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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Attn : New PvPers Hypergates


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New PvPers please learn the objectives of each type of map, especially Hypergates and guard it if you cap the node.


I'm getting sick of losing in this map because noobs cap and run off.


The rule is "if you cap it, you guard it" unless someone agrees to come swap. Don't cap and run.


This is obviously just one WZ map. There are many others to learn too. Please take the time to do so or ask someone.


Someone lost a match :D

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I laugh at your objectives!

I'm there for easy CXP and don't care whether I win or lose.

Though realistically, the ONE thing I can do adequately in WZ's is sit there and call for help if the other team shows up.

I may even still be alive by the time you get there.

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I'm hardcore. While I dislike losing because of noobs, I'd rather lose because they tried, then lose because they didn't.


People only get better with practice, we've all been there and most of us have sucked at the beginning. At least if they learn the right way to play they will have a firm foundation to build on.

If they start of playing the wrong way they will only get worse. It's those people who have the bad attitudes in pvp.


You're not "most" players, Trixx, and I mean that as a complement


More importantly, does unranked really matter?

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Sorry, all I heard was wah wah wah....


Seriously you're complaining about the wrong people... Direct your attention at the Devs with dumb ideas pushing people to farm PvP cause it's the most efficient way to gain CXP outside Fractured.....


A lot of new people in PvP don't care about it and are just trying to get their medals and end the match as quick as possible....


Honestly as a shadow I get damn tired of guarding, but I do it... I get my 8 medals pretty easily cause someone is always dumb enough to try. Best you can do some days. These people don't care about winning or losing, just CXP. We all just have to deal with it....


I can just take solace in the fact I told them nonsense like this would happen

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You really should ask simpler things. I, for one, would be happy, if they just learn basic things about life, like their lefts and their rights.


I was in a Voidstar match a week ago. While we defending, someone constantly called for the right door while it was actually the left door that was under attack. S/he was like "right rigt girht", then "RIGHT", and "RIGHTT". Consequently, we lost thanks to his/her existence.

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New PvPers please learn the objectives of each type of map, especially Hypergates and guard it if you cap the node.


I'm getting sick of losing in this map because noobs cap and run off.


The rule is "if you cap it, you guard it" unless someone agrees to come swap. Don't cap and run.


This is obviously just one WZ map. There are many others to learn too. Please take the time to do so or ask someone.


Jeez how am I supposed to explore the map and take interesting screen shots if I'm always stuck in one place?!

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I was in a Voidstar match a week ago. While we defending, someone constantly called for the right door while it was actually the left door that was under attack. S/he was like "right rigt girht", then "RIGHT", and "RIGHTT". Consequently, we lost thanks to his/her existence.


This is why I always use compass directions cuz they never change like left/right 'flip' in Voidstar depending on if you're attacking or defending. Like do they mean left from the spawn or left on the minimal? Compass directions are just so much clearer. Also, the announcer even says 'the east bomb'.


When I suggest and encourage this method to these left/right people I get flamed.

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You really should ask simpler things. I, for one, would be happy, if they just learn basic things about life, like their lefts and their rights.


I was in a Voidstar match a week ago. While we defending, someone constantly called for the right door while it was actually the left door that was under attack. S/he was like "right rigt girht", then "RIGHT", and "RIGHTT". Consequently, we lost thanks to his/her existence.


So just to clarify, you were unable to figure out if someone was shouting for help and they weren't at your door that maybe they were at, I don't know, THE ONLY OTHER DOOR?


Literally, you don't even have to speak the same language to play voidstar effectively. If you're on the 6-7 person side and see some letters pop up, that's your que that you already should have been swapping about 10 seconds before.


If you actually want to play voidstar well, you should follow the strategy ABC. Always Be Counting. If you have 6 defenders fighting 2 enemies, several of you should be swapping to the other side now, whether the call has come or not. Because with the constant respawns, the enemies are coming down one side or the other.

