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What is your GTN/CM White Whale?


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I did the bad thing twice... I bought packs and then opened them (do not do me, I'm stupid in terms of making credits with packs, I just like seeing what's inside more) to sell the drops. I now have my White Whale. It came in at about 33.2 million credits but I now have the Sensuous Dress Armour set. I justified it as I know supply is really thin and whatever dip the Gold Armor Packs created isn't going to last and it's normal for that set to either just not be there or at the 100 million credit mark... any purchases this week will be pure essentials as I replenish my reserves.


Just think of all I could do if I didn't blow my credits on CM vanity items... oh well, now all I need to do is keep up-to-date with packs since there's no way I'll buy Satele's since I kind of hate her entire outfit despite getting the boots in a DvL bound crate. I really wish we could at least trade these items.


So happy ending.

Edited by AllisonLightning
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I got the Sensuous Dress top on one character ages ago... way before collections were a thing. It was pricey for the time, but it was worth it. I'd really like to get the rest of the set so I can unlock it for other characters, but the price for the other pieces or a whole set is absolutely insane.


Update: I got mine.


Um... what now? :t_confused:

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Finally got one of my White Whales! ...or, will, in the next week or so. And I didn't have to change my name to Ahab to do so. :D

The Tattered Mystic's boots require Recovered Relics to purchase them. But on the Ebon Hawk server, prices for those go into the millions. And my togruta character, who would definitely wear those boots, is on the Ebon Hawk. It's either get the relics by purchasing them on the GTN, or grind Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion forever in the very rare chance they might drop from a boss.

But! I also have characters on another server (Begeren Colony)...a few of whom I am currently in the process of transferring to Ebon Hawk. Legacy cargo holds don't transfer, but personal cargo holds and storage bays do - so I load up the character I'm transferring with a lot of things I want to go over to Ebon Hawk, and transfer them like that.

I finally saw two Recovered Relics on the Begeren Colony GTN for...eh, well, prices not over one million credits. (Barely...) So I bought them, put them in legacy storage to be picked up by the next character to transfer to Ebon Hawk, and voila. Since Recovered Relics bind to legacy, I can transfer them with the character, and then get the Tattered Mystics boots on Ebon Hawk THAT way.


....good thing I was planning to transfer these characters anyway, or else this would seem like overkill. :p

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Which is that?


The Korrealis Baron, Prince, Soverign, and Commander from the 1.2 vendor they took them out for 5 years and now all of a sudden decide to bring them back again that's why never trust any rare items not on the CM anymore

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The Korrealis Baron, Prince, Soverign, and Commander from the 1.2 vendor they took them out for 5 years and now all of a sudden decide to bring them back again that's why never trust any rare items not on the CM anymore


Ahh explains why the other Korrealis mounts I was sitting on took a dive in price then.


Question - Koreallis Duke and Duke SE preview shows no difference, is there a difference? I could never quite work this one out much like the "classic" armor sets where almost all pieces bar one were identical.

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Ahh explains why the other Korrealis mounts I was sitting on took a dive in price then.


Question - Koreallis Duke and Duke SE preview shows no difference, is there a difference? I could never quite work this one out much like the "classic" armor sets where almost all pieces bar one were identical.


The Duke is closed over the passenger side, but open on the driver side, the Duke SE is open on both sides.

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- Yavin Combat Arena decoration.


- Gree Sphere Lamp decoration.


- Commemorative Statue of Darth Marr decoration. (This is the only one I need to complete my commemorative statue set! #FirstWorldDecoratorProblems)


- Cathar Honor Sword.


- Senya's Lightsaber Pike. (The price gouging for this on Ebon Hawk is even worse than for the silly Kylo Ren knockoff sabers!)

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Ahh explains why the other Korrealis mounts I was sitting on took a dive in price then.


Question - Koreallis Duke and Duke SE preview shows no difference, is there a difference? I could never quite work this one out much like the "classic" armor sets where almost all pieces bar one were identical.


It isn't really the matter of what it looks like to collectors but the actual name and what it represents above the others imo, they were such invaluable rare mounts which Biofail effed over hard.

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Oh, and Thana Vesh's jacket. >_< I despise Thana herself, but darn it all if she doesn't have an awesome outfit. But I Cannot. Figure. Out. How. To. Get. It. It was on the GTN on my server once...for a price *juuuuuuuust* over what I could afford, and by the time I tried to scrape together enough credits to get it, it was sold.

And I have very rarely seen it on the GTN on *any* other server, either. Gah. And the only other place I can find it is one of the vendors around the GTN area on fleet...which I do not have the reputation for, and have no way of getting that reputation.


I just got a private message from a person kindly offering to transfer a character with this jacket to whatever server I'm on; for some reason, however, I can't reply directly to that message. So I'm replying here and hoping they notice? :o Anyway... thank you, but it wouldn't work out. The character I'd want the jacket on is

a) on Prophecy of the Five (a dead server),

b) the only character I have on that server

c) created solely for leveling with a friend (whom I haven't talked with in a while, due to her being really busy with school and life in general), so I can't transfer the character to a different server, then transfer him back

d) absolutely. dirt. poor. e_e As in, "has less than a third of a million credits" dirt poor. I wouldn't be able to pay a fair price for the jacket.


