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Concerned with opped mercs/commando? Time to inform bioware


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Writing about opped mercs/commandos here won't change anything, bw don't read anything players are writing here and the only way to express our opinion is writing threads in general threads topic. Today i had 3 warzones with 4-5 mercs/commandos in it and it was terrible, they are unkillable and their dps is as high as before (pre 5.0.) each day players abandon their main classes and creating mercs/commandos... by the end of this year the population of mercs/commandos will be 70% of all player base.


If you want to stop it - time to write your suggestions/opinions in general discussion topic ( http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255 )

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Thing is, they can easily be dealth with a couple of snipers on a team... they put a bit of balance in...

Yesterday, in civil war, mid was occupied by enemy with 2 mercs pounding from top on each side... it was hell. I was on my sin and literelly they destroyed everything ... the damage output was so high as a melee with little defenses i couldn't survive, only option was to stealth out and run ....


Problem is, Ranged can handle a merc, easily... melee is stuck getting pounded by missiles and taking massive damage and unable to close the back, by the time force speed is used, i rely on stride that is buggy as hell and doesn't always work.. it is difficult for a squishy melee to accomplish anything against a merc on a open field wher he has room to run....

Edited by AlCorazon
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Writing about opped mercs/commandos here won't change anything, bw don't read anything players are writing here and the only way to express our opinion is writing threads in general threads topic. Today i had 3 warzones with 4-5 mercs/commandos in it and it was terrible, they are unkillable and their dps is as high as before (pre 5.0.) each day players abandon their main classes and creating mercs/commandos... by the end of this year the population of mercs/commandos will be 70% of all player base.


If you want to stop it - time to write your suggestions/opinions in general discussion topic ( http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255 )


Not one bit concerned. Working as intended. Mercs compete with sorcs now at the top of the foodchain in this meta.


You need to adjust and adapt, just like we did in 4.0 with the super AP PTs, super madness sorcs/healer sorcs and super marauders. Guess what? Now it's super merc time.


I just want to know how you came up with this stuff. 70% of the entire playerbase will be on mercs? Really?


Did you do a survey to get this precise number?


Did you manage a way to count all the merc alts on every player's account, thus concluding that 70% of them had a merc toon and that merc toon undoubtedly would become their main?


This whiny thread is full of so much BS it's no wonder BW never responds to our posts and threads.


The forums need a "Joke" section, this thread would fit nicely there for sure.

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Really nothing you can do you can either roll one yourself which I wouldn't advise unless you anticipate bioware caving on cxp and valor rank or you can deal with till the nerf comes which when it does it well devastate that class again or you can vote with your wallet.


Routinely you see 7 to 8 merc in non rank warzone cause "thier so balanced" . If I know one thing about the pvp community most of them need a crutch they need away to be prop up by a class in order to compete just like the nerf call on sorcs and the crutch defenders you'll see the nerf calls on mercs and the crutch defenders. They have not gone unnoticed. The adjustment is coming it's just how long you want to wait. When it does you'll see a flood of them disappear as it takes a special player to take a tier 3 class and make it do tier 1 things. We just have a bunch of tier 3 players on tier 1 overpowered class so they can compete that's all. Those tier 3 players well defend their crutch to no end and once it's gone their still a tier 3 player looking for a crutch

Edited by Kinsal
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Routinely you see 7 to 8 merc in non rank warzone cause "thier so balanced" .


I seen WZs with 6-8 juggs before, I seen them with 6-8 operatives before, I seen wzs with 6-8 sorcs before. So what's surprising about that?


Also, who said "thier so balanced"? I have not read anyone that has said "thier so balanced". The class is overperforming but when is there not a class doing so?


Ops, juggs, sorcs, marauders, now mercs.


Funny thing is I bet mercs aren't performing nearly as awesomely as people claim. We will see when more time has developed and people have adjusted to the class with it's new defensives.


BW is doing the right thing, instead of kneejerking reactively to the overflow of salty tears by the vocal minority on the forums, they are gathering metrics to conclude what is over performing and what is not.


They couldn't go off of the opinion of the forum whiners, that's for sure. Just read the blatant exaggerations and lies about mercs.

