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Melee and Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome


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Tankasins were OP as hell. Pyro PTs were OP as hell. Smashmonkeys were OP as hell. Bubblestun was OP as hell and stupid beyond comprehension. Madness Sorcs were OP as hell.


Current Merc pales in comparison to all of these.


I like this euro gringo

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Just unsub until mercs get fixed. :(


The same number of players will unsub because mercs are OP'd as when sorcs were OP'd, and PTs were OP'd, and when Operatives were OP'd, and when Juggs were OP'd, and when.... Welcome to swtor PVP.


Oh, and stop Leeroying it dude. With some tactical fighting, you too can beat those pesky mercs. Just think of mercs as a ranged version of Juggs. Watch for those DCDs and react appropriately, just as we do with juggs.


P.S. Don't be a Leeroy Jenkins.

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The same number of players will unsub because mercs are OP'd as when sorcs were OP'd, and PTs were OP'd, and when Operatives were OP'd, and when Juggs were OP'd, and when.... Welcome to swtor PVP.


Oh, and stop Leeroying it dude. With some tactical fighting, you too can beat those pesky mercs. Just think of mercs as a ranged version of Juggs. Watch for those DCDs and react appropriately, just as we do with juggs.


P.S. Don't be a Leeroy Jenkins.


Don't confuse people.

A jug that used every DCD dies after 300k damage taken with almost nonexistant mitigation (in dps specs)

A merc that used every DCD dies after 500k damage minimum, with LOTS of mitigation. Not even saying about burst and tools.


In case of CC you don't even need to CC jugg during DCDs, just lolburst through them.

While CCing mercs you need to wait for 12s (shield), then 6s (reflect), then 10s (kolto) and then again 12s (hey rebounder).

Edited by DerSchneider
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Don't confuse people.

A jug that used every DCD dies after 300k damage taken with almost nonexistant mitigation (in dps specs)

A merc that used every DCD dies after 500k damage minimum, with LOTS of mitigation. Not even saying about burst and tools.


In case of CC you don't even need to CC jugg during DCDs, just lolburst through them.

While CCing mercs you need to wait for 12s (shield), then 6s (reflect), then 10s (kolto) and then again 12s (hey rebounder).


I am only comparing them because it's similar only in the fact you have to be aware of the dcds of mercs similar to how you have to with juggs.


Yes, I realize merc dcds are better atm. But the guy I responded to is not trying to have a reasonable discussion he is just complaining and in the most whiniest way possible.


I realize people need to vent when frustrated but it's hard to give creedence to someone that shows no objectivity.

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Madness Sorcs were never as survivable or had anywhere near the burst and DPS that Mercs do now. Hell, none of your examples had that. I'm all for leaving Mercs alone, but let's not pretend they aren't OP as heck.


Madness sorc at their peak were so much better than merc. Mercs right now are imbalanced, but not effective. They lack the tools necessary to dps effectively under focus fire. The additional survivability is great, unless enemies wont die quickly due to presence of strong healers. Then mercs are still kinda where they were in 4.0. The additional survivability did not solve their problems, but gave them an huge edge when healers are not present.


Currently, mara, sins and snipers are at an advantage in comparison with mercs.

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i play both sniper and a ap merc. to think they are not oped


oh and ps as well just like the pt and sorc where oped in 4.0 where are they now ? your time will come. be biased all you want

Guarantee you don't play either class as a main because your pretty much hating on yourself. Really? Why would anyone who plays those classes want them nerfed into the ground? Your pretty much saying your time will come or maybe I am slightly wrong and you do play those classes. Your the classic re-roller FOTM loser who still cant "Get Good"


Your a liar and "OPED" is just stupid.


Quit Now.

Edited by Iron-Wu
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If you are a melee, and you cry about mercs and snipers incessantly there's a good chance you have Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome.


Since 5.0, with the addition of better DCDs for some of the ranged classes, it's not surprising that so many melee have become afflicted by this disorder.


There are many features of Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome, and not every melee with Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome has all the same features or PVP problems.


Some features and problems that are common are listed below.


1. Do you rush forth with reckless abandon attacking the ranged in PVP, expecting them to die in 3-4 hits as they once did prior to 5.0?


2. Do you have the inability to read buff bars and react appropriately to obvious visual cues in the game that indicate the ranged is using a DCD?


3. Do you have the inability to tactically fight ranged by using many of the different available defenses afforded to your melee class?


4. Do you have an irrational propensity to only using offensive melee damage abilities and thinking that should be good enough to win against the ranged?