So, to the person who sent a message to me this morning - thank you, again, that was really kind of you, but unfortunately I don't think it'd work out. Sorry... thanks for the offer, though!

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  • 2 weeks later...
.... there's no way I'll buy Satele's since I kind of hate her entire outfit despite getting the boots in a DvL bound crate. I really wish we could at least trade these items.


So happy ending.


Okay, so was messing around with dyes, as well as lying to myself a bit. Back when the Sensuous Set was only going for a million- Satele's set was 60 million plus on Harbinger, it was so rare and so expensive that it was impossible to get. So, played around with Unify Colours and the boots were indeed, awesome white but the cherry on top was the new Sith Sorcerer I rolled and using her tunic as a short dress with the right dye absolutely rocked... I was able to score the entire set, and now all I need to do is sell the surplus gloves. Sometimes when something is out of reach, I tell myself I don't want it so many times, I start believing it.


So I have that and I promise this time I'm not lying. I've actually picked up a cheap Concealed Bodysuit chest piece I have no use for so if anyone needs that for their collection and is on Harbinger, let me know. I felt really happy someone complimented my Sensuous Dress top the other night. I do like getting this stuff for me but there's this silly glow I get that people think my characters look cool.


I hope there's a new pack soon. I need something to blow credits on and the boredom makes me buy packs off GTN and if I'm buying packs they should be new ones.


As an added note, I have now crossed well past 150 million credits blown on CM vanity gear on GTN... it might be more, I've lost count.

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Okay, so was messing around with dyes, as well as lying to myself a bit. Back when the Sensuous Set was only going for a million- Satele's set was 60 million plus on Harbinger, it was so rare and so expensive that it was impossible to get. So, played around with Unify Colours and the boots were indeed, awesome white but the cherry on top was the new Sith Sorcerer I rolled and using her tunic as a short dress with the right dye absolutely rocked... I was able to score the entire set, and now all I need to do is sell the surplus gloves. Sometimes when something is out of reach, I tell myself I don't want it so many times, I start believing it.


So I have that and I promise this time I'm not lying. I've actually picked up a cheap Concealed Bodysuit chest piece I have no use for so if anyone needs that for their collection and is on Harbinger, let me know. I felt really happy someone complimented my Sensuous Dress top the other night. I do like getting this stuff for me but there's this silly glow I get that people think my characters look cool.


I hope there's a new pack soon. I need something to blow credits on and the boredom makes me buy packs off GTN and if I'm buying packs they should be new ones.


As an added note, I have now crossed well past 150 million credits blown on CM vanity gear on GTN... it might be more, I've lost count.


Reminds me blowing most of my fortune on Decorations ha

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Dress up time!!!!!!


Yes, I am a grown man and that is still the correct answer :cool:


See, it let's me play dress ups- something you don't really do as an adult the way you did with dolls as a kid- well, you can but it involves clothes with real money that will either kill your budget or make you sad when you walk away.

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I too seek the Luxury Spa piece. Actually I'm quite put off that so many good decorations are gated by expired packs. That's just criminal. If decorations unlocked in collections like costumes I'd be far less irritated and much more likely to pay a bunch of credits for the higher cost things. Same goes for dyes.

Either somebody didn't know the value of the piece when they listed it or they dropped a zero. Of course this wasn't on the server I wanted it on but it did give me an excuse to level a new Juggernaut (Rage) to use as mule :D


Now I get to resume being grouchy about Tatooine's lack of centerpiece hook up on the balcony.

Edited by PlasmaJohn
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I want Secret Agent Chestpiece but it's so expensive af. :(


I have it and don't wear it, because when you move it jangles as if you were wearing makeshift metal armor built out of tin cans.:mad: That's another problem with our white whales - once you got them you may find them flawed.

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It was the Revan holostatue. I already had it for my sub accounts but did want it for my F2P accounts. I was not going to pay anything near what was been asked for it. Wanted it yes but not that much. There is little worth millions on GTN even if its just fake in-game credits. so rarely buy from there. Yes I do sell but normally a fraction of the cost others are asking for the same item. About a fifth sell. Which to me shows that most of the items on GTN is not worth what's been ask for. Still its players choice what they sell items for, just as it my choice not to buy.


At the moment I am looking for the companions of GTN. I have 7 so far only one of which was brought of GTN. I did pay 4mil and that makes it the only item I have paid more than 1mil for. I guess I would pay the same for any of the others I don't have. Most are between 7-25 mil. I do have that but sorry not going to pay it. I did have a few twice and instead of selling them looking I traded for ones I don't have. Still have one to trade but at the moment not sure which character, server or even account it on. Really need to start making notes. The only downside of having hundreds of characters is remembering where everything is.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Kai Zykken's Vehicle.


At least if I understood your term of a "White Whale" correctly ( I've never heard about it before in MMO environments ).


White whale - From Moby Dick, classic American novel. Captain Ahab chased after a white whale forever and ever (I can't remember of he ever caught it). It basically means something very elusive and hard to get, maybe never get.

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