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Writing about opped mercs/commandos here won't change anything, bw don't read anything players are writing here and the only way to express our opinion is writing threads in general threads topic. Today i had 3 warzones with 4-5 mercs/commandos in it and it was terrible, they are unkillable and their dps is as high as before (pre 5.0.) each day players abandon their main classes and creating mercs/commandos... by the end of this year the population of mercs/commandos will be 70% of all player base.


If you want to stop it - time to write your suggestions/opinions in general discussion topic ( http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255 )


Yep, push that button, yeah that one ... the red one, uh-hmm the one that says ALARM!!!


People choosing to play FoTM, that have never happened before . . . :rolleyes:

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Mercs/commandos got nerfed how does that make them better? They lost all their close comabt skills. So now they play how they are intended to used at Range. Players who know how to PVP know the weakness. No one is unstoppable.



Writing about opped mercs/commandos here won't change anything, bw don't read anything players are writing here and the only way to express our opinion is writing threads in general threads topic. Today i had 3 warzones with 4-5 mercs/commandos in it and it was terrible, they are unkillable and their dps is as high as before (pre 5.0.) each day players abandon their main classes and creating mercs/commandos... by the end of this year the population of mercs/commandos will be 70% of all player base.


If you want to stop it - time to write your suggestions/opinions in general discussion topic ( http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255 )

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Mercs/commandos got nerfed how does that make them better? They lost all their close comabt skills. So now they play how they are intended to used at Range. Players who know how to PVP know the weakness. No one is unstoppable.


^ good point.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Highest rated:


Sorc/Sage: 1st

Sin/Shadow: 4th

Sniper/Slinger: 5th

PT/VG: 8th

Jugg/Guard: 9th

Merc/Mando: 13th

Mara/Sent: 18th

Op/Scou: 22nd


Players Above 2k rating:


Jugg/Guard: 4

Sent/Mara: 3

Sin/Shadow: 7

Sorc/Sage: 8

PT/VG: 1

Merc/Mando: 7

Sniper/Slinger: 7

Op/Scou: 3


Mercs and Mandos flourish in a sea of mediocrity.
Edited by Jherad
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If you cant figure out how to deal with these Mercs then you need your diaper changed.

Buncha whiney crybabies want everything to go their way, to hell with trying to figure something out on your own,

Terrible trash players!!!

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If they really cared about making it fair, they'd take hit points out of w.z. ... It's an easy program ... make dps the same hit points as each other , tanks the same as other tanks & healers the same....But that would make it about SKILL and not how many credits u spend on armor.

But lets face it...They've NEVER followed 1 suggestion players have made on the forums since the game began.


........NOT 1 SUGGESTION.......


I've challenged them both on the forums, through tickets and through the phone helpline and got just what I expected.

A warning about making inflammatory comments.

I just asked to be shown 1 'fix' or new bit of content that actually came from a suggestion on the forum

NO answer to the actual question.....Just a threat to stop encouraging players to think.

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Highest rated:


Sorc/Sage: 1st

Sin/Shadow: 4th

Sniper/Slinger: 5th

PT/VG: 8th

Jugg/Guard: 9th

Merc/Mando: 13th

Mara/Sent: 18th

Op/Scou: 22nd


Players Above 2k rating:


Jugg/Guard: 4

Sent/Mara: 3

Sin/Shadow: 7

Sorc/Sage: 8

PT/VG: 1

Merc/Mando: 7

Sniper/Slinger: 7

Op/Scou: 3


So you're taking the top .01% of people (most of whom we know qsync, qdodge and win trade) and want to make that as a basis for class balance as a whole? Yeah, no confirmation bias there at all, completely objective ... oh yeah.


Anyway, http://imgur.com/a/piJhO here are some up to date numbers I parsed from the leaderboards.


So here are a few things we can learn from this chart.



1. The participation is absolutely pathetic, season 5 had about 4 times as many people participating ... yeah its that bad.

2. mercs are definitely FOTM as they have the highest number of participants.


