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A Heart-Felt Goodbye


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This post is not meant to be a QQ, or a whining thread, or a huge complaining thread. In general, it's just a way for me to vent. SWTOR used to be a game I loved, and it's been a game I've supported back when there was basically just the forums here. I participated in betas, and I loved every minute of it. I've decided to leave, however, but wanted to at least share my views. In short, I imagine this post will be quite melancholy, in a way.


My love for this game began with the combination of a love for MMOs and for Star Wars, and I look fondly upon the past with nostalgia. First experiencing the storylines, getting my butt kicked by this one level 50 marauder in every warzone, getting my first piece of Tionese gear, clearing my first operation, fighting the Dread Masters... Over these past five years with SWTOR, I've loved, and grown. The "vanilla" game was by no means perfect, but it felt like there was a passion for the game. The team was new to MMOs, and certainly new to this sort of content release schedule, but it felt like they wanted to make that content. The game had a heart, a soul. It had character, and it had appeal to all facets of MMO games.


But my love for this game began to wane around KOTFE. The decline in group content, or content in general; the lack of raids; the growing emphasis on the Cartel Market. But I went through it, still, by large, loving the game. When KOTFE came out, though, I was pretty saddened. The story, in my eyes, was sub-par. It didn't make a whole lot of sense. For people like me, who mained a trooper, it didn't make any sense at all. The Star Fortresses weren't much to make up for content.


Still, I stuck with it. KOTFE didn't amaze me, but the game could still go back to what was, in my eyes, its better days. Then KOTET came out, and I was thoroughly disappointed. The storyline still didn't make sense, but in my eyes, did something even worse -- BioWare has created a story where the player, each and everyone, has reached the top. To avoid spoiler, I will simply say they are built up on a pedestal where there are two choices: stagnate, or knock them off that pedestal. And either way will lead to discontent.


Regardless of that fact, there is still very little group content. Uprisings add almost no challenge, and with the gear change being as it is, what's the point? I won't make a long thread whining about the gear system just because it's been done over and over again, but I will say that was probably the single largest reason. The last straw you could say.


And on top of that, KOTFE made it quite hard for RPers. The state of the galaxy changed drastically, the timeline jumped ten years, and with the ending of KOTET, what does the Republic and Empire even do now? RPers are left with the old planets, the old settings, and the old environment, while supposedly being jumped ten years in the future. It simply doesn't work, and as a former leader of an RP guild, every story felt like a chore to integrate into KOTFE.


Still, thank you for the five years. It's been, in general, wonderful, and I will thoroughly miss what this game once was. Catch ya on the flip side. =)

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I suppose it is a monumental challenge to come up with a game that appeals to everyone. I suppose it is impossible. But I'll be honest here...I understand the premise and point of SWTOR. It is an MMO. But I've never done an OP, or any of the other larger scale multiplayer portions of the game. I don't want to. I am completely content with the way Bioware has managed the game. I look on this game as a large, almost open-world, single-player romp through the Star Wars universe and I'm happily content to continue to view it this way. I enjoy taking my time to enjoy the scenery, or take my time doing whatever else I feel like doing. You can't do that in PvP, or the multilplayer portions of the game.


With that being said, I understand that attention needs to be paid to multiplayer stuff. But, attention needs to be paid to every other portion of the game too.


Good luck in whatever game you take up your next residence in.

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I suppose it is a monumental challenge to come up with a game that appeals to everyone. I suppose it is impossible. But I'll be honest here...I understand the premise and point of SWTOR. It is an MMO. But I've never done an OP, or any of the other larger scale multiplayer portions of the game. I don't want to. I am completely content with the way Bioware has managed the game. I look on this game as a large, almost open-world, single-player romp through the Star Wars universe and I'm happily content to continue to view it this way. I enjoy taking my time to enjoy the scenery, or take my time doing whatever else I feel like doing. You can't do that in PvP, or the multilplayer portions of the game.


With that being said, I understand that attention needs to be paid to multiplayer stuff. But, attention needs to be paid to every other portion of the game too.


Good luck in whatever game you take up your next residence in.


The bigger issue is that the only part getting any attention is single-player, and that single-player only really works for four of the eight classes.

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I definitely see where you are coming from.


To be honest, KOTFE destroyed the entire setting of the old republic with firstly the retcon of Vitiate and the elimination of the empire vs republic storyline.


The entire Zakuul storyline isn't even half as interesting as almost any of the class stories. I understand budget issues and engine problems but the problem is still there.


Try to play KOTET with a smuggler or trooper and you will see how ridiculous this entire scenario is.

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I used to play Black Desert Online. I didn't like the way enchanting was done to get the best gear in the endgame (and people here complain about RNG - LOL), so I quit and moved on.


Looking back, I guess I should have made a dramatic goodbye post on the forums. That seems to be the trend.

Edited by Vember
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I used to play Black Desert Online. I didn't like the way enchanting was done to get the best gear in the endgame (and people here complain about RNG - LOL), so I quit and moved on.


Looking back, I guess I should have made a dramatic goodbye post on the forums. That seems to be the trend.


LOL. Thanks I needed a laugh today.

