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Can someone explain the graphics changes in 5.0?


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5.0 patch

Instead of 110-120 fps on fleet i can have now 180, but the warzone got worse fps drops like before.

Now from 60 i can hit to 15-20 and go back 60. Before 60 -> 35 -> 60~ :(


I already lost hope they will fix that. Novare Coast is almsot unplayable for me.

Edited by tummiswtor
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They also added some weird facial lines/wrinkles. In conversations, my character now often does these weird quick transitions from a super-smooth face to looking as old as Shae Vizla. This feature appears to have replaced the other weird expression my character made (it started in SoR, I think) where, if she is concerned in the cutscene, she didn't really look concerned, but just looked as though she just smelled the rankest fart.
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You need to readjust your settings as they upped the performance to take advantage of more modern graphics cards.


Personally I've found tweaking the graphics card in its own software and turning down the swtor settings gives the better performance, but it also looks better. At least it does on my AMD RX 480

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5.0 patch

Instead of 110-120 fps on fleet i can have now 180, but the warzone got worse fps drops like before.

Now from 60 i can hit to 15-20 and go back 60. Before 60 -> 35 -> 60~ :(


I already lost hope they will fix that. Novare Coast is almsot unplayable for me.


NC is fine for me, but I'm getting serious lag on Hypergate now like I used to...

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They seem to have turned up the bloom some. I also know they did something to shadows to make them sharper/glitch out less.


Yeah, I think it's whatever they did to shadows and the character selection screen. That's probably what got me most confused.:o

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NC is fine for me, but I'm getting serious lag on Hypergate now like I used to...


There's almost no difference in fps if i set graphic on Ultra (low shadows) or everything low.


- I got fps drops when i open CC market, Legacy window, or mosltly on Warzone.


I tried a lot things from every thread in swtor.com and looks like fault of swtor engine.

My friend got really high-end PC and got smilar problem. He's playing Black Desert on high confing with no problems, but WZ fps drops too in swtor. SWTOR is working on modified Hero Engine.

Edited by tummiswtor
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I haven't noticed any FPS drops anywhere in game since the update. Just lucky on my end I guess? I've noticed that there are some improvements though, game feels a little smoother, some of the graphics aren't as torn or distorted in places, and yes, a little more detail on character graphics as well. It's an overall improvement on feel on my end at least.
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I haven't noticed any FPS drops anywhere in game since the update. Just lucky on my end I guess? I've noticed that there are some improvements though, game feels a little smoother, some of the graphics aren't as torn or distorted in places, and yes, a little more detail on character graphics as well. It's an overall improvement on feel on my end at least.


Game is smoother indeed. I have almost 2x more maximum fps than before (my personal ship now 215 fps max i noticed. Before 5.0 i had maybe 110-120). but fps-drops were always in swtor for me and my friends (and 1500 threads on forum, just try google) but now its even more than before. Some of WZ are cnow unplayable but i trying to play becouse of Command Rank exp.

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The game does look better. My FPS improved. But for some us... we're getting screen artifacting and flashes (between cutscenes) like it's no one's business. Mostly AMD cards, some Nvidia. And a few intel integrated graphics/CPU.


Nothing fixes it, and all other games work just fine. So... waiting on Bioware or AMD to get their crap together and fix it :p It's tolerable once you get used to it. It's not game breaking... just irritating, and immersion breaking.

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Its smoother for sure and looks a lot better.

I am not a numbers guy but I have got better response, less lag and with everything set to its highest setting it looks great. I also noticed that I do not have to disable SLI any more so there is that.


For reference I am running

i7 5960X CPU @3.00GHz

32GB Ram

2x GTX 980 TI's in SLI configuration

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