Underperforming classes:

Juggs. The only class that is quite obviously underperforming. When compared to total representation they make up a much smaller piece of the pie than the total amount of people that are competing with them. And with only 3% of juggs breaking 1400, they have the lowest amount of people that are succeeding.


Powertech: The participation is the lowest of all classes so we can assume that most of the people who still play this class are people who know how to play it. So we can assume the bar should get a bit bigger as the ranks go up. This does not happen. It seems to go down but not by much. I assume that many of the people who are going up in ranks are tanks-although there is no evidence to support this. 6% of PTs made it to the 1400+ mark and 1% made it to 1600+. It should be higher given the low participation.


Classes that are just right:

Assassins: Seem to be about right. Although their numbers drop a bit as the ranks move up, this is to be expected as they make a pretty sizable chunk of the participation. As the number of participants get higher, we could expect the number of people who reach the higher ranks to be a bit lower as the chances of less experienced players becomes higher (in forum language: mouth breathers just pick a class they think is good and they drag the numbers down, while classes that are perceived as bad will have more skilled players playing them and their numbers should increase a bit). 6% of assassins reach 1400+ and 1% reach 1600+.


marauders: Same as assassins it seems, except 7% reached 1400+ and 2% reached 1600+.


Sorcs: They are a bit higher than they should be in 1600+ pie chart and a bit lower than they should be in the 1400+ chart. Based on anecdotal evidence we can assume the reason for this is that the 1600+ is mostly sorc healers who are definitely the #1 healer in the game. But the dps seem to be so bad that they drag down the sorc class. Of course this is just an assumption as we don't know what the classes who made the top were playing. 5% reached 1400+ and 2% reached 1600+.


Operatives: This might only be because of the h2f glitch they have, but they seem to be doing really well. Although their piece of the pie goes up as the ranks move up, due to the fact that so few people play this class, we can assume that a much higher percentage of them are skilled players who like to play this class and are good with it. It might be a bit OP, but it is still in the acceptable range imo. 7% made it to 1400+ and 3% made it to 1600+.


Overperforming classes:


Snipers: They are close to operatives in both participation and overall rank, so as stated a few times we should expect more skilled players to be competing with this class, so a shift up is expected. Either way, I think they are overperforming a bit. Not enough to truly validate heavy nerfs, but a bit too strong. The class could be left alone though imo. 10% made it to 1400+ and 4% made it to 1600+.


Merc: They are currently FOTM and have the most people playing them and as such we should be seeing a dropoff as the rankings go up, since we can assume they have a larger amount of mouth breathers who just rerolled. We are not seeing that. We are seeing them going up a lot in the 1400 ranks and a small amount in the 1600 rank. This class has the highest number of players above 1600 followed closely by sorc healers. 9% of them got into the 1400+ rank and 2% got into the 1600+. IMO it should be closer to how the assassin chart looks like.

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So here are a few things we can learn from this chart.


So yeah. You've shown overall participation is down, and there are a whole lot of mercs trying ranked - which was a nobrainer given the number of rerolls in expectation of an improvement at the end of 4.x. We know they're not dominating the top of the boards, all you have is 'ooh, participation'. You've completely discounted any and all information that contradicts your conclusions, and you accuse me of confirmation bias? Heh.


The median rating stuff is meaningless. You can get a >1500 rating with just 10 frickin matches. It means *nothing*. Zip. Nada. Nichts. If you're going to look at ranked, all that matters is what the top contenders are doing, and right now the top contenders are NOT mercs. Eric has said there are 'a few' wintraders in the top 96, so we'll see how things shake up when they're removed. I don't expect a huge shakeup in class composition however.


I'm interested myself in seeing how things shake up, but right now there is absolutely no smoking gun in the stats. None. At all. If mercs were as utterly broken as a tiny vocal minority seems to be suggesting, they'd be ripping up the top of the leaderboards, no? Instead, all you have is 'well - there's a lot of them erm... doing stuff!'.

Edited by Jherad
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So yeah. You've shown overall participation is down, and there are a whole lot of mercs trying ranked - which was a nobrainer given the number of rerolls in expectation of an improvement at the end of 4.x. We know they're not dominating the top of the boards, all you have is 'ooh, participation'. You've completely discounted any and all information that contradicts your conclusions, and you accuse me of confirmation bias? Heh.