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So just to clarify, you were unable to figure out if someone was shouting for help and they weren't at your door that maybe they were at, I don't know, THE ONLY OTHER DOOR?


Literally, you don't even have to speak the same language to play voidstar effectively. If you're on the 6-7 person side and see some letters pop up, that's your que that you already should have been swapping about 10 seconds before.


If you actually want to play voidstar well, you should follow the strategy ABC. Always Be Counting. If you have 6 defenders fighting 2 enemies, several of you should be swapping to the other side now, whether the call has come or not. Because with the constant respawns, the enemies are coming down one side or the other.

The way you describe it, it is as if PvPing is merely like parsing on the dummy. People die, and they are misdirected to just go for the other door first, which is a time loss. Edited by fatsi
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So just to clarify, you were unable to figure out if someone was shouting for help and they weren't at your door that maybe they were at, I don't know, THE ONLY OTHER DOOR?


Literally, you don't even have to speak the same language to play voidstar effectively. If you're on the 6-7 person side and see some letters pop up, that's your que that you already should have been swapping about 10 seconds before.


If you actually want to play voidstar well, you should follow the strategy ABC. Always Be Counting. If you have 6 defenders fighting 2 enemies, several of you should be swapping to the other side now, whether the call has come or not. Because with the constant respawns, the enemies are coming down one side or the other.


This is correct but its even simpler, if you see more green than red you are on the wrong side. ;)

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New PvPers please learn the objectives of each type of map, especially Hypergates and guard it if you cap the node.


I'm getting sick of losing in this map because noobs cap and run off.


The rule is "if you cap it, you guard it" unless someone agrees to come swap. Don't cap and run.


This is obviously just one WZ map. There are many others to learn too. Please take the time to do so or ask someone.



If only there were some way for you to make sure that the objective was safe even if someone else ran off.

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This is correct but its even simpler, if you see more green than red you are on the wrong side. ;)


I have the person guarding as my focus target so can see right away if they are fighting or not. Many times I end up being the one to call for help when I see that it is the 1 guard with me rushing to help vs 3 others.

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This is correct but its even simpler, if you see more green than red you are on the wrong side. ;)
You guys PvP on forums? Time is a factor. If you call for the wrong side in Voidstar, you would wish you never did call. Because everyone who respawns after getting laid would just jump to the other side without looking. Going from one door to the other takes enough time for the other team to plant the bomb, so understanding that you are on the wrong may not matter. You people theorize well, though.
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Choose a guard before match begins.

Safety in numbers.


It is also up those non-guards to keep an eye out on the caps-nodes and not leave it up to one guard. Many times a guard is only there because no one else is watching.


If this reluctant guard is capped then the professional chat-batchers (complainers) will not shut up about the guard. Which results in not wanting to guard again and/or keeping chat closed.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Since I rolled a Sin, I subscribed to the notion that I am the guarder and call it every time. Yeah my numbers suck and it isn't as fun but I like to win matches more. If someone else says it before me prior to the start of the match, then I am on-call support and respond to incs/run orbs to py/ steal caps and so forth. It is much less stressful than trying to rely on others to win objectives blindly. I state how I will respond so when I do, it doesn't come as a shock to people during the match. Also being vocal about switching positions helps others be more communicative about what is needed to win.


Providing general tips to the person running off when it is noticed also helps (whispered). I have noticed run offs more in lowbie matches than mids/regs (personally). Granted there some that DGAF but promoting team play seems to be better than flaming. Flaming makes people stop listening.


I agree with looking at map/strategy guides, but when it comes down to it, if no one else partakes to a winning strategy, then trying to make it happen yourself (if capable) is still the better option even if it means a overall loss of the match. Can't fix stupid, but can promote winning strategy until they learn. (bad strategy i.e. focusing on triple capping as fast as possible then running everywhere to maintain).

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Hypergate's are interesting because they are especially vulnerable to stealth cap if you are not guarding it smartly, or have your cc break on cooldown.


