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player character backstories


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I was just thinking last night about how much I'd love to know more about my character's history before the story started. The player gets to learn a tiny bit about the inquisitor's life before they went to Korriban during the course of a companion conversation, but virtually nothing is known about many of the other classes.


We know the agent went to ah, er, agent school.. and the trooper of course went to trooper school, but what else do we know? In particular, I want to know something more about my warrior's circumstances before attending the sith academy. We know he/she came from a "great sith bloodline" or some such? I wonder what happened to her family, if her parents are still alive, why she seemed a bit older and obviously so much stronger than the other acolytes by the time she went there. Was Overseer Tremel a family friend? He seems to know her better than she knows herself.


I can't recall much about the backstories for the other classes, and I'd love to hear anything that anyone knows. Head cannon is fine, I do it all the time, but in this case I'd love more official story to satiate my curiosity.


Perhaps the next expansion could be a prequel! (Those always work so well! LOL!)

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Both Jedi characters were raised in the order since early childhood. There are a couple comments referring to it in game. If I remember right, I believe with the Knight Kira asks what he or she would have wished to be if not raised a Jedi. Yuon Par has a comment where she says the Consular was more powerful than some adult force users at four years old.
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Agent actually has 3 possible back stories depending on what race you choose. Human/cyborg is just the standard was in the Imperial military before joining Intelligence, I think Chiss was formerly a member of Csilla's secret police, and any other alien worked as a hired assassin before being recruited into Intelligence.
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My characters tend to have two backstories. One that's for the playing the game. The other is for RP with my guild. The second usually takes variations from the first.


For example, my Consular is a Master because she was considered the best of the job needed due to her background and she was needed to help the Republic broker a deal with a bunch of pirates. She herself being a princess from a water planet ruled by pirates (think Alderaan with less civil war and WAY WAY WAY more water).


It's why I want a Maanan stronghold so bad! :) All my characters came from there before the Empire destroyed their planet when they were all at a young age.

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I used to play City of Heroes and in that game, they gave you a space to write a backstory. It was one of the things you could "inspect" players for, it was really very cool. I always felt naked if I didn't have one written up, and spent many hours standing around reading other people's. (I always suspected the game devs even lifted one of my stories and added it to the official game, but that's a different story.)


It might be a fun thing for swtor to add. You'd click on a player and get the dropdown menu and one option would be "bio" or whatever they wanted to call it.

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I used to play City of Heroes and in that game, they gave you a space to write a backstory. It was one of the things you could "inspect" players for, it was really very cool. I always felt naked if I didn't have one written up, and spent many hours standing around reading other people's. (I always suspected the game devs even lifted one of my stories and added it to the official game, but that's a different story.)


It might be a fun thing for swtor to add. You'd click on a player and get the dropdown menu and one option would be "bio" or whatever they wanted to call it.


Star Trek Online also allows you to write up a backstory.

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I made up my own story for my main and main-alt (Knight and Sorceror) which takes some from the actual story but not really. My characters are twin sisters, born to a (gray) Jedi and a Sith lord. After the sacking of Courscant, they end up deciding to go two separate ways, with my main going to train with the Jedi and her sister off to Korriban.
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I used to play City of Heroes and in that game, they gave you a space to write a backstory. It was one of the things you could "inspect" players for, it was really very cool. I always felt naked if I didn't have one written up, and spent many hours standing around reading other people's. (I always suspected the game devs even lifted one of my stories and added it to the official game, but that's a different story.)


It might be a fun thing for swtor to add. You'd click on a player and get the dropdown menu and one option would be "bio" or whatever they wanted to call it.


I miss this little piece of COH more than anything! Haven't played another game since that allowed you to do something so simple.

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While a neat idea, I think it works better in practice to use your own imagination for that. That way it's always unique to you and your character.


pretty much this . I have a tendancy to work around what I'm given...and then from there , I make a wide area of stories around my toons . If they added a bit of infos here and there....it pretty much assured they will ruin something in my stories .:p It already happen once with my JK and Theron and Satele lol..let just say...I dropped the whole damn story . Ignorance is bliss sometimes...

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I miss this little piece of COH more than anything! Haven't played another game since that allowed you to do something so simple.


I transferred from Champions Online. Although not as much maps, it's got a lot of customization while still keeping it simple. Haven't gone back there cause I'm tired of it lol.




On another side note, my sith juggernaut/immortal isn't actually a force-wielding warrior like the others. He's just a monstrously strong, neutral, with no sense of direction, space pirate that is using a light saber after killing a sith lord with his bare hands. He's so used to unarmed combat that all he does is just swing his sword like a madman while adding several singular kicks and punches. Innate super durability and the occasional lucky parries/deflection with the lightsaber make him super tanky. Also force push = haymaker :D

Edited by KodaCalo
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