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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Strange lag when peeps about to score or die, Coincidence? :)


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In mid bracket regs I've noticed it a lot today, the character stays in one place moving rapidly side to side in just a 1 metre radius, they show as right beside you but is actually not even in range anymore, u could maybe argue peeps with the ball and peeps about to die usually have a lot of characters near them which could cause lag based on bad internet/computer/game engine, I personally think my computer/internet isn't too bad, I dunno, just bored so I'm posting this, if is some sort of lag switch though, some of the time at least, that would b very sad :) Edited by TrueEquality
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If its huttball its a map issue. I see it all the time where the person with the ball will be pulled or leap somewhere and it takes the game way to long to show me where they actually ended up. They flicker around, then are shown in the pit and then poof they are on the top ramp.
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It's probably not coincidence, or lag for that matter; the likely issue is bioware's sh*tty engine choice.


Force speed, leaps & teleports have a tendency to cause display issues when traversing a vertical slope.

(E.G. ramps in hutball)

Edited by nzologic
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In mid bracket regs I've noticed it a lot today, the character stays in one place moving rapidly side to side in just a 1 metre radius, they show as right beside you but is actually not even in range anymore, u could maybe argue peeps with the ball and peeps about to die usually have a lot of characters near them which could cause lag based on bad internet/computer/game engine, I personally think my computer/internet isn't too bad, I dunno, just bored so I'm posting this, if is some sort of lag switch though, some of the time at least, that would b very sad :)


I find I get lag when folks are about to die or score. I have also noticed it alot when the match has already started and folks are leaving/joining the warzone/arena group. For me, it this type of lag is new since 5.0 but Quesh Huttball has always been laggy as heck since it came out.

Edited by Baby-Girl
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It's probably not coincidence, or lag for that matter; the likely issue is bioware's sh*tty engine choice.


Force speed, leaps & teleports have a tendency to cause display issues when traversing a vertical slope.

(E.G. ramps in hutball)


It this right here^. Since launch it's been this way and BW can't fix it because it's not lag in the server sense, but the pathetic Hero engine. I remember when ops/scoundrels got the roll, so many people were reporting "hacking" when they would roll and "lag out." As much as I like to swear at the players who score the goal it's really BW's garbage engine the game is run on.

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Mad Cuz Bad.


we are trying to have a serious conversation about a serious issue and i for one am offended that you think you have the right to accost us in this manner because if you think about it you are really being bad yourself due to the fact that your actions are wrong in every way and its like when you call a small child bad so my advice to you would be to stop saying this because obviously the finger is pointed both ways at best and maybe just at yourself but there could be other things going on in your real life that cause you to be angry at strangers and lash out in this manner and if that is so i recommend seeking immediate psychiatric help because your mental health is very important and will help you make better decisions in the future for which you showed an enormous lacking in the above-quoted response but if you just think of the positive impact you could have on a conversation if you would say positive words that might also motivate you to stay positive in your responses which is a change i encourage in you because it would help your mental disposition in the long run and make you a better person and definitely a person that was not acting so bad on the forums so that we could move forward together you and i into a future that we both deserve where people are all being positive to each other and lifting each other up every chance they get and it would be a very prosperous and smiling society which i hope we can achieve in the near future for the good of everyone thank you

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Actually there is a general issue about that.

In huttball matches i almost always see operatives and scoundrels to teleport while rolling or get a huge lag spike when someone is about to die.

The is also another one situation were there are specific players, that when you re near them or fighting them some abilities just dont take place.

I can only blame server for that. Extreme i/o values can lead to hitching and crapy conection users make that worst.

To let anyone play above 200-300ms is just unacceptable and make game worst than it is.

Some said that they are lag switchers, i say crappy connection but is the same result.




ps. Sry for poor English

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Actually there is a general issue about that.

In huttball matches i almost always see operatives and scoundrels to teleport while rolling or get a huge lag spike when someone is about to die.

