished from their vocabulary for more than a year.

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That's not entirely true. It's the first boss of a 5-boss ops. They had the choice of bringing out one boss at a time starting in April or waiting till later this year to bring them out in one go.


I'm ok with this choice.


What is poor is we've had to wait this long for a new operation. But as you say it's better to get something sooner rather than later.

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Why are you waiting 4 more weeks to increase the CXP from ops? You admitted weeks ago the CXP from ops is too low. We know its terrible, you know its terrible - What are you waiting for? You can't say you are watching the impact of the 10% CXP perk. Ops CXP needs to be DOULBED, 10% wont make a difference. You can't 'gather feedback' for weeks and weeks and weeks, you are far too slow reacting to what the community obviously wants.


This line they know we dont enjoy the rng grind and boxes of crap but maybe next week we will look into it then in 3 weeks drop a small patch. That is just blatant disregard for what people are asking for. They either lack foresight or don't care.

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It's the KOTFE model applied to an operation. Take that as you will.


What grand HK-themed sub rewards are they going to offer to string along subs this time?


OTOH, an op in pieces might be just the thing for someone like me to get into raiding. One set of mechanics to learn and memorize at a time. There's potential here.


Yeah, I mean getting a new ops is something that a lot of people actually didn't believe was ever going to happen again and I honestly wasn't sure if it was going to happen. The fact that this is happening is a big thing to me.


Now I would've been ok with waiting till August or whatever they said for the full ops as well, but I think this approach works better for an ops than a story line. When you watch TV the next episode comes the week after, not the month after.


Me, I'm just happy that ops are on the menu again. It means that there's something to look forward to that's new.


I'm also happy they are adding a new explorable area and there's more story and a couple of companions coming back. I've been very critical as you know but these are the types of things I asked for and now I'm getting them. Should I not recognise that then? That would be dishonest in my view. So yeah I'm happy with this livestream as we got some clear answers.


Also they are going to make gearing via ops and other things faster before 5.2 already. I felt 5.1 was a good step in the right direction and made it playable again for me. Further improvements will make it more fun and will allow me to gear more companions again. I do find the ripping cost of mods rather expensive for 236 mods as they are gold when 240 mods that are purple are cheaper. That needs fixing I think.


Another thing with GC is that getting the gear boxes is a sidenote now. They are lacklustre specifically compared to the ops gear that drops now. I think it's good they want to speed up the process and make boxes drop much faster.


What I do think though is that GC has too many tiers of gear. I suggest removing 234 gear from the game entirely. Make 236 purple and make 240 and 242 gold. Also remove the green and blue gear from the boxes and drop better gear more regularly. I don't think every box has to drop gear but I do think that good gear should drop more regularly to make the crates actually exciting to open. Right now you can open tens of boxes and feel like you gained nothing. I'd rather get a purple/gold piece of gear every 3-5 boxes than green/blue gear every box with occasionally something decent.


Also they need to get rid of some of the superfluous relic types or make them actually a good choice. DPS and heals use SA and FR exclusively...why have those other ones? They are waste of space.


But overall I am a lot happier with where the game is going now.


Oh and on a more personal note. My female Sith Inquisitor would like to marry Acina as a permanent companion and have a new Stronghold to live in like Hoth. You gotta have a new place for a new relationship and all that.

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Speeding up cxp gain by double.....well ok but still hanging on to keeping rng with a death grip huh?


Please just accept that it is rng that is killing people. Part of why people feel unrewarded is they are. Gain a command rank open a crate and disintegrate everything because its all trash. That isn't rewarding. Not even a little. Maybe they could alter their rng. They are refusing to get rid of it but maybe we can instead alter rng,


When you go to open a rng crate you get a pop up that allows you to click has X piece(s) so the crate will not contain pieces for those parts, it might not still contain a set piece but if you say you have a helm, you wont get a helm. You might get a glove that is blue but not a helm.


Part two is get rid of all the green pieces. No one is feeling good about grinding a level and getting a green piece. Just get rid of them from the pool of items.


Put more valued mod pieces (for instance Satele's boots) in the crates instead of the current pieces which 9 out of 10 you don't want.


Every box needs to contain a companion gift, because they all have value. Even if only slightly. It means if you got nothing else even if that gift isn't usable by you you got something of value. Because companion gifts sell on the GTN well and are great to pass to alts who need to increase their companions levels.


If you aren't going to allow grade 10 mats be bought with jawa junk get rid of jawa junk from the boxes and just put grade 10 mats. I think it would be simpler to allow the Jawa venders to sell grade 10 mats but which works.


If your going to keep rng at least narrow the pool down to items the player will feel rewarded getting. And for god's sake double or triple the disintegrate payback. There is no happiness when you disintegrate a crate at command rank 45 and get 300 cxp.....so the last hour of play was worth 300 cxp....thanks that was fun.....


