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Bads and casual pvpers dying really fast with bolster nerf.


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I think it's funny that pvpers are always complaining that they have no one to play with and then wonder why...


I know why...it's the attitude. Why do you persist in calling people names? Even in your titles? Bads? Really?


How are people supposed to get good, if you're like that. Who wants to try something different or try to get good, if they're mocked? Try and be kinder and more welcoming. I don't see why insults have to be a thing. :mad:

Edited by Lunafox
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How are people supposed to get good, if you're like that. Who wants to try something different or try to get good, if they're mocked? Try and be kinder and more welcoming. I don't see why insults have to be a thing. :mad:


I noticed all of the sudden that I;m seeing people on my ignore list in my pvp matches. I wonder if this is a change of the system or a bug. When something happens to them, I see the message without their name in the chat window and announced across the screen.


A few of the real lovely folks on Shadowlands, I keep on a local wiki page.

Edited by dr_mike
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When i played PvE with random people, they always were nice.


Last time I started to play again PvP heavy, and I've noticed this is most toxic group of players, even more than CS:GO. Really, not joking.



Same here with Ignore list.

Edited by tummiswtor
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I think it's funny that pvpers are always complaining that they have no one to play with and then wonder why...


I know why...it's the attitude. Why do you persist in calling people names? Even in your titles? Bads? Really?


How are people supposed to get good, if you're like that. Who wants to try something different or try to get good, if they're mocked? Try and be kinder and more welcoming. I don't see why insults have to be a thing. :mad:


You cant get good anymore. the second you get into top level pvp now you get absolutely minced by people that grinded ops for the last 2 months and you will have to deal with that for at least 2 months yourself . And that is if you play 16 hours a day and win every match.

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I think it's funny that pvpers are always complaining that they have no one to play with and then wonder why...


I know why...it's the attitude. Why do you persist in calling people names? Even in your titles? Bads? Really?


How are people supposed to get good, if you're like that. Who wants to try something different or try to get good, if they're mocked? Try and be kinder and more welcoming. I don't see why insults have to be a thing. :mad:


Because we live in the age of hate, condescension, blame and mockery. We're supposed to be getting better as a society but it's only getting worse. We're taking steps backwards and embracing our basic urges to pillage, loot and kill anyone that's not in our little group, we blame others and the system for our own failures and discontent, and we mock everyone we can for whatever reason we can. We can't get ahead on our own so we seek to bring everyone down to our level, then pat ourselves on the back for achieving equality.

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I'm just not playing pvp so you don't have to worry about me. I probably fall under casual because at least I play the objective. I don't get many medals but I've been top heals before. I was so proud although I can't compete with one class, I think sorcs, in heals. There's one that always tops me if they're in WZ but I can't remember which class. My operative heals got nerfed. My sentinel gets chased and is super squishy. Maybe I'll try my assassin but the abilities on her got nerfed/reset so I'll need to spend time researching and setting her up again.
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Most PvPers welcome newcomers into matches as long as people try to understand and know their character. Of course there are exceptions and you have those d'bags that mock and curse anyone they think is "bad". Now if you are going into ranked and have no clue then that is really on you.


In all honesty I have seen more d'baggery when running a PvE pug then I have in PvP and I PvP 90% of the time.

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I would recommend to all casual players wanting to stick around. Stop spending money on the CM, instead go to player auctions or your friendly neighborhood china site and buy your credits with the money instead. Now, you get to at least purchase 240 mods/hilts/enchancements and have a much better situation in pvp.
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Hooray! They deleted PvP by making gear not just relevant, but central to performance. You hardly have to worry about skill anymore so long as you pick the targets with the lowest gear score. You're so good at PvP after grinding for hundreds of hours on old PvE content. Great job.
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I would like to do more pvp as most games I play are multiplayer focused but theres one major aspect of it that annoys me, and thats the ganking.


In an fps game you could (maybe) take on 2 or more opponents at once and possily live to tell about it, with swtors pvp as soon as more than one person attacks you its generally a death sentence unless you have some heals or support. I am sure I am not alone in fighting someone only to have anothe bunch jump on you.


So for me I would be dying really fast with or without the bolster nerf.


I suppose that's why I have never been able to take to it.

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Because we live in the age of hate, condescension, blame and mockery. We're supposed to be getting better as a society but it's only getting worse. We're taking steps backwards and embracing our basic urges to pillage, loot and kill anyone that's not in our little group, we blame others and the system for our own failures and discontent, and we mock everyone we can for whatever reason we can. We can't get ahead on our own so we seek to bring everyone down to our level, then pat ourselves on the back for achieving equality.
I agree. pretty hard to git gud, when you die in 3 hits.
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I know why...it's the attitude. Why do you persist in calling people names? Even in your titles? Bads? Really?:


1st, while yes prevalent, PvP players are not ALL like that... Though there are a good deal of them around. Some either don't realize how insulting they are being because they were treated like that, or just general jerks...


