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The cancer that is Hard Mode Flashpoints.


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Bioware, we know how much you really care about group content. The one thing I enjoy the most in this game is running into new players who are starting to begin their journey through playing story lines and playing classes for the first time, and in a way, am rather jealous that I won't experience a first time anything in game.


That being said, HM fp's as of late have been riddled with DPS who are so undergeared (which is fine with me, I was this at one time) and don't have the most important stat that they need the most = ACCURACY.

I have no issue taking the time to teach new players who are unfamiliar with the mechanics, but if they can't do any damage because they have little no accuracy, well, it's kinda pointless. Yesterday me and a fellow lvl 70 que up, we get hard mode blood hunt, and we get 2 lvl 50 dps. Just take a wild guess how this one worked out, you know how it worked out.


My suggestion, give the dps the accuracy they need when they que for a hm fp, hell, even story mode, after all, you gave us bolster, what's a little accuracy to go with it? Or, just get rid of the accuracy stat altogether.

Edited by Nomaad
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Or, just get rid of the accuracy stat altogether.


Realistically this is why they should do. With the combining of PvP and PvE gear and the RNGusus grind, it really has no place anymore... Expertise was the PvP stat, and now it's gone. Accuracy was the PvE stat, it should be gone as well.

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There is an issue with new players for some time now. I have been grinding the HM (Master) mode FPS to get the 100% achievements and it was hell!! In the 365 FPS I have done I got 80% of incompetent ppl!! For the old FPS it is fine, but for SoR fps and stuff like Lost Island its a real issue!


Bioware is doing its best to make the game as simple as possible. They got rid of basic stats (Strength, Willpower.....), Surge rating etc, but its still not enough. People dont know their rotation, they mostly use the attack that "looks the coolest" and so on!!!


Its really sad what has become of this game.

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Bioware, we know how much you really care about group content. The one thing I enjoy the most in this game is running into new players who are starting to begin their journey through playing story lines and playing classes for the first time, and in a way, am rather jealous that I won't experience a first time anything in game.


That being said, HM fp's as of late have been riddled with DPS who are so undergeared (which is fine with me, I was this at one time) and don't have the most important stat that they need the most = ACCURACY.

I have no issue taking the time to teach new players who are unfamiliar with the mechanics, but if they can't do any damage because they have little no accuracy, well, it's kinda pointless. Yesterday me and a fellow lvl 70 que up, we get hard mode blood hunt, and we get 2 lvl 50 dps. Just take a wild guess how this one worked out, you know how it worked out.


My suggestion, give the dps the accuracy they need when they que for a hm fp, hell, even story mode, after all, you gave us bolster, what's a little accuracy to go with it? Or, just get rid of the accuracy stat altogether.


You still haven't get it how the thing works. Let me enlighten you. "Bolster" doesn't work properly and good enough for low lvl people on HM FP's. It doesn't even work properly on Tactical FP's. It's not the accuracy your problem. It's the low lvl's queueing for HM. My advice, if all in your group are not 70, just re-queue. Even 69 lvl is not enough. We had once 69 lvl on Assault on Tython and we couldn't make it on the last boss until he left and a 70 lvl healer joined and we did it 1/1.

Edited by NeverLoseFaith
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Does any of you remember this video?


That's how much accuracy matters in hard mode flashpoints. Or should we say that clearly shows how overpowered bolster is.


My suggestion, give the dps the accuracy they need when they que for a hm fp, hell, even story mode, after all, you gave us bolster, what's a little accuracy to go with it? Or, just get rid of the accuracy stat altogether.


You only want to get rid of accuracy enhancements in your gear so you can stack more crit.

Edited by Halinalle
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Really? In just veteran FPs everyone is retarded and can barely finish it. These sub 70 losers are queing for hard mode? What in the world?


I am a solo player so comments like yours has little impact on me. However so many players on this forum complain about how few group these days. I wonder why?


Ever think that maybe you and player(s) like you are part of the problem? Posts like yours does nothing to encourage new players or even old players looking into getting into group content for the first time, to do so. At least the OP is a little more understanding, though I think he could have made the thread title a little less toxic. Other than that though the actual post was well put and very reasonable.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Ever think that maybe you and player(s) like you are part of the problem? Posts like yours does nothing to encourage new players or even old players looking into getting into group content for the first time, to do so. At least the OP is a little more understanding, though I think he could have made the thread title a little less toxic. Other than that though the actual post was well put and very reasonable.

