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Remove electro net please.


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use aggressive words over finesse will not make your comments more accurate.


i play my merc IO often and i am reasonable anough to see how enet is ridiculous in the actual environnement and totally unfair against melee class like juggs and marauders.


thing said i will ignore you on this subject (and maybe for all subject when i read your poor coments) in the future.

Edited by Thaladan
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use aggressive words over finesse will not make your comments more accurate.


i play my merc IO often and i am reasonable anough to see how enet is ridiculous in the actual environnement and totally unfair against melee class like juggs and marauders.


thing said i will ignore you on this subject (and maybe for all subject when i read your poor coments) in the future.


The truth always hurts. If E-net is an instant win button in your mind then more power to you.

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I always thought there should be another resolve bar, separate from stuns, for roots and slows. Bioware decided to go the "let them buy utilities to break em" route instead, which fixed the problem but makes for a lot of mandatory utility selections for pvp.


Hinder effect can only be broken by your hard cc breaker move, not root/snare. Actually prevents most of the moves that counter those actually.

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Yes let's make it harder to kill sorcs and stealths.


This is such a ridiculous whine thread. The most ridiculous thing about it is that it's meant to be taken seriously.


Exactly. MERCS ARE NOT HARD TO KILL FFS! You just have to use your brain! HEAL DEBUFFS, AOE and dont spam your defensives at pointless times, yeesh. I have NEVER seen this much complaining about things that are clearly more broken than mercs atm. I have a sinking feeling it is mainly the players that got used to mercs being the punching bags of the swtor universe that are all banding together so they can get their punching bags back.

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use aggressive words over finesse will not make your comments more accurate.


i play my merc IO often and i am reasonable anough to see how enet is ridiculous in the actual environnement and totally unfair against melee class like juggs and marauders.


thing said i will ignore you on this subject (and maybe for all subject when i read your poor coments) in the future.


Enet is unfair against marauders and juggs. Right, do we really have to go over how many defensives they have? Have you tried LOS? You know, dont just mindlessly walk toward the merc that used the ability on you?

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use aggressive words over finesse will not make your comments more accurate.


i play my merc IO often and i am reasonable anough to see how enet is ridiculous in the actual environnement and totally unfair against melee class like juggs and marauders.


thing said i will ignore you on this subject (and maybe for all subject when i read your poor coments) in the future.


E-net unfair against juggs and marauders ? Okay...


What about removing the leap immunity on crouch for snipers, which is pretty much 100% uptime ? And Entrench on top of that, totally immune to stuns and interrupts, which lasts a long time. With the slows and roots they have, they melt your face to oblivion before you can reach them. Totally unfaire to juggs and marauders. Nerf snipers. Right ?

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  • 4 years later...

The problem isn’t electro net. The problem is class stacking. It always has been. Even some of the people in this thread have essentially admitted to that. Electro net can be worked around and mercs can be killed easily as long as they don’t have a ton of help.


If anything, I would remove the slow from electro net. That plus the slowing effect from Blazing Bolts plus the utility that gives Thermal Missile a slow means you basically won’t move from one spot unless you pop an ability that purges movement impairment. If you don’t have one, or it’s on cooldown, you’re just stuck eating blaster bolts and missiles.

Edited by Enticy
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The problem isn’t electro net. The problem is class stacking. It always has been. Even some of the people in this thread have essentially admitted to that. Electro net can be worked around and mercs can be killed easily as long as they don’t have a ton of help.


If anything, I would remove the slow from electro net. That plus the slowing effect from Blazing Bolts plus the utility that gives Thermal Missile a slow means you basically won’t move from one spot unless you pop an ability that purges movement impairment. If you don’t have one, or it’s on cooldown, you’re just stuck eating blaster bolts and missiles.


I agree.

I think electro net should stay but its slow effect should be removed as the fact it can prevent people from using movement abilities such as dashes is already strong enough.

Merc already has multiple roots and slows built in their attacks .

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You exaggerate how powerful E-net is, either that or you are ignorant and simply don't know how to work around the ability. .

