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Has there been any official comment regarding Carrie Fisher?


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Setting aside the fact that the OP only makes thread posts to try to drive drama in the forum.....on the rare occasions when he is actually active here......


The answer is simple really. Any such comments, at all, on behalf of the company would have to first be vetted by the legal department. Why? Because Carrie Fisher is a public personality, and everything about her is HER IP.... and it now goes to her estate. And everything about Star Wars is Disney's IP. It's one thing for a private citizen to make a comment in public discussion... it's entirely different for a company to do so.


Even a comment by an employee that appears on the surface to be harmless, could in fact cause legal harm in some manner. I'm not saying it would.. only that it could.. and "could" is all legal teams in corporations need, which is why gag orders are common in corporations. And since this is the holiday season right now, I would not expect any statement before the full workforce returns after Jan 2nd.


Imagine if they did comment, without legal clearance, and what they said somehow inflamed somebody or somebodies (because it was not enough, or too much, or whatever pretense). It's not like an official statement is actually required, much less needed immediately. Sadly, some people would use any statement as a pretense to protest something.... just like some are using the lack of an "official statement" as some sort of horrific oversight.


Some people would like it, and some people feel strongly about it.. which is exactly why the OP made this thread. He knows there has been no official statement by EA or the studio... he just wants to stir up passions.


I think you're taking it a little far, a RIP CF or whatever on the swtor Twitter probably wouldn't have gotten them into any trouble.

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I'd find it extremely odd if they'd need Disney, or whoever's, permission to merely express condolences on social media. That's a matter of basic human decency in my eyes and though EAStarWars didn't create a post of their own they at least retweeted one from StarWars... if they can, I'd assume it's 'legal' for Bioware too or for the SWTOR account to throw out a simple "Rest in Peace" or whichever. Really wouldn't hurt a soul.


Now I wouldn't say this is their biggest or most obvious mistake. I'm a little disappointed because it appears as though they don't care. I also think for some fans it's just one more thing that adds to this sense some players already have that BW doesn't really care about the Star Wars IP, and the sense that (based on what I've seen expressed on the forums) that they're largely out of touch with both the title and it's players. That all of this is just a cash cow and nothing more.

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I'd find it extremely odd if they'd need Disney, or whoever's, permission to merely express condolences on social media.


I don't think they actually "need" it, but I think something like this could have happened:




So in a nutshell, someone might have decided to ask for permission just to be on the safe side, never gotten a response, and therefore never made a comment.

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I think you're taking it a little far, a RIP CF or whatever on the swtor Twitter probably wouldn't have gotten them into any trouble.


I'm not taking anything anywhere.


The question was asked.. it was noted that no statement has been made.. and I explained why that is likely the case.


I've worked in corporate culture all my life until I retired. I know exactly how legal departments behave and the leash they keep companies and company staff on. I personally think they have absurd control over communications in companies.. but it is what it is.


Now.. if the OP question was actually just rhetorical (likely) then no answer is sufficient.. period... stop.. because there is an agenda where some people think they can force or shame a company to do anything they want. Which exemplifies why legal teams have a stranglehold over "official" company communications.

Edited by Andryah
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Cartel Market spam matters way more to Bioware than the cast that brought the franchise to life. They're too busy basking on a beach somewhere for their winter vacation to even log into the forums for a few minutes and make a statement. Twitter and Facebook cartel spam is probably automated.


Which they could put White/White dye up for 10 CC in honor of Princess Leia and people can buy it and use it in outfits, while giving BW money.

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The answer is simple really. Any such comments, at all, on behalf of the company would have to first be vetted by the legal department. Why? Because Carrie Fisher is a public personality, and everything about her is HER IP.... and it now goes to her estate. And everything about Star Wars is Disney's IP. It's one thing for a private citizen to make a comment in public discussion... it's entirely different for a company to do so.


Interesting theory. So using your logic, do you think that all the other COMPANIES(not individuals) who have posted their condolences all consulted with their legal departments and actually got responses back during the holiday season? Most of them on the very same day the news broke? Because that actually sounds like a pretty unrealistic scenario.