And what do you expect us to do? BioWare tuned some bosses to require e.g. 5k DPS, and to put out those numbers, you must use the correct rotation. I'll happily explain a boss fight to a new player, that only takes 1-2 minutes, but I can't explain his rotation, that'll take longer than the entire flashpoint and I don't know every class' rotation by heart, everyone is responsible to look it up themselves.

Edited by Jerba
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My suggestion is to nerf enrage timers on non-bonus bosses.


By far one of the best suggestions I've seen, I have no problem spending an extra few minutes on a boss so new players can get a better feel of the mechanics, well done sir.

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Realistically this is why they should do. With the combining of PvP and PvE gear and the RNGusus grind, it really has no place anymore... Expertise was the PvP stat, and now it's gone. Accuracy was the PvE stat, it should be gone as well.


Agreed 1000%.

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What stat would they put into gear then?


If you want to just stack more crit that would mean even higher dps requirements.


Its all heading down to one simple stat on every gear and it will just have 3 ratings, thats all. So that its not too complex for the new people. The next step will be the "Win" button.

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Bioware, we know how much you really care about group content. The one thing I enjoy the most in this game is running into new players who are starting to begin their journey through playing story lines and playing classes for the first time, and in a way, am rather jealous that I won't experience a first time anything in game.


That being said, HM fp's as of late have been riddled with DPS who are so undergeared (which is fine with me, I was this at one time) and don't have the most important stat that they need the most = ACCURACY.

I have no issue taking the time to teach new players who are unfamiliar with the mechanics, but if they can't do any damage because they have little no accuracy, well, it's kinda pointless. Yesterday me and a fellow lvl 70 que up, we get hard mode blood hunt, and we get 2 lvl 50 dps. Just take a wild guess how this one worked out, you know how it worked out.


My suggestion, give the dps the accuracy they need when they que for a hm fp, hell, even story mode, after all, you gave us bolster, what's a little accuracy to go with it? Or, just get rid of the accuracy stat altogether.


I did blood hunt as lvl 70 no problem as dps in healer gear and no accuracy. First boss enraged and got in one hit but other than that we did fine. Accuracy is not the issue, it is how they scaled the FP that is the problem. Take that same group and they would blow through Hammer Station or Athis just fine because the damage needed to kill the bosses is much lower.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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You still haven't get it how the thing works. Let me enlighten you. "Bolster" doesn't work properly and good enough for low lvl people on HM FP's. It doesn't even work properly on Tactical FP's. It's not the accuracy your problem. It's the low lvl's queueing for HM. My advice, if all in your group are not 70, just re-queue. Even 69 lvl is not enough. We had once 69 lvl on Assault on Tython and we couldn't make it on the last boss until he left and a 70 lvl healer joined and we did it 1/1.


That sounds more like a player issue than level issue. I managed to heal just fine from lvl 65 through 69 in HMs including Assault on Tython. It is not easy to do mind you but a decent player can manage.

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Start with moving the lower level required to enter from 50 to 60 or 65. A lvl 50 do NOT have all the passives to do whats needed in most of em. Use Tactical's or story to level up and get a few parts of good gear.


But even with that there will be players that never will do their part due to the rather complex abilities we have....


And I hate 'Tanks' queing for Hard Mode in DPS gear :) And then ask why not ? When called out on it :)

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You still haven't get it how the thing works. Let me enlighten you. "Bolster" doesn't work properly and good enough for low lvl people on HM FP's. It doesn't even work properly on Tactical FP's. It's not the accuracy your problem. It's the low lvl's queueing for HM. My advice, if all in your group are not 70, just re-queue. Even 69 lvl is not enough. We had once 69 lvl on Assault on Tython and we couldn't make it on the last boss until he left and a 70 lvl healer joined and we did it 1/1.


Bolster works fine. The issue isn't with that.


The issue, and it's not really even an issue, is that a lot of the players are new. They haven't figured out their rotations yet, they haven't been running the same FPs for 2 or more years, and no one has explained gearing to them. If it is a player's first time in a FP, especially one of the harder ones, they are going to do poorly but that is not against them.


