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I just love being focused by mercs in this meta <3


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I notice no drop off with juggs in regs. Juggs have been weak in ranked for a while now due to mitigation issues with certain types of damage and I would imagine that still is the case now.


How have juggs fallen far behind now, and are you saying juggs are weaker now in 5.0 compared to 4.0? I won't pretend to know the details on this, but even you admit juggs do "incredible DPS", mitigate "some damage".


I'd take a mediocre jugg over a mediocre merc personally. But, enlighten me how juggs are worse now compared to 4.0, only because I don't see it from scoreboards or how they perform in REG wzs.


DPS Juggs and PTs are first to be targeted in ranked now. A mediocre merc will do much, much better in every facet of the match.

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DPS Juggs and PTs are first to be targeted in ranked now. A mediocre merc will do much, much better in every facet of the match.


If you notice what you qouted me as typing I said REGS.


Anyway, juggs and PTs were focused first in 4.0, unless a merc or sniper queued which was rare particularly in 4.0 solo ranked. Reason being they all had weak dcds when tunneled. What is your point?


In the previous post, I asked the guy how juggs in REGS, REGS, REGS dropped off in performance.


He said in 5.0 they do incredible damage, and mitigated "some" damage (actually understating the fact they can mitigate a lot of damage), all the whole while proclaiming that juggs in REGS have dropped off in performance.


I ask, how? he never responded because most likely they have not become weaker in 5.0 REGS REGS REGS.

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If you notice what you qouted me as typing I said REGS.


Anyway, juggs and PTs were focused first in 4.0, unless a merc or sniper queued which was rare particularly in 4.0 solo ranked. Reason being they all had weak dcds when tunneled. What is your point?


In the previous post, I asked the guy how juggs in REGS, REGS, REGS dropped off in performance.


He said in 5.0 they do incredible damage, and mitigated "some" damage (actually understating the fact they can mitigate a lot of damage), all the whole while proclaiming that juggs in REGS have dropped off in performance.


I ask, how? he never responded because most likely they have not become weaker in 5.0 REGS REGS REGS.


You are mis quoting for your own purpose. I said Juggs look good on scoreboards. They have minimal impact on the actual match. But it is a concept you can't actually seem to comprehend. Juggs have dropped off since 3.0 as many classes have gotten much stronger while Juggs have remained largely the same and therefore have fallen behind which leads to less of an impact in regs and certainly ranked.


You opinion is quite ignorant and I'm a little embarrassed for you.

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Ridiculous is the only way i can say it really! Merc is the best tank in the game now with crazy ranged instant burst damage while jumping up and down getting pocket healed by a Sorc. gg


By instant you do mean "needing 2, possibly 3, GCDs to set up" right?


Priming Shot, gcd, TM, gcd, HSM.




Priming Shot (misses, absorbed, etc), gcd, Power Surge, gcd, TM, gcd, HSM

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You are mis quoting for your own purpose. I said Juggs look good on scoreboards. They have minimal impact on the actual match. But it is a concept you can't actually seem to comprehend. Juggs have dropped off since 3.0 as many classes have gotten much stronger while Juggs have remained largely the same and therefore have fallen behind which leads to less of an impact in regs and certainly ranked.


You opinion is quite ignorant and I'm a little embarrassed for you.


I am embarassed for you because I quoted exactly what you wrote, not a "mis quoting" at all... yet you claim I misquoted you? here, let me help you and show you exactly what YOU wrote.


Are we talking about looking good on the board or making a difference in the match? Juggs look great on a board, all those medals, they mitigated some damage, they did incredible DPS.


YOU yourself wrote, they do "incredible" damage! lol.. You also acknowledge they mitigate "some" damage which is BS they are quite capable of mitigating tons of damage in REGS.


Anyway, you can downplay the effectiveness of juggs and guardians in matches it won't change the fact that they have been a strong class in REGS for quite a long time.


The reason they didn't get any huge buffs in 5.0 is because they were strong prior to 5.0 IN REGS and if they were given anything better for ranked they would be so over-the-top in REGS it would be 10 times worse than what we got with the 5.0 mercs.


Anyone that claims guardians or juggs are weak in REGS should be embarassed because they are not.


And yes I judge by scoreboards just as you do too. Don't pretend that total damage, protection, etc., means nothing and that just because they get tons of medals they actually underperform and are a weak class IN REGS.


Total BS on your part.

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By instant you do mean "needing 2, possibly 3, GCDs to set up" right?


Priming Shot, gcd, TM, gcd, HSM.




