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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Poll - Would You play Star Wars The Old Republic if it didn't have a Star Wars skin.


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I would play it as long as the class stories were about some genre I enjoy. They're what got me hooked on the game. At this quality level, I'd play it in Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, or similar adventure genres. Edited by Xina_LA
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Would you still watch the SW movies, if it wasn't SW.


The setting and story is one of the most important thing in RPGs, so the question has a wrong premise.


For example i stopped playing WoW when the story went to hell. I never got into Guild Wars, cus didn't like the story and the GW ''skin''(whatever that is).


If gameplay is the only thing that matters to you, RPGs are not your forte.


+ the last several times i cam back from breaks was cus of the game, the SW thing has lost it's luster

Edited by Kaedusz
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I wouldn't have ever begun playing this game and kept playing this game if it wasn't for it being a Star Wars game. That's not me bashing the quality of the content in TOR either, I swear. The reason is because I far prefer single player games to multiplayer ones as a rule. MMOs have never really been my thing. I get bored with the endless repetition, I previously ever saw the point of end game content (where you raid to get gear to raid more to get better gear to raid even more, etc.), and I tire quickly of people using the anonymity of the Internet as an excuse to be endless jerkwads to complete strangers.


I'd tried two MMOs in the past--City of Heroes and World of Warcraft--before signing up for TOR, and I didn't stick with either one of them. Hell, the only reason I played WoW at all was because I worked for Blizzard at the time and I had a free account, and I stopped playing the actual game well before I left the company.


The reason I decided to try this game out was because it featured 8 unique class stories set in the Star Wars universe, which I was already a fan of. During the course of playing out all 8 of those stories, I joined a guild, made friends, and got pulled into actually exploring end game content (which I enjoyed and finally understood the point of). That got me hooked enough to keep playing until Strongholds came out and I discovered my great love of decorating virtual spaces (yes, I am a bit weird!). None of that would have ever happened if it weren't for the Star Wars IP being attached to the game, that's the plain and simple facts.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I wouldn't care.

The story is good, I like the customization in the game(But more is always better) and I enjoy playing the game.


Doesn't matter to me if I shoot lasers or bullets. It is not the Star Wars brand that does it for me.

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