You mentioned the Assault on Tython. That last boss can be tricky for new players but the fact that your team, with the 69 in it, made it past the first boss, which is far harder, shows that player could have done it and gearing wasn't the issue. Knowing the mechanics was.


I've completed Bloodhunt with a team of players that, aside from myself, weren't max level. We did wipe on the first boss a few times until they got the mechanics down, but after that, we one shotted everything.

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Those are the perils of the group finder. If you want a completely smooth run get a guild group going.


The game shouldn't be nerfed and streamlined more than it already is just cus you had a bad experience finding people for HM FP. That's the point of HM in the first place. It's not supposed to be that easy.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I am a solo player so comments like yours has little impact on me. However so many players on this forum complain about how few group these days. I wonder why?


Ever think that maybe you and player(s) like you are part of the problem? Posts like yours does nothing to encourage new players or even old players looking into getting into group content for the first time, to do so. At least the OP is a little more understanding, though I think he could have made the thread title a little less toxic. Other than that though the actual post was well put and very reasonable.


My boyfriend and I will help a new player that may not have the right set up and have been known to work with a person undergeared but there are those that never listen to what you say. We have asked them to stay out of the purple circles, told them to kill the adds, etc but some don't do that and then they yell at me saying it is my fault for not healing them. I inform them if I have to kill the adds because they are not doing it then my healing is limited because I am having to do my job and theirs and in cases where I have to do this the tank is my priority and then myself.


We know learning the flashpoints and what you need as far as gear some may need help but you are willing to help and they refuse to listen then what is a person to do then?

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Back in KotFE when the level cap was 65...Level 50 players were allowed to enter hm fps which were considered lv 65 endgame content.


Now in KotET the level cap is 70...and still Level 50 players are allowed to enter hm fps which are considered lv 70 endgame content.


I really love doing hm flashpoints and I do them with random pugs only...but having all these low level players around doesn't make it feel like endgame content anymore. Instead I feel like a baysitter who has to carry low level players through a content that is just to hard for them yet more often than I would like too.

Don't get me wrong...I have met many super friendly low level players and some of them aren't bad players at all but to me they should not be allowed to enter level 70 endgame content if they haven't reached max level yet.

And I'm not talking about enrage timers that ( to me) are absolutely fine the way they are if you have a group of full level 70s who at least partly know what they are doing.


The sad thing is that hm fp queue pops are almost dead...thanks to Galactic Command and the absurdly easy and fast way to grind Command Levels with pvp. Too many level 70 players just stoped doing hm fps since pvp is just the more effective and more reliable way to get gear. So whats left are all the low level players who still queue for hm fps but will stop doing so the moment they reach Level 70.


I would like to see hm flashpoints restricted to max level players only ( I mean it's supposed to be level 70 content after all). Enrage timers don't need a nerf, they are fine and doable with a group of max level players who know how their class works. What we need would be an incentive to do hm flashpoints as an equally rewarding alternative to pvp. The cp gain of time consuming hm flashpoints (+ the wait to get a pop) is just too low compared with the super easy accessible and brain afking unranked pvp pops that give much more cp per time spend and hold no risk to waste your time at all.


Hm flashpoints and their tunings are fine...they just suffer from Galactic Command and its consequences and from the fact that low level players are allowed to join this "max level endgame content".

Edited by Avianatorsparkma
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We have asked them to stay out of the purple circles, told them to kill the adds, etc but some don't do that and then they yell at me saying it is my fault for not healing them. I inform them if I have to kill the adds because they are not doing it then my healing is limited because I am having to do my job and theirs and in cases where I have to do this the tank is my priority and then myself.


We know learning the flashpoints and what you need as far as gear some may need help but you are willing to help and they refuse to listen then what is a person to do then?


Kick or leave. Have a smoke. Queue again. Move on.


It's a mmo. Expecting every player out there to be decent both gameplay wise and manners wise is stupid tbh. You must learn to accept these things as fact of mmo life and stop working yourself up.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Bioware should make tiered HM fps and tiered opses.

Blood hunt and underlurker slaughter low level dps


But good group can sail through those so no nerf is needed. Just designated those as harder challenges not accessible to lvls below 70

Edited by DisIzMe
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