How do you work around an enet exactly? I am not assuming the class you play but you make it sound like its not a ridicules ability. When it is on someone, they have to break the slow it places on you with a cc breaker then another dcd to mitigate the damage. - 2 dcds blown to stop a single ability that has a 1.5 gcd. Then there is the effort of getting to the merc/mando who still has a ton of other escapes, stuns and can self heal - 30 meters away. reflect shield, heal bubble, other self heals, charge escape, hydraulic overrides, aoe knockback a hard instant stun and a channeled cc. oh and slows and roots build into the abilities. Am I missing anything?


At minimum this thing should cap out your resolve.


--- Are you instantly killed by E-net, and is that why you feel it should be removed? .

E-net itself does not kill you, it is the other utilities you become vulnerable to that kills you and the fact as stated above, requires you to blow multiple DCDs just to mitigate damage and able to move freely.


This ability has been in the game for so long, and luckily the devs have been smart enough to recognize it's not overpowered and have left it in.


LOL just because they have not touched it does not mean it is not over powered. If I am not mistaken, Keith mains a Merc.


I bet if he played a Jugg, rage smash would still be a thing. I mean It was also in the game for a while - that did not mean it was not OP.


I am not saying it should be removed from the game. BUT a debuff of getting chain enetted or something like filling the resolve is needed.

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All hinder effects should buff the target to make them immune to other hinder effects for the duration of the cooldown of the hinder ability. For example, being netted should make you immune to hinder effects for 60s.
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Yes, take away one of the few things really effective against operatives!

This is just ...Lol.EN dosent even affect the target for a really long time.

There are so many things they need to fix on pvp, such as skank tanks,operatives being super overpower,arena bugs etc.

You have all the right to complaing about anything,but lets be reasonable at least.

Altho I agree that they could add a immunity bar to en and slow too,sure. But first, nerf skank tanks and operatives. xD

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E-net has been in the game almost, what, 8 years now?


Sounds like an L2P issue


Most "merc mains" net Sorcs at 100% anyway, at least since 5.0


Snipers and Ops (conc) can roll net, you can mad dash net, you can shroud net...PT's can reduce their effect also...


It's not anywhere close to OP as it used to be


Obviously a different story if class stacked, but that's just part of the game

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This thread is interesting now because electro net is really not super relevant anymore, although back when the thread was created the OP was 100% correct. It's worth noting how disingenuous half the people prior to the necro are. This took place in 2017 (5.0), literally the height of merc supremacy, and half the replies are "they're not OP just learn to play against them". The deflection to sorcs is hilarious too, not sure how many remember but this is before sorcs got their DR, and they literally would just get neutered by mercs breathing on them. The dulfy guide for 5.0 sorc pvp literally has the words "sorcs are mercs' chewtoys" in it. Meanwhile mercs who should've had bronze or below (and since 6.0, do) were getting gold in seasons 8-9, and to a lesser extend in 10 and 11 too. I'm pretty sure this is the reason the devs pay absolutely no attention to these forums, since it's just people lobbying for their main class to get and stay overpowered.


That said, 6.0 has brought the balance into a very strange place. Pretty much all the melee classes have very strange mechanics going on. 3/5 have stealth (maras even more so than actual stealthers), and the other 2/5 have essentially heal-to-full cooldown reset mechanics on a 45 second timer, which makes them hyper powerful in the presence of support, and very much less so in its absence. Also, crossguard (still a thing!) For this reason, it's much simpler to leave the melee classes out of it and just compare the three ranged classes against one another, since you could also argue that ranged dps is a bit of a different role than melee dps.


Both sniper and sorc have uber burst (via roll ambush and instant thundering blast tacticals) and high damage output, but in exchange are extremely squishy, and have to essentially kite to survive, even with the support of a tank and/or healer. Less so with both, but it's still necessary in some situations depending on the enemy skill level.