2nd, it's not any different with PvE players either... I've seen people say that they have to link cheevos just for story mode or they suck. Or mock their gear saying they suck. Or worse yet, invite new people and then tell them they suck and kick them...


Trust me, the hate is all over, and recent changes don't fix that. If anything it's making it worse because people are getting more frustrated, and more angry. Hell getting stomped all day because I refused to use each cheezy way to gain CXP pisses me off.


Had I know that BW was not going to follow thru on their now empty threats of banning people for exploiting GC, I'd have probably done it to at this point. All they did with these changes was punish even more people who did not exploit to get max GC level... The OP should change the title to I exploited, got away with it, and now farming is boring...

Edited by Psychopyro
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1st, while yes prevalent, PvP players are not ALL like that... Though there are a good deal of them around. Some either don't realize how insulting they are being because they were treated like that, or just general jerks...


2nd, it's not any different with PvE players either... I've seen people say that they have to link cheevos just for story mode or they suck. Or mock their gear saying they suck. Or worse yet, invite new people and then tell them they suck and kick them...


Trust me, the hate is all over, and recent changes don't fix that. If anything it's making it worse because people are getting more frustrated, and more angry. Hell getting stomped all day because I refused to use each cheezy way to gain CXP pisses me off.


Had I know that BW was not going to follow thru on their now empty threats of banning people for exploiting GC, I'd have probably done it to at this point. All they did with these changes was punish even more people who did not exploit to get max GC level... The OP should change the title to I exploited, got away with it, and now farming is boring...


It really only takes a couple....well one to make someone feel terrible. Or helpful tips like: WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL SHOOTING TO HEAL?! No reason why it's bad. It's just bad. I guess. I've seen others say that when I wasn't the healer too. Be at the bottom with the lowest medals (say you died alot) and someone may comment that you suck. Now I know when I have an off game. The comment above was when I switched into watchman and was learning abilities. From now on if I switch disciplines I don't pvp until I'm familiar with it in PvE. But if I was new I suppose maybe it'd be enough to make me not want to try.

Edited by americanaussie
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It really only takes a couple....well one to make someone feel terrible. Or helpful tips like: WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL SHOOTING TO HEAL?! No reason why it's bad. It's just bad. I guess. I've seen others say that when I wasn't the healer too. Be at the bottom with the lowest medals (say you died alot) and someone may comment that you suck. Now I know when I have an off game. The comment above was when I switched into watchman and was learning abilities. From now on if I switch disciplines I don't pvp until I'm familiar with it in PvE. But if I was new I suppose maybe it'd be enough to make me not want to try.

I do the opposite. Go to pvp to learn new disciplines. if they rage, they rage.

i dont experience toxicity that often. there are usually enough bad players in a game so the it boils down to "team sucks" instead of "Jensaga sucks" :)

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PvP has so many problems. No matchmaking at all, but then the population is so low how could they? The hard core PvP community tends to chase off new players, this hasn't changed since launch. Now gear is a bigger factor than it's been in ages. Another mistake BW has decided to repeat. The entire game is a mess right now and not much fun to play.


To the person wondering about ignore lists, they never have applied to PvP queues, just PVE queues. I have a lot of really mouthy people on my ignore list who I still get stuck in matches with. It's been that way all along. I just don't have to read their griping when they should be guarding something,

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Because we live in the age of hate, condescension, blame and mockery. We're supposed to be getting better as a society but it's only getting worse. We're taking steps backwards and embracing our basic urges to pillage, loot and kill anyone that's not in our little group, we blame others and the system for our own failures and discontent, and we mock everyone we can for whatever reason we can. We can't get ahead on our own so we seek to bring everyone down to our level, then pat ourselves on the back for achieving equality.


Sadly, yes, I think you're right.


But at the risk of sounding like a fortune cookie, I do want to say, that change has to start somewhere. We can't allow things to degrade. People need to start caring more...not about themselves (that's part of the problem) but about other people and how they might be affected. There are those that are like...'why should I care if someone's feelings are hurt *insert insulting expletive here*. They need to toughen up, get a thicker skin!' Well, why not turn that around and instead of expecting another person to toughen up and get a thicker skin...why not simply be gentler? It doesn't cost money. Kindness is free, why not give some of it away?


Given the things happening in the world, people need to try and be kinder...and yes, that applies even in something as frivolous as a game. We all say, things have to change...why not be the change? Ok...fortune cookie moment over. :o

Edited by Lunafox
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1st, while yes prevalent, PvP players are not ALL like that... Though there are a good deal of them around. Some either don't realize how insulting they are being because they were treated like that, or just general jerks...


