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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear Eric, can we expect some statistics from you about GC ranks on people?


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Ever since they named Tauntaun as the most used mount ( by a MASSIVE margin ) over a bloody speeder I realized they don't actually have a good handle on their metrics nor their QC that allows those metrics to be considered by "the powers that be".


There was this great post by someone saying that "people from TOFN took their Jedi knigts, hopped on their Tauntans and went over the TRE" that was funny that time!

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The intention behind GC was to make it easier for solo players to get good gear, and to draw out the gearing so the devs have enough time to develop the new group content. But in the end, it solved nothing. Solo players still have bad gear, and the dedicated players are already close to BiS. The only difference is that now, it rewards players with time instead of players with skill (then again, killing Soa during priority week was not skillful either).


I really don't know if the Devs are that naive and stupid.


There is this post where they compare this with Warhammer, this intentional extending of the life of the game just to buy the Devs of another game some time. It really does make partial sence as this approach by the Devs is too stupid to be true!

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As a general rule you only get "info" about new (and old) meaningless cartel pack/market pixel bs from Bioware. That's about it. Everything else is unprecise while they are "investigating" things for years as the game and its player base goes down the drain... Edited by Khaleg
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"investigating" things for years as the game and its player base goes down the drain...


This is also something i dont understand. Don't they have enough man power? Or are they not that skilled? What are they so busy with? Those things take minutes to do!! In the past support people even posted on forums, replied to questions people have asked, now, nothing!!


As they so understaffed or incompetent? Or don't they really care?

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The intention behind GC was to make it easier for solo players to get good gear, and to draw out the gearing so the devs have enough time to develop the new group content. But in the end, it solved nothing. Solo players still have bad gear, and the dedicated players are already close to BiS. The only difference is that now, it rewards players with time instead of players with skill (then again, killing Soa during priority week was not skillful either).


The 5.1 changes mean we are actually getting a lot farther away from this intention, from the changes coming if you are not a raider or PvP player you may as well forget it as there is no change in the GC system that will help the players that have to rely on the GC system for gear actually get gear.


The RNG system that so many complained about at the begining is still in place and NO changes have been made in this regard everyone else who does not do those 2 named activities are still stuck with the same system that was complained about before.


And before anyone says "but casuals don't need gear", don't forget that some of these players may look to do content like Eternal Championship, Veteran or master story chapters or solo Heroic Star Fortresses, all of these are activities that are considered solo able yet players will have not much luck actually gearing themselves for this given the still random nature of the Galactic Command system.


One of the things I was looking forward to the most when Galactic Command was introduced was the fact that I may be able able to gain relevant gear to do these activities with but the chances of actually getting a full set of decent gear is horrible and still will be in 5.1.

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This is also something i dont understand. Don't they have enough man power? Or are they not that skilled? What are they so busy with? Those things take minutes to do!! In the past support people even posted on forums, replied to questions people have asked, now, nothing!!


As they so understaffed or incompetent? Or don't they really care?


I know their community service (or interaction team idk) got cut to I believe just Musco. I believe it is extremely possibly that their dev team got cut. I mean people expect the world out of an obviously cut team.

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The 5.1 changes mean we are actually getting a lot farther away from this intention, from the changes coming if you are not a raider or PvP player you may as well forget it as there is no change in the GC system that will help the players that have to rely on the GC system for gear actually get gear.


The RNG system that so many complained about at the begining is still in place and NO changes have been made in this regard everyone else who does not do those 2 named activities are still stuck with the same system that was complained about before.


That is actually true, for a casual to get his missing pieces he has to do ops, which in case of 240 gear is impossible due to the fact that he has to do NiMs, but they can SM or HM for 230/234 stuff, which is quite doable.


And before anyone says "but casuals don't need gear", don't forget that some of these players may look to do content like Eternal Championship, Veteran or master story chapters or solo Heroic Star Fortresses, all of these are activities that are considered solo able yet players will have not much luck actually gearing themselves for this given the still random nature of the Galactic Command system.


Yes I said it many times that the only exception for the solo players is Star Fortress, EC and the Veteran Chapters, still, there is no point for casuals to do that content as it gives you nothing basically.

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I know their community service (or interaction team idk) got cut to I believe just Musco. I believe it is extremely possibly that their dev team got cut. I mean people expect the world out of an obviously cut team.


Yes we know their team got cut badly, but WHY?? Isnt this game profitable? I really would like to see inside of this, I am a manager myself, did have a own company, if the business isnt running well then firing people aint the solution, rather giving the customers what they want.


They must be going the wrong way in general.

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Even if the numbers were negative you would find some way to turn it into a positive and belittle the rest of the community who aren't happy with the changes whilst you're at it ... it's you' thing, you're like famous for it now. Kudos.


Don't you do the same thing to people who are happy with it? As a matter of fact, there's no question...one merely has to peek into the "RNG is good for SWTOR" thread to see you doing exactly that.

Edited by Vember
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Don't you do the same thing to people who are happy with it? As a matter of fact, there's no question...one merely has to peek into the "RNG is good for SWTOR" thread to see you doing exactly that.