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I suppose I'm lucky my mains a sorc. The story was pretty damn amazing to me, even though I still prefer the Sith Empire to the Eternal Alliance. And I also wish I could have kept calling it the Eternal Empire...


Anyway... try out FF14. Not only do the devs create NiM content at a regular pace, but they also tip their hats to aka mention world first groups. They respect hardcore and casual raiders alike. In the next expansion(which they're already sharing information about) they're also going to focus on midcore raiders; the people who fall between causal and hardcore.


Also I'd say FF14's release of content rivals WoWs.

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I suppose I'm lucky my mains a sorc. The story was pretty damn amazing to me, even though I still prefer the Sith Empire to the Eternal Alliance. And I also wish I could have kept calling it the Eternal Empire...


Anyway... try out FF14. Not only do the devs create NiM content at a regular pace, but they also tip their hats to aka mention world first groups. They respect hardcore and casual raiders alike. In the next expansion(which they're already sharing information about) they're also going to focus on midcore raiders; the people who fall between causal and hardcore.


Also I'd say FF14's release of content rivals WoWs.

About 20 players from my guild left once 5.0 was announced as just more story to FF14...none returned for 5.0.

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Once you taste FF14's endgame – joined the bustling raiding community there – there's no reason to come back to SWTOR besides story (if you enjoyed it in the first place) and maybe some nostalgic raiding here and there...after a few years pass.


EDIT for those interested in FF14 raiding:


The largest unofficial NA raiding server is Gilgamesh. Sadly it is locked almost 247 due to overpopulation. Best to create a character on another server then transfer it(which bypasses the lock), or wait till right after maintenance as it's usually unlocked for a short time after.


There's many other dedicated raiding servers of course, but I still suggest Gilgamesh. It's jam packed with raiders including many of the world's best... it's raider heaven.

Edited by Radzkie
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I suppose I'm lucky my mains a sorc. The story was pretty damn amazing to me, even though I still prefer the Sith Empire to the Eternal Alliance. And I also wish I could have kept calling it the Eternal Empire...


Anyway... try out FF14. Not only do the devs create NiM content at a regular pace, but they also tip their hats to aka mention world first groups. They respect hardcore and casual raiders alike. In the next expansion(which they're already sharing information about) they're also going to focus on midcore raiders; the people who fall between causal and hardcore.


Also I'd say FF14's release of content rivals WoWs.


I would possibly give it a try - though not sure I'd be able to put up with the setting / style as japan animation or whatever is so not my thing, but with millions of subs, at least they should be able to afford to keep adding new content.


However, their sign up process is total crap (stuck in loop with no link in verification email, account login page tells me my email is not tied to an account, sign up page tells me my email is tied to an account) and I just don't bother wasting time with companies that make it difficult to do business with them - so no trying FF14 - I'll just stick with WoW for my raiding fix.


Anyways - good to know at least two companies are still investing in large expansions and end-game group content - so the genre isn't totally dead.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Is it complicated? I don't remember having any trouble BUT I signed up at launch and that was quite awhile ago.


Probably wont help you, but maybe someone else, you register a SE account here:




Then go to mog station




I think needing the SE account first has something to do with the game being multi-platform? I only play on the PC though so I can only guess how signing up for the console version works.



PC master race. :cool:

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ESO is probably bigger competition for swtor given the style (story).


WoW is still the king of raiding (and all group content) by a country mile. FF combat is incredibly slow and clunky by comparison.


FF14 combat is different for sure, but once you play for long enough you learn that it's more proactive than reactive. It's based around precision and the level of play of EVERYONE in your group. A single screw up of *any* kind can wipe the group in the hardest content. Needless to say, completing "NiM" FF14 raids have been historically out of reach for midcore and casual players simply based on how much is expected of each and every raid member.


They tamed it down in the last set of "NiM" bosses, but people complained so they'll be amping it back up next expansion and creating midcore content.

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I suppose I'm lucky my mains a sorc. The story was pretty damn amazing to me, even though I still prefer the Sith Empire to the Eternal Alliance. And I also wish I could have kept calling it the Eternal Empire...


Anyway... try out FF14. Not only do the devs create NiM content at a regular pace, but they also tip their hats to aka mention world first groups. They respect hardcore and casual raiders alike. In the next expansion(which they're already sharing information about) they're also going to focus on midcore raiders; the people who fall between causal and hardcore.


Also I'd say FF14's release of content rivals WoWs.


What is truly sad is I think many people know this game could have obtained those heights. It never did, or never will, simply because it has been entirely mismanaged from the get go. Even during early betas, BW had the audacity and arrogance to think they knew better. Sure, this game has SURVIVED 5 years, when it really should have truly thrived. I wonder if the execs at EA know just how much was squandered on this opportunity.

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Honestly, for awhile I felt like SWTOR achieved that. Before my progression guild moved to FF14 there was a pretty big competitive raiding scene, rife with drama and enormous epeens.


SWTOR raiders now only depend on their class knowledge and the strategies created by their predecessors long ago. There's no such thing as progression raiding here. "Hardcore SWTOR raiders" are jokes, or bored raiders wasting their time.


They've decided to take SWTOR in another direction, it sucks and I'll complain all I want but I do not think it'll ever change.

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