Priming Shot (misses, absorbed, etc), gcd, Power Surge, gcd, TM, gcd, HSM


um, why are you using tracer missile right off? you are missing so much damage from blazing bolts with this setup...

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um, why are you using tracer missile right off? you are missing so much damage from blazing bolts with this setup...


This only adds to his point tbh, and Blazing Bolts doesn't exactly set up the main burst sequence, you need the TM/PS debuffs for that.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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I am embarassed for you because I quoted exactly what you wrote, not a "mis quoting" at all... yet you claim I misquoted you? here, let me help you and show you exactly what YOU wrote.




YOU yourself wrote, they do "incredible" damage! lol.. You also acknowledge they mitigate "some" damage which is BS they are quite capable of mitigating tons of damage in REGS.


Anyway, you can downplay the effectiveness of juggs and guardians in matches it won't change the fact that they have been a strong class in REGS for quite a long time.


The reason they didn't get any huge buffs in 5.0 is because they were strong prior to 5.0 IN REGS and if they were given anything better for ranked they would be so over-the-top in REGS it would be 10 times worse than what we got with the 5.0 mercs.


Anyone that claims guardians or juggs are weak in REGS should be embarassed because they are not.


And yes I judge by scoreboards just as you do too. Don't pretend that total damage, protection, etc., means nothing and that just because they get tons of medals they actually underperform and are a weak class IN REGS.


Total BS on your part.


LOL, You are a stubborn one aren't you. Again, I will try to explain very slowly. Their is a disconnect between what is on the scoreboard and what actual relevance a class plays in the match. Again Juggs look great on a scoreboard, but the damage that you see from Juggs is not as good as you think it is as much of their damage is due to dot spread. That dot spread is easily mitigated by a single healer. The dots have little to no bearing on the outcome of the match unless there is no healer in sight.


So you actually judge classes by what is on the scoreboard? Wow just wow dude.


I can literally get 10 medals in less then 1 minute and you think this is some indication of class strength? The medal system is largely based on the 1.0 meta and is no indication on how classes actually perform. It's sad people look at this is this way.


For some reason it seems like you think classes should be balanced around regs and the scoreboard? Which explains a lot about your extremely flawed opinions. You should work for BW, you would fit right in.

Edited by Kawiki
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LOL, You are a stubborn one aren't you. Again, I will try to explain very slowly. Their is a disconnect between what is on the scoreboard and what actual relevance a class plays in the match. Again Juggs look great on a scoreboard, but the damage that you see from Juggs is not as good as you think it is as much of their damage is due to dot spread. That dot spread is easily mitigated by a single healer. The dots have little to no bearing on the outcome of the match unless there is no healer in sight.


So you actually judge classes by what is on the scoreboard? Wow just wow dude.


I can literally get 10 medals in less then 1 minute and you think this is some indication of class strength? The medal system is largely based on the 1.0 meta and is no indication on how classes actually perform. It's sad people look at this is this way.


For some reason it seems like you think classes should be balanced around regs and the scoreboard? Which explains a lot about your extremely flawed opinions. You should work for BW, you would fit right in.


To discount what a scoreboard shows is careless, as you actually can tell how productive a player is by the scoreboard in many matches.


Don't try to twist what I write though, I never said you can judge purely what a class or player does in a wz via the scoreboard. I simply know for a fact you can usually get a pretty accurate picture what or how they contributed.


There are exceptions of course.


Healers won't wrack of tons of medals if they only pour out heals on their team doing nothing else.


Stealths that guard might not have tons of medals due to them not participating in big battles and they won't show tons of damage either.


Most people understand this and realize in certain circumstances the scoreboards do not reflect everything a player contributes.


Now that you see I understand that, and agree, if you are saying that numbers mean nothing then I will say I believe you are wrong.


Numbers and scores can give an indication of what a player contributes in a match.


Juggs and "Fluff" damage is actually useful because it does put pressure on multiple targets. Juggs also are capable of putting great single target pressure on a healer with tons of pushes, knockbacks, snares, and decent sustained damage.


I asked you earlier to explain to me how IN REGS juggs are now weaker than they were in 4.0, and you still have not answered this. How? How are they weaker? You said they had a drop-off in performance and I want to know how?

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Unless there are several "fluff" damage dealers, in YOLO, with a healer, that all it is, fluff. One aoe heal (that they probably would be casting anyway) gets rid of most or all of that damage. All it does is pad numbers and does not contribute much to killing people. Now if no one has heals or you have several people on the team spreading dots to everyone then yes that can create more pressure on the healer, but with just one, the extra damage is insignificant.