5. Do you have the inability to use LOS to avoid incoming damage by ranged?


6. Are you seemingly blind to the fact every map has terrain that can be used to hide around and use as gap closers to the enemy?



These are just some of the common characteristics of Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome.


If you notice yourself or others you care about having any of these symptoms and are concerned that you or they might have Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome, please contact a good PVPer for help, or consult with any of the available online guides that explain how to properly PVP as a melee against ranged.


Remember, there is hope, and you are not alone.


To view the real Leeroy Jenkins in action, and understand this affliction better feel free to watch the Youtube video link below. Don't be a Leeroy Jenkins.



Great post, I've not had such a good laugh on these forums in a long time.


Leroy Jenkins syndrome is an apt description of everything you said. Every point you made are things I've been saying to people for years. But the way you put it was just funnier and more eloquent.

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The same number of players will unsub because mercs are OP'd as when sorcs were OP'd, and PTs were OP'd, and when Operatives were OP'd, and when Juggs were OP'd, and when.... Welcome to swtor PVP.


Oh, and stop Leeroying it dude. With some tactical fighting, you too can beat those pesky mercs. Just think of mercs as a ranged version of Juggs. Watch for those DCDs and react appropriately, just as we do with juggs.


P.S. Don't be a Leeroy Jenkins.


You need to put that in your signature... "Don't be a Leroy Jenkins"

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Hell, none of your examples had that


Yeah, except maybe Pyrotechs who could shred anything in mere seconds, even guarded targets, all while perma-snaring their target and having access to great utility. Don't mind their wet paper for dcd, don't need a strong one anyway when you can just 2-3 button anything, right?

Or stacked Smash Sents, each of them could AOE crit up to 5 players for 7-8k back then on top of their good dcds.


SWTOR pvp went through way, WAY more cancerous stuff. Mercs might be overtuned a bit, but OP? Meh.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Was in a game earlier today with 8 sorcs / sages, 2 commando / merc and 0 slingers / snipers total. Clearly the mercs and commandos are over represented in every game


8 sorcs 2 mandos/ mercs thats 10 so who was the other 6 ? since theres 16 in a wz 8 max in 4v4.


I mean i understand you dont want your favorite fotm class nerfed but why make up some story?. As i stated before last expan was sorcs pts what happened to them >?


The fact you went as far as to go sniper/slinger 0 was in match was nice eye catcher though.Rest assured no one stays oped for long.

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Guarantee you don't play either class as a main because your pretty much hating on yourself. Really? Why would anyone who plays those classes want them nerfed into the ground? Your pretty much saying your time will come or maybe I am slightly wrong and you do play those classes. Your the classic re-roller FOTM loser who still cant "Get Good"


Your a liar and "OPED" is just stupid.


Quit Now.


I play babia on jedi covenant lvl 70 merc check it up.Your question as to why ?. Very easy im honest. i have played as a merc ,and against merc's with many classes, and have played them since creation of this game to its current state.I have a 70 mara 70 sin 70 merc 70 sorc 70 jugg all dps specked play them all well.Oh and a 68 sniper i know but its not 70 well thing is im having fun in mids with it, and ive played against the 70s not much of a difference.With way game is i would rather play my fury mara over playing a fotm class,Then be called a fotm class player.I dont take the easy route never have, and love to solo q i play a lot.I am all about being fair however you cant be fair, or balanced if there is no honesty.

Edited by falkron-kerupt
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8 sorcs 2 mandos/ mercs thats 10 so who was the other 6 ? since theres 16 in a wz 8 max in 4v4.


I mean i understand you dont want your favorite fotm class nerfed but why make up some story?. As i stated before last expan was sorcs pts what happened to them >?


The fact you went as far as to go sniper/slinger 0 was in match was nice eye catcher though.Rest assured no one stays oped for long.


I didn't make up anything, I just didn't include the entire team composition. There was also a Sin, mara and we had a guardian. Forget the rest of the others, those just stood out because the Sin and guardian were tanking and mara was constantly trying to kill me.


We are only OP vs those that don't pay attention. Was in a 4 on 4 today (to be fair 3 merc / commando total) where I was totally shut down. Had 4 dps on me from the get go. Popped my reactive shield, I got CC and then they switched targets. I managed to get a little bit of DPS in after the stun wore off but as soon as the shield was down I was focused again. Popped the reflect shield and hardly got any health back because they used AOE attacks. Had to use adrenaline rush and they burst their way through it. Hold the line only lasts so long and with slows and pulls and effective timing on stuns I could hardly get away to LOS anyone.


