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The cancer that is Hard Mode Flashpoints.


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Ok. So you are thinking that they wouldn't remove the functionality of acc / defense entirely (as I understood OP to be suggesting), but rather set everybody to 100% (well I guess 101% with companion bonus), remove the def chance from ops bosses, and remove all accuracy enhancements / augments from the game? That could work.


It would make sense that way. removing it outright, not so much ;)

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Solo with a companion =/= 4 players. (All affected with the dot) - As well as needing help cleansing the focused dps/tank if they cannot consistently cleanse themselves.


The main damage taken is not from the dots, but from his ranged attack. This is substantially less with a proper tank. But you did get about 1.5k dtps per player (in 4.x values) from the poisons. ( Here's a parse )


Also, your healer should have less than 11 seconds cd on cleanse, but that's hardly a problem with today's stat levels. No tank can consistently clean themselves, and things get much easier if tank isn't running all over the place fetching injectors.


Also 2 players instead of 4 = 2 pools instead of 3.


Nobody should take more than one dot from one pool + two stacks from a conal, if you want to minimize healing. So the number of pools isn't a huge problem. The big problem is making people count and play at the same time, and that there is not a huge margin for error. In this thread, there's some info that might help people.


He also has the timing down pretty considerably. It's likely he spent a lot of time on that before posting that link.


About 8-10 hours and maybe 70 attempts. Companions aren't the most trustworthy of followers... :)

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Ermagawd remove accuracy! Or better yet, remove every stat in the game and create just one stat called DARKSIDE or LIGHTSIDE: only thing you need to do is stack THE ONE stat. Makes you even feel more like THE ONE hero. Do not read about stuff, just be heroic. Yeah!


To OP: i understand your pain. Just to clear some things up. This is no longer a multiplayer game, but a singleplayer game. The guy who said he encountered 80% dumba**es when going for the HM FP achievements understands it. This is exactly what happens when players love to faceroll singleplayer content, step into multiplayer content which requires a LITTLE BIT more knowledge about something as simple as a rotation and fail horribly. "But you need to give people time to learn" yadieyadieyadieyadie. Tons and tons and tons of guides out there about everything in the game. Do you think someone of that 80% has read it? Just click and go! MMORPG style, don't care about your teammates, cause they are pointless, just faceroll like before, no worries!


I am looking forward to even more rant posts about non MMORPG players. *claps hands* IT'S A BINGO!



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So, level 50 can't dps?


Flashpoint: Legacy of the Rakata

Mode: Veteran (yeah, laugh all you want)

Class: Assassin

Discipline: Hatred

Level: 50-51

Gear: lvl48 with relics, implants and earpiece at random levels below 50

Accuracy: 106.something (non-bolstered), 107,97 (bolstered)


Savage War Beast and War Chief Rehkta: 4490 (with a lot of knockbacks)



Commander Rand: 6001



Darth Arkous and Colonel Darok: 3808 (even with death and stealth rez)



And I wasn't even trying...


There is no tight enrage in Rakata. First boss on blood hunt has very tight enrage timer. Thats the difference. Go and pug it with your level 50 just tell me when and what server you are going to do it so i will not q at that time.

Also,arent hard mode flashpoint a master level ,not veteran?

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There is no tight enrage in Rakata. First boss on blood hunt has very tight enrage timer. Thats the difference. Go and pug it with your level 50 just tell me when and what server you are going to do it so i will not q at that time.

Also,arent hard mode flashpoint a master level ,not veteran?


I don't think there are enrage timers at all in Tacticals.

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Does any of you remember this video?


That's how much accuracy matters in hard mode flashpoints. Or should we say that clearly shows how overpowered bolster is.




You only want to get rid of accuracy enhancements in your gear so you can stack more crit.


Impressive video, and I'm glad it's here. Skill's the only thing that matters, and you only need to be semi-competent to clear HM content.


