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Why do EA suck at bringing back companions?


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I keep hearing something about a voice actor strike but COME ON what about the comps that don't even require voicing?? Khem Val for instance. Still missing for no good reason. And dont tell me about the companion locator I know about that I mean comps coming back for story purpose.


One of the reasons I unsubbed for sure.

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I keep hearing something about a voice actor strike but COME ON what about the comps that don't even require voicing?? Khem Val for instance. Still missing for no good reason. And dont tell me about the companion locator I know about that I mean comps coming back for story purpose.


Khem Val is voiced...and in his case he need 2 voice actors ! one for Khem val and one for those who kept Zash around .

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I keep hearing something about a voice actor strike but COME ON what about the comps that don't even require voicing?? Khem Val for instance. Still missing for no good reason. And dont tell me about the companion locator I know about that I mean comps coming back for story purpose.


The problem with Khem Val is likely that the Sith Inquisitor's choices could have a great impact on him.

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Khem Val will probably never make a proper return. They gave us a similar companion in the new Dashade. Khem will probably never return because of the various branches Khem's story can take, namely Khem or Zash.


Jaesa is in the same boat. She'll never return because who do you give to people that never had her; Light or Dark Jaesa?


Such is the downside of good "Choose your own Adventure" storytelling. When branches that split can't merge together again.

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I would be impressed and celebrate it with extreme joy if this was the only topic they suck at and not nearly at every field that matters. All around all their failures come down to only one thing, their total lack of any respect for their paying customers. Edited by Khaleg
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I keep hearing something about a voice actor strike but COME ON what about the comps that don't even require voicing?? Khem Val for instance. Still missing for no good reason. And dont tell me about the companion locator I know about that I mean comps coming back for story purpose.

Think hard about this. How, from a storytelling point of view, do you integrate Khem Val back into the story? There are (for Inqs who follow him to the bitter end - both ends are bitter for someone) two different Khem Vals, not one. In the same vein, how do you integrate Jaesa Wilsaam?


The hard part is not the difference between Inqs who picked KV versus Inqs who picked DZ, but how the return is managed from the point of view of the two possibilities. For other classes (or Inqs who didn't finish the story before going to KotFE, including insta60s and insta65s), you pick one and run with. It's totally arbitrary which is picked for a particular character class, both for KV and JW.


No, the hard part is weaving both of them into the story, and in a way, Jaesa is harder than Khem Val. At least both versions of KV are malevolently evil, which you can't say about Jaesa.

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I would love for them to come back also. I think they said something in the past. For example if we wanted Dark Side Janesa back. They have to develop her to react to certain situations. Since everyone doesn't have her dark side. (Some have her light side) she'd have to have two different reactions.


I think they want do more of a fresh start sorta of wiping the slate clean. I would loved if they could brought choices with you made with companions. I played knights of eternal throne. I was running around in a giant robot. I wish they're was more moral choices to make instead of combat.

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I agree...

I prefer more narrative to pointless grind, and smashing endless robots that look the same, feel the same...


Just lets us do some commander stuff, lets send troops, deploy some options to what to do to others... We are the commander alliance, not the grunt on the floor...


Lets get REAL options, with real effects on the story and on the battlefield...


Best Regards,



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The problem is, they planned out how to take them away, promised to bring them back and then forgot to plan how to bring them back. That is one more bit of proof of the total incompetence of the writing staff design staff in SWTOR for the last 2 years. you don't make major changes without planning and you don't promise to return something you've taken away without planning how to return it.
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Cause they never do what the community wants, only what they want!


Actually you can blame those that thought Fallen Empire was too 'Drawn out' and full of filler chapters to bring back companions, that they decided to not bring any more back in Eternal Throne. So yeah, they did listen...

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Bringing all the companions back would require two things: money and effort. EAWare have shown themselves to be allergic to spending the first and putting in the second. Now that this game is officially in maintenance mode until server shutdown, I doubt we'll ever see the return of all or even some of the remaining missing companions.


Also, to be fair... it's not like we need any more companions to clutter up our interface. Not when all of them are interchangeable aside from appearance. Don't get me wrong... I would LOVE to get back my favorite companions, but I know that would just be a response based on nostalgia for the superior class stories over the recent single player MMO dreck. It wouldn't actually give me any sort of benefit, just more companion influence to grind.

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For the people saying "how do you integrate Khem/Jaesa back to the story" I'd say just do the obvious thing. Inq and SW are EMPIRE classes. As much as anyone might like to argue different in my eyes the canon choices there are always going to be dark side. So for me I'd be fine if on every other class but my SW and Inq they just assume the dark side choice every time and have DS Jaesa and Zash Val. Really who would it bother? If you want to see how it goes differently with the light side variants then just play the damn class story. Problem solved.
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I agree...

I prefer more narrative to pointless grind, and smashing endless robots that look the same, feel the same...


