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Thank You for the Stream Today BW


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I did the same thing, cancelled right after Christmas one night. I don't know if I'll resub to try out 5.1 - I probably will, who am I fooling, I'm a Star Wars junky. But my mood towards this game has gone from one of eagerness to log on after the kids get to bed, to a sullen dread that this will be my final session because I just can't take it anymore.


This all day long. You log on hoping Light Side (maybe DS in your case) is winning so you can get a token when you level a command Rank. If it's not, you already want to quit. Then you say ... meh, might as well play. You ding a levle, get no DS or LS token and as a bonus you get crap in your command crate. Meanwhile you open your companion bar and see the 30 companions you can choose from, and do some quests with different ones, just for fun, knowing the whole time you really want your wife/padawan back, knowing there is no plan to bring her back. Dude, I don't think they could make this more depressing if they tried. LOL. Actually with this dev team if they did try and make it depressing it would turn into a light hearted romp.

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What baffles me is when you compare streams like this to streams with games like WoW.


Love or hate it, WoW always addresses where they're headed, pretty serious questions that deal with multiple categories of gameplay, and the lead developer pretty regularly admits mistakes and errors they've made, and how they're hoping to fix it.


At lest that's my spin on it.




It's not just WoW. Most games now-a-days, especially MMOs, give detailed roadmaps of the game's development plans and concerns. Here what we get is 20 minutes of previous update recap, 10 minutes of "we're working on something to address X concern but don't know what that will be yet," and 10 minutes of cartel market/recapping everything we already know.


The saddest part about these streams for me is the fact that the SWG Emulator I play on has a detailed roadmap with small, medium, and large plans for the entirety of 2017, along with an entire forum page dedicated to community concerns and how they will be addressed. The unpaid dev team of a 15-year-old game that will only be played by a few hundred players communicates more efficiently than a well-paid dev team of a game that cost $100+ million to make and is backed by one of the most successful gaming companies of all time (EA) as well as the most successful franchise of all time [star Wars] and most successful production company of all time [Disney]. It's ridiculous.

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Let me help you guys out. You are the very small, vocal minority. You think everyone is very upset with CXP, gearing, etc. You are wrong.


You think massive number of subscriptions have been cancelled and that the developers are ignoring major issues.


Those assumptions are also incorrect. Subs are fine and because only a vocal minority has some pet issues, the developers SHOULD ignore them. What more would you like them to say about a system that most people like except the vocal minority? Why should they say they screwed up when most people like the new system and content?


Go ahead and throw a forum tantrum, they don't care.


Hope reality finally sinks in.

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Let me help you guys out. You are the very small, vocal minority. You think everyone is very upset with CXP, gearing, etc. You are wrong.


You think massive number of subscriptions have been cancelled and that the developers are ignoring major issues.


Those assumptions are also incorrect. Subs are fine and because only a vocal minority has some pet issues, the developers SHOULD ignore them. What more would you like them to say about a system that most people like except the vocal minority? Why should they say they screwed up when most people like the new system and content?


Go ahead and throw a forum tantrum, they don't care.


Hope reality finally sinks in.

No food for you, troll.
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Oh, yeah, they are going to "keep monitoring" CXP and they really want our feedback!




ROFL yeah, CXP came out people farmed elite mobs, they were nerfed, people farmed KP mobs, they were nerfed, people farm Veteran Fractured Uprising with 3 dps and a healer comp, nerf coming soon.


Thats some monitoring!!

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I support the game but last night's stream was nothing short of dire. In fact, I thought the last one wasn't too good either and that's simply because there's no organization behind anything. Three guys having a good time, talking about stuff that are vaguely SW related and then it's cheers and goodbye. A powerpoint with a few arrows and mumbo jumbo does not make a stream.


Like I said, I support the game, I don't think it's failing, but the streams are lacklustre at best.

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yesterdays stream was one of the most depressing things i have ever saw in my life - its clear these guys are out of focus of reality, and live in a bubble - or they keep pretending everything is fine, when they know there is nothing coming in 2017.


prolly they have a skeleton team incapable of delivering content.


either way, they should stop these steams if they have nothing usefull to speak of - i mean, is it a recapp, of decembers stream? if u have no new subjects, please stop it.


its clear the player base is avid for a "salvation" that us, sw junkies, will prolly never get anymore.


the sad part is that prolly the investors or bosses, see money flowing, and all is fine.


i feel bad for being treated like this

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They clearly stated this stream would be a recap of the last one - right at the start.


I think its fine that they want to touch base and say that they're still working on things. I'm glad they do the streams, even if it's just them goofing off and talking about 'ships. It's better than them being silent. They seem like nice people who are trying to do a good job and it makes me cringe to see them reading some of the lunatics in chat in real time lol. Ben always looks so disturbed by it. :D

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The other questions that were answered were garbage, and was like, 'What about Arcann and Kai Zyken romance?' I will get banned from the forums if I make a comment about why would people want 'romance content' in a video game.


Go ahead then. Please.

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Which is depressing because it makes me want a refund for the 6-months subscription I paid for in December.


Wow, that sucks, sorry. I used a 2 month time card I was given as a gift, just after my sub montly renewal came up, so even though I unsubscribed the day KOTET released (I had the early access to determine this was NOT fun for me in any way shape or form) I'm here into February. I've been unhappy with that, I'd be really unhappy if it were that much time and money wasted.

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I don't understand why they even do streams in the first place.


They can't afford to reveal any incorrect information. So they will never reveal something more than a month or two in advance.


This means they can never talk about ops or wzs or any other such content because it's always up for change.


That forces them to only be allowed to talk about a very small number of topics, and thus why their streams tend to reiterate the same stuff. It also means they cannot publicly come forward saying something was a mistake and that they hope to fix it because that would require them to put forward months of work that might end up being scrapped in the end.


Basically, their team is so small that they need to prioritize announcements based on the efficiency of the work to output ratio and the likelihood of announcements actually coming to fruition. Meaning they can never talk about things that are ambiguous like "We know this was a mistake and are looking to fix it." And that's simply because they don't even know if they have the potential to do so; they aren't going to say something that they don't know if they can pull off.


They clearly stated this stream would be a recap of the last one - right at the start.

Except that they also "clearly stated" in all the streams leading up to this one that this January stream would cover their plans on group content going forward.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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So they will never reveal something more than a month or two in advance.


This means they can never talk about ops or wzs or any other such content because it's always up for change.

No...it means they can't ever talk about them because they never actually make them...if they did, as you say, they'd be able to talk about them a month or two in advance.

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