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PSA: The DvL XP suit is likely BiS DPS gear in 5.1


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There's another thread on this but I thought the title needed to be more accurate. People need to know that your opponents may be doing this, at least until they (hopefully) nerf it. I don't even think this is really a bug, and I definitely don't think it is an exploit (obviously, or I wouldn't be posting about it.) I think this is the current intended behavior and it is simply silly and a bit OP.


With the current state of bolster, the DvL XP suit bolsters to insane levels. For leveling toons, this makes sense since the the sole purpose of this thing it to speed up leveling. At max level, that becomes a bit OP, though.


Here's a comparison. I went with a DPS spec to avoid overly boosting HP. Vengeance Jugg in a mix of 230/234 for most slots with 240 saber hilt and armoring on the focus, at the bolsterizer:


Mastery: 6066

Endurance: 7367

Power: 3480

Crit: 1845

Damage (Pri): 3397-4039

Damage (Bonus): 2114.2

Crit chance: 42.27%

Crit mult: 71.18%

Health: 113515

Armor: 7798

Damage Reduction: 35.70%


After swapping in 5 of the XP suit pieces (all but boots and gloves) with only green 210 mods:


Mastery: 6222

Endurance: 7960

Power: 3973

Crit: 1811

Damage (Pri): 3549-4191

Damage (Bonus): 2266.2

Crit chance: 42.25%

Crit Percent: 70.98%

Health: 120464

Armor: 7798

Damage Reduction: 35.70

Edited by stoopicus
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can u try it on a wz with purples

maybe is 2 much but as i see, it's not compensating the non set bonus if u are using them for some classes


Yeah maybe this weekend I'll try that for the lulz (probably busy until then). And yeah obviously no set bonus this way. Still, damn.

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It almost feels like BW is trolling with this one.


It's pretty clear they patch stuff in without checking and cross checking everything before it goes live.


I understand the scope of things is huge regarding a change to bolster and the gearing system because of all the gears and pieces that are in the game, but let's be honest here. They are their own worst enemies.


They patch in such huge sweeping changes it's no wonder so much is out of whack when it goes live.


Couple that with the fact often times the huge changes are not wanted or enjoyed by the masses, it just makes these giant sweeping patches even more disappointing and frustrating.


I respect the devs for the type of work they are capable of doing. I do not like the changes they are adding to this game though.


It just seems like a blind man is steering this ship. He is totally ignoring all the weathercasts that are informing him that unless he turns the ship around, he is doomed because he is heading straight into a gigantic tsunami.

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I should have time to try popping in some higher level stuff later today. I've heard rumors of 135k HP (which is what my DPS Jugg was bolstering to in 5.0 when bolster was 250).


This thing is so wrong.

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Swapping in 240 mods (Lethal Mod); enhancements are still 210 green Adept, augs are 208 power, and remember this is just 5 of the 7 pieces:


Bolsterizered Vengeance


Mastery: 6527

Endurance: 8207

Power: 4228

Crit: 1811

Damage (Pri): 3674-4316

Damage (Bonus): 2391.7

Crit chance: 42.59%

Crit Percent: 70.98%

Health: 123454

Armor: 7798

Damage Reduction: 35.70


Bolsterizered Immortal


Mastery: 6463

Endurance: 8561

Power: 3639

Crit: 1509

Damage (Pri): 3519-4161

Damage (Bonus): 2236

Crit chance: 40.51%

Crit Percent: 68.97%

Health: 127743

Armor: 13647

Damage Reduction: 49.67


For comparison, from the OP, this is my normally geared Vengeance Jugg in a mix of 230/234 for most slots with 240 saber hilt and armoring on the focus, bolstered to 232 at the bolsterizer:


Mastery: 6066

Endurance: 7367

Power: 3480

Crit: 1845

Damage (Pri): 3397-4039

Damage (Bonus): 2114.2

Crit chance: 42.27%

Crit mult: 71.18%

Health: 113515

Armor: 7798

Damage Reduction: 35.70%


Well, that's enough of this thing. I could easily see people topping 150k HP with endurance mods, augs and enhancements.

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Dear Neoforcer, did you mean "soon" or "Soon™"? :p


I don't play ranked (I hate arenas), but given the last few weeks and reading here and elsewhere, all I can say about Season 8 is LOL.


BW needs to fix this ASAP, or give one of these to everyone and just call it the new PvP suit.


I refuse to use this thing on any L70, but it also bolsters L65s to crazy heights too. Then again, I'd say wearing it while leveling is legit regardless of stats - that's its sole intended purpose.

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BW needs to fix this ASAP, or give one of these to everyone and just call it the new PvP suit.


Yeah, they might as well revert back to how we used to get a full suit of entry level pvp armor as soon as we hit cap level, remember that? What was it called, recruit?


They already went back to how gear grinding was prior to 3.3, why not add in a bag that you get at cap level that grants you a full suit of PVP armors?



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Yeah, they might as well revert back to how we used to get a full suit of entry level pvp armor as soon as we hit cap level, remember that? What was it called, recruit?


They already went back to how gear grinding was prior to 3.3, why not add in a bag that you get at cap level that grants you a full suit of PVP armors?




The weird thing is, I don't even think this is really a bug, and I definitely don't think it is an exploit (obviously, or I wouldn't be posting about it.)


I think it is the intended behavior. Since this suit is made for the sole purpose of speeding up leveling I think these effects are working exactly as designed. It's just having a silly and somewhat OP effect at max level.


I mention this because someone called out another person trying to report this in the bug report subforum. That's just wrong - people are using this in PvP now and everyone needs to be aware of what's going on.


And it definitely needs to be nerfed.

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An easy fix would be a nerf at level 70 that makes the XP armour useless. You shouldn't be wearing it at 70 either but my concern is they'll break it. I don't bother wearing it levelling but people who run FPs do and they already trend on the derp side of players. Not everybody who wears it is, but it seems to be a thing in flashpoints. It just shouldn't be working at endgame PvP.
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Welp it's been five days now with no comments from the devs in this or the other thread, or the threads reporting it as bugs, or PMs.


I guess it's working as intended!


In most cases they wouldn't be talking about serious exploits on forums but they'd also remove the threads. I guess it's safe to use dvl gear for the time being.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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