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Who actually kills the L/D bosses?


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So let me get this straight, that dark side light side scale thingy implies something? Something I'm sposed to like, go do? :p No seriously I haven't ever killed one, I only know those bosses exist theoretically, because people talk on the forums about how they don't kill them *shrug*


(Additionally, I do nothing at all when one side or the other wins, but that doesn't stop the scale from being inflicted on me anyway.)

Edited by grania
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8 of us in my guild decided to give it a shot one day, and went after a DS one someone found on Hoth (where our guild ship was at the time). We were all lvl 70 except for maybe 2 who were 65s. We had 2 healers, 2 tanks, and the rest were dps spec. I'd say in total we lasted about a minute. :eek:


Haven't bothered since. :rolleyes:

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Those bosses are the antithesis of what progression raiders find "fun" or even "manageable".



  • There's no fixed time they're available. They only spawn when their alignment affiliation is in the victory state. Maybe some of the superguilds have the active bodies to influence the meter enough to force a spawn but there's only a handful of those around.
  • There's no guarantee that a specific boss will spawn at all. The ones that spawn are chosen randomly.
  • There's no fixed location to find them. While there are known locations you need to scouts to find them and pray they have a summon.
  • They're open world. Any schmoe can come along and take a whack at them. I almost did one day until I realized what it was.
  • You only get one pull. If the raid group wipes the boss despawns. If the boss has mechanics it takes several wipes to learn them. If not that's tank-and-spank which is pretty boring.


There are NO redeeming qualities to this feature. Whoever greenlit this idea needs to be employed elsewhere.


What the hell? They vanish when you wipe? That's the dumbest thing I've heard today

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Bioware needs to tweak it. At the very least there should probably be a quest and fast travel (similar to heroics) activated through galactic command that takes you right to the spawned boss(es). The rewards should probably be upped as well.


When they first started talking about them on the dev streams, I just assumed this would be the case. I was imagining an alert, a port, and an auto-group. Weeeee! fun times!


Instead, we have them spawning in the middle of nowhere and inaccessible to anyone except very large, bored guilds ----who could be doing something else more productive with their hour than getting one whole token and a pittance of cxp.


You'd think they'd want to make it as exciting as possible for the most amount of people, otherwise its just a waste of dev time. The potential is there, though.

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When they first started talking about them on the dev streams, I just assumed this would be the case. I was imagining an alert, a port, and an auto-group. Weeeee! fun times!


Instead, we have them spawning in the middle of nowhere and inaccessible to anyone except very large, bored guilds ----who could be doing something else more productive with their hour than getting one whole token and a pittance of cxp.


You'd think they'd want to make it as exciting as possible for the most amount of people, otherwise its just a waste of dev time. The potential is there, though.


I agree that there is definitely potential there, so I hope Bioware makes some adjustments rather than just abandoning it like they did with other content that wasn't as popular as intended. (GSF, for instance)

People still enjoy killing world bosses from time to time, so this is content that people would participate in if it only there weren't so many obstacles to grouping for them and the rewards were made worth the hassle.

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That's because BW refuses to understand that those of us that want group content, want OPERATIONS, not open world bosses that we've been not bothering with since launch, due to the fact the reward for killing them has always been a waste.


Exactly, and these bosses aren't like world bosses that stay around if you wipe, according to a post earlier in the thread they disappear when you wipe which isn't conducive to trying again and learning. As far as I'm concerned I just want to be able to disable the stupid DvL bar that blocks my screen during a raid.

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My guild Stroke my Wookie has about 60-90 people on each night and 20-40 during the day. When the CXP Champions first arrived we farmed them a lot as people were eager to try new things and help scout out their locations but after the 2nd week interest plummeted as people don't think the rewards are worth it.


When asked, most guild members are only seeing 1-2 items that they want so after they get those they don't want to kill the bosses anymore. Personally, the only thing I wanted from either vendor was the Noble Champion Speeder :)



  1. Fix broken achievements
  2. Give LS/DS token regardless of which side you favor vs side that won, the concept is nice in a role-play way but the reality is it puts people off when they know they won't get any for joining the kill
  3. Increase CXP reward from them to make the hassle of getting a group together worth it vs doing a single PvP match
  4. Add additional items to the LS/DS vendors each month so their inventory keeps growing. Could put some nice desirables for people to work towards, like the Taun Fawn pet that was given out at the PAX Cantina and some of the Collectors Edition items like the Flare Gun and Holo Dancer
  5. Increase loot drop to full 24 ops group instead of 16 random people, it just pisses people off when they don't get tokens

Edited by UlaVii
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Even if you want to go after the bosses, there are too many restrictions that work against a group forming to take them on. You don't know ahead of time when the bosses will spawn, you have a very short window of time that the bosses will be active and you don't even know which ones spawned or where they spawned, and one wipe and that boss disappears.