I have solo killed plenty of Mercs with the same tactics while on my commando. Mainly because they think Merc is an I win button and it really isn't, again, unless you are playing against people who don't pay attention. When Commando and Mercs really seem OP is when there are a lot of them, however, the same can be true for most any class.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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You need to put that in your signature... "Don't be a Leroy Jenkins"


lol I should but I am not honored enough to have the great Leeroy Jenkins name in my sig!


Just remember; anytime a melee bumrushes you blindly, uses no LOS, no dcds and dies snared at your feet from superior kiting, chances are you just killed a Leeroy!


Melee all have the toolset to kill mercs and snipers it just takes a much more aware and better player than it did in 4.0.


I am not saying that mercs are perfectly fine, I am just saying that as strong as merc dcds are in 8v8s and a 1v1 melee do have the tools to deal with them and win.


Perhaps when class stacked in ranked the dcds are too much, I honestly cannot speak on it as I do not do 5.0 ranked.


I also think that 4v4 ranked is an abomination and should be drastically altered or removed from competitive PVP though, so take that as you will.

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If you are a melee, and you cry about mercs and snipers incessantly there's a good chance you have Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome.


Since 5.0, with the addition of better DCDs for some of the ranged classes, it's not surprising that so many melee have become afflicted by this disorder.


There are many features of Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome, and not every melee with Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome has all the same features or PVP problems.


Some features and problems that are common are listed below.




1. Do you rush forth with reckless abandon attacking the ranged in PVP, expecting them to die in 3-4 hits as they once did prior to 5.0?


2. Do you have the inability to read buff bars and react appropriately to obvious visual cues in the game that indicate the ranged is using a DCD?


3. Do you have the inability to tactically fight ranged by using many of the different available defenses afforded to your melee class?


4. Do you have an irrational propensity to only using offensive melee damage abilities and thinking that should be good enough to win against the ranged?


5. Do you have the inability to use LOS to avoid incoming damage by ranged?


6. Are you seemingly blind to the fact every map has terrain that can be used to hide around and use as gap closers to the enemy?



These are just some of the common characteristics of Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome.


If you notice yourself or others you care about having any of these symptoms and are concerned that you or they might have Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome, please contact a good PVPer for help, or consult with any of the available online guides that explain how to properly PVP as a melee against ranged.


Remember, there is hope, and you are not alone.


To view the real Leeroy Jenkins in action, and understand this affliction better feel free to watch the Youtube video link below. Don't be a Leeroy Jenkins.




Very nice. Really, very, very nice.


To add up to this, I'd like to point out to the "Rules Of The Marauder", which show a similar syndrome, though more related to PvE : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=671988

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Very nice. Really, very, very nice.


To add up to this, I'd like to point out to the "Rules Of The Marauder", which show a similar syndrome, though more related to PvE : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=671988


That's funny, obviously this fellow also was aware of the syndrome early on, it just had not been given it's proper name. He also made the mistake of thinking it only applied to maras. Clearly all melee can be afflicted. :D

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That's funny, obviously this fellow also was aware of the syndrome early on, it just had not been given it's proper name. He also made the mistake of thinking it only applied to maras. Clearly all melee can be afflicted. :D


We need a graphics artist-type person to design a "Don't be a Leeroy" logo. I foresee widespread adoption by many forum residents :D

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Very nice. Really, very, very nice.


To add up to this, I'd like to point out to the "Rules Of The Marauder", which show a similar syndrome, though more related to PvE : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=671988

I really dont get why Maras did this in FPs and other pve content. Back in rhe day I was too afraid of *********** up to leap in before anyone else did.

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We need a graphics artist-type person to design a "Don't be a Leeroy" logo. I foresee widespread adoption by many forum residents :D


lol. I want a T-shirt.


Of course, sadly most people would probably think it has some racial element to it, not realizing it is a geek thing.

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I prefer to stay original. Copying other peoples names isnt really my thing


I just meant for a laugh. After reading this thread, it would be funny to create a melee like a Mara and just Leeroy some matches. I'm sure anyone who knows the story would have a good laugh when they see the name and the way you are Leeroying around.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I just meant for a laugh. After reading this thread, it would be funny to create a melee like a Mara and just Leeroy some matches. I'm sure anyone who knows the story would have a good laugh when they see the name and the way you are Leeroying around.


Yeah it would be humorous to me too. But so many melee are Leeroy in spirit, so that more than makes up for them not having his name! :p

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