Angry much?


The median rating stuff is meaningless. You can get a >1500 rating with just 10 frickin matches. It means *nothing*. Zip. Nada. Nichts. If you're going to look at ranked, all that matters is what the top contenders are doing, and right now the top contenders are NOT mercs. Eric has said there are 'a few' wintraders in the top 96, so we'll see how things shake up when they're removed. I don't expect a huge shakeup in class composition however.


If it is so easy to get 1500+ then why is it that only about 3% of people got 1600+ and around 6% of people got 1400+? Heck, on average only about 36% of people got a rating above 1200. You make no sense at all.


What I wrote is not 100% precise, not even close but I think it is better than using 10 players at the very top (legitimate or not) to represent the class balance, which I think is the most ridiculous thing in the world. You don't balance around the very top nor do you balance around the very bottom.



I'm interested myself in seeing how things shake up, but right now there is absolutely no smoking gun in the stats. None. At all. If mercs were as utterly broken as a tiny vocal minority seems to be suggesting, they'd be ripping up the top of the leaderboards, no? Instead, all you have is 'well - there's a lot of them erm... doing stuff!'.


No, they are taking up a larger chunk of the pie in the higher ratings. If you can't tell this by a simple pie chart, then I don't know any other way to show it.


As for me personally, I honestly don't really care what happens in the ranked community or if a class is buffed or nerfed. It's the cycle of these mmo's; one day your class is on top the other day it's a demon hunter. No sense in getting butt hurt if they nerf your class, just move on to something else. I am just pointing things out as I see them (and if you notice I am even giving a fair analysis of assassins even though at first look it seems as though they are underpowered).

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Writing about opped mercs/commandos here won't change anything, bw don't read anything players are writing here and the only way to express our opinion is writing threads in general threads topic. Today i had 3 warzones with 4-5 mercs/commandos in it and it was terrible, they are unkillable and their dps is as high as before (pre 5.0.) each day players abandon their main classes and creating mercs/commandos... by the end of this year the population of mercs/commandos will be 70% of all player base.


If you want to stop it - time to write your suggestions/opinions in general discussion topic ( http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255 )

I don't see the logic in them OPing that class like that.

Btw, unload while moving has to go, it's too exaggerated.

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No, they are taking up a larger chunk of the pie in the higher ratings. If you can't tell this by a simple pie chart, then I don't know any other way to show it..


Another small thing you may want to consider when trying to extrapolate information in this manner. Did it occur to you that prior to 5.0 a lot of Merc players simply ignored entertaining ranked? We all know what happened prior to 5.0 for any Merc wandering into an arena, they were the auto focus due to really poor DCDs and a badly planned utility tree.


Now the DCDs have been increased (the amount of increases is debatable, the need for the improvements isn't debatable), as well as the balance team taking a hard look at the utility tree distribution for the class (which is massively improved upon in 5.0), players of the class may be more inticed to actually use their Mercs / Mandos in ranked arenas.


Also something to bear in mind that not all of those players are there for ranked specifically, some will be there purely for CXP gains being the highest. To make any inferences about participation in ranked and the class being broken simply can't be taken seriously while those CXP differences in content have such a large disparity.


When BioWare decide to fix CXP accumulation through all types of content and make it more balanced, that's when you can take a closer look.


Look, as a Merc / Mando player myself I can totally agree that our DCDs need a bit of refinement. I disagree with others about Kolto being overdone as I recall how the ability used to work, it requires a utility point (and it was still better than it is now fyi). The heal from the shield requires a utility point as well, and a Merc that uses it too late or doesn't have Kolto available is simply going to be focused down and killed by any competent team of players in the 12s it is active for (due to only reducing damage by 25% for the duration).


Responsive Safeguards is the primary issue players are facing in my opinion and until players learn to simply stun the Merc / Mando for the 6s duration of this ability instead of providing us with a 5% heal per attack? They're simply going to have to learn to play. Good luck with that though, I still see players ignoring Enraged Defense and giving free heals to Juggs.