That being said, the amount of semi-competent players seems minimal. I still think a huge portion of this incompetence comes from every flashpoint before this being tactical. I'd gladly take longer queues for the traditional trinity.

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Wasn't the point that level 50 characters shouldn't be doing HM content because they can't do enough damage because they don't have 110% accuracy?


While that 6001 dps in Commander Rand fight is impressive I'm sure I'm not even close to good player.

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Wasn't the point that level 50 characters shouldn't be doing HM content because they can't do enough damage because they don't have 110% accuracy?


While that 6001 dps in Commander Rand fight is impressive I'm sure I'm not even close to good player.


Sorry but it's not impressive. you are playing hatred and theres a ton of adds in that fight to pad your numbers. my noob gunslinger did 18k on some ravagers trash in empty dvl gear at about level 55, doesn't mean I could do that on something that matters

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Interesting... Level 70 commando w/ 110% accuracy and 40% crit chance can't do a lot more dps than level 50 assassin in first boss fight in Legacy of Rakata. In fact, I had difficulties staying above 5,4k until rancor died. After that dps number started to go up but it was too late at that point.



Edited by Halinalle
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If you're trying to solo heal, Rishi Bonus Boss would like to have a word with you.

Solo with a companion =/= 4 players. (All affected with the dot) - As well as needing help cleansing the focused dps/tank if they cannot consistently cleanse themselves.


Also 2 players instead of 4 = 2 pools instead of 3. He also has the timing down pretty considerably. It's likely he spent a lot of time on that before posting that link.


Your entire team needs to use the stims on the table too. They're part of the fight. It's a bossfight that requires precise cleansing, not precise healing. The dots are the main thing to pay attention to and if you **** up the stacks it's hard to recover, other than that healing that bonus is no big deal. I have solohealed this boss so believe it or not I know what I am talking about :p


Interesting... Level 70 commando w/ 110% accuracy and 40% crit chance can't do a lot more dps than level 50 assassin in first boss fight in Legacy of Rakata.

That's the bolster for you. The thing that boosts your stats to 70 and people like to act like it isnt there and anyone whitout lv or gear is waste of space :p

Just learn to play and do some parses, you'll see how much difference there really is instead of theorizing.

Edited by Kiesu
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That's the bolster for you. The thing that boosts your stats to 70 and people like to act like it isnt there and anyone whitout lv or gear is waste of space :p

Just learn to play and do some parses, you'll see how much difference there really is instead of theorizing.


Not to even mention that "you have to do xxxx dummy dps to complete this!" bs.

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The main damage taken is not from the dots, but from his ranged attack. This is substantially less with a proper tank. But you did get about 1.5k dtps per player (in 4.x values) from the poisons. ( Here's a parse )


Also, your healer should have less than 11 seconds cd on cleanse, but that's hardly a problem with today's stat levels. No tank can consistently clean themselves, and things get much easier if tank isn't running all over the place fetching injectors.




Nobody should take more than one dot from one pool + two stacks from a conal, if you want to minimize healing. So the number of pools isn't a huge problem. The big problem is making people count and play at the same time, and that there is not a huge margin for error. In this thread, there's some info that might help people.




About 8-10 hours and maybe 70 attempts. Companions aren't the most trustworthy of followers... :)


So the only person getting stacks from the conal is typically your focused dps or tank. (I keep saying focused dps because the easiest way to do this is with 2 healers and 2 dps. Though when I group for this, I use a skank tank since you can dps and still mitigate some damage.)


Only 1 person will be getting hit by the conal. The other 3 will be getting their stacks via the pools (up to 3, but not more than 4.) And if you do it too early, your stacks will fall off too soon. (Also sometimes it helps to call out pools since you can only get 1 pool per "round" so you can find out who will be the last one, stack on them, get your stacks and get out waiting for the release.


It's a coordinated fight, and is most definitely a healer check.


Also I think you misunderstand the parse. That is one player is taking 4300 dtps. Not split between 4 players. Every time I've completed it in 4.0, the healer had >6k EHPS. (When solo healing) which is why it's recommended to use 2 healers.


