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Old companions not returned and balance of returning companions


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I'm disappointed they didn't bring back Akaavi in the Mandalorian chapter.


It's been a little while, but when doing Akaavi's conversations... doesn't she say at one point [paraphrasing] "I have no clan now; I'm not a Mandalorian, just a wandering mercenary"?

Edit: I also forget if there's an option to correct her in some way. e_e Like I said, it's been a little while, and both of my smugglers were rather dismissive to Akaavi, basically saying "I really don't care what you do, who you are, or what you think 'honor' is, just hold down the ship-fort here while I'm gone."

Edited by Jagaimee
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Yep. Especially when there are some classes that have nearly all their comps back and those who have hardly any. Even if they are from Alliance alerts.


After this next part/chapter(?) the Trooper will have all their companions back (I count Tanno Vik as we met him and there's a reason he isn't going to be a full time companion anymore), the JC has one, ONE!. Seriously bring back a JC companion already guys. :rolleyes:

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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After this next part/chapter(?) the Trooper will have all their companions back (I count Tanno Vik as we met him and there's a reason he isn't going to be a full time companion anymore), the JC has one, ONE!. Seriously bring back a JC companion already guys. :rolleyes:


There was supposed to be a Zenith alliance alert but it got bugged or something, from what I remember.


I think Iresso might be one of the next ones back since they referenced him as being someone that would be affected by your choice on Iokath - i.e. he won't like it if you side with the Empire.


Tharan will probably be an alliance alert, I guess. I'm guessing Nadia will be lumped in with the other Force-sensitive love interests once the Sith and Jedi are more actively involved in the story.

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I think Iresso might be one of the next ones back since they referenced him as being someone that would be affected by your choice on Iokath - i.e. he won't like it if you side with the Empire.


I hope so, Iresso is my fav Pub side romance. :)


Hmm I am seriously contemplating running a DS JC, romancing Iresso, choosing the Imp side in the upcoming chapter and seeing what happens when he returns. :eek:

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I would venture to guess that it was intended originally to bring back Akaavi before this point, as during the Guss alert he made reference to my character and Akaavi bringing up Mando kids <yes, my smuggler romanced Akaavi, not the golddigger princess....> His choices for which faction to back in the new expansion will be predicated on how that will affect the Akaavi connection.
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I hope so, Iresso is my fav Pub side romance. :)

Mine too! I hope he returns next. I think there's a good likelihood of him and Temple being the next ones. SW and Trooper companions return in 5.2. If we treat the Republic and Imperial mirror classes as the "same" class, then smuggler/agent and inquisitor/consular are the classes that don't get returning companions with 5.2. Pick the opposite force/non-force and Pub/Imp combinations to the 5.2 ones and we get Consular and Agent... then, since we had a male Imperial and a female Republic character with 5.2, swap that as well. Iresso and Temple are both quite loyal to their factions, which seems to be a theme of the returning companions right now. They are also both people with secrets that may present complications for them.


Hmm I am seriously contemplating running a DS JC, romancing Iresso, choosing the Imp side in the upcoming chapter and seeing what happens when he returns. :eek:

You monster! :eek:

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They are also both people with secrets that may present complications for them.


That's a good point! I always remember Iresso's secret but tend to forget Temple's (or tend to ignore the significance of it, I guess) ; a similarity like that could definitely be a reason they would be lumped together in a story line.

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I would love for Iresso and Temple to come back together -- I have an agent and she would just love to get Raina back - don't have a JC; so never got attached to Iresso ...

And Vector? Poor Vector, if he comes with a republic companion I really want, he may not get me back ( did not marry him, one night stands do not count lol )

Raina's deep dark secret -- spoiler just in case ...



possibly that she is force sensitive and that she killed her own father ?


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Raina's deep dark secret

Yep, that's the one!



Without wanting to offend ('cos I know favourite companions can be a touchy subject; my favourite, Felix, is woefully underappreciated!), my opinion on Temple has done a complete 180 since I initially played the game at launch. With my first agent, Raina seemed like a sweet, kind, loyal person, a refreshing contrast to the deceitful Kaliyo. Now I more feel that Kaliyo is a refreshing contrast to Temple! Kaliyo may be a liar, but you *know* she's a liar. Temple kills her father, who only acts as he does to protect her, and seems to believe she's done the right thing. That she's following Imperial law. Yet she continues to conceal her Force-sensitivity - continues to do what her father did? Why couldn't she try to save him instead, make the same exception for him that she makes for herself? Her sweet demeanour while all this is going on kinda horrifies me now. Again, I am sorry - I appreciate that she has many fans, presumably including you - but I have a hard time empathizing with her now.


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Yep, that's the one!