Numbers CAN indicate what a player does in the match but not always. For example, 3 times I helped stealth cap in a Hypergate match with another stealth. The 2 of us would roll up, I would sleep the guard and the other person would cap. As soon as he broke CC I would sleep him again and the other person could finish the cap. (why they didn't add more guards after the first time Ill never understand). The numbers on the board don't reflect assists like that.


They also don't show how many times someone passes to someone in huttball that end up scoring. They don't show how many times I drew people away from objectives fighting 3 vs 1 to make it easier for others to grab those objectives. Sure it shows that I may have died several times but it has no reflection on how I contributed to the most important stat on the board, the win.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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um, why are you using tracer missile right off? you are missing so much damage from blazing bolts with this setup...


Because the guy I quoted said "instant" burst and I assumed he was talking about a crit from HSM. That rotation I put up there simply shows the abilities needed for a full damage HSM.


It is also assuming relic procs and the instant crit from the set bonus.


It is by no means the rotation I use or would recommend. Just the fewest abilities needed and to show that his instant isn't instant.

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Yeah me too. I hate when people take one screenshot and then think it offers overwhelming proof regarding their personal biased opinion that a class is OP'd.


I could take screenshots of 4v4s with the same number of any class just as you show of the mercs there.


Now, if you offered 30 different screenshots in a 5 day period showing the same number of them in 4v4s, then that would give you some credibility to your impassioned whine thread about mercs overflowing the wzs.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Yeah me too. I hate when people take one screenshot and then think it offers overwhelming proof regarding their personal biased opinion that a class is OP'd.


I could take screenshots of 4v4s with the same number of any class just as you show of the mercs there.


Now, if you offered 30 different screenshots in a 5 day period showing the same number of them in 4v4s, then that would give you some credibility to your impassioned whine thread about mercs overflowing the wzs.


I'd love to see you do it. I'm guessing that is ranked also so let's make sure you are comparing apples correctly.

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I'd love to see you do it. I'm guessing that is ranked also so let's make sure you are comparing apples correctly.


Yes, let's base our position of the topic on guesses shall we?


If it's ranked, who cares. I wouldn't bother because ranked has never been balanced and has ALWAYS had classes that were "fotm" or enjoying immense advantages over other classes.


Crying that ranked is imbalanced and proliferated with fotm classes is like crying that the sky is blue. Ranked is imbalanced you say, AND FOTM classes populate it? No way! :rolleyes:


Also the phenomenon of a specific class being the majority in a regs match happens too, particularly in 4v4s. Guess what, it's not mercs everytime either.


I can't believe you are actually going to try to defend a single SS and parade the idea that it offers some sort of genuine proof of any kind.


All it really proves is that whether it's ranked or not, there's clearly no matchmaking involved concerning classes that are placed in a match against eachother.


Even if mercs are OP'd and FOTM, one SS doesn't mean jack and it is just a whiner's lazy attempt to make their personal biased opinion seem validated.

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I can't believe you are actually going to try to defend a single SS and parade the idea that it offers some sort of genuine proof of any kind.




I posted that screen shot to depict the worst merc-infested game of mine so far, and not to claim that every match consists of 75% mercs. The fact of the matter is however, that arsenal mercs now make up about 37% of all matches in solo ranked (on average).


But keep spewing your pro Merc biased propaganda. It will only bring more attention the stark imbalance the game now suffers under.

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This only adds to his point tbh, and Blazing Bolts doesn't exactly set up the main burst sequence, you need the TM/PS debuffs for that.

That seems really wrong. If you are skipping your blazing bolts you are not only losing mass damage, you are wasting procs for even more damage. you use blazing bolts before the TM because you can use the instant TM to reset BB, and instant TM into BB is pretty damn bursty. If you're just shooting off a TM then throwing your HSM and RS out there, you're not reaching anywhere near your potential DPS.

Because the guy I quoted said "instant" burst and I assumed he was talking about a crit from HSM. That rotation I put up there simply shows the abilities needed for a full damage HSM.


It is also assuming relic procs and the instant crit from the set bonus.


It is by no means the rotation I use or would recommend. Just the fewest abilities needed and to show that his instant isn't instant.

Quoted the guy above from the page before and didn't see there was another page, so didn't see this.


I would almost say that BB is PART of the set up though, because of how much you lose if you leave it out, but the whole rotation does extremely high damage, so anyone saying it doesn't have stopping power is insane.


Not to mention how 95% of the rotation has a ridiculous slow attached to it.

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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