If you'll notice, that was an Operative DPS that was also offhealing probably due to the amount of damage going out.

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Your entire team needs to use the stims on the table too. They're part of the fight. It's a bossfight that requires precise cleansing, not precise healing. The dots are the main thing to pay attention to and if you **** up the stacks it's hard to recover, other than that healing that bonus is no big deal. I have solohealed this boss so believe it or not I know what I am talking about :p



That's the bolster for you. The thing that boosts your stats to 70 and people like to act like it isnt there and anyone whitout lv or gear is waste of space :p

Just learn to play and do some parses, you'll see how much difference there really is instead of theorizing.


The only person that needs precise cleansing is the focused dps/tank. The rest of the people shouldn't be cleansing as you need 3-4 stacks during the release of compound-17. If you had less than 3 stacks during the time of the release, you will tick for about 20k dtps. (4.0 numbers but I'm curious what's it's like in 5.0, been too focused on RNG crates to worry about FPs really.)


The stims on the table usually is for the tank to not get above 4 because obviously at 5 you die. A healer will typically cleanse one, and then the tank/dps being focused will use 1 stim per round. (Which instead of 6 stacks, puts them at 4.) The rest of the team can coordinate their stacks by waiting for pool #3.

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So the only person getting stacks from the conal is typically your focused dps or tank. (I keep saying focused dps because the easiest way to do this is with 2 healers and 2 dps. Though when I group for this, I use a skank tank since you can dps and still mitigate some damage.)


Only 1 person will be getting hit by the conal. The other 3 will be getting their stacks via the pools (up to 3, but not more than 4.) And if you do it too early, your stacks will fall off too soon. (Also sometimes it helps to call out pools since you can only get 1 pool per "round" so you can find out who will be the last one, stack on them, get your stacks and get out waiting for the release.


The bolded parts is the conventional wisdom, but if you want an easy ride, they're not ideal. The point is conal does no damage - it only puts on stacks, and Mokan has no cleave, so standing in front of him is fine if you just want stacks. The second point is the third conal is the perfect time to take your final stacks, as the stacks then fall off just after compound 17 is finished.


So, if you want to take the least amount of damage as dps/healer:

- First and second person to get the circle takes one stack from their circle, and two stacks from third conal.

- Third person takes two stacks from third conal and one from their circle afterwards.

In this way, no stacks fall off when they shouldn't and fall off asap when they should.


(Taking one stack only from your circle does require you to be on your toes. It's easy to take two instead.)


It's a coordinated fight, and is most definitely a healer check.


Also I think you misunderstand the parse. That is one player is taking 4300 dtps. Not split between 4 players. Every time I've completed it in 4.0, the healer had >6k EHPS. (When solo healing) which is why it's recommended to use 2 healers.


Since I made that parse, I think I know what went in it. :) And it's one player taking 3100 dtps from damage mitigatable by tanks, and 1200 dtps from the dots. For a decent tank, those 3100 will be way lower. With lethality ops having extra DR against dots, normal people should take 1500 dtps each from dots.


Still, it requires a decent amount of heals from the healer, especially during compound 17 release. People specing into some extra damage reduction helps a bit. On the other hand, a healer in 230 can output between 14k and 22k hps against four targets, so 6k shouldn't be impossible. Offhealing helps, though.


If you'll notice, that was an Operative DPS that was also offhealing probably due to the amount of damage going out.


Partially to keep the companion up, as they have really lame damage reduction. Also, keeping kolto up gives extra DR with the right utility, which is nice.


The stims on the table usually is for the tank to not get above 4 because obviously at 5 you die. A healer will typically cleanse one, and then the tank/dps being focused will use 1 stim per round.


The healer should cleanse two, so tank doesn't have to wave the conal around by getting stims. Ideally, healer cleanses just as conal hits, so there's room for a third cleanse if someone dies and tank gets the third circle. (Or getting a stim, but that can be short on time.)

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