Just lets us do some commander stuff, lets send troops, deploy some options to what to do to others... We are the commander alliance, not the grunt on the floor...


Lets get REAL options, with real effects on the story and on the battlefield...


Best Regards,




So much this. KOTFE/ET promised "real choices" and all we've gotten is a million more weak mobs to crush with pointless cheesy dialogue and over the top antagonists (Vaylin). We were promised to be able to make real life and death choices about people in the story and really theres been few real CHOICES in that it doesn't happen unless you actually choose it. Most of the big stuff happens whether you want it to or not. Only big choice moments about killing comps in the main story outside of the crappy alliance alert non cutscenes that I remember is the choice to kill Kaliyo/Jorgan, killing Koth and whether to save Torian or Vette. The rest kind of happen anyway. Scorpio is never seen again regardless of whether you kill her or not. She promises to help take Vaylin down then does precisely squat for the entire story. I'd much prefer what you were saying. If the game made you feel more like you were actually the commander and not just some grunt running around killing robots

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Am I the only one who skips every line Vaylin has? She has such an annoying voice actress. Not to mention her dialogue is just ridiculous. Like shes trying too hard to look evil and scary. "Burn Odessen and bring me the ashes... I want them for my garden." xD Please. Corniest line ever. Hate every scene of her and Arcann you get talking absolute crap at the end of every chapter. BW tried way too hard to get us to give a **** about those two and their weird relationship.
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For the people saying "how do you integrate Khem/Jaesa back to the story" I'd say just do the obvious thing. Inq and SW are EMPIRE classes. As much as anyone might like to argue different in my eyes the canon choices there are always going to be dark side. So for me I'd be fine if on every other class but my SW and Inq they just assume the dark side choice every time and have DS Jaesa and Zash Val. Really who would it bother? If you want to see how it goes differently with the light side variants then just play the damn class story. Problem solved.


Keeping Zash isn't a dark side choice it's just a choice....



If they were going to force it one away or another they'd probably base it on their metrics, ie what choices players made the most, not light or dark choices, especially when there aren't light/dark choices to base things off.


If they were going force Jaesa to be dark side Jaesa they wouldn't force the dark side choice upon players saying that's what is canon they'd come up with something like "Without her master (your name) to keep her on the path of the light Jaesa fell to the dark side." Simple single line explanation. Doesn't need to be as stupid as "CANUN CUZ iMPYRE!"


Also they recently added Master Ranos to the game who acknowledges both the Light and Dark Jaesa. If they wanted to make it easy on themselves and only bring back one version of Jaesa why would why they bother acknowledging both versions with Master Ranos?

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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Khem Val will probably never make a proper return. They gave us a similar companion in the new Dashade. Khem will probably never return because of the various branches Khem's story can take, namely Khem or Zash.


Jaesa is in the same boat. She'll never return because who do you give to people that never had her; Light or Dark Jaesa?


Such is the downside of good "Choose your own Adventure" storytelling. When branches that split can't merge together again.


Easy, if they are lightside on their morality meter they get light jaesa, dark morality gets dark jeasa. Jeasa herself simply mimics whoever is the most powerful person she resonates with anyway, so it holds true here.

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Keeping Zash isn't a dark side choice it's just a choice....



If they were going to force it one away or another they'd probably base it on their metrics, ie what choices players made the most, not light or dark choices, especially when there aren't light/dark choices to base things off.


If they were going force Jaesa to be dark side Jaesa they wouldn't force the dark side choice upon players saying that's what is canon they'd come up with something like "Without her master (your name) to keep her on the path of the light Jaesa fell to the dark side." Simple single line explanation. Doesn't need to be as stupid as "CANUN CUZ iMPYRE!"


Also they recently added Master Ranos to the game who acknowledges both the Light and Dark Jaesa. If they wanted to make it easy on themselves and only bring back one version of Jaesa why would why they bother acknowledging both versions with Master Ranos?


Yeah. Empire characters making dark choices is "stupid" xD I guarantee you 10 years from now when this game is dead and gone and the canon is properly layed out for it whether it be under "legends" or the new canon every empire class will be assumed to have chosen every dark response. I'd bet everything I own. So I was in error about the Zash thing ain't done Inq in years still doesn't change much. It's still dumb to use that as a hang up for why Khem can't return. I'd rather the writers just make the executive decision for which version will be considered canon and which won't and just hurry up about it. They can easily still make the other version for a class playthrough. If your REALLY that bothered about the extra line or two or dialogue you'd miss out on then just do the damn story on the class you made the other decision on. I for one would much rather they just went with dark choice as canon for empire players rather than some crappy amalgamation of what the entire player-base chose. Or it could be as damn simple as one little pop up menu when you start whatever mission they would be part of. Would you like Khem Val or Zash and would you like DS Jaesa or LS Jaesa. Not like that'd be the hardest thing in the world. Honestly don't get why people care in terms of doing it as other classes. The other classes never knew either comp to begin with so it makes zero difference to them which version appears. Not like DS Jaesa would be "unrecruitable" by a Jedi since you can get Xalek as a Jedi when he's obviously as much a ruthless killer as Jaesa

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Easy, if they are lightside on their morality meter they get light jaesa, dark morality gets dark jeasa. Jeasa herself simply mimics whoever is the most powerful person she resonates with anyway, so it holds true here.