That's a lot of hurdles to clear for one DvL token that would be more easily obtained by running other content while your preferred alignment is ahead.


Bioware needs to tweak it. At the very least there should probably be a quest and fast travel (similar to heroics) activated through galactic command that takes you right to the spawned boss(es). The rewards should probably be upped as well.


The bosses... despawn when you wipe?




Every so often Bioware will do something so bizarrely, outrageously dumb that I think to myself, "This has to be a joke."


I just don't get it.

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People want group content but no one talks about how the same people ignore all the DvL bosses and added group content it provides. I imagine though that they'll just say 'it's not worth doing' or something.


This is an mmo, and in an mmo if there is group content, we expect some sort of worth while reward, not pitiful gear or tokens that amount to nothing. Seriously, you get 210 green gear for vet kotfe and kotet. *** is that?

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These bosses were one of the few things I was looking forward to in 5.0 but as I predicted BWA squandered an opportunity to make them easily accessible and forming a group a breeze.


I was hoping that during a win state that when a boss spawned you would get a popup stating so and if you would like to queue to form a group to fight the boss and then once full it would transport you there for the fight. Instanced would have been best so no one misses out that way too.


But no instead we get the usual ******** of finding a group blah blah etc. and with the massively declined "group content" population that's not really that easy and for the most part ... people can't be bothered, there is no reason to do so ... if the boss was dropping a couple of 230 set bonus pieces that would be a boon but more GC points? **** off.


It seems GC is so bad that it is actually ruining what good content could have come from 5.0 - that and absolutely lazy design and/or the lack of thought put into said design.

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People want group content but no one talks about how the same people ignore all the DvL bosses and added group content it provides. I imagine though that they'll just say 'it's not worth doing' or something.

The problem is that the bosses are on random planets on appearing on certain locations at random at random times and you have only like an hour to find the boss once your side wins. Its RNG. Its stupid for "world bosses".


Now if they would drop gear, mods, decorations, people would not hesitate to go for them. But tokens? Nah, that crap gear and pets are ugly.

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As far as normal world bosses go, the only thing they are good for is conquest points. The drops we say "ooo upgrades" with a sarcastic tone.


The new DvL bosses seem to work like the Yavin Walker WB. Need a full 16 man group and cycle through running back before the entire group wipes. After our guild did a run of the Tattooine boss, we found that half of the players were unable to loot the boss after dying. This was the last time anyone ever spoke of doing them. I don't see the point or the ROI for killing them after taking in the repair bills from running back at least 5 times. The AOEs hit like a truck with or without standing in stupid. Granted it would be worthwhile if the drops were better and I welcome the challenge. But until they improve what is received, it is not really worth it.

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Does anyone actually kill these? Is it actually possible to get the achievement for all kills?


Attacked one, thought it was just a regular Elite, got my behind handed to me... and am ignoring them now. I don't see the point in them, much like World Bosses. Its to much hassle to organize a group for them, with barely any reward.

Edited by Ecaja
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1 time and by the time we got the group there and what not it despawned during battle cause the timer ran out until this post I had completely forgotten they existed cause no one tries for them because they aren't worth the effort of trying to put a group together and then go hunt down.
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Not yet. in-fact other than the Drummad Kaas one & Tatoone one don't even know where the others are. Not run across any other than those two. Then again mainly been just doing heroics of late so not shocked I have not found many.


I don't understand why those bosses would spawn in the middle of nowhere. What are they supposed to be attacking, a random wampa cave? For the dark side? The Emperor would be so proud. :rolleyes:


I would like to see them attack kaas city, or the Korriban training grounds. Or the Senate tower on Coruscant, or any populated quest hubs on contested planets. You know, something that would make strategic sense for a Jedi vs Sith battle.

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Not sure why locations are where they are. The DK one is on the right-side of the path leading from the Revan outpost to where Zinda Kent is during bounty hunt week. Tat one is near the sarlac pit heroic area for republic.


Not sure if location is same for both dark side and light side boss. As said don't know where any of the others are. So don't know how far away from major game areas.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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People want group content but no one talks about how the same people ignore all the DvL bosses and added group content it provides. I imagine though that they'll just say 'it's not worth doing' or something.


Sometimes people want their games to provide something resembling even a remote challenge. These "NPC spawns to x-location >> Gather enough people >> Tank and spank it" are not exactly that.

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