Without wanting to offend ('cos I know favourite companions can be a touchy subject; my favourite, Felix, is woefully underappreciated!), my opinion on Temple has done a complete 180 since I initially played the game at launch. With my first agent, Raina seemed like a sweet, kind, loyal person, a refreshing contrast to the deceitful Kaliyo. Now I more feel that Kaliyo is a refreshing contrast to Temple! Kaliyo may be a liar, but you *know* she's a liar. Temple kills her father, who only acts as he does to protect her, and seems to believe she's done the right thing. That she's following Imperial law. Yet she continues to conceal her Force-sensitivity - continues to do what her father did? Why couldn't she try to save him instead, make the same exception for him that she makes for herself? Her sweet demeanour while all this is going on kinda horrifies me now. Again, I am sorry - I appreciate that she has many fans, presumably including you - but I have a hard time empathizing with her now.



I kind of took Raina under my wing -- secret and all -- after all I figured I had lots of secrets too ... not the least of which was the fact I never really was that " gung - ho " Empire from the beginning ...... I disobeyed orders from superiors a lot too ...

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In my head canon -- none of the agent's companions really knew about what my odd behavior was all about, with the exception of Lokin, and I think he suspected ... like I said, if she threatens Theron or anyone in the Alliance, I will not look kindly on it -- but gee whiz, it was MY people that took her in ( the Chiss ) - should be worth some tiny bit of loyalty; maybe?
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I still think they missed a golden opportunity with Scourge by not having him return before.

The guys entire story revolved around the Emperor and i have no idea what they would do to bring him back now as anything else seems like just it wouldn't quite fit.

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I agree about Scourge (and, to a lesser extent, Kira). They are so closely linked to the story of the Emperor that there'll need to be some spectacularly written justification for their absence.


Yeah, I third this. My brain can't even wrap itself around what the devs must have been thinking on this one. The whole story would have been much more powerful if characters we already knew and cared about were involved from the beginning. Now they are left with this gaping plot hole that it's going to take a miracle to explain.

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We are going to deal with 4 more Gods of Zakuul.

Aivela is the next one and I think it will be on Iokath but why not on a new planet?


When I played my JK against Vaylin and Valkorion then I wished to have Kira and Scourge with me not Arcann.


Iresso and Raina from two factions might be next. After that should be Akaavi and Vector.


Corso and Mako. Risha and Andronikos.


Then we have left Tharan Zenith Doc Khem Val Jaessa Kira Scourge Nadia and Ashara.

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We are going to deal with 4 more Gods of Zakuul.

Aivela is the next one and I think it will be on Iokath but why not on a new planet?


When I played my JK against Vaylin and Valkorion then I wished to have Kira and Scourge with me not Arcann.


Iresso and Raina from two factions might be next. After that should be Akaavi and Vector.


Corso and Mako. Risha and Andronikos.


Then we have left Tharan Zenith Doc Khem Val Jaessa Kira Scourge Nadia and Ashara.



I really like that list -- sounds very logical to me ...

I have racked my brains trying to figure out combos .. those sound good for my agent ..

She could get Vector back (yes! ) -- only thing is Mako ... I really want Mako too ... if this list goes through ( I hope)

I may wind up more Empire than I originally thought ... hope Theron is ok with that .... (but I will take Risha, if she will come over; any day over the other guy -- deleted my SI and never looked back)

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I have a feeling they had originally intended to put out KOTET in the same format as KOTFE with a chunk of chapters then one a month incorporating the remaining companions into it, probably would have fleshed out the story much better. But the amount of people complaining about waiting a whole month for the next chapter made them change gears and condense the story to end it and now are trying to fill in and still bring out the content they had to set aside to condense the second part of the story. I honestly think they should have left it as they originally intended and added the OPS into the story as they fit, and bringing back the companions into the story as they fit also. I really hope the companions coming back doesn't end their part in the story, it probably will though because they went and wrote them into all the story and dropped the class stories (which is sad). They could have implemented the whole thing better.
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I concede that I am a bit slow. But am not following what is going on here.

Returned to game after a few years. Created all new toons. I have been diligently working on companion influence, to get as many companions as high as possible tor crafting (and if still true for their fighting ability as well).

I have been working on getting all eight classes through Chapter 3, have two left. I intentionally have not gone past Ch 3 because I wanted to finish all Story lines first.


Am I reading correctly that when I go past Chapter 3, I am going to lose all my companions except for the few listed in this thread?


If true, I assume all the work to level influence is wasted? or am I missing the big picture. :jawa_confused:

I want to thank you in advance for your response.

Edited by Confusi
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I concede that I am a bit slow. But am not following what is going on here.

Returned to game after a few years. Created all new toons. I have been diligently working on companion influence, to get as many companions as high as possible tor crafting (and if still true for their fighting ability as well).

I have been working on getting all eight classes through Chapter 3, have two left. I intentionally have not gone past Ch 3 because I wanted to finish all Story lines first.


Am I reading correctly that when I go past Chapter 3, I am going to lose all my companions except for the few listed in this thread?


If true, I assume all the work to level influence is wasted? or am I missing the big picture. :jawa_confused:

I want to thank you in advance for your response.


During the Shadow of Revan story line, they are still there but in KOTFE you do lose all the old companions, BUT, you do NOT lose the influence you have gained on them. So far, only a few have returned in the KOTFE story lines, some love interests, some regular companions, so keep that in mind.

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