What if your morality is zero/neutral/gray? You can recruit Jaesa like that (I've done it) and she even has dialogue to acknowledge it....


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Yeah. Empire characters making dark choices is "stupid" xD I guarantee you 10 years from now when this game is dead and gone and the canon is properly layed out for it whether it be under "legends" or the new canon every empire class will be assumed to have chosen every dark response. I'd bet everything I own.


I'd bet you more that they never actually bother to define the choices, because there's ultimately no reason to.


So I was in error about the Zash thing


It wasn't the only thing you were "in error" about.


ain't done Inq in years still doesn't change much.


It changes that your solution for it doesn't work at all.


It's still dumb to use that as a hang up for why Khem can't return.


Whether it's dumb or not is irrelevant, it's the reason why they did it. It's the reason why we got another Dashade companion who can use all of Khem's companion customizations. Them doing that pretty much meant they had/have no plans to return Khem Val. If they did they wouldn't have bothered giving us the Deshade companion.


I'd rather the writers just make the executive decision


Because that's always gone over so well in the past?


for which version will be considered canon and which won't and just hurry up about it.


There's no reason to now as sad as it may be. Like I said above them putting the new Dashade companion in the game was basically them saying "We're never bringing Khem back"


They can easily still make the other version for a class playthrough.


What? Why would they be doing anything for the class playthrough? That's the vanilla storyline.


If your REALLY that bothered about the extra line or two or dialogue you'd miss out on then just do the damn story on the class you made the other decision on.


Are you saying that people should have two Sith Inquisitors, one that they do the Eternal storyline on and one that they don't just so they can have both versions of Zash? If so, that's a terrible idea. "Hey play through all of this again, but just so you can have this one minor difference and as a bonus a character that you can never continue the story with!"


I for one would much rather they just went with dark choice as canon for empire players


Yeah, we know, you make terrible decisions and lack creativity. Thanks for reminding us.


rather than some crappy amalgamation of what the entire player-base chose.


Except once again the Zash/Khem choice wasn't a dark side choice so your "solution" to make everything Empire a dark side choice doesn't solve that problem.


Also all dark side choices may workout okay with a Sith Warrior and Inquisitor but it makes absolutely no sense for the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter to be all dark.


Really there shouldn't even be light and dark choices in the game. It was a completely outdated binary system that didn't make any sense to have in the game. It was only there because it was in KOTOR, however it never fit or worked properly in SWTOR. Many of the choices that have dark and light assigned to them have nothing to do with good or evil or matters of perspective on certain choices can make it good or bad. In the KOTOR games you were playing as force users and the few decisions in the game that were light and dark were more black and white, but it never made sense to do it for SWTOR. It's something the game never needed to have and something that should've been completely removed or phased out.


Or it could be as damn simple as one little pop up menu when you start whatever mission they would be part of. Would you like Khem Val or Zash and would you like DS Jaesa or LS Jaesa.


How immersive for this story driven MMO.


When you talk to Master Ranos about Jaesa she will tell you if Jaesa is light or dark. You don't need to plug in a option prior as to whether Jaesa is light or dark before asking her, she tells you about Jaesa based on which version of Jaesa you had.


Not like that'd be the hardest thing in the world.


It wouldn't be hard, it would just be completely unnecessary given that the game already has a way of recognizing which Jaesa you picked.


Honestly don't get why people care in terms of doing it as other classes. The other classes never knew either comp to begin with so it makes zero difference to them which version appears. Not like DS Jaesa would be "unrecruitable" by a Jedi since you can get Xalek as a Jedi when he's obviously as much a ruthless killer as Jaesa


You're making the mistake of looking it at from a story perspective when the problem is a production thing.


The reason why Bioware hasn't brought back the characters is because they require additional work that the other companions don't require. No other companion requires new dialogue for a light sided version and a dark sided version. If few players kept Zash in Khem's body does it even make sense to bring the Zash actor back to record new VO? Was/is Zash's voice actor available to record new VO? Did her recording fee go up?


Again, it's a cost issue, not a story issue to bring back Khem or Jaesa properly.

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Jaesa is in the same boat. She'll never return because who do you give to people that never had her; Light or Dark Jaesa?


That one looks easy to me. When meeting Jeasa to recruit her, she very unstable, she doesn't really know if she's light or dark and in the end, just as you recruit her you have 2 choices : 1 light and 1 dark. If you choose the light side answer she's light side Jeasa and if you choose the dark side answer she's dark side Jeasa. Seems good to me.

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