Yeah.. I put him on ignore months ago, during his last big cycle in the forums when he came in and slathered acid all over the forums and attacked anyone with an opinion that differed with his. He is not fond of opinions that differ from his, I guess.

Edited by Andryah
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Yes I said it many times that the only exception for the solo players is Star Fortress, EC and the Veteran Chapters, still, there is no point for casuals to do that content as it gives you nothing basically.


Even if you see no point in doing that content, some players want to do it simply to do it.


Some people do not need to get a shiny to do something. Sometimes doing that thing is its own reward.

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Even if you see no point in doing that content, some players want to do it simply to do it.


Some people do not need to get a shiny to do something. Sometimes doing that thing is its own reward.


I mean in my case its because I see stuff like ec and star fortresses tied into kotfe (yeah i know ultimately it makes no difference) but i wanted to run this content at least once per character so that I can clear alliance alerts and I almost see it as finishing my character.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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The reason the OP wants this by the way.. is so he can immediately refuse to believe the numbers, claim conspiracy or bias in analysis, and declare the studio yet again to be incompetent.


Which is why I don't expect to see a gold response.. and that too will be used as some form of forum weapon against the studio by the OP if by chance he manages to get one.


It's not right to convict someone of doing something they haven't done yet. You don't like people claiming all you do is shill for EAWare no matter what. Don't be a hypocrite. :rak_03:

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I mean in my case its because I see stuff like ec and star fortresses tied into kotfe (yeah i know ultimately it makes no difference) but i wanted to run this content at least once per character so that I can clear alliance alerts and I almost see it as finishing my character.


As for KOTFE you can run it Story mode, EC you can go Plus mode with more ppl and so can you SF, no gear needed.

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As for KOTFE you can run it Story mode, EC you can go Plus mode with more ppl and so can you SF, no gear needed.


unless it's recently changed solo mode will not progress the star fortresses only the heroic version will, and for that I will need gear, pre 5.0 I could not solo in all 208 gear i needed better now they are scaled to level 70 I am likely to need better gear that what pittance I get from GC.


The reasons I wish to solo is for things like my bad Internet connection and I dislike running at the speed of others.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Don't you do the same thing to people who are happy with it? As a matter of fact, there's no question...one merely has to peek into the "RNG is good for SWTOR" thread to see you doing exactly that.


I'm happy for open discussion but when a poster starts heading down nonsense paths of making things up and strawman arguments as Aowin did for the majority of that thread then there is no more room for discussion.

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Yeah.. I put him on ignore months ago, during his last big cycle in the forums when he came in and slathered acid all over the forums and attacked anyone with an opinion that differed with his. He is not fond of opinions that differ from his, I guess.


Pot meet kettle. Andryah only ignores people when he can't bully them any longer and he realizes they are pulling apart their arguments entirely. Hates having the shoe put on the other foot basically.


The funniest part of all he has no problem replying to a thread I created discussing "the op" with his 10 cents worth.




Sort of pathetic really when someone has to revert to ignore functions instead of being able to offer up a valid argument to defend their stance with. More pathetic when they have to make side ways comments about the person they are supposedly ignoring. Funny example that above how Andryah can comment on my premise but can't actually read it seeing as I'm ignored and all :rolleyes:

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I'm happy for open discussion but when a poster starts heading down nonsense paths of making things up and strawman arguments as Aowin did for the majority of that thread then there is no more room for discussion.


The problem with that is that Aowin never did make things up or provide strawman arguments, you just didn't like what he had to say and therefore derided him for it and called him a troll. You are exactly what you're accusing Andryah of being.

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The problem with that is that Aowin never did make things up or provide strawman arguments, you just didn't like what he had to say and therefore derided him for it and called him a troll. You are exactly what you're accusing Andryah of being.


I completely justified why I thought he was a troll yet here you are bringing it up in an entirely different thread instead of furthering the debate in that thread.


So if you want to have the debate then let's - open the thread, quote my response you disagree with and I'll happily reply in turn.


Edit: How strange also Aowin stopped posting the same time the other non subs were purged from posting privledges after the reset. Would be rather funny if he was a troll all along who had unsubbed as a result of 5.0

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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So if you want to have the debate then let's - open the thread, quote my response you disagree with and I'll happily reply in turn.


The idea of the forums seems to be more and more obsolete, I mean here we are discussing things, wanting things, suggesting things and nothing of it ever matters. I guess the only change the forums actually recently achieved was that they changed the drops from GC to be applicable to the discipline!!

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The idea of the forums seems to be more and more obsolete, I mean here we are discussing things, wanting things, suggesting things and nothing of it ever matters. I guess the only change the forums actually recently achieved was that they changed the drops from GC to be applicable to the discipline!!


Perhaps but at least there is a written record so that if sub numbers drop massively and EA looks into it, can see this level of feedback and if they were to make management changes there is a good amount of community feedback here for someone new to run with.


Basically - it never hurts at least. ;)

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Perhaps but at least there is a written record so that if sub numbers drop massively and EA looks into it, can see this level of feedback and if they were to make management changes there is a good amount of community feedback here for someone new to run with.


Basically - it never hurts at least. ;)


Heh wouldnt wanna have to go through forums to prove such things. There is a lot of nonsence here too :)

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