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Restore PvP Bolster


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I don't really understand this...when 50 was the cap, new 50's were fodder for the established pvpers. When 55 was the cap, the same...and again at 60, 65....you see where I'm going.


When did this change, exactly? I'm all about skill > gear, but I don't understand the complaint, this game has ALWAYS been like this, for five years now.


In my view... gear should be disregarded completely in PvP... making it purely a best skills, communications, and tactics win most of the time.


But we are way past that paradigm I think. A decade of WoW has taught PvP players to chase gear... and in doing so, they make gear a dependency beyond just skills, communications, and tactics. PvP is now an artificial circular food chain in MMOs. I miss the days in MMOs when it was about PvP for PvP sake.

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I don't really understand this...when 50 was the cap, new 50's were fodder for the established pvpers. When 55 was the cap, the same...and again at 60, 65....you see where I'm going.


When did this change, exactly? I'm all about skill > gear, but I don't understand the complaint, this game has ALWAYS been like this, for five years now.

PvP balance is always up and down, it changes every patch. 5.0, working better. 5.1, completely broken.


PvP has never been about stomping the late-comers. It's about PLAYER VS PLAYER. Stomping people you outgear is not skill, it's gear disparity. No one wants to compete in a race with a Chevy Geo.

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PvP has never been about stomping the late-comers. It's about PLAYER VS PLAYER. Stomping people you outgear is not skill, it's gear disparity. No one wants to compete in a race with a Chevy Geo.


I completely agree with you about what pvp "should" be, I"m just saying it's been like this for five years so I don't understand this sudden uproar.


Remember at launch, before they instituted brackets? Now that was brutal.

Edited by Vember
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I completely agree with you about what pvp "should" be, I"m just saying it's been like this for five years so I don't understand this sudden uproar.


Remember at launch, before they instituted brackets? Now that was brutal.

It seems every time they make a step in the right direction, when it seems like they might know what they're doing, they take 10 steps back and break it with the solution being


Get gear' date=' get good.[/quote']


Well, you don't need gear to get good, you just need to get good. Being ok with gear disparity is admitting to needing the handicap. Why wouldn't you want to compete on the same footing? Because you're not good (the general "you", not directed at an individual).

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I'm glad they removed bolster. Why else get gear if it is negated by bolster? Shouldn't I have an advantage because I've put in the time and effort to get the gear? I think this is yet another good change..


to many midiclorians for a backpeddling sorc = needs gear to perform

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I played 6-7 unranked games yesterday and things are definitely different. I'm not sure if things are better or worse. I noticed a smaller boost to acc, power, crit, mastery. Some are saying that it is only boosting to 232 level...not sure how they know that exactly. It's certainly lower, just not sure how you can figure 232.


I suppose that I am not in favor of these changes, if for no other reason than the gear grind being ludicrous, impossible. I like to keep a PVP set and a PVE set for my marauder, PVE healer set for my Merc, and PVP dps set for my Merc. With the 5.0 bolster, I felt like my old 208s were good enough for PVP, so I didn't fret the fact that I would never get a full set of 242 for my PVP set, and could therefore focus my gearing efforts on my PVE sets for HM operations. When I get a new piece, do I put it in my PVE set or PVP set? That is the dilemma.

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I played 6-7 unranked games yesterday and things are definitely different. I'm not sure if things are better or worse. I noticed a smaller boost to acc, power, crit, mastery. Some are saying that it is only boosting to 232 level...not sure how they know that exactly. It's certainly lower, just not sure how you can figure 232.


I suppose that I am not in favor of these changes, if for no other reason than the gear grind being ludicrous, impossible. I like to keep a PVP set and a PVE set for my marauder, PVE healer set for my Merc, and PVP dps set for my Merc. With the 5.0 bolster, I felt like my old 208s were good enough for PVP, so I didn't fret the fact that I would never get a full set of 242 for my PVP set, and could therefore focus my gearing efforts on my PVE sets for HM operations. When I get a new piece, do I put it in my PVE set or PVP set? That is the dilemma.


BW stated it was 232 when they retconned the patch notes.

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