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Informal Poll, Who want Master Difficulty chapters?


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As part of 5.1 to be released Jan 24th we are getting


  • Master Difficulty for all KOTFE and KOTET Chapters


I am curious to know and am asking the community, who actually wants a Mster Difficulty for all KOTFE and KOTET Chapters?


I for one don't care for it, and more than likely won't bother with it. I did the story on one toon on Story difficulty and finding it difficult to get into doing it a second time on another toon (on any difficulty). Considering the time it takes to complete a chapter, the rewards simply aren't worth it.


So community, Yea or Nay for Master Difficulty Chapters?

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The only way I'd do it if they make it worth my time. It's not so I won't. And besides I believe they were going to tune around a level of gear that like 3 people ever have a hope of getting (yes I'm exaggerating slightly for effect).
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I'd care if it was more than just more HP + more damage = master mode


I want to play KotET on all 8 classes and adding challenge with each additional playthrough is what I've been asking for a long time. But the difficulty modes don't seem to offer challenge, only bigger numbers.

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Nay. They will only increase the HP and outgoing damage, which does make it more challenging but without any new mechanics and with bad balancing, there is no reason to run them except to complete achievements. We saw from the Veteran Mode chapters that there is no rhyme or reason to how the bosses are balanced, some chapters are easy while other chapters are close to impossible with some classes.


In general, I enjoy difficult content from time to time, primarily if it is group content (flashpoints, operations). But outside of raid night, I just want to play the game without being challenged. Like running dailies/heroics, or doing the in-game events, that's something I enjoy. But I don't really enjoy doing Eternal Championship on a regular basis, it only means high repair bills if I mess something up and there's no big reward for doing it.

Challenging group content is fine, but when I'm on my own, I just want to play casually.


Even the solo players, who this content is made for, will not enjoy the Master Mode chapters, I'm sure of it. I've read some solo players saying they want a challenge, but the Master Mode will be too hard for them. If they've never been in group content, are clickers, don't use StarParse and have bad gear because they're still at CXP rank 20, they will fail at the Master Mode chapters.

Edited by Jerba
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Oh He...ck no. Story is story. Doesn't bother me in the slightest how trivial it is to get thru Kot_E. I've seen it. Making the slog through the endless halls of skytroopers any harder isn't going to magically make them any more interesting.


If I want a challenge I'll go PvP or do some group PvE.


Yet again BINO misinterpreted what was being asked for. Level-sync is not tuned right for the vanilla story and hilariously off for certain key fights. But of course changing those would make the new stuff look even lamer so of course that's going to be ignored.

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They were boring to begin with, so Nope, not interested.


Pretty much this.


Add that now I know the outcome I'm not interested at all.


Now, in saying that if BW makes them have CXP thats through the roof and beats all other options, I might do them but even then thats still a might because most of the chapters were mediocre and doing that story again would be crazy boring. The incentive would have to be massively high.


Otherwise, I'm not sure I could care any less for master difficulty.

Edited by Quraswren
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I run KOTET in veteran mode for the first time. Healing role (commando). Best possible gear crafted for my level. Got stuck against a Genoharadan guy in chapter 2. I switched to story for that chapter and finished it. Played some more in veteran until i got myself stuck in chapter 6 against a Horizon Captain, that casts powerful attacks on and on with insane damage to be mitigated or interrupted.


So I started with my Jedi Sentinel again in veteran mode, just to check if the wrong is the class and role. Again Genoharadan and his bunch is more than I can face. So I move to fleet, raise my new companion lvl 1 to lvl 30 influence. Back to fight. I can stand a little more, but still impossible to me after several tries.


I have stopped playing both stories, so maybe in the future this veteran mode is adjusted to something challenging but funny. Not interested to end KOTET in ridiculous easy mode just to watch some cutscenes. This veteran mode looks Master mode to me.


So no, I don't feel a need to punish myself again with better gear. I have spent money, time and frustration enough.

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I have zero interest in it. And having played some Master Difficulty chapters on PTS I don't see them being a very big draw.


That said, in a vacuum, it's not a bad idea. I think they were indeed tuned poorly and rely too much on number scaling.


Had they been done correctly, and with a viable reward system, they (along with Eternal Championship) would have made a nice mechanism for solo gearing - instead of the disaster of GC.

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There will be no new mechanics. It'll just be mobs with boosted HP and attack, which does not interest me.


This game has too much lazily made content... or maybe it's rushed content. Who knows.

Edited by Radzkie
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I´m likely gonna be in the minority but what the heck, I have to say I can´t wait for more. Playing and completing KOTET in Veteran mode gave me a sene of accomplishement I haven´t felt since the beginning of this game when dying on solo content was a common thing.


Yes, the rewards suck big time.


And yes, some fights are way too overtuned of course.


But overall I had a blast experiencing every victory, no matter how small or big, through my first run because even the lowest trash could kill you in seconds if you didn´t pay attention. It truly felt like everything was at stake since your char was so vulnerable. My def skills were always on cooldown, in fact I thought many fights were so intense that it was comparable to some of the hardest fights I usually see in PvP. Death could come at any time.


So yeah, if they somehow fix these two big issues above, I will gladly run through it again.

Edited by Quangus
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