The is also another one situation were there are specific players, that when you re near them or fighting them some abilities just dont take place.

I can only blame server for that. Extreme i/o values can lead to hitching and crapy conection users make that worst.

To let anyone play above 200-300ms is just unacceptable and make game worst than it is.

Some said that they are lag switchers, i say crappy connection but is the same result.




ps. Sry for poor English


Give me an Australian server and I'll happily play not at 230ms... to be fair, I play on an IP that to local servers with L4D2 have much lower lag- and since I pay them for this game, I can play all I like. It amuses me to think how many people that me on high lag and them on low I've killed. Huttball is just a laggy, buggy mess- with one of them in particular. Whenever that one pops, I know I'm in for a treat.

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Give me an Australian server and I'll happily play not at 230ms... to be fair, I play on an IP that to local servers with L4D2 have much lower lag- and since I pay them for this game, I can play all I like. It amuses me to think how many people that me on high lag and them on low I've killed. Huttball is just a laggy, buggy mess- with one of them in particular. Whenever that one pops, I know I'm in for a treat.


I play from Aus with similar lag. Sure it's lags randomly all over the map, it's a pain, but I've learnt to adjust for it.

I think the issue is at the goal line or near it, I've noticed a pattern of lag on the top platform of the goal lines when certain players are on the other team.

This sort of lag isn't happening anywhere else in the map and doesn't happen on the platform when the ball carrier isn't there or isn't about to pass or score.

As soon as the ball carrier or it's critical time to stop a goal or score one, the lag is all of a sudden there. For me it's not even normal lag, it's ability activation lag. ie, if I'm on my Sorc and I hit overload to push a person, the ability goes on CD and there is a 1-2 lag till it activates. There is no positional lag, stuttering or rubber banding when this happens.

Now people could put that down to coincidence and it's always a possibility, but when you play as much as I do and often play against the same people, it is easy to start to notice that it only happens when certain people are on the other team. For me this smells of some sort of cheat.

I'm pretty fluent in how cheating works in this game, wether it's hacking, exploiting or lag switching, but I'm having difficulty is identifying what this is. Sure it could just be lag, but it's not random for me, it's specific on who is on the other team. I believe it must be some sort of exploit, which means a bug that people have discovered they can manipulate to cause this activation lag. What the bug is or how it's activated is still a mystery for me, but I will continue to investigate it through the hacking forums I'm a member of. If it's a cheat of some sort, even a bug, someone will usually post about it.

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we are trying to have a serious conversation about a serious issue and i for one am offended that you think you have the right to accost us in this manner because if you think about it you are really being bad yourself due to the fact that your actions are wrong in every way and its like when you call a small child bad so my advice to you would be to stop saying this because obviously the finger is pointed both ways at best and maybe just at yourself but there could be other things going on in your real life that cause you to be angry at strangers and lash out in this manner and if that is so i recommend seeking immediate psychiatric help because your mental health is very important and will help you make better decisions in the future for which you showed an enormous lacking in the above-quoted response but if you just think of the positive impact you could have on a conversation if you would say positive words that might also motivate you to stay positive in your responses which is a change i encourage in you because it would help your mental disposition in the long run and make you a better person and definitely a person that was not acting so bad on the forums so that we could move forward together you and i into a future that we both deserve where people are all being positive to each other and lifting each other up every chance they get and it would be a very prosperous and smiling society which i hope we can achieve in the near future for the good of everyone thank you


This is my favorite post of the day.

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is it a coincidence I mostly only notice it happen with try hards? :) could b cause they use more of their skills which could cause lag I dunno, and they r usually the ones that have a good chance to score, this post wasn't just about huttball btw, also peeps near death, I'm not implying trying hard is bad btw, oh and I hope I didn't imply this happens a lot, some days it does, could mean some hackers r queing at a similar time as u or just a buggy day :) Edited by TrueEquality
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