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Don't blame Bioware, blame folks @ lucaslicensing or wherever. SWTOR's team is probably not allowed to associate anything that has to do with the movies with this game, that includes princess Leia and actress who played her. That's business and licensing stupidy for you. And I sufffer because I can't get traditional Jedi robes. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Interesting theory. So using your logic, do you think that all the other COMPANIES(not individuals) who have posted their condolences all consulted with their legal departments and actually got responses back during the holiday season? Most of them on the very same day the news broke? Because that actually sounds like a pretty unrealistic scenario.


It's Christmas not holidays, jeez

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The answer is simple really. Any such comments, at all, on behalf of the company would have to first be vetted by the legal department. Why? Because Carrie Fisher is a public personality, and everything about her is HER IP.... and it now goes to her estate. And everything about Star Wars is Disney's IP. It's one thing for a private citizen to make a comment in public discussion... it's entirely different for a company to do so.



First of all, I sincerely and majorly doubt they cannot say "We're mourning with you, we'll have more to say later". No matter - you have your informed reasons for thinking this, I have my informed reasons as well, so no need to argue on that. But even if you're correct, there's still the point of coming on and saying something even if it's "we can't comment just yet".


Again, this is part of a pattern of tone-deafness and poor communication that I'd argue is more of their issue than their actual decisions. Had this not been the pattern, it would be easier to let this pass.

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First of all, I sincerely and majorly doubt they cannot say "We're mourning with you, we'll have more to say later". No matter - you have your informed reasons for thinking this, I have my informed reasons as well, so no need to argue on that. But even if you're correct, there's still the point of coming on and saying something even if it's "we can't comment just yet".


Again, this is part of a pattern of tone-deafness and poor communication that I'd argue is more of their issue than their actual decisions. Had this not been the pattern, it would be easier to let this pass.


While I'm not one to pay attention to such things, did TOR come out and say anything via a tweet?

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Don't blame Bioware, blame folks @ lucaslicensing or wherever. SWTOR's team is probably not allowed to associate anything that has to do with the movies with this game, that includes princess Leia and actress who played her. That's business and licensing stupidy for you. And I sufffer because I can't get traditional Jedi robes.


They posted about Rogue One and stickied it. These defenses are wearing pretty thin at this point. Again folks, let's just call it what it is - this is Bioware nonchalance, period.


P.S. - I'm really really pulling for the robes tho - give them already!!:p

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While I'm not one to pay attention to such things, did TOR come out and say anything via a tweet?


Apparently not. Other games, like Star Trek Online for instance, tweeted their condolences the same day the news broke, within a matter of hours. So it's really anybodies guess why other game companies did so, but Bioware did not.

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Not for me :D Well, I dont think they will implement romance between Outlander and Arcann, I feel sorry for you girl :(


Actually from what they hinted when the question was asked it is likely they will. I not a fan of Arcann but the way they were talking when the question was asked on stream, it is very possible they will. There been a lot of things that people said they weren't going to do and they did.

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In my opinion, this is the single biggest problem with this company. More than GC, RNG, etc. Horrendous community engagement, pitiful communication. It's inexcusable. How hard is it to say something like "We're with you all, as Star Wars fans, in grieving the loss of Carrie Fisher. The team will discuss options for tributes when we reconvene after the holidays."? Boom. Done. Back to egg nog and family. Can be done from your phone while on the ski lift. This ain't hard.


As one who could be called a "white knight" this constant pattern infuriates me to no end. It's lazy, disrespectful, and bad business.


I agree with you.

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Look, I'm as much a BW defender as anyone. I'm also on a holiday. So are many other companies who've posted. President Obama weighed in on his holiday. Many from Congress too. Disney. HBO. Etc. Even the Prime Minister of Canada commented. This is a multi-billion dollar company with a multi-million dollar exclusive IP license. Exclusive.


Radio silence is disrespectful because it signals to the customers that NOTHING is important enough for them to take 2 seconds out of their holidays for, nothing. Are they bigger than the POTUS? Are they bigger than the SW franchise? It takes two seconds to hop on your phone say "we're grieving, more later" and hop off. No excuses. Sorry. This is part of a bigger pattern of genuine tone-deafness.


So the fact that they are not responding to something that has absolutely nothing to do with the game they develope is disrespectful. I call BS.


Telling someone they have to or should say something just because someone passed on shows disrespect. If they knew the person, let them grieve in their own way (which may be saying nothing to others), and if they didn't know the person personally, then giving some forced comment would be show more disrespect.

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