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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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Enter Ship

Run to Nav Computer

Fly to Planet

Exit Ship

Run to and enter hangar elevator

Run to planet shuttle

Land on planet


It's just unnecessary and annoying in my opinion. I understand there shouldn't be instant travel across the galaxy, but it's just... I don't know. Maybe I'm just a whiner.


This ! My first complaint !

It's really starting to piss me off.

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OMG so many issues, many of which were reported as bugs in beta many months ago.


I would say my biggest would be a lack of a Mac client, but they're not even done with the Windows version yet. Bad decision not to co-develop but hopefully Hero Engine OpenGL update will be useful in a few months.


So my #1 currently would have to be lack of cross-faction /friend, ideally across all characters of an account. Yeah, not galaxy-shattering but that's it. (The player is my friend, not just one character of his/hers.)

Edited by ArkhamNative
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As much as I'm enjoying the game, I have to admit to a few major complaints. And I know the OP asked for only one, but I feel these are important enough that they all need to be addressed.


1. Ability lag. Activating an ability always lags. Always. This is further exacerbated in pvp. It's been the cause of character death on more than one occasion, both solo and in groups. This is tied directly to game performance and should be at the top of Bioware's list of items to fix. The fact that there's not even been any word that they're aware of this issue is extremely worrying.


2. World pvp. The game hasn't been out long enough to really test out the current world pvp, but with current reports of there being no rewards for world pvp and the fact that it's more or less restricted to a single planet, I have a sinking feeling that Bioware has no intention of expanding the feature into a deep and enjoyable pvp experience. I hope they prove me wrong.


3. Gear and crafting. Due to the high drop rate of BoE blue and purple gear, in conjunction with the ease of attaining commendation gear, the only crafting crew skill that's showing any promise is Biochem. All other crafting skills are outshined by the gear that players can pick up just by doing their regular questing. Between this issue, and the recent nerf to Slicing, server economies are liable to crash and burn, and most crew skills will become obsolete.


If Bioware can tackle these three major issues, I can guarantee I'll be around to play for years to come. But if my 3 month subscription nears its end and their lips are still firmly sealed, you can bet that I'll be looking for another game to play.

Edited by Greyfeld
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I feel Strong and Elite level mobs are overtuned. I shouldn't have to spam heal Khem against elites just to keep him alive, and even then sometimes they outdps my heals on him and then 2-3 hit me.


Ive had strong level mobs hit me for 1.6k normal hits to..that's absurd.

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1) The UI. My health bar is tiny and at the bottom of the screen, am I about to die? Who knows!


2) Khem Vall (because that's as far as I've gotten in the game) always walks in front of the 'mission person' (god help me if I call them 'quest givers' like in WoW). Every time I go to turn in a mission I end up talking with him a few times; and one more complaint about Mr. Vall, he never stops moving! It's frustrating to try and use maul when Khem keeps running all over the place with my mob.


3) Chat. I don't like that when I click on the chat box it opens a place for me to talk. I've yet to find a place to put my chat box that isn't in the way. Anywhere on the top half of the screen I end up using general chat instead of targeting a mob, anywhere on the bottom half of the screen and I'm blocking my pet or abilities.


4) A minor complaint; more bold text while mousing over a mob. Maybe I just haven't gotten used to it yet but I always have to stop and stare at the lower right corner of my screen to see the stats of the mob. Just off the top of my head I think it's blue text on a light blue background...kinda hard to read.

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1) Pacing in the later planets. After Alderaan, enemy health seems to go up in relation to the damage I'm doing. However, enemy damage is on par. So, I spend a lot of time killing enemies that don't seem to do much damage to me. This gets annoying after about the 10th Bonus Quest to kill 30 enemies. The quests are nice, but they also seem more spaced out. It felt like I raced through Hoth, even after doing every quest.


2) Crafting. The current system is fine at endgame, but is basically useless for the lower levels. This idea that people will actually bother to learn Purple Recipes to sell on the GTN for players that are leveling isn't realistic, especially with how easy it is to grab an Orange and keep it geared up via Mods. Fewer armors/weapons with better stats would have been better, the current system has too many options for something that is likely to be skipped over.


3) The User Interface. It's not as bad as Eve Online, but that's not a compliment. If you're going to have random proc reactive abilities, you need to add ability highlighting or auras. Otherwise you have to keep endgame content nice and simple because people will be looking at their buffs to figure out what ability they should use. That's just one thing, I could go on forever about the UI.

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A more visible display for when something procs.


My jedi knight has a talent where doing a force leap will cause a blade storm to cost nothing but how do you know? this tiny icon above your health bar. Needs to be some way, like say the icon will glow, which'll signify "this is the free one"

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No safe buy system !


bought a wrong Lightsaber with something named battlemaster lightsaber token ! i bought a lightsaber when im playing a SI assassin /sad gief me my dobbel-bladed lightsaber !


and i bought the lvl 40 and lvl 50 speeder skill up on accident , that it made me broke (couldnt afford the ability skills )

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1. It drives me crazy that when I transfer stuff from my bag to the bank it doesn't stack. You can either do it manually or transfer stuff from your bank to your bag where it stacks correctly and then transfer it back.


THIS!! I love so much that my companions can craft with mats in my cargo hold. I hate so much that mats don't auto-stack when I put them there.

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My #1 complaint at the moment is the level progression. I've been over leveled since leaving Dromund Kaas. It's to the point that I did Tatooine with almost all the quests grey and was still 2 levels above the top of the level range for Alderaan when I arrived on that planet. It's a bit ridiculous. I've still been doing the missions on these planets, but there is practically no point to it. The only reason I have been doing it is the potential for modifiable gear.
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I came off the game especially to find this thread and post in it.


Both GTN related:


#1: Companions returning from mission quests and shutting the GTN window down. Super annoying and needs to shove them in pending. Actually, maybe theres an ingame option. Ill check on that.


#2: Two windows only. How on earth can i see the mods i want to upgrade whilst browsing for improvements at the same time. Its just irritating. Im absent minded, so i keep having to check back and mess around with opening windows and closing other ones and then reopening then closing it to confirm that its what i want before reopening it all again. Its not game breaking, its not a bug, its just really irritating.

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1. Guild window :

a)doesnt show all members

b) cant invite or whisper with contextual menu

2. Auction House has no basic search

3. LFG tool is useless , need a proper one and a chat

4.Green lights taking control all over the place (tatoine, alderaan , now on my char body textures)

5.Guilds without Guild bank ?? *** guilds only for chat ?

6.queue time



ps:this is what i came up with in 2 min, there are manny more things that needs fixes right now , untill is to late

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