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Your New Year Resolutions for SWTOR


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As title reads, what new choices and improvements are you going to make to your Star Wars: The Old Republic playing experience in 2017 as your resolution(s)?


I will get all my crew skills trained and will endeavour to save credits and not blow outrageous amounts on shiny armour sets, encouraging the high prices... between us, the first is doable while the second will probably end up being broken day one.

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- For the guild part : Help a new guildie to obtain all dtacrons, fund the guild bank.


- Personnal part : wait the january patch and decide if I unsub or not. It will be easy to take the decision : If I can't gear at least three alts ( Tank, healer, DPS) to Tier 2 in a reasonable amount of time, I will unsub without any remorse.


Grinding may be acceptable if it's rewarding. That's not the case actually. So I hope that devs will bring more than they stated in the last stream. I really love that game, but like another player said in another post, I feel that devs are leading me to the exit.

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As title reads, what new choices and improvements are you going to make to your Star Wars: The Old Republic playing experience in 2017 as your resolution(s)?


I will get all my crew skills trained and will endeavour to save credits and not blow outrageous amounts on shiny armour sets, encouraging the high prices... between us, the first is doable while the second will probably end up being broken day one.


That was, like, just too real right there! :p

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As title reads, what new choices and improvements are you going to make to your Star Wars: The Old Republic playing experience in 2017 as your resolution(s)?


My playing experience will be immeasurably improved by simply not playing at all until they do away with the RNG Grind-Fest.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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I've resolved to not level anymore alts from 65 up. I have 2 lev. 70 chars for PvE and PvP. Any levelling will be purely co-incidental. I've levelled 15 or so from 1 -65 and I'm frankly sick of forever chasing the carrot can as it's kicked down the road.


I'm also not going to get hung up about CXP level, as I'm already sick of that after 25 levels. If it comes it comes, but I'm not chasing it anymore by doing age-old content again and again and again and again. - So I'm queuing for WZ and GSF and occasional PvE content if time allows- and if there are no pops or guild-mates online - log off and do something more productive.


I think 2017 is going to be my last year of full sub. They've gone in a direction I no longer want to follow, and even my most fave activities ( GSF and PVP) are getting old - especially as I can't gear any new toons without a huge time commitment.


OTOH I'd like to get the 'Manhunter' title - the proper way, get to Valor 100 and achieve the 'Kowakian grease-monkey-lizard' title too. - I don't yet know if getting these is going to be enough of a hold for my sub tho'

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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My playing experience will be immeasurably improved by simply not playing at all until they do away with the ENG [sic] Grind-Fest.

This. After the KOTET chapters anything else is just ultimate boredom. I have many alts but they are sitting gathering virtual dust because I can't face doing anything with them past KOTET. I understand that getting higher gear should involve effort but it should not be frustrating/boring/stupid/RNG. The "alt grind fix" they have coming does not look like it will solve anything. Every pack I've opened with the grind has ended with the response F-F-S :mad: I'm at command level 18 (or 19) only on my main and I've just had enough. All the fun has been sucked out of the game by the galactic command grind fest (not to mention the awful "must use this interface or get no additional cxp". And they expect us to do this for a year. Unless they make a big new expansion announcement, this is probably the end.


I think ultimately my SWTOR new years resolution has to be give it up until 6.0 (big if for that) and spend the money on something more fun. Pity. Either that or play new alts class stories and pretend nothing else exists!

Edited by Sarova
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As title reads, what new choices and improvements are you going to make to your Star Wars: The Old Republic playing experience in 2017 as your resolution(s)?


1. I'm going to finally take my Sith Warrior through the dread masters OP's. I'm in a guild with a lot of new players, so I'll give it a shot with them. I'm in full 216s (with a couple of 224 pieces) with 208 augments so I hope it's good enough to tank in SM.


2. Get every crafting skill to max level, and hopefully make money crafting something again. (I REALLY want that Kylo Ren lightsaber :D)


3. Max out my rank in the Bounty Brokers Association


4. Play some of the disciplines I haven't tried. I want to run around with 2 sabers or the pole saber like everybody else. :D


5. Stop buying armor, pets, and mounts, & save up enough to buy that Kylo Ren lightsaber :D (easier said than done :rolleyes:)

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1) Finally, finally, FINALLY do some PvP. :o I'm still nervous.


2) Get into flashpoints a bit more, with more diverse roles. So far, I've mostly just been playing DPS, although I've healed a few flashpoints on rare occasions. Healing (more regularly), tanking... I want to do those.


3) Get the Unstable Peacemaker's lightsaber. Because it's cool. And because the Unstable Arbiter's hilt is way too big and clunky. The Peacemaker's hilt isn't *too* much better, but...still. Also, I like the thicker blade instead of the pencil-thin Rebels-type saber.


4) Get into roleplaying! I've been so curious about this, and I even made a character specifically for roleplaying...but again, as with PVP, I'm still kind of nervous about it. I'm used to forum roleplaying, where you have an unlimited amount of time and text to respond. Not roleplaying in this game, where responses are much shorter and succinct.


5) Maybe...join a guild? Perhaps?? I dunno. This one is a maybe. Joining a guild, getting into Operations/guild roleplaying...that sounds fun, but...eh. Perhaps.

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My playing experience will be immeasurably improved by simply not playing at all until they do away with the RNG Grind-Fest.


All The Best


Yep. My feelings exactly. The grind has taken 100% of the fun out of the game for me.

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-Finish my Datacron Master & some other legacy titles.

-Finish decorating my strongholds after my server move & update the others with some of the new decos.

-Do more with my massive armor collection.

-Finish documenting the heroic armor sets.

-Teach my son how to do speed runs since he wants both BT & Esseles titles on every character he makes.

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