Its nice to see a new daily area is coming and an operation, one boss at a time is fine. Honestly with your rep for "soon" becoming never its better this way people simply wouldn't believe you if you said you had an op with 5 bosses coming in Dec.....you lost that level of credibility a long time ago.


I am not thrilled with the companions returning for a number of reasons.


1. Its only one (you have to pick between 2 but only get one)

2. Quinn is a terrible one to put in this kind of choice for. He's universally hated by everyone. My super loyal Sith Warrior would pick a womprat over him. Please rethink that. Everyone will end up siding republic because they hate Quinn. It has nothing to do with the side they want.



Well that's enough for now. Remove RNG its the real fix everything else is half measures.

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That's not entirely true.
It is 100% true. Our next Op will have ONE boss. They're going to add more, I understand that, but this isn't some F2P budget title, this is a freaking Star Wars MMO owned by the largest production company of games in the world (EA). This is a joke...an absolute JOKE!
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That's not entirely true. It's the first boss of a 5-boss ops. They had the choice of bringing out one boss at a time starting in April or waiting till later this year to bring them out in one go.


I'm ok with this choice.


They actually skirted around that subject. They never clarified if it will be a traditional OP, with story, and you will just stop at the first boss, and eventually have all five bosses in that single OP. Or if it will just be 5 world bosses that you have to queue seperately for.

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Me, I'm just happy that ops are on the menu again. It means that there's something to look forward to that's new.


Yeah a full ops at the end of the year, that's just crazy! They are not even trying to hide the fact that they are doing what they can to extend the peoples sub time.

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It is 100% true. Our next Op will have ONE boss. They're going to add more, I understand that, but this isn't some F2P budget title, this is a freaking Star Wars MMO owned by the largest production company of games in the world (EA). This is a joke...an absolute JOKE!


^this 100 times over

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Where are you supposed to talk about how we think they can make Galactic Command better? I think the idea of it is nice.... However it is truly forcing people to play the game hours upon hours.... I said before make the last two bosses of every Operation currently in game to drop a specific piece of gear.... You took ops passes away and you now have "play to win" for loot... If you are going to do that then at least give people who raid more reasons to raid.... I am sure your metrics will show that people started doing Operations more in 5.1 espicaly since they have more reason however the rng is crazy..... I did an EV HM and had three bosses drop gear and another where just last boss.... I did TFB HM and KP HM and DP and only the last boss.... I personally think you are actually hurting the game .... I wouldn't say every boss should drop gear due to 4.0 "spoiling" people but **** LOL make at least the last three or two bosses to drop gear and truly keep what is left of the "raiding community" to stay or continue to shoot yourself in the foot while cutting off your right hand Edited by OasisKid
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It is 100% true. Our next Op will have ONE boss. They're going to add more, I understand that, but this isn't some F2P budget title, this is a freaking Star Wars MMO owned by the largest production company of games in the world (EA). This is a joke...an absolute JOKE!


I highlighted the contradiction in your text which explains why it isn't 100%.


I really don't mind that you're unhappy with this implementation, but I hate logic errors.


They clearly won't invest big in this game anymore so it's as good as it gets like this. If that's not good enough, I don't blame you for hating it and walking away. That's certainly fair enough.


The 5.1 changes and the stuff that's coming are good enough for me to spend the bare minimum on the game and have some fun with my friends/guildies in spite of this mess. But you'll have to agree with me that spending 10 bucks a month via time cards hardly compares to the 150 bucks I used to spend in the CM every month. I have spent zero in the CM for about half a year now. Pretty sure that there's the biggest loss for them. I feel no inclination to spend a penny on those cartel packs anymore. I just adjusted my investment to theirs from my point of view.

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Call me crazy or show me <3 but i would be ecstatic if Bioware made Command Ranks account wide! So if my main is Command Rank 127, all of my other level 70's will be as well! If you want to loot the command rank box on your other toon simply hop over to do so. This is a philosophy that is very simple:

Don't feel the slightest bit crummy for playing alts AND feel extra happy when you make end game progress in any form.

Blizzard went this route with account-wide achievements, mounts, and pets. They don't want you to go:

"aww, my warrior has X mount and all of my awesome pets, AND 1.5 years worth of achievements. I'll just keep playing her instead of my warlock."


Sorry for the WoW analogy *dodges tomatoes* teheh.


In this game its especially true. Like, my main is 115 getting 234 to 236 gear. When i get on my alts, they get 230 to 232 and it generates ZERO sensation for me. I end up just putting all of my 234-236 main gear in legacy storage anyway. Make this change. I think its THE most important thing you could do to the game right now. <3


P.S. Oh, and i dont play these classes but the powertech's Deadly Onslaught and the Hatred Assassin's Death Field should be 30m not 10m range. <3

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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