The sentiment isn't necessarily pointed at ALL PvP players, just that they are generally more toxic and loud about it than others, and the title of the thread does absolutely nothing to earn sympathy (especially from any dev). I know PvE pugs can be bad but usually that's restricted to group/ops chat. PvP venom spews all over General and PVP channels on Harbinger (most people have no idea they can turn certain channels off) so everyone on fleet and on flagships can see all the glory that is PvP toxicity. Most of us who see that can only imagine what it's actually like during a match, and the image is almost impossible to overcome to even find out if it's true or not.


One thing a lot of PvPers do is enable toxicity by not combating it in any way, and almost always try to qualify the reasons for it and somehow distort it so it's everyone else's fault except the toxic players. They pay their subs, too (maybe) so they have all the rights in the world; everyone else just needs to grow thicker skin. Or just take the easy (easier) road and blame Bioware as if overwhelming toxicity is intended.

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Sadly, yes, I think you're right.


But at the risk of sounding like a fortune cookie, I do want to say, that change has to start somewhere. We can't allow things to degrade. People need to start caring more...not about themselves (that's part of the problem) but about other people and how they might be affected. There are those that are like...'why should I care if someone's feelings are hurt *insert insulting expletive here*. They need to toughen up, get a thicker skin!' Well, why not turn that around and instead of expecting another person to toughen up and get a thicker skin...why not simply be gentler? It doesn't cost money. Kindness is free, why not give some of it away?


Given the things happening in the world, people need to try and be kinder...and yes, that applies even in something as frivolous as a game. We all say, things have to change...why not be the change? Ok...fortune cookie moment over. :o


That'd be great but the trend these days seems to be going the opposite way. Kindness may be free but it's too hard for so many. It's so much easier to hate and degrade, to put ourselves first, to turn a blind eye to all the wrong in the world when it dosesn't affect you personally. It's why I'm one step away from giving up entirely. Better on my own terms than to be torn down by angry mobs then have the whole thing uploaded to Worldstar...

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If your definition of "bads" and "casuals" are one of the following than yes they are dying fast:


4.0 PvP geared players


Mercs geared with 4.0 PvP gear


Mandos geared with 4.0 PvP gear


The nerf happened because 4.0 rated 208 pvp gear was bolstering to rating 250.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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If your definition of "bads" and "casuals" are one of the following than yes they are dying fast:


4.0 PvP geared players


Mercs geared with 4.0 PvP gear


Mandos geared with 4.0 PvP gear


The nerf happened because 4.0 rated 208 pvp gear was bolstering to rating 250.

I thought everyone was bolstering to 250. I thought it was a great way to eliminate gear as a variable for determining the outcome of PvP matches.
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That'd be great but the trend these days seems to be going the opposite way. Kindness may be free but it's too hard for so many. It's so much easier to hate and degrade, to put ourselves first, to turn a blind eye to all the wrong in the world when it dosesn't affect you personally. It's why I'm one step away from giving up entirely. Better on my own terms than to be torn down by angry mobs then have the whole thing uploaded to Worldstar...


I know, I don't expect change for the better will come easily. It will be a fight in itself to get people to see things a different way, but I'm of the mind that we have to try. If ten people read what I wrote and nine think, 'what an idiot' and proceed to ignore me, and only one person reads and thinks, 'maybe there's something to that, I'll give it a shot, why not?', that will be one more person trying. I hope you'll hang in there...I don't think the world has gone entirely to hell yet, there are still good people...that's why we have to try hard to keep things from degrading.


I know it started as a post to try and get people to be kinder to others in the game, but it can extend beyond the game too. No harm in giving it a shot. :)

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Attitude issues are not the reason for PvP dying in this game.


You have complaining kids who insult people all day over at CS:GO matchmaking. You don't see that killing the game, do you?


Of course I do not condone those who display such attitude as I am not a person who do that, but at least that is not the main reason.

Edited by MrBorsh
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Attitude issues are not the reason for PvP dying in this game.


You have complaining kids who insult people all day over at CS:GO matchmaking. You don't see that killing the game, do you?


Of course I do not condone those who display such attitude as I am not a person who do that, but at least that is not the main reason.


It's one of many reasons, from what people here on this thread are saying. I don't know what a CS:GO is? So I can't comment on that. I called out the attitude issue, because the title of the thread practically screamed it. Had the OP just said 'PvPers are dying fast with bolster nerf' I wouldn't have bothered to say anything. I just really hate it when players call other players 'bads' or 'filthy casuals'. :/

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A bolster nerf was needed to come because TTK was way too high, players simply were not dying with all the healers around. The problem is that they nerfed down to 232. With gearing being such a grind players who have a life but enjoy PVP are at a distinct disadvantage. The nerf to bolster should have been to 242 or players in 242 get bolstered down to 232. Edited by MuskyBoy
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