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Everything posted by Iron-Wu

  1. Stop. Just Stop. If by complaining and whining of your general lack of ability in PVP on the forums is a way to let the Dev's know how you feel than we should just dumb down PVP in general for every class so your mentally capable of facerolling in every game you play. Raw data, performance and numbers should be the factor in any decisions of class balance. Not a bunch of need to "Learn2Play" posters on this forum.
  2. Honestly I'm suprised most people don't play dot dmg classes against Merc. The dots don't heal them, along with AOE attacks and the merc is wondering why his toon doesn't heal him. From what I've seen very little Mercs actually know how to kite so when your team targets them with Dots and spam AOE attacks they have no counter because all the token mercs just stand there and cast. People fail to see what Snipers/Gunslingers are doing right now because they are so blind focused on Mercs. If Mercs get nerfed into the ground, every name in here that complains about Mercs will start to cry about Snipers/Gunslingers and there all light bat users.
  3. Iron-Wu

    Dear Razortron

    Please stop necro bumping every thread about Mercs. It adds nothing to the conversation other then rehashed old threads. Bioware will adjust classes accordingly to data, not the 1% of the whiny playerbase that use this forum.
  4. Guarantee you don't play either class as a main because your pretty much hating on yourself. Really? Why would anyone who plays those classes want them nerfed into the ground? Your pretty much saying your time will come or maybe I am slightly wrong and you do play those classes. Your the classic re-roller FOTM loser who still cant "Get Good" Your a liar and "OPED" is just stupid. Quit Now.
  5. So you should just faceroll every class in the game because your a Sith or Jedi? If thats the case I suggest never playing the Bounty Hunter storyline. The end of Chapter 1 would mind melt you. What did you do when General Grievous killed Jedi? Pretend it didn't happen? Sure hes not using blaster bolts but he sure as hell doesn't use the force.
  6. I feel these chapters they released are just the intro into a new game, a revamp you could call it. Move on from the Imperial and Republic conflict. I could see new level cap, planets, raids coming which could really revitalize this game and if that happens doing these chapters to open up into a revamped (new story, threat to the univserse) is great. I'm thinking Final Fantasy a Realm Reborn type reboot. Essentially everything we have done is leading your main into this new galaxy and story, essentially the past content is like a giant epilogue. Perhaps they update the engine? Wishful thinking I know.
  7. This is the biggest no no for any company of an MMO to do and usually results in the near death of an MMO. Casual players come and go, they waver. Games need hardcore end game content to keep people grinding while still giving Casual's the story to play, give the other half (your fanbase who plays in your downtime) content to keep grinding for. They need to balance for both. The reason Bioware hasnt done a raid in 2 years is mind blowing.
  8. and eastcoast players as well, as I am one and a bunch of my friends all transferred from Shadowlands to greener pastors which is the Harbinger. At 4am Eastern time there are over 100 people in Republic Fleet. From the afternoon all the way to the evening its steady at all hours with over 150 players in Republic fleet. That number doubles on the Empire side. Tython today when I went there had 130 players, alot of the new asking questions. I suggest everyone just leave their servers and go to Harbinger. You can PVE, PVP and RP there. Overseas Players are in Harbinger as well.
  9. What do you want to wager? They we're so use to being cream of the crop forever they just moved on to the next FOTM class. Explains why they just stand their and cast.
  10. Electro net was never a problem before. Its only a problem now because there are more Mercs now than that 1 brave merc before who was a probably a masochist to endure that kind of torture.
  11. Lower stacks of Kolto Overload. make it heal to 50%. Done. Problem solved. or.. Instead of Nerfing.. You could buff other classes Done. Problem solved.
  12. I love me the tears of Sorcs
  13. Honestly its not that big of a deal for me anymore. It would be nice to have back but it didn't break the class.
  14. It's impossible to deal with 3 of any class. Judging a class in an 8v8 situation is bad for business. Some classes will naturally perform better in objective gameplay while some will perform better in 1v1 and arena. If you want to nerf damage than take a look at Snipers and Gunslingers.
  15. You deserve a L2P medal. Your post disgusts me, you hate on Mercs because you can't focus them down first anymore. The fact that there use to be no mercs and everyone just focused them down first is why they got buffed in the first place. Your constant complaining on these forums is a severe L2P disorder. You stated exactly why they needed to be buffed and essentially confessed your bad because you cant easy win anymore. do shut up. You also basically said they don't get focused first anymore. So that seems to be a problem with the player base rather than the class. Go back to focusing them first. Dont hit the orange bubble and use stuns. Simple.
  16. Please do. I'm laughing when a Deception Assassin or my Infiltration Shadow find you kiting out in the field alone. I love it. Sit stealth and pick the Merc that strays from the pack.
  17. I spend more time on my Shadow and he has very little troubles in PVP; Merc's or not. I have put down many Mercenary's in a 1v1 situation; I have also died many times on my Merc from Sents/Marauders/Assassins/Shadows and Snipers in a 1v1 situation. IMO I cant see the class being completely gutted, if anything they will be adjusted because they are not as broken as you and others claim. I am sure Bioware will look at hard numbers and data from higher elo's before listening to just anyone on the forums who cry nerf since that data is more relevant than someone who plays FOTM classes in a low elo where everyone is still pretty much learning.
  18. While its annoying in Regs for sure; that doesn't make a class OP, It just shows people are stupid.
  19. The problem here seems to be not knowing when to stop attacking a Merc/Cammando when he pops his orange shield (Response Safeguard/Echoing Deterrence) Am I understanding this? *Goes back to playing his Infiltration Shadow* ------ EDIT: I've said this in another post and its true. The only way to truely determine if a class is OP.
  20. What you just said as an example does not show me that the Merc is OP, but it shows the problem with bad players not understanding TR. If that said player didn't come in and start beating on his shield with DPS you would have won the fight and brought him down. Essentially in a 1v1 scenario, you would have beat said OP Merc but due to the misinformation and bad play of your teammates you watched the Merc get a second chance. Merc's should be judged in a 1v1 scenario (Infact all classes should be judged in a 1v1 scenario) to really prove if they are OP or not. If there is NO COUNTER play to a Merc or another class in a 1v1 situation than said class is defiantly OP. Judging a class in an 8v8 scenario is bad because the skill of players is too varied.
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