Edited by Transcendent
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Another small thing you may want to consider when trying to extrapolate information in this manner. Did it occur to you that prior to 5.0 a lot of Merc players simply ignored entertaining ranked? We all know what happened prior to 5.0 for any Merc wandering into an arena, they were the auto focus due to really poor DCDs and a badly planned utility tree.


Now the DCDs have been increased (the amount of increases is debatable, the need for the improvements isn't debatable), as well as the balance team taking a hard look at the utility tree distribution for the class (which is massively improved upon in 5.0), players of the class may be more inticed to actually use their Mercs / Mandos in ranked arenas.


Not sure what you mean there. Do you mean that a vast majority of the 2000+ merc players are actually very good players who just never took their merc into ranked before and only now started doing so? Such a thing is definitely possible but highly doubtful. As I wrote a fiew times, the class with the smaller amount of participation is more likely to have good players since those are the players who stick with their class despite it not being FOTM. IMO the pie charts for a merc size representation should look similar to the assassin. In reality, it looks a lot closer to the 3.X hatred assassin in season 4 and 5 (I can put those graphs up too upon request btw). Lets be fair here, a lot of people who complained about hatred assassins are saying "mercs are fine l2p". Lets try to be consistent at least. It's fine if you are enjoying playing an OP class, but lets at least be honest about it. I am enjoying paying my merc as well, but I am perfectly willing to admit that it is OP, just like my sorc healer was (probably still is) and like my hatred assassin was (even though I mainly played deception).


Also something to bear in mind that not all of those players are there for ranked specifically, some will be there purely for CXP gains being the highest. To make any inferences about participation in ranked and the class being broken simply can't be taken seriously while those CXP differences in content have such a large disparity.


That is another reason to see a bigger dropoff in a more populated class like was see in assassins. Unless of course you think assassins need a buff according to those numbers?



Look, as a Merc / Mando player myself I can totally agree that our DCDs need a bit of refinement. I disagree with others about Kolto being overdone as I recall how the ability used to work, it requires a utility point (and it was still better than it is now fyi). The heal from the shield requires a utility point as well, and a Merc that uses it too late or doesn't have Kolto available is simply going to be focused down and killed by any competent team of players in the 12s it is active for (due to only reducing damage by 25% for the duration).


Responsive Safeguards is the primary issue players are facing in my opinion and until players learn to simply stun the Merc / Mando for the 6s duration of this ability instead of providing us with a 5% heal per attack? They're simply going to have to learn to play. Good luck with that though, I still see players ignoring Enraged Defense and giving free heals to Juggs.




I have to be honest, I really don't care about ranked anymore, so I have no bone in this. I mostly just play a few regs and enjoy the story (as it is pretty good now) and will probably let my sub run out and go do something else. I am just calling things as I see them. I honestly see no problem with responsive safeguards and I think taking the kolto surge is not worth it, the 30% DR on stun is much more practical imo. Trauma regulator in combination with energy rebounder is quite OP imo. Either being left alone for 12s to attack/heal up or getting a h2f after it is over every 45-50 seconds is imo a very strong ability. Not to mention this is on a ranged class with a lot of mobility and the best burst in the game. I really can't see how anyone can justify this ability with a straight face.


inb4 the 2 standard answers. You can't just ignore him for 12s, this is a ranged class you cannot kite and even if you could ignoring him will just allow him to heal up on his own. And while just double mezzing him would work in a group ranked setting where you will be on voice communication, you cannot reasonably expect someone to read your mind in a random setting like solo ranked and regs and just stop all their attacks as soon as you mezz. Also don't forget there's still the fact that DoTs break mezzes and many classes are either DoTs or have some kind of DoT/bleed attached to their regular rotation attacks.

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Angry much?


Project much?


You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of doing. Taking a seriously flawed set of highly cherrypicked data, ignoring or discounting any and all data which contradicts your preconceptions, and writing rant after angry rant. So back at you. Angry much?