New players that guard it are not really a good idea from the start due to that. There are ways to guard it even without stealth detection to avoid having to use your cc break without being white lined, but when the other team have good stealth cappers (not every sin or operatives are good at it either) its better to have 2 guards, or 1 stealth able guard.


Against a smart sin or operatives that has its combat cloak up tough, you'll be able to solo keep them off a maximum of 1 resolve bar if they know what they are doing, even if you do as well. If you are really good, maybe a bit more. Plenty of time for some help to come tough.

Edited by verfallen
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Maybe if GC grind wasnt so "fruitful" in PVP the "newbs" wouldnt go into it. Dont sprout do "Uprisings" as a defence because atm the only real viable way to farm this sodding cxp is to either repeatidly run Black Talon vet mode or as you say become a newb in WZ.


I personally detest WZ, cant abide Hutt Ball but still go out to try my best when I know I am hoplessly out classed, it is soul destroying but I can't sit through another Black Talon run atm because I am burnt out.


If the GCXP for Dailies and Heroics made sense I would return happily to my PVE existence but there is no consistency. Some Heroics can take a couple of mins to complete and 20cxp for the finish yet there is one on Corellia were you need to kill 60 mobs and all you get is 20cxp for the that.... were as in WZ the same amount of time and kills would earn you 500-600


Quite literally surprised that the none pvpers aint all started huddling in the far corner singing Kumbaya

Edited by DarthFletcher
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I know this is not the case. But, you come off as someone who refuses to cap and expects others to defend while you try to get the most kills. Maybe if you explain how the map is best played then the newbs might get the idea....


This, and I cannot count the number of times I had gone into an unranked solo match and entered into a new map zone and ask what the mechanics were to only be told:


"Kill all the things."


"Cap the thing."


To which, cap what thing? What do I do with the thing? No, no, don't pass me the thing!



Actually I was in a wz the other day and someone passed me a battle mod. I didn't know what to do with it, passed it back. Had it passed back to me. Typed something in chat like, "No don't give me this! I don't know what it does!" Pass it to another player with, "There you go good buddy. All yours." Annnnnndddd....passed back to me. I got yelled at, nbd. But don't yell unless you are willing to teach.


Anyway thank goodness for Google.

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Actually I was in a wz the other day and someone passed me a battle mod. I didn't know what to do with it, passed it back. Had it passed back to me. Typed something in chat like, "No don't give me this! I don't know what it does!" Pass it to another player with, "There you go good buddy. All yours." Annnnnndddd....passed back to me. I got yelled at, nbd. But don't yell unless you are willing to teach.


Anyway thank goodness for Google.


I would suggest to read the info text, when you mouse-over the buffs.

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New PvPers please learn the objectives of each type of map, especially Hypergates and guard it if you cap the node.


I'm getting sick of losing in this map because noobs cap and run off.


The rule is "if you cap it, you guard it" unless someone agrees to come swap. Don't cap and run.


This is obviously just one WZ map. There are many others to learn too. Please take the time to do so or ask someone.


OMG Becky! i tell u i was so mad last night. i help a couple of noobs keep them safe while one caps, then as soon as it is caped, they take off and force speed by me and i know now if i go to there is no one guarding the damned thing. So i go back and do it my self. If i cap i stay, if i guard while some one else cap then i am gone after that and they guard, BUT NOOOOOO, 4 times last night this kept happening. Then i notice they go back to center and they see the orbs bouncing around but they go off to kill people instead of getting the orbs and bring them to home base ***! :eek:


Any how just a tid bit of my rant...............

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New PvPers please learn the objectives of each type of map, especially Hypergates and guard it if you cap the node.


I'm getting sick of losing in this map because noobs cap and run off.


The rule is "if you cap it, you guard it" unless someone agrees to come swap. Don't cap and run.


This is obviously just one WZ map. There are many others to learn too. Please take the time to do so or ask someone.

And, it should be added, if I'm running an orb to our node, that doesn't mean I'm coming to relieve you of guard duty. Many times I've seen our guarder go running towards the middle once they see someone bringing an orb.

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