Merc is a strange beast. Since their mobility is lower than that of sniper and sorc, they have the cooldowns to facetank somewhat, but not entirely. This is a change since 5.0, but a good one. They also have a bit of increased mobility since getting double rocket out, which allows them to kite semi-efficiently. In a 4dps match they will have to kite the whole round if focused, but with a healer or a tank they can spend some of their time facetanking and trying to secure a kill. This is complemented by electronet, which allows them to dictate when they should attempt that kill. The way it normally works is not unbalanced, specifically because mercs do only moderate damage, and you can save breaker and negate the effect, although this comes with tradeoffs (no stun breaker). However, in the event of a longer round, a second net (off cooldown) is essentially an autowin mechanic since most players will be kiting around with 30% HP, and have used breaker earlier. Likewise, in regs where breaker doesn't reset on death, and when there are multiple mercs (and only one breaker), net does tend to feel oppressive, since there are precious few cooldowns that will allow you to facetank 6.0 levels of burst for 9 seconds, at difference to 5.0 when basically any DR would do the trick. I'm not sure the second two cases are actually something the devs consider when balancing, which makes net basically feel like a mechanical fluke in some situations, and just poorly designed, and that's the only reason I'd consider its removal a reasonable possibility.


If you were to go out of your way to remove it in this meta, however, you'd need to give merc something in return in order to keep them from dropping out of relevance altogether. The easiest thing to do would probably be, replace Kolto Surge with the hydraulic speed utility that PTs get (less facetanking, but way more kiting ability), and then buff arsenal up to the levels of damage that lightning and marksmanship can put out (maybe 8m sweeping blasters too.) If hydro speed wasn't enough to compensate for losing super kolto, I wouldn't be opposed to giving them kolto breaker either. It would pretty much roll all of the ranged classes into the same template, but a lot of people feel like this is the way that ranged classes are supposed to play in MMOs in general. Basically if you take net from mercs, you'd need to make them play more like sorcs. But sorcs do just fine in this meta, so it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Edited by cflems
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You can ONLY remove the cripple from CC break. So you either eat the insane slow and pop all of your DCDs for the duration of net and hopefully the other merc doesnt net you again. Or you pop CC break and pray you dont get double stunned into the next century as your team calls you trash.



Net is the ONLY cc in the game that works like this. Everything else has a rule. soft CC? broken on damage. hard CC shorter but doesnt break on damage. roots? slows? ONLY merc has a cripple thats this tyrannical. The fact it works while you are full resolve is complete BS.

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The fact it works while you are full resolve is complete BS.


did they change resolve? I vaguely remember it only ever working on stuns/mezzes (i.e., you could get snared/rooted up the wazoo) enet is many things, but it doesn't actually stun/mezz. so it's logical (if unfair) that resolve doesn't affect it.

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It might as well be a stun tbh a jugg that cant kite is a dead jugg


Interesting that you feel this way, given jugg is one of the classes least affected by net. Generally if you take the speed buffs on enrage and enraged defense (both usable during net) in your utilities, you should be able to kite a bit during net, maybe find a corner to sit in for the duration. If you're chased into the corner you can generally fear the merc for the duration of the net since they'll be close to you.


There's a misconception about net, that you shouldn't move during it. This is because the tooltip states you will take up to 200% more damage by doing so, but that damage is only from the dot that net applies, which is a pretty miniscule amount of damage, all of which can be reflected, for example. You should almost certainly be kiting during net, generally you'll need to be line-of-sighting enemies until you can use all your cooldowns again. On jugg, though, you can already use everything but leap and mad dash during net, so you should instead just line of sight to force enemies into your range, or even just hit a melee target for the 9 seconds.

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Don't remove electronet. Keep it like this. This is what it makes a merc op. If you have 2 mercs and they know how to manage/use well their net they can take down anyone faster than you think. Thx devs you have made a good job. Edited by TheOverMind-
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pls remove scoundrel roll . remove spinning kick. remove dodge reflect, remove flak shell slow, remove stun grenades, remove low slash, remove lance, remove pacify, remove powerlode, remove 2 cloaks.....


lets face it remove anything but auto hit.

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