No, it's not particularly hard to break 1500 rating. Heck, I broke 1500 in season 1 8v8s running pugs as a commando lol (it was the weakest ranked class, and I wasn't even good back then). As I said, 10 matches will do it (I think I had 1526ish after 10 this season). In prime time at the start of a season, you can fight the first 10 against people who quite frankly would lose a fight with a target dummy. The reason why such a small percentage actually does it, is that a bunch just don't bother doing 10+ (you're still recognised by the leaderboards if you do 1 single match, which will give you <1200 rating) and a bunch more are just farming CXP.

Edited by Jherad
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You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of doing. Taking a seriously flawed set of highly cherrypicked data, ignoring or discounting any and all data which contradicts your preconceptions, and writing rant after angry rant.

This is why I rather take the less serious role and poke fun at it all. There are very few non-biased opinions here, and frankly it's just more fun to troll the hot-headed ones that cry loudest. You can't have a civilized conversation with them.


That's why I said in one post, I just want to see how the numbers pan out in time. Let's see how OMG OP'D mercs really are, when we have actual hard data that shows their ratings and stuff.


I am sure the class could use some adjustments (what class couldn't), but if any, very slight adjustments would do.


Instead, you got people here saying:


1. "E-net is too stronk!!!! OMGZ!!!" The ability has been with mercs since the start! It's not an "I-win" button either and I refuse to explain to anyone how to counter it if they think it is.

2. "Mercs never needed any defensives anyway and if you say they did, you are just a bad player!" They did need defensives, when they had absolutely no way to manage the zerg of tunneled damage - none at all... yes, they needed better defensives.


3. "Mercs do too much damage, if they are going to have defensives they need to do less damage!" If mercs do so much damage how come I still see sorcs, marauders, juggs, snipers, ALL dps classes manage to top scoreboards it's not always mercs every match!


4. Then, you get the ridiculous; like the one just posted above in this thread:


I don't see the logic in them OPing that class like that.

Btw, unload while moving has to go, it's too exaggerated.


And this gem:


My Commando's so overpowered it's not even challenging anymore.

All they needed was a bit wider stealth detection field, which actually WAS a suggestion but was of course ignored.


With these types of comments and posts on the forums, it's better to just laugh it off and have fun with it.


The very few people who have the most experience with the class in the most competitive facets of the game have been fairly quiet and I think the reason is because like BW, they are waiting just to see exactly how the changes really impact pvp.


People have to adjust first and then once the dust settles you can give a more accurate account of reality.

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Project much?


You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of doing. Taking a seriously flawed set of highly cherrypicked data, ignoring or discounting any and all data which contradicts your preconceptions, and writing rant after angry rant. So back at you. Angry much?


Nice ad homonym there. If there is something particular you don't like about my data let me know and I will change it. I am taking all the data that is available and presenting it as it is. You are the one who is taking the cherry picked data by only looking at the top 10 people and making an assumption just on that. As for rant after rant? Once again that is you. You probably have more l2p rants in one day than I have throughout 5.0. But why not back up your claims by adding links to all my long and horrible rants?


No, it's not particularly hard to break 1500 rating. Heck, I broke 1500 in season 1 8v8s running pugs as a commando lol (and I wasn't even good back then). As I said, 10 matches will do it (I think I had 1526ish after 10 this season). In prime time at the start of a season, you can fight the first 10 against people who quite frankly would lose a fight with a target dummy. The reason why such a small percentage actually does it, is that a bunch just don't bother doing 10+ (you're still recognised by the leaderboards if you do 1 single match, which will give you <1200 rating) and a bunch more are just farming CXP.


Once again all the numbers are there. If it is so easy why is it that out of over 10,000 players around 4,000 players got over 1200 and only 700 players made it over 1400? Simply looking at the leaderboards and you will see a very small percentage of people that have over 1400 have a low win count. I would say the average is 50-60 wins, but I could make a chart of that as well since I parsed all the data.


As for the cxp farming thing, it still doesn't explain why mercs and snipers are the only outliers. Why is the assassin graph looking the way it is? Why is the super mega hyper OP sorc (in your little world) have such a shrinking graph esp in the 1400s? Why isn't marauder going up as much? So far you have no explanation other than "uhhh look at the top ten". You know in season 7 there was only one PT in the top 10 and 2 operatives. So according to this operatives were more OP than PTs right?

Edited by sithBracer
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